

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Ghost Sanctuary (Medieval, SemiLit, OPEN
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(Beware, this is kind of fantasy, slightly Supernatural)

EDIT: This is a semi-lit freestyle roleplay, your posts can be anywhere from 3 sentences to three paragraphs but please keep it within that because we don't want enormous scary posts when people try to join.

Human Roleplay


In Nevellin people don't stay dead, sometimes people come back as someone else, when the dead are reborn they're sent to the Ghost Sanctuary--a remote sanctuary where the Reborn go to spend their new lives and wait to die.
Reborn are people with memories from a past life. They have families, friends, and enemies, but to anyone they ever knew, their dead. They look different, act different, they get a new name, a fresh start in life. The only way to tell a Reborn from a normal person; Reborns' eyes glow in the dark.

Reborn return to life as infants, born into a new family. Reborns' don't manifest until their sixteen, and they are always discovered and sent to the Ghost Sanctuary.

And now intro number 2.

You are a Reborn, perhaps you have just manifested, you suddenly have a whole life of memories, and you don't know what to do. Your first instinct will be to run away, or to turn yourself in for a peaceful life in the GS. Or maybe you've been hiding for years, and you have just been caught and sentenced to a life in so called paradise for the 'undead'.

But somehow you ended up here. Now.
The Ghost Sanctuary is a place where Reborn can come to terms with their past selves and make a new life from the ruins of the past.

Ghost Sanctuary: This is a fantasy Roleplay folks, that means its set in basically Medieval times, but on a different world. The Sanctuary is a castle set in a deep mountain valley, there is also a small township mostly for working Reborns with families, and fields for animals and crops. Characters will be living in the castle, you can have your own room, your own horse (No electronic anything) and they will be free to roam the GS, but they CAN'T LEAVE. The Sanctuary is basically a prison for unnatural people that normal people don't want to deal with, there is no escape.

Note; Things will happen, big plot changing things will occur when the time comes for a plot turn. And small things will happen over time for interest/variety. But for now its just life dealing with being someone else, your character might fight two personalities, demons from past lives, and having to live with a bunch of people that are at least as messed up as you are.

If you have any plot ideas you may pm me suggestions.


1. This roleplay will abide by all FR rules, there may be some violence, but nothing graphic.
2. No OOC drama! We can all be friends here, and just because a persons character doesn't get along with yours, doesn't mean they have a personal agenda against you. So don't take character relationships personally!
3. Hopefully don't have to inforce this, but no Godmoding, or making things happen in the story that aren't supposed to be there, like random magical powers or characters from the future.
4. Most important; be kind and have fun!

Only one character for starters.
Character Application form: (Ping me, and delete the stuff in parenthesis)

Character Name: (Doesn't have to be first and last, can be anything you want)
Age: (Somewhere between 16 and 25)
Personality: General Appearance:
Past life history: Stuff about who they were 'first' I am going to say that you should keep their gender the same in both lives for complications sake)
Pet(s): (Can have no more than one animal aside from a horse, and the horse isn't required, but recommended.)
(Beware, this is kind of fantasy, slightly Supernatural)

EDIT: This is a semi-lit freestyle roleplay, your posts can be anywhere from 3 sentences to three paragraphs but please keep it within that because we don't want enormous scary posts when people try to join.

Human Roleplay


In Nevellin people don't stay dead, sometimes people come back as someone else, when the dead are reborn they're sent to the Ghost Sanctuary--a remote sanctuary where the Reborn go to spend their new lives and wait to die.
Reborn are people with memories from a past life. They have families, friends, and enemies, but to anyone they ever knew, their dead. They look different, act different, they get a new name, a fresh start in life. The only way to tell a Reborn from a normal person; Reborns' eyes glow in the dark.

Reborn return to life as infants, born into a new family. Reborns' don't manifest until their sixteen, and they are always discovered and sent to the Ghost Sanctuary.

And now intro number 2.

You are a Reborn, perhaps you have just manifested, you suddenly have a whole life of memories, and you don't know what to do. Your first instinct will be to run away, or to turn yourself in for a peaceful life in the GS. Or maybe you've been hiding for years, and you have just been caught and sentenced to a life in so called paradise for the 'undead'.

But somehow you ended up here. Now.
The Ghost Sanctuary is a place where Reborn can come to terms with their past selves and make a new life from the ruins of the past.

Ghost Sanctuary: This is a fantasy Roleplay folks, that means its set in basically Medieval times, but on a different world. The Sanctuary is a castle set in a deep mountain valley, there is also a small township mostly for working Reborns with families, and fields for animals and crops. Characters will be living in the castle, you can have your own room, your own horse (No electronic anything) and they will be free to roam the GS, but they CAN'T LEAVE. The Sanctuary is basically a prison for unnatural people that normal people don't want to deal with, there is no escape.

Note; Things will happen, big plot changing things will occur when the time comes for a plot turn. And small things will happen over time for interest/variety. But for now its just life dealing with being someone else, your character might fight two personalities, demons from past lives, and having to live with a bunch of people that are at least as messed up as you are.

If you have any plot ideas you may pm me suggestions.


1. This roleplay will abide by all FR rules, there may be some violence, but nothing graphic.
2. No OOC drama! We can all be friends here, and just because a persons character doesn't get along with yours, doesn't mean they have a personal agenda against you. So don't take character relationships personally!
3. Hopefully don't have to inforce this, but no Godmoding, or making things happen in the story that aren't supposed to be there, like random magical powers or characters from the future.
4. Most important; be kind and have fun!

Only one character for starters.
Character Application form: (Ping me, and delete the stuff in parenthesis)

Character Name: (Doesn't have to be first and last, can be anything you want)
Age: (Somewhere between 16 and 25)
Personality: General Appearance:
Past life history: Stuff about who they were 'first' I am going to say that you should keep their gender the same in both lives for complications sake)
Pet(s): (Can have no more than one animal aside from a horse, and the horse isn't required, but recommended.)

Player: Inyo
Character Name: Furolles
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: A gentle person who enjoys company. He smiles often and is friendly to whoever approaches him. However, he has no morality so his loyalties lie with whoever comes to him first for whatever cause no matter how twisted it may be. It's very easy to make him happy and very hard to upset him.
General Appearance: Furolles is a tall, gently muscled man under his under his cloak. He has dark curly hair, green eyes and olive skin. He wears a heavy brown cloak over his vest and pants. In his boot, he has a dagger hidden for self defense.
History: Furolles was a hired thief for a few short years after he was ran away from his parents. He ran into some less than reputable people who took him in after noticing his sticky hands. Even though he ran into quite a bit of money with the business, he chose to live like a vagabond. After Furolles turned 16 he lost his sense of judgement and murdered an inn keep where he had been staying. For a year and some months he went unnoticed by the Ghost Sanctuary until he decided to see a doctor about his mixed memories. It was then that he was taken and where he lived a mostly peaceful life at the Sanctuary.
Past life history: Furolles previously lived as corrupt soldier for a small army. He was a greedy man who was loyal only to his family. What he made was not enough to get by with his family so he did whatever was asked of him at the price of money. He stole, accused and killed people at the request of anyone who would give him money. He was a devout man though, and he felt incredibly guilty for whatever crime he committed.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Some horse.

Player: @LizRosethorn
Character Name: Lissana Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Lissana was very content before her memories awakened, she was happy with life, often cheerful and polite. But now she's more cynical, and troubled, when she's happy its forced, but hopefully she will be able to find more peace in the Sanctuary.
General Appearance: 5'4 in height and slim, with long unruly black hair and sharp hazel eyes (Green brown). She usually wears trousers and tunics because its common for women to wear pants in the Sanctuary. But she is not opposed to dresses.
History: Lis had a normal life before her memories manifested, she managed to hid it for months though she was tormented. It was her anguish at her past life, and at the knowledge that she would have to leave her family and be taken to the Ghost Sanctuary, that in the end caused suspicion in her and led her to being tried for Reborn manifestations.
Past life history: She was Erenade Bellcoust before she was Reborn. Erenade led a lonely, if a bit tragic life. Some say that many people are Reborn because their past life was terrible. In the case of Erenade this is somewhat true. Erenade was orphaned at a young age when her mother was burned at the stake for suspicion of witchcraft. Her father was not around. The orphanage where Erenade ended up was plagued by hunger and illness and Eren eventually learned that to have friends meant to have her heart broken when they inevitably died or became subject to a terrible accident. Erenade left the orphanage at seventeen and eventually made a life for herself in a small countryside cottage, where she lived all alone, farming a small garden for the rest of her lonesome life.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Lis has a horse in the stables somewhere, but it was given to her when she came to the Sanctuary and she hasn't even seen it.

Player: mejackel
Character Name: Satis Peloff
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: While Satis had always favored the company of books to most people, he became more surly and short tempered after his memories were awakened. With an unfortunately sharp tongue and somwhat lackluster social skills, he frequently finds himself on peoples bad sides. To those he cares about, however, he's fiercly loyal and he holds himself to a strict moral code.
General Appearance: Tall, very thin and pale. His face is long and narrow with pointed features and a slightly crooked nose. He doesn't look like he's received enough sleep or sun for a very long time. Satis moves gracelessly, like he grew too tall to quickly and never quite adjusted, and he carries himself as if he could become smaller if he tried hard enough. He has blue eyes and long dirty blond hair that he usually keeps tied back. He usually favors robes, as that's what was worn in the monestary and owns little else.
History: Satis was born to a baker and his wife. Shortly after turning 16 his parents, unsure of what exactly was wrong with their child, sent him to live in a monestary in the area in hopes he would find some sort of peace and happiness. While he did appreciate the available solitude and an unsually large library, it had only been a matter of time before someone saw him for what he was and had him moved to Ghost Sanctuary.
Past life history: Talberon Harwell was a smooth talker who lived life by passing fancies and his way with words got him out of more trouble then any man had a right to. He fell in love with someone trapped in a marriage of convenience. However, in a distrustful time when accusations were as good as fact, Talberon and his lover were accused and tried for murder. Talberon took full blame and claimed he had manipulated his lover and was found guilty alone. Unfortunate his lover bought the lie as well. He died alone, by hanging per his death sentance.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): A beloved black draft horse named Farley he recieved while he lived in the Monestary.

Player: Inyo
Character Name: Furolles
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: A gentle person who enjoys company. He smiles often and is friendly to whoever approaches him. However, he has no morality so his loyalties lie with whoever comes to him first for whatever cause no matter how twisted it may be. It's very easy to make him happy and very hard to upset him.
General Appearance: Furolles is a tall, gently muscled man under his under his cloak. He has dark curly hair, green eyes and olive skin. He wears a heavy brown cloak over his vest and pants. In his boot, he has a dagger hidden for self defense.
History: Furolles was a hired thief for a few short years after he was ran away from his parents. He ran into some less than reputable people who took him in after noticing his sticky hands. Even though he ran into quite a bit of money with the business, he chose to live like a vagabond. After Furolles turned 16 he lost his sense of judgement and murdered an inn keep where he had been staying. For a year and some months he went unnoticed by the Ghost Sanctuary until he decided to see a doctor about his mixed memories. It was then that he was taken and where he lived a mostly peaceful life at the Sanctuary.
Past life history: Furolles previously lived as corrupt soldier for a small army. He was a greedy man who was loyal only to his family. What he made was not enough to get by with his family so he did whatever was asked of him at the price of money. He stole, accused and killed people at the request of anyone who would give him money. He was a devout man though, and he felt incredibly guilty for whatever crime he committed.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Some horse.

Player: @LizRosethorn
Character Name: Lissana Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Lissana was very content before her memories awakened, she was happy with life, often cheerful and polite. But now she's more cynical, and troubled, when she's happy its forced, but hopefully she will be able to find more peace in the Sanctuary.
General Appearance: 5'4 in height and slim, with long unruly black hair and sharp hazel eyes (Green brown). She usually wears trousers and tunics because its common for women to wear pants in the Sanctuary. But she is not opposed to dresses.
History: Lis had a normal life before her memories manifested, she managed to hid it for months though she was tormented. It was her anguish at her past life, and at the knowledge that she would have to leave her family and be taken to the Ghost Sanctuary, that in the end caused suspicion in her and led her to being tried for Reborn manifestations.
Past life history: She was Erenade Bellcoust before she was Reborn. Erenade led a lonely, if a bit tragic life. Some say that many people are Reborn because their past life was terrible. In the case of Erenade this is somewhat true. Erenade was orphaned at a young age when her mother was burned at the stake for suspicion of witchcraft. Her father was not around. The orphanage where Erenade ended up was plagued by hunger and illness and Eren eventually learned that to have friends meant to have her heart broken when they inevitably died or became subject to a terrible accident. Erenade left the orphanage at seventeen and eventually made a life for herself in a small countryside cottage, where she lived all alone, farming a small garden for the rest of her lonesome life.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Lis has a horse in the stables somewhere, but it was given to her when she came to the Sanctuary and she hasn't even seen it.

Player: mejackel
Character Name: Satis Peloff
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: While Satis had always favored the company of books to most people, he became more surly and short tempered after his memories were awakened. With an unfortunately sharp tongue and somwhat lackluster social skills, he frequently finds himself on peoples bad sides. To those he cares about, however, he's fiercly loyal and he holds himself to a strict moral code.
General Appearance: Tall, very thin and pale. His face is long and narrow with pointed features and a slightly crooked nose. He doesn't look like he's received enough sleep or sun for a very long time. Satis moves gracelessly, like he grew too tall to quickly and never quite adjusted, and he carries himself as if he could become smaller if he tried hard enough. He has blue eyes and long dirty blond hair that he usually keeps tied back. He usually favors robes, as that's what was worn in the monestary and owns little else.
History: Satis was born to a baker and his wife. Shortly after turning 16 his parents, unsure of what exactly was wrong with their child, sent him to live in a monestary in the area in hopes he would find some sort of peace and happiness. While he did appreciate the available solitude and an unsually large library, it had only been a matter of time before someone saw him for what he was and had him moved to Ghost Sanctuary.
Past life history: Talberon Harwell was a smooth talker who lived life by passing fancies and his way with words got him out of more trouble then any man had a right to. He fell in love with someone trapped in a marriage of convenience. However, in a distrustful time when accusations were as good as fact, Talberon and his lover were accused and tried for murder. Talberon took full blame and claimed he had manipulated his lover and was found guilty alone. Unfortunate his lover bought the lie as well. He died alone, by hanging per his death sentance.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): A beloved black draft horse named Farley he recieved while he lived in the Monestary.
(Also snagged for later use....)
(Also snagged for later use....)
Player: Inyo
Character Name: Furolles
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: A gentle person who enjoys company. He smiles often and is friendly to whoever approaches him. However, he has no morality so his loyalties lie with whoever comes to him first for whatever cause no matter how twisted it may be. It's very easy to make him happy and very hard to upset him.
General Appearance: Furolles is a tall, gently muscled man under his under his cloak. He has dark curly hair, green eyes and olive skin. He wears a heavy brown cloak over his vest and pants. In his boot, he has a dagger hidden for self defense.
History: Furolles was a hired thief for a few short years after he was ran away from his parents. He ran into some less than reputable people who took him in after noticing his sticky hands. Even though he ran into quite a bit of money with the business, he chose to live like a vagabond. After Furolles turned 16 he lost his sense of judgement and murdered an inn keep where he had been staying. For a year and some months he went unnoticed by the Ghost Sanctuary until he decided to see a doctor about his mixed memories. It was then that he was taken and where he lived a mostly peaceful life at the Sanctuary.
Past life history: Furolles previously lived as corrupt soldier for a small army. He was a greedy man who was loyal only to his family. What he made was not enough to get by with his family so he did whatever was asked of him at the price of money. He stole, accused and killed people at the request of anyone who would give him money. He was a devout man though, and he felt incredibly guilty for whatever crime he committed.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Some horse.


Is this alright?
Player: Inyo
Character Name: Furolles
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: A gentle person who enjoys company. He smiles often and is friendly to whoever approaches him. However, he has no morality so his loyalties lie with whoever comes to him first for whatever cause no matter how twisted it may be. It's very easy to make him happy and very hard to upset him.
General Appearance: Furolles is a tall, gently muscled man under his under his cloak. He has dark curly hair, green eyes and olive skin. He wears a heavy brown cloak over his vest and pants. In his boot, he has a dagger hidden for self defense.
History: Furolles was a hired thief for a few short years after he was ran away from his parents. He ran into some less than reputable people who took him in after noticing his sticky hands. Even though he ran into quite a bit of money with the business, he chose to live like a vagabond. After Furolles turned 16 he lost his sense of judgement and murdered an inn keep where he had been staying. For a year and some months he went unnoticed by the Ghost Sanctuary until he decided to see a doctor about his mixed memories. It was then that he was taken and where he lived a mostly peaceful life at the Sanctuary.
Past life history: Furolles previously lived as corrupt soldier for a small army. He was a greedy man who was loyal only to his family. What he made was not enough to get by with his family so he did whatever was asked of him at the price of money. He stole, accused and killed people at the request of anyone who would give him money. He was a devout man though, and he felt incredibly guilty for whatever crime he committed.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Some horse.


Is this alright?
@Inyo perfectly :)
@Inyo perfectly :)
@LizRosethorn Haha, thanks. Will I get to see your chara soon too?
@LizRosethorn Haha, thanks. Will I get to see your chara soon too?
@Inyo I am just working on that XD
@Inyo I am just working on that XD
Player: @LizRosethorn
Character Name: Lissana Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Lissana was very content before her memories awakened, she was happy with life, often cheerful and polite. But now she's more cynical, and troubled, when she's happy its forced, but hopefully she will be able to find more peace in the Sanctuary.
General Appearance: 5'4 in height and slim, with long unruly black hair and sharp hazel eyes (Green brown). She usually wears trousers and tunics because its common for women to wear pants in the Sanctuary. But she is not opposed to dresses.
History: Lis had a normal life before her memories manifested, she managed to hid it for months though she was tormented. It was her anguish at her past life, and at the knowledge that she would have to leave her family and be taken to the Ghost Sanctuary, that in the end caused suspicion in her and led her to being tried for Reborn manifestations.
Past life history: She was Erenade Bellcoust before she was Reborn. Erenade led a lonely, if a bit tragic life. Some say that many people are Reborn because their past life was terrible. In the case of Erenade this is somewhat true. Erenade was orphaned at a young age when her mother was burned at the stake for suspicion of witchcraft. Her father was not around. The orphanage where Erenade ended up was plagued by hunger and illness and Eren eventually learned that to have friends meant to have her heart broken when they inevitably died or became subject to a terrible accident. Erenade left the orphanage at seventeen and eventually made a life for herself in a small countryside cottage, where she lived all alone, farming a small garden for the rest of her lonesome life.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Lis has a horse in the stables somewhere, but it was given to her when she came to the Sanctuary and she hasn't even seen it.
Player: @LizRosethorn
Character Name: Lissana Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Lissana was very content before her memories awakened, she was happy with life, often cheerful and polite. But now she's more cynical, and troubled, when she's happy its forced, but hopefully she will be able to find more peace in the Sanctuary.
General Appearance: 5'4 in height and slim, with long unruly black hair and sharp hazel eyes (Green brown). She usually wears trousers and tunics because its common for women to wear pants in the Sanctuary. But she is not opposed to dresses.
History: Lis had a normal life before her memories manifested, she managed to hid it for months though she was tormented. It was her anguish at her past life, and at the knowledge that she would have to leave her family and be taken to the Ghost Sanctuary, that in the end caused suspicion in her and led her to being tried for Reborn manifestations.
Past life history: She was Erenade Bellcoust before she was Reborn. Erenade led a lonely, if a bit tragic life. Some say that many people are Reborn because their past life was terrible. In the case of Erenade this is somewhat true. Erenade was orphaned at a young age when her mother was burned at the stake for suspicion of witchcraft. Her father was not around. The orphanage where Erenade ended up was plagued by hunger and illness and Eren eventually learned that to have friends meant to have her heart broken when they inevitably died or became subject to a terrible accident. Erenade left the orphanage at seventeen and eventually made a life for herself in a small countryside cottage, where she lived all alone, farming a small garden for the rest of her lonesome life.
Relationships: N/A
Pet(s): Lis has a horse in the stables somewhere, but it was given to her when she came to the Sanctuary and she hasn't even seen it.
Awesome, I can't wait to get this started. It's so different from RPs I usually do.
Awesome, I can't wait to get this started. It's so different from RPs I usually do.
I'm just waiting to see if we can snag any more players :)

I'm just waiting to see if we can snag any more players :)

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