
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Dragon Decals
are you going to do another run of Holiday Bells & Bows F? if so, i'd love a slot!
are you going to do another run of Holiday Bells & Bows F? if so, i'd love a slot!
Not until next year, but I have extra copies available! I'll send you a crossroads. :)
Not until next year, but I have extra copies available! I'll send you a crossroads. :)
Catfeather Loop fbwG7W5.png

please see shop front for specific pinglists
could I have a slot for clouds and rainbows pink please?
could I have a slot for clouds and rainbows pink please?
@Devildog Certainly! Thanks! ^o^
@Devildog Certainly! Thanks! ^o^
Catfeather Loop fbwG7W5.png

please see shop front for specific pinglists
I know this is very last min, but could I get a spot for Stormclouds and Rainbows, please?
I know this is very last min, but could I get a spot for Stormclouds and Rainbows, please?

Yeah, no problem! :D
Might be a moment til I can submit anyway - got 2 colors rejected and am travelling so can't fix things quickly. D:

Yeah, no problem! :D
Might be a moment til I can submit anyway - got 2 colors rejected and am travelling so can't fix things quickly. D:
Catfeather Loop fbwG7W5.png

please see shop front for specific pinglists
@Catfeather Not a problem! Thank you so much for letting me know!
@Catfeather Not a problem! Thank you so much for letting me know!
Hey all! I just wanted to let you all* know that Clouds and Rainbows had to be resubmitted due to lines and shadows being too light. Both the regular and pink versions were resubmitted, and I preemptively darkened the [url=][u]yellow, blue,[/u][/url] and [url=][u]stormclouds[/u][/url]. Those will be submitted once these are back and sent out, to avoid having to have you guys prepay. C: [size=2]*pinging everyone that signed up, on all recolors, so you know what the status is. unless something weird comes up, the next time you'll hear from me re: these is when I send out the PAs! As another reminder (I like having these lol) they will be 800g/kt each. c: [center][img][/img] Regular @clowning (t) @TheCorinthian @Lawful @ProtoformX @TomSwifty @Woohoorandom @Cyronite Pink @GunMute @silks @clowning (t) @Cyronite @Devildog Blue @clowning (t) @Cyronite @TigerDMaster Yellow @clowning (t) @Cyronite @vidoxi (t) @Cosmological Storm @clowning (t) @Cyronite @Lawful
Hey all!
I just wanted to let you all* know that Clouds and Rainbows had to be resubmitted due to lines and shadows being too light. Both the regular and pink versions were resubmitted, and I preemptively darkened the yellow, blue, and stormclouds. Those will be submitted once these are back and sent out, to avoid having to have you guys prepay. C:

*pinging everyone that signed up, on all recolors, so you know what the status is. unless something weird comes up, the next time you'll hear from me re: these is when I send out the PAs! As another reminder (I like having these lol) they will be 800g/kt each. c:

Catfeather Loop fbwG7W5.png

please see shop front for specific pinglists
yippie! looks nice
yippie! looks nice
|| He/it ||
|| New type of crab they're testing out. ||
Hi, I was wondering if there is still a chance to get a slot for skin:Stormclouds and Rainbows?
Hi, I was wondering if there is still a chance to get a slot for skin:Stormclouds and Rainbows?
90574687.png Check the BIG ARTIST ;>