

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | "Open All" for chests and jars
Adding support for this suggestion.
Adding support for this suggestion.
support, there is a quick fix, but it's against the tou.
support, there is a quick fix, but it's against the tou.
I may have supported this already, but just in case I didn't...

I may have supported this already, but just in case I didn't...

3245342% support this!
3245342% support this!
So much support for this. Was going to suggest it myself, but wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one with this thought.
So much support for this. Was going to suggest it myself, but wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one with this thought.
Yes, please. I currently have 89 jars because it's too much trouble to open them so I've just let them pile up.
Yes, please. I currently have 89 jars because it's too much trouble to open them so I've just let them pile up.
There was a thread the other day that had a way, but apparently that was a script. Whoops.

So yeah, double plus would like this good.
There was a thread the other day that had a way, but apparently that was a script. Whoops.

So yeah, double plus would like this good.
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
Yes yes please!
Yes yes please!
yes please defs support!
yes please defs support!
Yes please :)
Yes please :)