

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private RP ~
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((@excidium I'm so glad to hear that! Always nice when something can be fixed within a few days at least xD Very good point :3 We certainly aren't xD And hey, till now I don't think this has been any less interesting because Hircine doesn't talk xD))

How could she not be enthusiastic? Some of these plants she'd only seen in dried state or in a book, never in their natural surroundings, live and growing. Some of them she knew might be very important when it came to creating the medicines her clan needed, seemingly more and more as tensions arose and grew. Being so caught up, sometimes silently muttering to herself as she studied a random mushroom, Amicaly didn't see the brief near-smile. If she had the male would have likely gotten a bright smile in return, even if the mask hid most of her face.

As time passed and they actually did get closer to their goal, Amicaly had a little more trouble squeezing by as well, though not as much as the larger dragon. It offerd her moments where she could study the other dragon more, smiling a little whenever he had to break through obstacles. Then again..With him taking the lead he did make it easier for her to follow. Luckily they weren't hunting and the Wildclaw's mind was obviously not set on it either. The crashing about was simply amusing now.

Not being a hunter did bring the unfortunate side-effect of the female gatherer only being half aware of things like the wind or the possibilities of hostile lifeforms awaiting them. She was careful, certainly, but not as cautious as she could be had she been alone and had there not been so many interesting new things around.
The growl actually did catch her attention, having her glance over, yet as she saw the slight wince and no alarm she decided to pretend not to have heard that. Was he a mute by choice..?

“Oh..!” Amicaly almost sighed at the sight of the little meadow. It held a great beauty to her, from the tall grasses to the trees surrounding it and of course those fireflies dancing in the air. She took a step forward without even realizing, only then to notice her tall guide didn't move on yet. Glancing back at him she waited then, glancing back at the peaceful beauty spread out before them, hurrying over to the log the very second Hircine began to step out of the shelter the trees offered. Rotting wood often provided great opportunities for fungi and mushrooms...So she hoped to find some she hadn't seen yet. Perhaps even the ones she was looking for..!
Again, unaware of the possibility of danger.
((@excidium I'm so glad to hear that! Always nice when something can be fixed within a few days at least xD Very good point :3 We certainly aren't xD And hey, till now I don't think this has been any less interesting because Hircine doesn't talk xD))

How could she not be enthusiastic? Some of these plants she'd only seen in dried state or in a book, never in their natural surroundings, live and growing. Some of them she knew might be very important when it came to creating the medicines her clan needed, seemingly more and more as tensions arose and grew. Being so caught up, sometimes silently muttering to herself as she studied a random mushroom, Amicaly didn't see the brief near-smile. If she had the male would have likely gotten a bright smile in return, even if the mask hid most of her face.

As time passed and they actually did get closer to their goal, Amicaly had a little more trouble squeezing by as well, though not as much as the larger dragon. It offerd her moments where she could study the other dragon more, smiling a little whenever he had to break through obstacles. Then again..With him taking the lead he did make it easier for her to follow. Luckily they weren't hunting and the Wildclaw's mind was obviously not set on it either. The crashing about was simply amusing now.

Not being a hunter did bring the unfortunate side-effect of the female gatherer only being half aware of things like the wind or the possibilities of hostile lifeforms awaiting them. She was careful, certainly, but not as cautious as she could be had she been alone and had there not been so many interesting new things around.
The growl actually did catch her attention, having her glance over, yet as she saw the slight wince and no alarm she decided to pretend not to have heard that. Was he a mute by choice..?

“Oh..!” Amicaly almost sighed at the sight of the little meadow. It held a great beauty to her, from the tall grasses to the trees surrounding it and of course those fireflies dancing in the air. She took a step forward without even realizing, only then to notice her tall guide didn't move on yet. Glancing back at him she waited then, glancing back at the peaceful beauty spread out before them, hurrying over to the log the very second Hircine began to step out of the shelter the trees offered. Rotting wood often provided great opportunities for fungi and mushrooms...So she hoped to find some she hadn't seen yet. Perhaps even the ones she was looking for..!
Again, unaware of the possibility of danger.
By believing, one sees
(( @AquariaMoon Ack, sorry for taking so long to reply! Had a friend pop in from out of state and I had little time to do anything but 'the basics' on the site. x.x
And SORRY, I feel like this part is a little lame. I'm so bad at RP fights, and I wasn't sure if you'd want Amicaly to join in - if so, feel free! But since I wasn't sure, I figured to wrap it up in a single post, just in case you were not inclined. ))

The fireflies messed with Hircine's mind. Like a raptor or a feline, his gaze was drawn to movement. As a creature living in darkness, it was drawn to light. The insects provided both. It was a common enough occurrence, the firefly hypnotism. As such, he was so focused on the bugs that he missed anything else in the field.

By the time he had 'snapped to', he was too late to halt the female. Too late to even shoulder her aside. His eyes flew open wide and he let out a rather choked and dismayed-sounding noise. But too late. He flew into a charge, hoping to intercept between the water clan female and the shadow he'd seen - Too late, too late, too late, he chanted in his head. Only he wasn't.

It was strange. One moment, Hircine was halted, half-rearing onto his hindquarters and unfurling his wings, the next, he was on the ground looking up at the gnarled branches. For a moment, he felt peaceful. That is, until he remembered how he got there. With a groan he couldn't control, he staggered to his feet, squaring off against the ridgeback who'd blended in so well with the thorns he'd been napping near. For one horrifying instant, he thought it was Nerevar, and he nearly lost control of himself. But the strange female before him lacked her lighter underbelly, and seemed darker. She hit me, he thought dazedly. Hard, too.

Hircine shook his head to clear the ringing in his ears, then grunted and hurled himself into her. It was a mistake, for the ridgeback was as thorny as they come, and they went down in a tangle. The world dimmed and his vision blurred, his ears only hearing the flow of his own blood in his veins. Their squabble was catlike; they bit, clawed, and both tried to rake with their hind claws. He narrowly avoided the ridgeback's dangerous dewclaws. The air filled with snarls from the other dragon, and Hircine felt his blood sing in response. Then, abruptly, they were free.

Hircine blinked. He'd lost track of time, as well as the water female. Had she intervened? How long had they been entangled? He glanced around, then returned his glare to the ridgeback, who glared right back before whirling and disappearing into the thorns, her many spines protecting her hide. Unfair, he thought bitterly. Or had he said it? He wasn't sure.

He slumped, suddenly exhausted, and looked around pathetically for his charge. By the Lady, he hurt, too. "That was foolish," he thought. "She must have been molting, or close to it. I've never been attacked outright like that." Huffing out a sigh, Hircine rested his chin upon the ground, then groaned, eyes fluttering closed. He doubted he had any serious injuries, but it was hard to be sure. Feelings faded away when the blood craze caught him in its current, but now that the fight was over, every moment brought another throb of pain.

As he spiraled in and out of consciousness, he realized he'd said his thoughts aloud, and swore before drifting off.
(( @AquariaMoon Ack, sorry for taking so long to reply! Had a friend pop in from out of state and I had little time to do anything but 'the basics' on the site. x.x
And SORRY, I feel like this part is a little lame. I'm so bad at RP fights, and I wasn't sure if you'd want Amicaly to join in - if so, feel free! But since I wasn't sure, I figured to wrap it up in a single post, just in case you were not inclined. ))

The fireflies messed with Hircine's mind. Like a raptor or a feline, his gaze was drawn to movement. As a creature living in darkness, it was drawn to light. The insects provided both. It was a common enough occurrence, the firefly hypnotism. As such, he was so focused on the bugs that he missed anything else in the field.

By the time he had 'snapped to', he was too late to halt the female. Too late to even shoulder her aside. His eyes flew open wide and he let out a rather choked and dismayed-sounding noise. But too late. He flew into a charge, hoping to intercept between the water clan female and the shadow he'd seen - Too late, too late, too late, he chanted in his head. Only he wasn't.

It was strange. One moment, Hircine was halted, half-rearing onto his hindquarters and unfurling his wings, the next, he was on the ground looking up at the gnarled branches. For a moment, he felt peaceful. That is, until he remembered how he got there. With a groan he couldn't control, he staggered to his feet, squaring off against the ridgeback who'd blended in so well with the thorns he'd been napping near. For one horrifying instant, he thought it was Nerevar, and he nearly lost control of himself. But the strange female before him lacked her lighter underbelly, and seemed darker. She hit me, he thought dazedly. Hard, too.

Hircine shook his head to clear the ringing in his ears, then grunted and hurled himself into her. It was a mistake, for the ridgeback was as thorny as they come, and they went down in a tangle. The world dimmed and his vision blurred, his ears only hearing the flow of his own blood in his veins. Their squabble was catlike; they bit, clawed, and both tried to rake with their hind claws. He narrowly avoided the ridgeback's dangerous dewclaws. The air filled with snarls from the other dragon, and Hircine felt his blood sing in response. Then, abruptly, they were free.

Hircine blinked. He'd lost track of time, as well as the water female. Had she intervened? How long had they been entangled? He glanced around, then returned his glare to the ridgeback, who glared right back before whirling and disappearing into the thorns, her many spines protecting her hide. Unfair, he thought bitterly. Or had he said it? He wasn't sure.

He slumped, suddenly exhausted, and looked around pathetically for his charge. By the Lady, he hurt, too. "That was foolish," he thought. "She must have been molting, or close to it. I've never been attacked outright like that." Huffing out a sigh, Hircine rested his chin upon the ground, then groaned, eyes fluttering closed. He doubted he had any serious injuries, but it was hard to be sure. Feelings faded away when the blood craze caught him in its current, but now that the fight was over, every moment brought another throb of pain.

As he spiraled in and out of consciousness, he realized he'd said his thoughts aloud, and swore before drifting off.
((@excidium That's fine! I understand xD I hope you had fun though? Ouo
And oh gosh don't apologize!!! I actually already had a feeling there might be a fight at your last post but was too nervous to initiate it on my own xD Next time feel free not to wrap it up in one go, I'm..aware many people don't appreciate the occasional violence/drama but...I do xD I'll see if I can do something interesting here!))

That log was Amicaly's complete focus, at least until she reached it and realized the tracks not too far off. Not being a huntress the fireflies were intriguing and beautiful, but less hypnotizing as they seemed to be to the imperial male. Yet her enthusiasm held the same threat, and she didn't realize the potential danger until the very moment a strange, choked sound behind her had her jolt as much as the shadow rising before her.

Never before had the Wildclaw been face to face with a direct attack before, and in a result she froze, staring wide-eyed at the larger creature...Before suddenly she was both pushed aside and no longer center of attention. Her mushrooms rolled all across the previously peaceful clearing, she could see them go in the moment of dazed confusion after hitting the ground.

But then her mind cleared up. And with that clarity she knew what was going on, twisting around and making herself get up, right in time for Hircine to fall, having her shrink back and flinch, eyes slowly moving to the large Ridgeback female that struck down the majestic Imperial. Everything was going so fast, her guide got back to his feet and the two were staring at one another. Amicaly got ready to interfere..But she never had the chance to.

Taking the first step she had no choice but watch as both others lunged into each other's claws, having her gasp and jump back, tail nervously swiping back and forth, eyes trying to follow what was going on, who got hit and who hit who. She wanted to break them up, but every single time she tried or thought she saw an opening, there'd be a claw or tail lashing out without meaning to, or jaws would snap shut, preventing her from ever getting close enough to do a thing. It horrified her in a way, being unable to help the one that had helped her the way he did.

And then it was over. Glares were exchanged...But the female left. Not a single word was spoken, and frankly? Amicaly didn't care. As the shimmering male slumped, she rushed closer, not even looking at the thorns to make sure the Ridgeback wouldn't be back. Even as she hurried over she was assessing the clawmarks and other injuries across the male's body, already bending her tail to unwind some of the bandages wrapped around it so she'd be able to take care of the worst. Her blue eyes met his dark ones for just a moment, before they fluttered shut.

Only later, as he was beginning to drift in and out of consciousness while she used the herbs kept in the beads of her necklaces to clean and treat his wounds, did she realize that he'd spoken out loud. “...Even so...You did well,” she told him silently, regardless of him hearing her or not. He still saved her, probably. “Thank you.” More she didn't say, the herbs and prepared ointments would take away some of the pain and would speed up the healing process. Some of the deeper slashes were bandages with care, and when she was finished, she simply gathered her mushrooms again and watched over him till he'd open his eyes for real once more.
((@excidium That's fine! I understand xD I hope you had fun though? Ouo
And oh gosh don't apologize!!! I actually already had a feeling there might be a fight at your last post but was too nervous to initiate it on my own xD Next time feel free not to wrap it up in one go, I'm..aware many people don't appreciate the occasional violence/drama but...I do xD I'll see if I can do something interesting here!))

That log was Amicaly's complete focus, at least until she reached it and realized the tracks not too far off. Not being a huntress the fireflies were intriguing and beautiful, but less hypnotizing as they seemed to be to the imperial male. Yet her enthusiasm held the same threat, and she didn't realize the potential danger until the very moment a strange, choked sound behind her had her jolt as much as the shadow rising before her.

Never before had the Wildclaw been face to face with a direct attack before, and in a result she froze, staring wide-eyed at the larger creature...Before suddenly she was both pushed aside and no longer center of attention. Her mushrooms rolled all across the previously peaceful clearing, she could see them go in the moment of dazed confusion after hitting the ground.

But then her mind cleared up. And with that clarity she knew what was going on, twisting around and making herself get up, right in time for Hircine to fall, having her shrink back and flinch, eyes slowly moving to the large Ridgeback female that struck down the majestic Imperial. Everything was going so fast, her guide got back to his feet and the two were staring at one another. Amicaly got ready to interfere..But she never had the chance to.

Taking the first step she had no choice but watch as both others lunged into each other's claws, having her gasp and jump back, tail nervously swiping back and forth, eyes trying to follow what was going on, who got hit and who hit who. She wanted to break them up, but every single time she tried or thought she saw an opening, there'd be a claw or tail lashing out without meaning to, or jaws would snap shut, preventing her from ever getting close enough to do a thing. It horrified her in a way, being unable to help the one that had helped her the way he did.

And then it was over. Glares were exchanged...But the female left. Not a single word was spoken, and frankly? Amicaly didn't care. As the shimmering male slumped, she rushed closer, not even looking at the thorns to make sure the Ridgeback wouldn't be back. Even as she hurried over she was assessing the clawmarks and other injuries across the male's body, already bending her tail to unwind some of the bandages wrapped around it so she'd be able to take care of the worst. Her blue eyes met his dark ones for just a moment, before they fluttered shut.

Only later, as he was beginning to drift in and out of consciousness while she used the herbs kept in the beads of her necklaces to clean and treat his wounds, did she realize that he'd spoken out loud. “...Even so...You did well,” she told him silently, regardless of him hearing her or not. He still saved her, probably. “Thank you.” More she didn't say, the herbs and prepared ointments would take away some of the pain and would speed up the healing process. Some of the deeper slashes were bandages with care, and when she was finished, she simply gathered her mushrooms again and watched over him till he'd open his eyes for real once more.
By believing, one sees
((@AquariaMoon I am SO sorry for the late reply! ;; I'll try to respond by tomorrow. I had a few things come up this weekend))
((@AquariaMoon I am SO sorry for the late reply! ;; I'll try to respond by tomorrow. I had a few things come up this weekend))
((@excidium Don't worry about it! I sortof thought that might be it xD I really appreciate the quick message though! Thank you >v< Hope you had fun? xD
((@excidium Don't worry about it! I sortof thought that might be it xD I really appreciate the quick message though! Thank you >v< Hope you had fun? xD
By believing, one sees
((@AquariaMoon I'm just glad it's over @.@ And I didn't want you to think I'd completely forgotten. Hopefully no more delays on my end!))

Hircine dreamed.

His dreams were typical. The moon. A hunt. A sense of urgency. They then warped to whimsical and nonsensical. Suddenly everyone had antlers. He crouched over his prey and bared his teeth to a bear with antlers who reared to massive heights. When he glanced down to see if what he was protecting was worth it, he found it was no deer in his claws, but the lifeless body of the wildclaw he'd guided earlier...

One of his eyes snapped open abruptly. Only one was able to; the other was swollen shut and he groaned in dismay. Lying still, he slowly took count of his body parts. He could still wriggle all of his talons, his wings flexed. Finding his movement stiff, he slowly - ever so slowly - moved his head to gaze at his foreleg to find it wrapped in cloth. Hircine squinted at it for a moment, then gave a single bark of laughter. At least none of his wounds would fester! He supposed it lucky, in a way; of all the people to be around, at least the little female knew something of healing!

Slowly steeling himself, he lifted his head, ignoring the pounding inside of it. He turned to focus his eye on the brambles and found them still. In fact, the entire clearing was rather still. After all the ruckus, he supposed that all the creatures had prudently fled the area.

He sighed, head lowering somewhat. He remembered flashes of the fight, certainly. His memory always was a bit hazy after bloodshed happened. But he did recall that his secret was out, so to speak. No point in pretending to be mute any longer, though he still found himself rather reluctant to speak. Well. Reluctant or no, you still owe her your gratitude.

With a hissing breath of pain, Hircine slowly levered himself onto his feet. He swayed dangerously and his vision swam in his one eye. Luckily, he found he could already open his other one a crack, no doubt because of some poultice or magic or something that the wildclaw had done. Keeping his head low, since raising it too high made him dizzy all over again, he sighed. He felt as wobbly as a newborn fawn.

But he was alive.

"My thanks", he murmured in a low, soft voice, still not trusting his body fully.
((@AquariaMoon I'm just glad it's over @.@ And I didn't want you to think I'd completely forgotten. Hopefully no more delays on my end!))

Hircine dreamed.

His dreams were typical. The moon. A hunt. A sense of urgency. They then warped to whimsical and nonsensical. Suddenly everyone had antlers. He crouched over his prey and bared his teeth to a bear with antlers who reared to massive heights. When he glanced down to see if what he was protecting was worth it, he found it was no deer in his claws, but the lifeless body of the wildclaw he'd guided earlier...

One of his eyes snapped open abruptly. Only one was able to; the other was swollen shut and he groaned in dismay. Lying still, he slowly took count of his body parts. He could still wriggle all of his talons, his wings flexed. Finding his movement stiff, he slowly - ever so slowly - moved his head to gaze at his foreleg to find it wrapped in cloth. Hircine squinted at it for a moment, then gave a single bark of laughter. At least none of his wounds would fester! He supposed it lucky, in a way; of all the people to be around, at least the little female knew something of healing!

Slowly steeling himself, he lifted his head, ignoring the pounding inside of it. He turned to focus his eye on the brambles and found them still. In fact, the entire clearing was rather still. After all the ruckus, he supposed that all the creatures had prudently fled the area.

He sighed, head lowering somewhat. He remembered flashes of the fight, certainly. His memory always was a bit hazy after bloodshed happened. But he did recall that his secret was out, so to speak. No point in pretending to be mute any longer, though he still found himself rather reluctant to speak. Well. Reluctant or no, you still owe her your gratitude.

With a hissing breath of pain, Hircine slowly levered himself onto his feet. He swayed dangerously and his vision swam in his one eye. Luckily, he found he could already open his other one a crack, no doubt because of some poultice or magic or something that the wildclaw had done. Keeping his head low, since raising it too high made him dizzy all over again, he sighed. He felt as wobbly as a newborn fawn.

But he was alive.

"My thanks", he murmured in a low, soft voice, still not trusting his body fully.
((@excidium oh boy that doesn't sound nice D: Good it's over then? I really do appreciate it though, thank you :3 And don't worry about delays xD As you've said before, there's no rush! Also geez that dream, this promises something xDD And apologies for all my typos, damn wish I had word))

It took some time for the Imperial to come to, Amicaly couldn't tell for certain how long. Of course she had no idea what the male had dreamt of, if she had she might not be as calm as she was right now. She'd likely be more confused than anything else, while right now she was calmly studying some more mushrooms just a meter or two away from the resting male. She was still very much alive, not even a scratch on her, Hircine had fought well and it all had gone too fast for Amicaly to get caught up in it.

When she heard the grass rustle some she turned back and saw how her guide seemed to be trying out his limbs, making sure everything still worked. She couldn't help smiling at it, sitting absolutely still as she watched him try his muscles more, turning his head to look at her handiwork. Then she jolted, startled with the sudden sound. He most definitely wasn't mute, it just had her interested more. Standing from her little spot she turned to face the other, still leaving him be, though. Until he tried to get up.

“Careful!” Came her soft voice, and the silent sound of her feet coming closer, as if ready to try and support this dragon much bigger than her if he were to fall. She was reluctant to touch him, though, because they'd only just met and he seemed so proud and so much higher than her. Again, things like these only fed the silent curiosity. Who was he? Where did he come from?

“You musn't move too much yet...You've lost some blood and I'm certain you felt that hit. Take it easy, please?” She halfway explained and halfway asked the Imperial. It wasn't unlikely he had a concussion, that first hit that had knocked the other down hadn't been kind to him. Watching that second eye crack open she was relieved her skills were showing they worked once more. He stood more stable now that he held his head low, having her take a few steps back again, yet still pay attention.

Then he decided to actually speak up while mostly aware of it, having her perk and bow her head a little afterwards. “There's no need, truly...You have my thanks as well.“ After all, had it not been for Hircine's quick response she would have likely gotten hit. And whether she liked it or not, she was likely more fragile than the hunter was. Helping him while he was down was the least she could do.
((@excidium oh boy that doesn't sound nice D: Good it's over then? I really do appreciate it though, thank you :3 And don't worry about delays xD As you've said before, there's no rush! Also geez that dream, this promises something xDD And apologies for all my typos, damn wish I had word))

It took some time for the Imperial to come to, Amicaly couldn't tell for certain how long. Of course she had no idea what the male had dreamt of, if she had she might not be as calm as she was right now. She'd likely be more confused than anything else, while right now she was calmly studying some more mushrooms just a meter or two away from the resting male. She was still very much alive, not even a scratch on her, Hircine had fought well and it all had gone too fast for Amicaly to get caught up in it.

When she heard the grass rustle some she turned back and saw how her guide seemed to be trying out his limbs, making sure everything still worked. She couldn't help smiling at it, sitting absolutely still as she watched him try his muscles more, turning his head to look at her handiwork. Then she jolted, startled with the sudden sound. He most definitely wasn't mute, it just had her interested more. Standing from her little spot she turned to face the other, still leaving him be, though. Until he tried to get up.

“Careful!” Came her soft voice, and the silent sound of her feet coming closer, as if ready to try and support this dragon much bigger than her if he were to fall. She was reluctant to touch him, though, because they'd only just met and he seemed so proud and so much higher than her. Again, things like these only fed the silent curiosity. Who was he? Where did he come from?

“You musn't move too much yet...You've lost some blood and I'm certain you felt that hit. Take it easy, please?” She halfway explained and halfway asked the Imperial. It wasn't unlikely he had a concussion, that first hit that had knocked the other down hadn't been kind to him. Watching that second eye crack open she was relieved her skills were showing they worked once more. He stood more stable now that he held his head low, having her take a few steps back again, yet still pay attention.

Then he decided to actually speak up while mostly aware of it, having her perk and bow her head a little afterwards. “There's no need, truly...You have my thanks as well.“ After all, had it not been for Hircine's quick response she would have likely gotten hit. And whether she liked it or not, she was likely more fragile than the hunter was. Helping him while he was down was the least she could do.
By believing, one sees
((Bahaha, luckily for me, my browser SOMEHOW has a spell check on it! If you're looking for a good alternative to Word, though, I hear OpenOffice isn't bad, and it's free!))

After a few moments, Hircine could feel the truth of her words. He sank to his hindquarters with a groan, plopping down ungracefully in the grass. His head still hung low as his long neck swiveled around to focus his one good eye on the wildclaw. There was truth to her words; he did feel as if he had been run over by the hulking she-brute from earlier. Better to put his pride aside now rather than completely lose his composure later. He could just see himself trying to start off again only to trip on his own feet and go sprawling.

He bared his teeth in the direction of the bramble thicket. It was unlikely the other dragon would return, or so he hoped. Hircine couldn't handle another fight like that. Unless it were with a fae, he thought sardonically. And even then, I would not bet treasure on myself. However, there was no denying that as low as he felt, he would be in much worse shape without help. He didn't think he'd be dead, but he'd certainly be in much sorrier shape. It'd probably take days to wander back to the clan.

Clan was a thought that hadn't crossed his mind in quite some time. It was not unheard of for Hircine to be gone for long periods of time. Days, even. He hoped that his absence would go unnoticed and unremarked upon. It would be unlike them to send someone after him, but it wouldn't be unheard of. His thoughts turned to the female wildclaw, and he gazed at her pensively. He wondered how long her clan had given her permission to be gone, and if they worried about her. Perhaps she had no clan, and was simply a wandering healer? But no, that didn't seem right...

He brushed off his thoughts with an eloquent shrug. Curious he might be, but it was not in his nature to ask. Then again, he thought to himself, You didn't think it was in your nature to speak at all. And now look at you. You're positively chatty.

Shut up, he sullenly thought at himself while taking another gander around the meadow. "Your mushrooms?" he asked mildly, ignoring the mad cackle coming from inside his head at proving himself right. The pair of them were not terribly far from the nearest river, though he had no idea if the fungus she sought grew right on its banks or not. Nor any clue if she'd lost any in the mad scramble. He winced to think if she'd used some of her precious inventory on him; she'd certainly traveled far to collect it.
((Bahaha, luckily for me, my browser SOMEHOW has a spell check on it! If you're looking for a good alternative to Word, though, I hear OpenOffice isn't bad, and it's free!))

After a few moments, Hircine could feel the truth of her words. He sank to his hindquarters with a groan, plopping down ungracefully in the grass. His head still hung low as his long neck swiveled around to focus his one good eye on the wildclaw. There was truth to her words; he did feel as if he had been run over by the hulking she-brute from earlier. Better to put his pride aside now rather than completely lose his composure later. He could just see himself trying to start off again only to trip on his own feet and go sprawling.

He bared his teeth in the direction of the bramble thicket. It was unlikely the other dragon would return, or so he hoped. Hircine couldn't handle another fight like that. Unless it were with a fae, he thought sardonically. And even then, I would not bet treasure on myself. However, there was no denying that as low as he felt, he would be in much worse shape without help. He didn't think he'd be dead, but he'd certainly be in much sorrier shape. It'd probably take days to wander back to the clan.

Clan was a thought that hadn't crossed his mind in quite some time. It was not unheard of for Hircine to be gone for long periods of time. Days, even. He hoped that his absence would go unnoticed and unremarked upon. It would be unlike them to send someone after him, but it wouldn't be unheard of. His thoughts turned to the female wildclaw, and he gazed at her pensively. He wondered how long her clan had given her permission to be gone, and if they worried about her. Perhaps she had no clan, and was simply a wandering healer? But no, that didn't seem right...

He brushed off his thoughts with an eloquent shrug. Curious he might be, but it was not in his nature to ask. Then again, he thought to himself, You didn't think it was in your nature to speak at all. And now look at you. You're positively chatty.

Shut up, he sullenly thought at himself while taking another gander around the meadow. "Your mushrooms?" he asked mildly, ignoring the mad cackle coming from inside his head at proving himself right. The pair of them were not terribly far from the nearest river, though he had no idea if the fungus she sought grew right on its banks or not. Nor any clue if she'd lost any in the mad scramble. He winced to think if she'd used some of her precious inventory on him; she'd certainly traveled far to collect it.
((Oh! And since we're doing a little OOC chat as well, here's another preview of your trade! Linework's done, yay! -Happy dances-
Picture here!))
((Oh! And since we're doing a little OOC chat as well, here's another preview of your trade! Linework's done, yay! -Happy dances-
Picture here!))
((@excidium Well at least it seems to be working 8D thank you! Now I'll just hope it doesn't glue random letters from seperate words together without telling me xD
And my god that looks amazing oAo I love how you're putting in all those little details, look at her gathering >v< I can't wait to see it finished! Sorry I don't have much of a next wip yet fff I need to finish other things too and internship fun xD))

Amicaly actually patiently waited for him to figure out she was likely telling the truth, leaving it to him whether he wanted to be sensible or would pick his pride over his own well-being. Once he sank down she gave an approving smile, and a nod to actually show it. That mask really did hide most of her features, for a moment it made her wonder why she wore it. Then she remembered and pushed the topic aside for herself, not really feeling any tension or fear any more when his attention turned to her once more.

“I doubt she'll return soon, she got injured too and if I know anything about dragon behaviour she'll likely think twice before coming back.” Not even because she thought Hircine would be too strong for her, but likely because she knew Amicaly was there too, unharmed. The Ridgeback wouldn't know if she was a fighter or not, but the risk would likely make her hesitate, if she wanted trouble in the first place. Her eyes scanned his body again, searching for signs of injuries she accidentally missed and being quite content when she couldn't find any. It might take a few days, certainly, but she had a feeling he would recover quickly.

The wildclaw female turned from him a moment to finish putting away the mushrooms she already gathered. To be honest she thought he already knew at least where her clan was, having guessed he was a hunter she assumed he'd smelt the salt of the sea on her. It was a concern that would certainly apply here, her clan wouldn't approve of her being absent for too long. Of course the shaman would choose for herself whether to return or not, but the tensions rising within her own clan and the abusive nature of one of the guardians waiting there were all reason for concern would she stay away too long. Some would worry. Some would take the chance to show her her place.

Then again, be it in her own strange way, Amicaly could take care of herself and was needed in the clan. Her status and position gave her a certain immunity to some of the violence. As he pointed out her mushrooms right when she finished up getting them ready to go back to the nameless clan once she found the ones she really was looking for. “I got them all back if you mean the ones that I dropped,” there was another smile and she stood. She did in fact use a few of her resources on him, but that was the reason she got them in the first place. Travels could be made again, and she made them to help dragons recover more quickly.

“The others I haven't found just yet...Ah, but now that you've decided to speak...Would it be rude to ask for a name...?” She wasn't certain if he even had one, but she would appreciate it if she could adress him with something other than 'Imperial' or 'hey you' or something of the sort.
((@excidium Well at least it seems to be working 8D thank you! Now I'll just hope it doesn't glue random letters from seperate words together without telling me xD
And my god that looks amazing oAo I love how you're putting in all those little details, look at her gathering >v< I can't wait to see it finished! Sorry I don't have much of a next wip yet fff I need to finish other things too and internship fun xD))

Amicaly actually patiently waited for him to figure out she was likely telling the truth, leaving it to him whether he wanted to be sensible or would pick his pride over his own well-being. Once he sank down she gave an approving smile, and a nod to actually show it. That mask really did hide most of her features, for a moment it made her wonder why she wore it. Then she remembered and pushed the topic aside for herself, not really feeling any tension or fear any more when his attention turned to her once more.

“I doubt she'll return soon, she got injured too and if I know anything about dragon behaviour she'll likely think twice before coming back.” Not even because she thought Hircine would be too strong for her, but likely because she knew Amicaly was there too, unharmed. The Ridgeback wouldn't know if she was a fighter or not, but the risk would likely make her hesitate, if she wanted trouble in the first place. Her eyes scanned his body again, searching for signs of injuries she accidentally missed and being quite content when she couldn't find any. It might take a few days, certainly, but she had a feeling he would recover quickly.

The wildclaw female turned from him a moment to finish putting away the mushrooms she already gathered. To be honest she thought he already knew at least where her clan was, having guessed he was a hunter she assumed he'd smelt the salt of the sea on her. It was a concern that would certainly apply here, her clan wouldn't approve of her being absent for too long. Of course the shaman would choose for herself whether to return or not, but the tensions rising within her own clan and the abusive nature of one of the guardians waiting there were all reason for concern would she stay away too long. Some would worry. Some would take the chance to show her her place.

Then again, be it in her own strange way, Amicaly could take care of herself and was needed in the clan. Her status and position gave her a certain immunity to some of the violence. As he pointed out her mushrooms right when she finished up getting them ready to go back to the nameless clan once she found the ones she really was looking for. “I got them all back if you mean the ones that I dropped,” there was another smile and she stood. She did in fact use a few of her resources on him, but that was the reason she got them in the first place. Travels could be made again, and she made them to help dragons recover more quickly.

“The others I haven't found just yet...Ah, but now that you've decided to speak...Would it be rude to ask for a name...?” She wasn't certain if he even had one, but she would appreciate it if she could adress him with something other than 'Imperial' or 'hey you' or something of the sort.
By believing, one sees
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