
Skins and Accents

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TOPIC | Riot of Rot Skin Discussion & Chatter
It would be cool if they'd allow some more user-created skins into market. And to have a treasure market skins or accents. Simple ones, maybe even those themed, so people can dress the dragon into a special skin for the contest.
But it probably goes around money to buy gems and to buy blueprints. :c
It would be cool if they'd allow some more user-created skins into market. And to have a treasure market skins or accents. Simple ones, maybe even those themed, so people can dress the dragon into a special skin for the contest.
But it probably goes around money to buy gems and to buy blueprints. :c
maironbat100.png SPIRAL-septica.gif tumblr_o2njdv_YVOg1umbrmyo1_400.png 41_Septica-90.png
@derangedhyena ...doood. DOOOOD *points at your skin*

That is disgusting, I love it. The flesh being eaten away in patches on her wings is just, ugh. The amount of details you managed to still get readable at the size is fantastic. I think I might have to hoard shinies and tempt you to create a guardian male version, since RP wise, Tallinu is supposed to look some what similar.
@derangedhyena ...doood. DOOOOD *points at your skin*

That is disgusting, I love it. The flesh being eaten away in patches on her wings is just, ugh. The amount of details you managed to still get readable at the size is fantastic. I think I might have to hoard shinies and tempt you to create a guardian male version, since RP wise, Tallinu is supposed to look some what similar.
[quote name="beastlyart" date="2013-10-05 13:15:09"] Also, people need to read the damned directions and stop cluttering up the submission thread with their commentary and favorites.[/quote] ^ this.
beastlyart wrote on 2013-10-05 13:15:09:

Also, people need to read the damned directions and stop cluttering up the submission thread with their commentary and favorites.

^ this.
I sell G2 Purebred Imps from dragons #181 and 182 Check my lair for listings.
@SpectralDragon, thank you for your kind words about my aboriginal art-inspired skin (page 10 under submissions). It's great to know someone likes it!
@SpectralDragon, thank you for your kind words about my aboriginal art-inspired skin (page 10 under submissions). It's great to know someone likes it!
decided to edit my gangrenous Fae skin a bit. I think it looks better now

Old Version

New Version
decided to edit my gangrenous Fae skin a bit. I think it looks better now

Old Version

New Version
@gryffion @septica There is actually a vulture entry! My female tundra skin is inspired by the lammergeier, a type of bearded vulture ouo @somaticsilence man I really like your entry, I'm just too lazy to go back and find the post where I said all of my faves to edit it in XD Only things I think could be improved (and this is me nitpicking, I really do think it's great) would be the tail (weird lines on it are weird) and the hind legs (it seems oddly segmented). It is really nice though! @qmiricle Oooohman I'm really digging your tundra skin here. I would buy that skin in a heartbeat if I had the stuff for it! [quote name="qmiricle" date="2013-10-05 15:18:54"][img][/img] Fungal[/quote]
@gryffion @septica
There is actually a vulture entry! My female tundra skin is inspired by the lammergeier, a type of bearded vulture ouo

man I really like your entry, I'm just too lazy to go back and find the post where I said all of my faves to edit it in XD Only things I think could be improved (and this is me nitpicking, I really do think it's great) would be the tail (weird lines on it are weird) and the hind legs (it seems oddly segmented). It is really nice though!

Oooohman I'm really digging your tundra skin here. I would buy that skin in a heartbeat if I had the stuff for it!
qmiricle wrote on 2013-10-05 15:18:54:
1artismydrug_by_lizziecat1279-d8e77ji.png wsc_banner_by_lizziecat1279-db1jbdq.pngwyrillengenedresize_by_lizziecat1279-d8e77m6.png
Aw, gosh, I'm just flattered!! I wanted to make something Plague-inspired, but I'm far too squeamish to do anything with rot or infection. xD This morning I saw some inky-capped mushrooms growing in my yard and was totally inspired to do a tundle skin!

So many good entries so far! I'm looking forward to the results, and seeing what new skins could come out of this. These contests are always so exciting.
Aw, gosh, I'm just flattered!! I wanted to make something Plague-inspired, but I'm far too squeamish to do anything with rot or infection. xD This morning I saw some inky-capped mushrooms growing in my yard and was totally inspired to do a tundle skin!

So many good entries so far! I'm looking forward to the results, and seeing what new skins could come out of this. These contests are always so exciting.
I'm only hoping that it's not disqualified because of those mushrooms on it, though they don't go off the lineart so that's hopeful ahah
I'm only hoping that it's not disqualified because of those mushrooms on it, though they don't go off the lineart so that's hopeful ahah
1artismydrug_by_lizziecat1279-d8e77ji.png wsc_banner_by_lizziecat1279-db1jbdq.pngwyrillengenedresize_by_lizziecat1279-d8e77m6.png
Ebola is a nasty business. From what I remember of a book I read, you look fine at first, then you look a little sick (like a bad stomach virus) with slightly bloodshot eyes, then suddenly, you start bleeding from every single hole in your body, including the less obvious tear ducts and even pores. The blood looks a little dark in color, with black flecks in it. It totally liquefies you pretty quickly.
Kinda like what would happen if you ate a large quantity of rat poison, but it takes longer and it's infectious.
As a non-squeamish person, I will do more research for you, or anyone else. If you're going for something sick and scary, Ebola's near the top of that list.
Ebola is a nasty business. From what I remember of a book I read, you look fine at first, then you look a little sick (like a bad stomach virus) with slightly bloodshot eyes, then suddenly, you start bleeding from every single hole in your body, including the less obvious tear ducts and even pores. The blood looks a little dark in color, with black flecks in it. It totally liquefies you pretty quickly.
Kinda like what would happen if you ate a large quantity of rat poison, but it takes longer and it's infectious.
As a non-squeamish person, I will do more research for you, or anyone else. If you're going for something sick and scary, Ebola's near the top of that list.
If you need my attention quickly, PM me. I get way too many pings.
Okay, so it starts with cold or flu like symptoms, but also effects the mind in many patients on top of this, and then you get rashes and blood blisters of varying sizes. Then the blood from strange places starts, but the cause of death is most often multiple organ failure rather than bleeding out.
Specifically, the Ebola virus attacks cells that fight bacteria, liver cells, and binds itself to the lining of your blood vessels. It tricks your white blood cells into leaving it alone, and then piggy-back rides them through your whole system. Because it meshes with the walls of your blood vessels, it breaks them down and causes them to burst, causing internal bleeding and the blood blisters.
Also, if I remember from the book I read correctly (this was in middle school, I think, so bear with me,) the blisters and rashes itch pretty terribly, and combined with bursting capillaries in the brain causing a lack of oxygen, and therefore impairing logical thought, the victim will often scratch themselves raw.
Okay, so it starts with cold or flu like symptoms, but also effects the mind in many patients on top of this, and then you get rashes and blood blisters of varying sizes. Then the blood from strange places starts, but the cause of death is most often multiple organ failure rather than bleeding out.
Specifically, the Ebola virus attacks cells that fight bacteria, liver cells, and binds itself to the lining of your blood vessels. It tricks your white blood cells into leaving it alone, and then piggy-back rides them through your whole system. Because it meshes with the walls of your blood vessels, it breaks them down and causes them to burst, causing internal bleeding and the blood blisters.
Also, if I remember from the book I read correctly (this was in middle school, I think, so bear with me,) the blisters and rashes itch pretty terribly, and combined with bursting capillaries in the brain causing a lack of oxygen, and therefore impairing logical thought, the victim will often scratch themselves raw.
If you need my attention quickly, PM me. I get way too many pings.