
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Decal Rosin Ratio | hiatus
[img][/img] ----- [center][b][url=][color=purple]Intro[/color][/url] · [url=]New[/url] · [url=]Spotlight[/url] · [url=]Gallery[/url] · [url=]WIP[/url] · [url=]Ping Lists[/url][/b][/center] ----- Hello, I'm Arcane Idol Riots and welcome to my accents shop! Hopefully you'll find something that interests you! This is a pop-up accent shop where I print my festival contest rejects and whatever other accents I make once in a blue moon. [sub][sub](Fun fact: 'decal rosin ratio' is an anagram of 'arcane idol riots'. No, it doesn't really mean anything special, I just like nonsensical names lol. And anagrams.)[/sub][/sub] [img][/img] [center][size=5][b][url=][color=purple]Fancy Pinglist + Orders Spreadsheet[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [center][i]If you can't use/access the doc, just PM or ping me and I can easily add your info :)[/i][/center] [size=4][color=purple][b]ORDERING[/b][/color][/size] [url=][color=purple][b]Add yourself to the spreadsheet to preorder a copy.[/b][/color][/url] If you cannot access the doc, message me and I will add your info for you. Specify what type of payment you will be making (gem/treasure/mixed). You may order multiple copies. NOTE: [i]Accents bought through preorders will always be cheaper.[/i] Any extra copies from a print run will be listed on the Auction House for a higher price. [size=4][color=purple][b]PAYMENT[/b][/color][/size] [b]DO. NOT. send me payment until I ask for it![/b] If there is not enough slots filled to cover the cost of printing, then the accent will not be printed. When enough slots have been filled for a print run, I will ping everyone in this thread for payment. Payments may be sent via PM or 1-way CR. Please include in your message which accent you are paying for. [b]I prefer to be paid in gems[/b] because it saves me an extra step, but I will take treasure or mixed payments at 1:1000. [size=4][color=purple][b]DELIVERY[/b][/color][/size] [b]All accents will be sent out via Private Auction listings.[/b] If you have already paid prior to me sending out the accents, you will only need to pay 1 treasure for your PA listing. If you have [u]not[/u] paid, your PA listing will be the payment you owe me. [size=4][color=purple][b]REPRINTS[/b][/color][/size] [b]I am willing to reprint old/retired accents and skins[/b] if you provide me the means to do so. This means either: A) providing me with a copy of the appropriate blueprint + a 100g reprint fee, or B) paying me the gems to buy the blueprint (1000g for accent or 2000g for skin) + the 100g reprint fee Please note that not all accents/skins will be available for reprint. Some are exclusive/customs or were originally printed with limited copies in mind. Feel free to ask me more if you have questions. [size=4][color=purple][b]MISC.[/b][/color][/size] [b]You may resell any accent of mine without restriction.[/b] I would prefer you resell my accents for the original price you paid for, but ultimately it's your accent and yours to do as you see fit. [b]I do previews![/b] If an accent has never been printed before, and you would like to see on one of your dragons, just ping me with a link to your dragon. I'll try to get to it as soon as I can! [b]Questions or comments are more than welcome! :)[/b] [img][/img] [i]13 Mar 2020[/i] [LIST] [*][b]Mass reprint run![/b] 'Breath of Aer,' 'Sylph,' 'Sealeaf Frills,' 'Sealeaf Mimicry,' 'Gladeveins Strider,' 'Hewn Saboteur,' 'Scorched Mantle,' and 'Sparkwing' are available for reprint! [/LIST] [i]14 Feb 2019[/i] [LIST] [*]'Frostbrood' and 'Icebrood' available for preorder! [/LIST]

Hello, I'm Arcane Idol Riots and welcome to my accents shop! Hopefully you'll find something that interests you!

This is a pop-up accent shop where I print my festival contest rejects and whatever other accents I make once in a blue moon.

(Fun fact: 'decal rosin ratio' is an anagram of 'arcane idol riots'. No, it doesn't really mean anything special, I just like nonsensical names lol. And anagrams.)

If you can't use/access the doc, just PM or ping me and I can easily add your info :)


Add yourself to the spreadsheet to preorder a copy. If you cannot access the doc, message me and I will add your info for you.

Specify what type of payment you will be making (gem/treasure/mixed).

You may order multiple copies.

NOTE: Accents bought through preorders will always be cheaper. Any extra copies from a print run will be listed on the Auction House for a higher price.


DO. NOT. send me payment until I ask for it! If there is not enough slots filled to cover the cost of printing, then the accent will not be printed.

When enough slots have been filled for a print run, I will ping everyone in this thread for payment. Payments may be sent via PM or 1-way CR. Please include in your message which accent you are paying for.

I prefer to be paid in gems because it saves me an extra step, but I will take treasure or mixed payments at 1:1000.


All accents will be sent out via Private Auction listings.

If you have already paid prior to me sending out the accents, you will only need to pay 1 treasure for your PA listing. If you have not paid, your PA listing will be the payment you owe me.


I am willing to reprint old/retired accents and skins if you provide me the means to do so. This means either:

A) providing me with a copy of the appropriate blueprint + a 100g reprint fee, or

B) paying me the gems to buy the blueprint (1000g for accent or 2000g for skin) + the 100g reprint fee

Please note that not all accents/skins will be available for reprint. Some are exclusive/customs or were originally printed with limited copies in mind.

Feel free to ask me more if you have questions.


You may resell any accent of mine without restriction. I would prefer you resell my accents for the original price you paid for, but ultimately it's your accent and yours to do as you see fit.

I do previews! If an accent has never been printed before, and you would like to see on one of your dragons, just ping me with a link to your dragon. I'll try to get to it as soon as I can!

Questions or comments are more than welcome! :)


13 Mar 2020
  • Mass reprint run! 'Breath of Aer,' 'Sylph,' 'Sealeaf Frills,' 'Sealeaf Mimicry,' 'Gladeveins Strider,' 'Hewn Saboteur,' 'Scorched Mantle,' and 'Sparkwing' are available for reprint!

14 Feb 2019
  • 'Frostbrood' and 'Icebrood' available for preorder!
[img][/img] ----- [center][b][url=]Intro[/url] · [url=][color=purple]New[/color][/url] · [url=]Spotlight[/url] · [url=]Gallery[/url] · [url=]WIP[/url] · [url=]Ping Lists[/url][/b][/center] ----- [center][size=5][b]Skincent: 'Frostbrood' for Snapper F[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=4][i]Crystalline Gala 2019 Honorable Mention[/i][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]blankblankblank[/color] [nextcol] [center][skin=29215][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent]blank[/color] [nextcol] [size=4][b][s]800g[/s][/b][/size] [color=red][b]RETIRED on Feb 22nd[/b][/color] [s]If interested in this accent, [url=][color=purple][b]please use the Preorders tab[/b][/color][/url] to sign up for a slot, or ask to be added if you can't access the doc![/s] [nextcol] [color=transparent]blankblankblank[/color] [/columns] ----- [center][size=5][b]Accent: 'Icebrood' for Snapper F[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]blankblankblank[/color] [nextcol] [center][skin=29216][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent]blank[/color] [nextcol] [size=4][b][s]550g[/s][/b][/size] [color=red][b]RETIRED on Feb 22nd[/b][/color] [url=][color=blue][b]>>Last copies available on the AH!<<[/b][/color][/url] [s]If interested in this accent, [url=][color=purple][b]please use the Preorders tab[/b][/color][/url] to sign up for a slot, or ask to be added if you can't access the doc![/s] [nextcol] [color=transparent]blankblankblank[/color] [/columns] ------ [color=transparent]item[/color]

Skincent: 'Frostbrood' for Snapper F
Crystalline Gala 2019 Honorable Mention

blank 800g

RETIRED on Feb 22nd

If interested in this accent, please use the Preorders tab to sign up for a slot, or ask to be added if you can't access the doc!

Accent: 'Icebrood' for Snapper F

blank 550g

RETIRED on Feb 22nd
>>Last copies available on the AH!<<

If interested in this accent, please use the Preorders tab to sign up for a slot, or ask to be added if you can't access the doc!

[img][/img] ----- [center][b][url=]Intro[/url] · [url=]New[/url] · [url=][color=purple]Spotlight[/color][/url] · [url=]Gallery[/url] · [url=]WIP[/url] · [url=]Ping Lists[/url][/b][/center] ----- This section is to show off the lovely dragons that are wearing my accents! If you'd like to be added here, share your dragon in this thread! ----- [center][b]ryttu3k's Sorrel[/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] ----- [center][b]Mikann's Ordeal[/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] ----- [center][b]Kataracts' Eleiah[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][b]JackalSmiler's Sol[/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]

This section is to show off the lovely dragons that are wearing my accents! If you'd like to be added here, share your dragon in this thread!

ryttu3k's Sorrel

Mikann's Ordeal

Kataracts' Eleiah


JackalSmiler's Sol

[img][/img] ----- [center][b][url=]Intro[/url] · [url=]New[/url] · [url=]Spotlight[/url] · [url=][color=purple]Gallery[/color][/url] · [url=]WIP[/url] · [url=]Ping Lists[/url][/b][/center] ----- [center][b][size=5][url=][color=purple]View Full Gallery of Accents and Skins on Imgur[/color][/url][/size][/b][/center] [size=5][color=purple][b]Catalogue[/b][/color][/size] [i]These accents are not available for public reprint, but may but requested as a private print. *Last updated: 3 Sept 2020[/i] [columns] [columns] [skin=17091] [nextcol] [b]Breath of Aer[/b] Spiral F Price: 480g AH: 520g Stock: 0 15 copies printed [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=17187] [nextcol] [b]Sylph[/b] Snapper F Price: 550g AH: 600g Stock: 0 55 copies printed [/columns] [/columns] [columns] [columns] [skin=17629] [nextcol] [b]Sealeaf Frills[/b] Fae M Price: 430g AH: 460g Stock: 0 65 copies printed [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=17654] [nextcol] [b]Sealeaf Mimicry[/b] Fae M Price: 430g AH: 460g Stock: 0 25 copies printed [/columns] [/columns] [columns] [columns] [skin=18098] [nextcol] [b]Gladeveins Strider[/b] Pearlcatcher M Price: 550g AH: 600g Stock: 0 30 copies printed [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=18725] [nextcol] [b]Hewn Saboteur[/b] Nocturne M Price: 800g AH: 850g Stock: 0 15 copies printed [/columns] [/columns] [columns] [columns] [skin=19498] [nextcol] [b]Scorched Mantle[/b] Nocturne M Price: 550g AH: 600g Stock: 0 10 copies printed [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=23671] [nextcol] [b]Sparkwing[/b] Spiral M Price: 460g AH: 500g Stock: 0 10 copies printed [/columns] [/columns] [size=5][color=purple][b]Retired[/b][/color][/size] [i]These accents will never be reprinted.[/i] [columns] [columns] [skin=17628] [nextcol] [b]Starsea Oracle[/b] Snapper F Price: 400g AH: 500g Stock: 0 20 copies printed [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=18099] [nextcol] [b]Sproutling[/b] Fae F Price: 550g AH: 600g Stock: 0 15 copies printed [/columns] [/columns] [columns] [columns] [skin=26470] [nextcol] [b]Chrysalis[/b] Skydancer F Dom exclusive 5 copies printed [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=28838] [nextcol] [b]Sanguis Varicosis[/b] Pearlcatcher M Custom 1 copy printed [/columns] [/columns] [columns] [columns] [skin=29215] [nextcol] [b]Frostbrood[/b] Snapper F Price: 800g AH: 850g Stock: 0 6 copies printed [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=29216] [nextcol] [b]Icebrood[/b] Snapper F Price: 550g AH: 600g [url=][color=purple]Stock: 2[/color][/url] 10 copies printed [/columns] [/columns] [size=5][color=purple][b]Showcase[/b][/color][/size] [i]Official Flight Rising accents designed by me.[/i] [columns] [columns] [skin=18603] [nextcol] [b]Sun Scatter[/b] Mirror F Brightshine Jubilee 2016 [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [skin=19056] [nextcol] [b]Stormcloud Construct[/b] Wildclaw M Thundercrack Carnivale 2016 [/columns] [/columns] [columns] [columns] [skin=34628] [nextcol] [b]Barkhide[/b] Snapper M Greenskeeper Gathering 2020 [/columns] [/columns]

These accents are not available for public reprint, but may but requested as a private print.

*Last updated: 3 Sept 2020

Breath of Aer
Spiral F
Price: 480g
AH: 520g
Stock: 0
15 copies printed
space Sylph
Snapper F
Price: 550g
AH: 600g
Stock: 0
55 copies printed
Sealeaf Frills
Fae M
Price: 430g
AH: 460g
Stock: 0
65 copies printed
space Sealeaf Mimicry
Fae M
Price: 430g
AH: 460g
Stock: 0
25 copies printed
Gladeveins Strider
Pearlcatcher M
Price: 550g
AH: 600g
Stock: 0
30 copies printed
space Hewn Saboteur
Nocturne M
Price: 800g
AH: 850g
Stock: 0
15 copies printed
Scorched Mantle
Nocturne M
Price: 550g
AH: 600g
Stock: 0
10 copies printed
space Sparkwing
Spiral M
Price: 460g
AH: 500g
Stock: 0
10 copies printed

These accents will never be reprinted.

Starsea Oracle
Snapper F
Price: 400g
AH: 500g
Stock: 0
20 copies printed
space Sproutling
Fae F
Price: 550g
AH: 600g
Stock: 0
15 copies printed
Skydancer F
Dom exclusive
5 copies printed
space Sanguis Varicosis
Pearlcatcher M
1 copy printed
Snapper F
Price: 800g
AH: 850g
Stock: 0
6 copies printed
space Icebrood
Snapper F
Price: 550g
AH: 600g
Stock: 2
10 copies printed

Official Flight Rising accents designed by me.

Sun Scatter
Mirror F
Brightshine Jubilee 2016
space Stormcloud Construct
Wildclaw M
Thundercrack Carnivale 2016
Snapper M
Greenskeeper Gathering 2020

[img][/img] ----- [center][b][url=]Intro[/url] · [url=]New[/url] · [url=]Spotlight[/url] · [url=]Gallery[/url] · [url=][color=purple]WIP[/color][/url] · [url=]Ping Lists[/url][/b][/center] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]'Corrupted Chrysalis'[/b][/size] for Skydancer F[/center] [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]space[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]'Maligned Metamorph'[/b][/size] for Skydancer M[/center] [/columns]

Y3ruHCQ.png space
'Corrupted Chrysalis'

for Skydancer F

W0x2b2J.png space
'Maligned Metamorph'

for Skydancer M

[img][/img] ----- [center][b][url=]Intro[/url] · [url=]New[/url] · [url=]Spotlight[/url] · [url=]Gallery[/url] · [url=]WIP[/url] · [url=][color=purple]Ping Lists[/color][/url][/b][/center] ----- [center][size=6][b][url=][color=purple]General Pinglist here![/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [center] If you can't use/access the doc, message me and I can easily add your info :) [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

If you can't use/access the doc, message me and I can easily add your info :)
