

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Same Gender Breeding
[quote name="junebuggery" date="2024-06-25 10:08:39" ] philosophical support. at this point in the game, 11 years down the line, i don't see it being implemented without massive effort and uproar from the userbase. that being said, i almost wish there had been more critical reflection and creativity when FR was initially being designed. as other commentators have pointed out, there's no reason that your magic fantasy dragon came has to have a perfect 1:1 match with our reality. however, the way FR was designed and released carries plenty of that baggage with it. why do the dragons have binary sexes? gender aside, why couldn't we have had unisex or multiple sex dragons? why do the parents of a nest have to be the "mother" and "father"? i understand these things may seem obvious or like second nature to implement, but that's how we end up passively reproducing (as it were) constructions that don't serve us and may be actively harmful. i'll leave the arguments regarding challenge to others. i don't actually think it would make that much of an impact, but it's also not an important part of the FR experience to me, so i may be missing key elements. thanks for sharing your suggestion! [/quote] i completely agree with this
junebuggery wrote on 2024-06-25 10:08:39:
philosophical support. at this point in the game, 11 years down the line, i don't see it being implemented without massive effort and uproar from the userbase. that being said, i almost wish there had been more critical reflection and creativity when FR was initially being designed.

as other commentators have pointed out, there's no reason that your magic fantasy dragon came has to have a perfect 1:1 match with our reality. however, the way FR was designed and released carries plenty of that baggage with it. why do the dragons have binary sexes? gender aside, why couldn't we have had unisex or multiple sex dragons? why do the parents of a nest have to be the "mother" and "father"?

i understand these things may seem obvious or like second nature to implement, but that's how we end up passively reproducing (as it were) constructions that don't serve us and may be actively harmful.

i'll leave the arguments regarding challenge to others. i don't actually think it would make that much of an impact, but it's also not an important part of the FR experience to me, so i may be missing key elements.

thanks for sharing your suggestion!

i completely agree with this
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My my, this type of suggestion always attracts a lotta traffic, doesn't it.

Wiser and savvier people than me have already stated their thoughts on this one but I'd still like to throw in my two cents. I'm also not replying to everyone and their mother bcs it'd Literally be so many people I lost track.

Honestly I'd love to have the option. Code is a bowl of ramen noodles back there, yada yada yada, it's an integral part of the system and stuff but.. as a game where you feel you can do pretty much Anything you set out to, or a game where some (albeit its limitations) feel Represented in some way or another, the possibility of offspring between the same sex sounds rather fitting. Making it an item, or a scroll, or Something that shows up in code (someone suggested something to do with Baldwin, and that's a wonderful idea), so that it appears in the dragon's family tree, if you will, would be nice.

It's one of the most complex things to add to flight rising specifically, and every discussion about it will Always be complex, layered and difficult, but you know, dreaming is free. So I support this but I know it's basically impossible at this point.
My my, this type of suggestion always attracts a lotta traffic, doesn't it.

Wiser and savvier people than me have already stated their thoughts on this one but I'd still like to throw in my two cents. I'm also not replying to everyone and their mother bcs it'd Literally be so many people I lost track.

Honestly I'd love to have the option. Code is a bowl of ramen noodles back there, yada yada yada, it's an integral part of the system and stuff but.. as a game where you feel you can do pretty much Anything you set out to, or a game where some (albeit its limitations) feel Represented in some way or another, the possibility of offspring between the same sex sounds rather fitting. Making it an item, or a scroll, or Something that shows up in code (someone suggested something to do with Baldwin, and that's a wonderful idea), so that it appears in the dragon's family tree, if you will, would be nice.

It's one of the most complex things to add to flight rising specifically, and every discussion about it will Always be complex, layered and difficult, but you know, dreaming is free. So I support this but I know it's basically impossible at this point.
Support in theory, if the code could be worked for it. It would be a nice option to have, and it's hardly as if having the option would obligate anyone to use it.
Support in theory, if the code could be worked for it. It would be a nice option to have, and it's hardly as if having the option would obligate anyone to use it.
I'd love this :0

I think it could at the very least be an item or something if it overall doesnt work code-wise
I'd love this :0

I think it could at the very least be an item or something if it overall doesnt work code-wise
I don't have any particular feelings about this but I do think it's been way too long to implement as big a change as this, or really any change that would require (what I assume) would be a large-scale overhaul of how breeding, an essential mechanic to this website, would work. Had it been added ~1 year in, that would be fine (and I'm saying this as someone who was here on day 4 of FR :P), but 11 years on?

I think we might be underestimating how much work would need to go into this. I don't believe it's as simple as just saying 'oh, make it work X way instead of Y', and it's also pointless to wildly speculate because we do not know. Just my two cents!
I don't have any particular feelings about this but I do think it's been way too long to implement as big a change as this, or really any change that would require (what I assume) would be a large-scale overhaul of how breeding, an essential mechanic to this website, would work. Had it been added ~1 year in, that would be fine (and I'm saying this as someone who was here on day 4 of FR :P), but 11 years on?

I think we might be underestimating how much work would need to go into this. I don't believe it's as simple as just saying 'oh, make it work X way instead of Y', and it's also pointless to wildly speculate because we do not know. Just my two cents!
i understand why this would not be implemented this late in the game, especially with the way flight rising is coded, but i do wish it would be. i mean, these are Family-Friendly dragons that reproduce through magical means after all. does sex really matter that much? perhaps a better compromise would be lowering the cost of the silhouette scroll or introducing a sex-reassignment scroll. maybe after applying a sex-reassignment scroll, the dragon would be on like a 3x-longer-than-usual breeding cooldown? or you would have to buy a silhouette scroll in addition to keep the original pose (a bit obvious lmao)

idk maybe im too much of a casual enjoyer of flight rising and way too gay to care about "dragon biology" and "realism" in our pixel dragon game, because some people are getting way too stuffy over the mere suggestion of a fictional same-sex dragon couple producing some fictional dragon eggs. it's also really uncomfortable that someone essentially told you to play a different game and described the idea of a same-sex couple reproducing as "freaky," that was so unnecessarily rude and i'm sorry they did that.

in my heart i support the idea of it, but i know it is a fruitless dream. sorry op

edit to add: while i'm here soapboxing, it would be nice at least if mother/father would be changed to more neutral terms like parent 1/parent 2. it's such a tiny thing but it is a bummer that even while working within the framework of flight rising's opposite-sex breeding mechanics, my dragons still get misgendered.
i understand why this would not be implemented this late in the game, especially with the way flight rising is coded, but i do wish it would be. i mean, these are Family-Friendly dragons that reproduce through magical means after all. does sex really matter that much? perhaps a better compromise would be lowering the cost of the silhouette scroll or introducing a sex-reassignment scroll. maybe after applying a sex-reassignment scroll, the dragon would be on like a 3x-longer-than-usual breeding cooldown? or you would have to buy a silhouette scroll in addition to keep the original pose (a bit obvious lmao)

idk maybe im too much of a casual enjoyer of flight rising and way too gay to care about "dragon biology" and "realism" in our pixel dragon game, because some people are getting way too stuffy over the mere suggestion of a fictional same-sex dragon couple producing some fictional dragon eggs. it's also really uncomfortable that someone essentially told you to play a different game and described the idea of a same-sex couple reproducing as "freaky," that was so unnecessarily rude and i'm sorry they did that.

in my heart i support the idea of it, but i know it is a fruitless dream. sorry op

edit to add: while i'm here soapboxing, it would be nice at least if mother/father would be changed to more neutral terms like parent 1/parent 2. it's such a tiny thing but it is a bummer that even while working within the framework of flight rising's opposite-sex breeding mechanics, my dragons still get misgendered.
I'd love to be friends! ^^

Silhouette scroll is the compromise we received for not getting the sex change scroll. So it's very unlikely for us to get the latter unless something in the code is drastically changed. Non-visual change or any drastic change in breeding mechanics is probably much more complicated than we think.

Many people also don't want the change scroll or same-sex breeding item to be a gem item or something expensive because of the implications it would have. Also because there has to be some limits on who can breed with who, and in FR it just happens to be that pairs are "male" and "female" instead of arbitrary x and y. The 5 generations apart alone aren't big enough limit. So like I stated earlier, I genuinely don't believe people are against this for homophobic reasons.

However, being able to choose what dragons are referred to in nesting grounds would definitely be a great thing! Or just universally changing it to parent 1 and parent 2.

However, maybe female and male could also be changed to some more arbitrary terms. Another petsite had "sun and moon" for example. If we had something like this, FR could introduce custom gender icons for dragons without having to worry about people trying to scam by displaying "wrong breeding sex" or something!

Silhouette scroll is the compromise we received for not getting the sex change scroll. So it's very unlikely for us to get the latter unless something in the code is drastically changed. Non-visual change or any drastic change in breeding mechanics is probably much more complicated than we think.

Many people also don't want the change scroll or same-sex breeding item to be a gem item or something expensive because of the implications it would have. Also because there has to be some limits on who can breed with who, and in FR it just happens to be that pairs are "male" and "female" instead of arbitrary x and y. The 5 generations apart alone aren't big enough limit. So like I stated earlier, I genuinely don't believe people are against this for homophobic reasons.

However, being able to choose what dragons are referred to in nesting grounds would definitely be a great thing! Or just universally changing it to parent 1 and parent 2.

However, maybe female and male could also be changed to some more arbitrary terms. Another petsite had "sun and moon" for example. If we had something like this, FR could introduce custom gender icons for dragons without having to worry about people trying to scam by displaying "wrong breeding sex" or something!
I support the idea!! I just feel it'd be hard for the devs to actually implement this at this point with all the code, but I dunno what that looks like or how much exactly is tied to that

I mean, breeding in the first place is, if I remember correctly, canonically magic that makes the eggs just?? kinda appear??? Either way, I mean... it's funny little dragons you can dress up like dolls, I see no reason why it would retcon or really change anything in-universe! just like real life, knowledge changes and grows over time so maybe something just got discovered/publicly known? On the coding side of things though, I understand why this might be tricky and time-consuming to code.

So while it would be REALLY cool and awesome to have and I would love it (and honestly it would probably the first time I've seen something like that implemented into one of these sites), I doubt we'll see it anytime soon if at all. (But again it would be so awesome if it was)
I support the idea!! I just feel it'd be hard for the devs to actually implement this at this point with all the code, but I dunno what that looks like or how much exactly is tied to that

I mean, breeding in the first place is, if I remember correctly, canonically magic that makes the eggs just?? kinda appear??? Either way, I mean... it's funny little dragons you can dress up like dolls, I see no reason why it would retcon or really change anything in-universe! just like real life, knowledge changes and grows over time so maybe something just got discovered/publicly known? On the coding side of things though, I understand why this might be tricky and time-consuming to code.

So while it would be REALLY cool and awesome to have and I would love it (and honestly it would probably the first time I've seen something like that implemented into one of these sites), I doubt we'll see it anytime soon if at all. (But again it would be so awesome if it was)
@kahvinporo yes, other than that being icked out by that one comment calling same-sex reproduction freaky and telling op to play something else, i didn't mean to imply that i thought naysayers were naysaying for homophobic reasons lol. i didn't consider much about the implications putting gay/trans dragons behind a paywall would have (although, if the silhouette scroll is the compromise, that's a [i]relatively [/i]expensive gem dump for one different-gender dragon) but it is bummer about no true sex-change item. doesn't stop me from dreaming though [emoji=nocturne tongue size=1] i do like the idea of changing male/female to something more ~fantastical~ in general, and custom gender markers seem neat on paper! not sure how likely it would be to be implemented so long into the game though. thanks for the brainstorming ^^
yes, other than that being icked out by that one comment calling same-sex reproduction freaky and telling op to play something else, i didn't mean to imply that i thought naysayers were naysaying for homophobic reasons lol. i didn't consider much about the implications putting gay/trans dragons behind a paywall would have (although, if the silhouette scroll is the compromise, that's a relatively expensive gem dump for one different-gender dragon) but it is bummer about no true sex-change item. doesn't stop me from dreaming though

i do like the idea of changing male/female to something more ~fantastical~ in general, and custom gender markers seem neat on paper! not sure how likely it would be to be implemented so long into the game though. thanks for the brainstorming ^^
I'd love to be friends! ^^
Okay this is a hard one. And this is coming from someone who actively engages with the breeding mechanic everyday and in an active using it as a challenge way. So I am going to go in points of topic.

Challenge: it’s basic fact that this suggestion makes breeding challenges 50% easier. The equation for odds a desired hatchling are currently (number of color options primary)*(number of color options secondary)*(number of color options tertiary)*(breed vs breed odds)*(gene rarity odds primary)*(gene rarity odds secondary)*(gene rarity odds tertiary)*2. The times 2 is the 50/50 deciding which sex the dragon will have. When doing a project you can decide which part of the equation you choose to ignore, most often gene or breed ratios. However the 50/50 chance is always in play. Okay you don’t care if you’re end result is a specific sex, but if your project goes over more then 1 generation you still need to account for that 50/50 split. In about half my projects I’m get stuck for a few months because my pairs only produce useful m sex, or f sex. So I can make no pairs from them. This suggestion would ensure that doesn’t happen. My projects would be faster and easier.

I don’t know how I feel about that. On one hand yay, more pretty dragons. On the other, breeding projects is the only thing that gets me consistently checking in on the site. If I run out of projects due to ease my interest in FR is going to fade in and out. Would that actually happen? Not sure. It’s a fact projects would be easier but I don’t know if it would feel that much easier. There’s still a lot of rng at play.

Lore: dumb question. FR dragons reproduce through magic. There’s no reason why not if staff decides to make the change it wouldn’t work in the lore.

Coding: 100% this would require a complete rewriting of the breeding mechanic, nesting grounds and huge chunks of the site. There’s small bugs that have existed since launch day that aren’t fixed because they require code rewriting and in dev’s own words, the breeding mechanic is a core part of the site and it is old old code. It would take a near rewriting and retesting to make sure it doesn’t negatively affect another aspect of the site. If the staff wants to do that cool, but this is certainly not a quick or easy thing to implement.

Alternates: I do think there are simpler ways to get at the idea of this suggestion across without changing the core breeding mechanics. Remove the connections between male and female. For example: change nesting grounds mother and father to anything else. Mars & Venus (to match current symbols on dragons page), 1 & 2, Top & Bottom (lol)(but also that’s how parents are displayed on a dragon’s page. I’ve always liked the idea of one be a simple for stationary or motion/dynamic. Because dragon breeds always have one of both. That way there is still two types of dragons in breeding but you remove base connotations of gender. And add a designation box or area for gender/sex etc. As long as default is blank and you can delete what’s written there anytime on your dragon.

In short: if this gets implemented I’d certainly enjoy it for a time. I even have a few pairs I’d immediately put on nests because in my head they are a couple and I want to see their cute children. However, this site has been the way it is for 11 years so I don’t think this big of a change should happen now. I do think there are simpler suggestions that could be implemented without changing how the game is played but keeps the spirit of this suggestion.
Okay this is a hard one. And this is coming from someone who actively engages with the breeding mechanic everyday and in an active using it as a challenge way. So I am going to go in points of topic.

Challenge: it’s basic fact that this suggestion makes breeding challenges 50% easier. The equation for odds a desired hatchling are currently (number of color options primary)*(number of color options secondary)*(number of color options tertiary)*(breed vs breed odds)*(gene rarity odds primary)*(gene rarity odds secondary)*(gene rarity odds tertiary)*2. The times 2 is the 50/50 deciding which sex the dragon will have. When doing a project you can decide which part of the equation you choose to ignore, most often gene or breed ratios. However the 50/50 chance is always in play. Okay you don’t care if you’re end result is a specific sex, but if your project goes over more then 1 generation you still need to account for that 50/50 split. In about half my projects I’m get stuck for a few months because my pairs only produce useful m sex, or f sex. So I can make no pairs from them. This suggestion would ensure that doesn’t happen. My projects would be faster and easier.

I don’t know how I feel about that. On one hand yay, more pretty dragons. On the other, breeding projects is the only thing that gets me consistently checking in on the site. If I run out of projects due to ease my interest in FR is going to fade in and out. Would that actually happen? Not sure. It’s a fact projects would be easier but I don’t know if it would feel that much easier. There’s still a lot of rng at play.

Lore: dumb question. FR dragons reproduce through magic. There’s no reason why not if staff decides to make the change it wouldn’t work in the lore.

Coding: 100% this would require a complete rewriting of the breeding mechanic, nesting grounds and huge chunks of the site. There’s small bugs that have existed since launch day that aren’t fixed because they require code rewriting and in dev’s own words, the breeding mechanic is a core part of the site and it is old old code. It would take a near rewriting and retesting to make sure it doesn’t negatively affect another aspect of the site. If the staff wants to do that cool, but this is certainly not a quick or easy thing to implement.

Alternates: I do think there are simpler ways to get at the idea of this suggestion across without changing the core breeding mechanics. Remove the connections between male and female. For example: change nesting grounds mother and father to anything else. Mars & Venus (to match current symbols on dragons page), 1 & 2, Top & Bottom (lol)(but also that’s how parents are displayed on a dragon’s page. I’ve always liked the idea of one be a simple for stationary or motion/dynamic. Because dragon breeds always have one of both. That way there is still two types of dragons in breeding but you remove base connotations of gender. And add a designation box or area for gender/sex etc. As long as default is blank and you can delete what’s written there anytime on your dragon.

In short: if this gets implemented I’d certainly enjoy it for a time. I even have a few pairs I’d immediately put on nests because in my head they are a couple and I want to see their cute children. However, this site has been the way it is for 11 years so I don’t think this big of a change should happen now. I do think there are simpler suggestions that could be implemented without changing how the game is played but keeps the spirit of this suggestion.