Theme Week: Ghostly Dragons!

Alegna's Clan
Conquering the World, one Dragon at a time!
Clan Info
Welcome the the Huntress' Court and today's copy of the Lair Gossip:
My name is Alegna and I am a lowly keeper of the lair. It is part of my job to amass the armies of dragons to run the court.
First a bit of business, I love finding orphaned hatchling Dragons -- So many because of the wars. Abandoned sweet little things. See my lair and take home a lost soul today!
All leave my lair NAMED. Please wait to exalt hatchlings until they are dragons?
I love trying for new colors and types and dragons. I spend a bit on genes and scrolls. I generally price my hatchlings at very reasonable prices, but new dragons who are unique and beautiful start out higher to recoup the investments.

If you purchase a dragons that is priced over 25 gems, and want to rename it, please, ask for a renaming scroll. I just do not let dragons go unnamed. Then they can get exalted or bred unnamed. Shaking my head. Nope. Not on my watch!
You might think that we are formal around here -- but that just is not so. Court Intrigue abounds though -- so careful what you say. There are spies (the wars you know!) and gossips, Lords, Dukes and Gods.
Pull up a chair and jump right into my lair.
The Dragons might bite -- I do not! Even though you are crunchy and taste good with PLUM SAUCE!
I am a rather busy human. After all, dragons do not shovel their own poo. Dragons are rather picky in my lair and go in a special area, but it still needs shoveling out! 500+ dragons sure does make for a huge mess! They rather like me giving them baths and massages too. Let's not mention feeding time! Anyone need a job?
Anyone have a job for me? Dragons are expensive!
Breeding and planning out breeding dragons...dates for lots of nests are upcoming! If you see a pair you would like to adopt a baby from, please contact me, I can set them on a nest when available. Need blue eyed dragons? I welcome setting your dragon on a nest. THEY MUST BE NAMED. All Nestlings that breed with my dragons must be named before leaving the lair./ You will be able to name the nestlings you receive! I feel very strongly about this. If you need help with naming your dragons or nestlings I would love to help. Also renaming scrolls are cheap.
If I have a dragon you would like to match to one of yours -- please message me! I will allow breeding of any dragon in my lair. We can work out payment when you contact me. Usually my den is full and there is a long line of dragons waiting on lnests.

Please friend me and chat, I welcome it. Shoveling all this poo is a lonely job, as dragons do not often deign to speak with humans. There are many friendly dragons, but they are few and far between.
Just to let you know, I am a disabled widow. I'll be 60 next year. (time flies fast) Mom to 4, 3 adopted (heart-made). A 6 year old granddaughter I adopted Plus 2 other grandsons (6, 7).
Somewhere dragons are real! Hold onto your old things
they get very valuable with time!

Recent Comments

Inky was on the front page! <3

Which Nana?

Nana was on the front page!

Thank you miruuii!

I just want to say your page is really well done! I love how your lair tabs are all organized!

Thank you for your purchase! Enjoy your new Sapphire! ^_^

Thank you Eliza!

I bought Crystaline and Equus! I love your lair. You have some lovely gene combinations.

@Kaddy Mae Thank you so much. I am in the middle of rearranging my lair, but I love my dragons.

HI id like to say i have seen your lair and i have came to the conclusion you have very interesting and beautiful dragons ^^

Hauntedsunsets, I loved both of them I got the one to make with BaronessFire! Male imperials are my favorite dragons

Thank you everyone who told me Vine was on the first page! He is a WIP!
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