@WhimsyBean Sweet thanks!
TOPIC | {WHIMS of frost and gold}
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@Malis, [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/296/4/f/malis_imp_by_wispywaffle-d6rlerb.png[/img]
Please could I get a preview of your gold accent on these two variations? (I still haven't decided if I want to regene her with shimmer!)
Please could I get a preview of your gold accent on these two variations? (I still haven't decided if I want to regene her with shimmer!)
Please could I get a preview of your gold accent on these two variations? (I still haven't decided if I want to regene her with shimmer!)
@WhimsyBean please put me down for a gold drip accent! I'm not sure if I'll pay with treasure or gems yet, it depends how many gems I have on me when payment's due.
@WhimsyBean please put me down for a gold drip accent! I'm not sure if I'll pay with treasure or gems yet, it depends how many gems I have on me when payment's due.
@Niki, [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/296/7/5/niki_2_by_wispywaffle-d6rlkkx.png[/img][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/296/7/6/niki_1_by_wispywaffle-d6rlkkz.png[/img].
@Polyserena, duly added, thanks!
@WhimsyBean Thanks! Man... I love that accent but sadly it doesn't work with thistle. (Darn that colour.) If I get another female imp at some point however, I'd definitely be interested!
@WhimsyBean Thanks! Man... I love that accent but sadly it doesn't work with thistle. (Darn that colour.) If I get another female imp at some point however, I'd definitely be interested!
@Malis, aha sure no problem! c:
Yeah, I really wish there could be accents with layer effects like overlay or soft light, but that's just way too much coding to think about!
Yeah, I really wish there could be accents with layer effects like overlay or soft light, but that's just way too much coding to think about!
@Malis, aha sure no problem! c:
Yeah, I really wish there could be accents with layer effects like overlay or soft light, but that's just way too much coding to think about!
Yeah, I really wish there could be accents with layer effects like overlay or soft light, but that's just way too much coding to think about!
Oh that looks really nice, especially on shimmer. I think I'd like to be added to the list for one, please.
Oh that looks really nice, especially on shimmer. I think I'd like to be added to the list for one, please.
Oh that looks really nice, especially on shimmer. I think I'd like to be added to the list for one, please.
Oh that looks really nice, especially on shimmer. I think I'd like to be added to the list for one, please.
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