
Skins and Accents

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TOPIC | Orca Skin! Crystalline Gala Entry
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Hello! I had some interest in my Crystalline gala entry, the Predator of the Floes skin, for the male coatl! So you can make your baby look like the gorgeous Orca I've decided to sell it here, and see how it goes. This is my first time selling a skin so please be patient! This won't be for profit, however :) Here's the skin! [img][/img] The amount of interest will dictate the amount the skin will cost, for 5 people it will cost 700g and for 10 people it will cost 500g! Pings for people who were interested before! @Laced @radioactivecrush @Roe @BittytheKhajiit Don't forget to ping me if you're interested! @Astro0Lauren Run 1: 1-BittytheKhajiit 2- Laced 3- Nigai 4- Addmon 5- Iceman 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-

I had some interest in my Crystalline gala entry, the Predator of the Floes skin, for the male coatl! So you can make your baby look like the gorgeous Orca

I've decided to sell it here, and see how it goes. This is my first time selling a skin so please be patient! This won't be for profit, however :)

Here's the skin!


The amount of interest will dictate the amount the skin will cost, for 5 people it will cost 700g and for 10 people it will cost 500g!

Pings for people who were interested before!
@Laced @radioactivecrush @Roe @BittytheKhajiit

Don't forget to ping me if you're interested! @Astro0Lauren

Run 1:
2- Laced
3- Nigai
4- Addmon
5- Iceman
@Astro0Lauren I'm tentatively interested. I can't afford 1400g though. Could you ping me if it gets at least 4 other claims?
@Astro0Lauren I'm tentatively interested. I can't afford 1400g though. Could you ping me if it gets at least 4 other claims?
Art by Drytil
@Addmon Sure thing!
@Addmon Sure thing!

I don't think I can afford 1400 gems, would you take treasure equivelent? I can scrape the 700 gems though, so if it gets to five people, I can pay in gems.

Good luck selling!

I don't think I can afford 1400 gems, would you take treasure equivelent? I can scrape the 700 gems though, so if it gets to five people, I can pay in gems.

Good luck selling!
Instagram: BittyKittyCreates --- Facebook: BittyKitty Creates
@BittytheKhajiit i only have 100g at the moment, so i wouldn't be able to take treasure, sorry! i'll put your name down anyway, and if it doesn't get to 5 people i'll take your name off, is that okay? :)
@BittytheKhajiit i only have 100g at the moment, so i wouldn't be able to take treasure, sorry! i'll put your name down anyway, and if it doesn't get to 5 people i'll take your name off, is that okay? :)

Ok sure =^-^= If I manage to grind enough festival currency to trade for gems, I'll let you know, even if it means I need to wait for a re run.

Ok sure =^-^= If I manage to grind enough festival currency to trade for gems, I'll let you know, even if it means I need to wait for a re run.
Instagram: BittyKittyCreates --- Facebook: BittyKitty Creates
Slot please! @Astro0lauren
Slot please! @Astro0lauren
Oh gosh, I can't afford 1400, and not even 700. How long is this offer running?

Oh gosh, I can't afford 1400, and not even 700. How long is this offer running?

"And the Universe said, 'I love you.'"
"And the Universe said, 'It's okay. Be soft.'"
Ping me to the list please =3
Ping me to the list please =3
Theme with the dragons of friend. =3
@Astro0Lauren I won't be able to afford this right now. Sorry!! It's lovely and if you do another run I might be able to save for it.
@Astro0Lauren I won't be able to afford this right now. Sorry!! It's lovely and if you do another run I might be able to save for it.
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