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TOPIC | Breed idea: pantzer dragon
I've been playing with a breed idea.. A crepuscular dragon, much like hedgehogs in behavior. Sturdy built like a snapper, but agile, able to jump/scuttle away quickly and squeeze into crevices.. so with longer, more muscular limbs. I would love to incorporate hindlegs like degus or kangaroos.. for springy-ness, but not sure how that would quite fit. They'd be covered in scales like pangolins or armadillo lizards. They have some way of pressing their wings tightly against their body for squeezing through rocky passages (perhaps even with a sort of hard outer wing, elytra, like beetles have). They dig for water, bugs, roots and mushrooms, and have well developed claws for this, as well as strong jaws to chew roots. Not flight specific, I think we would encounter them in Gather Items (or rather, their eggs or breed scrolls, in all six areas of gathering) Images I really love: Pangolin scales [img][/img] [img][/img] The face of this armadillo lizard is amazing [img][/img] I'll doodle on this, as I find time to do so.. (I realize Pantzer is not known in English? It's armor. Guess I'd need a better name :-p)
I've been playing with a breed idea..

A crepuscular dragon, much like hedgehogs in behavior. Sturdy built like a snapper, but agile, able to jump/scuttle away quickly and squeeze into crevices.. so with longer, more muscular limbs. I would love to incorporate hindlegs like degus or kangaroos.. for springy-ness, but not sure how that would quite fit. They'd be covered in scales like pangolins or armadillo lizards. They have some way of pressing their wings tightly against their body for squeezing through rocky passages (perhaps even with a sort of hard outer wing, elytra, like beetles have). They dig for water, bugs, roots and mushrooms, and have well developed claws for this, as well as strong jaws to chew roots.

Not flight specific, I think we would encounter them in Gather Items (or rather, their eggs or breed scrolls, in all six areas of gathering)

Images I really love:

Pangolin scales


The face of this armadillo lizard is amazing

I'll doodle on this, as I find time to do so..

(I realize Pantzer is not known in English? It's armor. Guess I'd need a better name :-p)
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I think the word you're after is Panzer..? Same as in the famous German word for tank? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

I could go for an armoured dragon.
I think the word you're after is Panzer..? Same as in the famous German word for tank? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

I could go for an armoured dragon.
byGS9bb.png VtFVqTA.png
UK time. Sorry for timezone-related delays in responses. They/Them.
[quote name="Greyjoy" date="2018-10-24 18:31:07" ] I think the word you're after is Panzer..? Same as in the famous German word for tank? Correct me if I'm wrong, though. I could go for an armoured dragon. [/quote] Panzer in german also refers to "panzerrüstung" which would be plate armour in english if I'm not mistaken. Languagewise it depends on what the person spoke of before. Both are commonly used within their context. Support for little (or not so little) scaly draconic knigths.
Greyjoy wrote on 2018-10-24 18:31:07:
I think the word you're after is Panzer..? Same as in the famous German word for tank? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

I could go for an armoured dragon.

Panzer in german also refers to "panzerrüstung" which would be plate armour in english if I'm not mistaken. Languagewise it depends on what the person spoke of before. Both are commonly used within their context.

Support for little (or not so little) scaly draconic knigths.
Ohh yes something similar to a Bazelgeuse from Monster Hunter would be nice. He also got scales like pangolins ^^
I would really like a scaly breed.
Ohh yes something similar to a Bazelgeuse from Monster Hunter would be nice. He also got scales like pangolins ^^
I would really like a scaly breed.
QmA8loc.gif HMjulZ.jpg NywvZd5.gif
Support! All the breeds either have feathers, fur, or some weird skin like texture. A dragin with direct scales would be great! Especially based off an armadillo lizard
Support! All the breeds either have feathers, fur, or some weird skin like texture. A dragin with direct scales would be great! Especially based off an armadillo lizard
ico-a_old_570.gif 7NSPPKK.png
Yessss, I would love a scaly, armored dragon! It would really add some variety.
Yessss, I would love a scaly, armored dragon! It would really add some variety.

...yeah, I know, obviously. That's why I said 'the same as in'. Clearly I'm aware of what panzer means. The point is, they misspelled it.

...yeah, I know, obviously. That's why I said 'the same as in'. Clearly I'm aware of what panzer means. The point is, they misspelled it.
byGS9bb.png VtFVqTA.png
UK time. Sorry for timezone-related delays in responses. They/Them.
this would be really cool!!
this would be really cool!!
The eyes of Lio Fotia and Galo Thymos from Promare in official art by Hiroyuki Imaishi staring dramatically past the viewer. There is a ball of fire in their colors (blue, pink, and white) between them
This is p cool!! Ping me when you come up with a design
This is p cool!! Ping me when you come up with a design
who up rising they flight
I'm Dutch born, however I am an American these days and my linguistic skills in Dutch are fading.. My brain occasionally accesses the unused language and chucks a random word into a perfectly fine English sentence. LOL In Dutch, pantser would be armor.. But basically, I need something better :-p We'll get there.


I've decided that these guys would enjoy stone masonry, possibly chewing clay to make mortar for stacking stones for walls. Also making stone reliefs and decorate pottery with their claws. Juveniles love making clay beads and polishing crystals, to make jewelry to exchange among one another. They're a community creature, putting great value in family and several generations will live together. However, they're fairly hostile to outsiders. Spiky outsides, soft insides ;-)
I'm Dutch born, however I am an American these days and my linguistic skills in Dutch are fading.. My brain occasionally accesses the unused language and chucks a random word into a perfectly fine English sentence. LOL In Dutch, pantser would be armor.. But basically, I need something better :-p We'll get there.


I've decided that these guys would enjoy stone masonry, possibly chewing clay to make mortar for stacking stones for walls. Also making stone reliefs and decorate pottery with their claws. Juveniles love making clay beads and polishing crystals, to make jewelry to exchange among one another. They're a community creature, putting great value in family and several generations will live together. However, they're fairly hostile to outsiders. Spiky outsides, soft insides ;-)
~* SCB *~
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