

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Searching for RP buddies to RP with~!
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Oh hello there. c:

I can do:

- Percy Jackson ( Camp Half Blood )
- Avengers
- Dragons
- Anthros
- Humans
- Harry Potter
- Eragon
- The Walking Dead / The Last of Us
- Minecraft

If you're interested in any of these, feel completely free to give me a shout! I don't mind if you post when its over 30 years or something, I'll always be checking and happy enough to RP with anyone. ;"D
Oh hello there. c:

I can do:

- Percy Jackson ( Camp Half Blood )
- Avengers
- Dragons
- Anthros
- Humans
- Harry Potter
- Eragon
- The Walking Dead / The Last of Us
- Minecraft

If you're interested in any of these, feel completely free to give me a shout! I don't mind if you post when its over 30 years or something, I'll always be checking and happy enough to RP with anyone. ;"D
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.


you RP ERAGON!?!?!?! I've never met ANYONE who RPs that!! -squeals- I'd be honored to RP Eragon with you :DDD I'm a HUGE fan of the book series, but I have to admit, my RP skills with that fandom are a liiiitttllleee bit rusty (it's been over ten years since I role-played this fandom...ugh XD) and I actually have an oc for it (though he doesn't have to be used if we don't want to RP with ocs of course :) )

I'd just like to RP as Arya :D If we're doing canonXcanon, of course :D

Sadly, I do not have a deviantART account, so I can't RP there (if that's what the link was implying...) but I can RP here :D


you RP ERAGON!?!?!?! I've never met ANYONE who RPs that!! -squeals- I'd be honored to RP Eragon with you :DDD I'm a HUGE fan of the book series, but I have to admit, my RP skills with that fandom are a liiiitttllleee bit rusty (it's been over ten years since I role-played this fandom...ugh XD) and I actually have an oc for it (though he doesn't have to be used if we don't want to RP with ocs of course :) )

I'd just like to RP as Arya :D If we're doing canonXcanon, of course :D

Sadly, I do not have a deviantART account, so I can't RP there (if that's what the link was implying...) but I can RP here :D
Spreading disease is kinda my thing.
Imperial_obsClown_tomSer_violGem_apprl.gif♈ ♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓


I've never met anybody who RP's Eragon either, I'm a massive fan of the book series!!

I'm fine with either RPing as canons or making up our own characters in the Eragon world. :>

Oh don't mind the deviantART thing, I just placed it there for fun. xD Sure, we can do the role play here. ;D


I've never met anybody who RP's Eragon either, I'm a massive fan of the book series!!

I'm fine with either RPing as canons or making up our own characters in the Eragon world. :>

Oh don't mind the deviantART thing, I just placed it there for fun. xD Sure, we can do the role play here. ;D
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.
Hi there!

I'd like to roleplay anthro and even moreso dragons/FR dragons/Eragon (but I've only read the first book - working on the second, so if you'd rather not, I understand!). If any of those sound like your cuppa tea, I'd be delighted to roleplay with you.
Hi there!

I'd like to roleplay anthro and even moreso dragons/FR dragons/Eragon (but I've only read the first book - working on the second, so if you'd rather not, I understand!). If any of those sound like your cuppa tea, I'd be delighted to roleplay with you.
QgilwX7.png Looking for colors or near miss:

Hi Serpenthyne! I wonder how you know how to spell your username off by heart, its tricky for me. xD

I love RPing as anthros and dragons~! We can do a RP of them if we want, just gimme a shout and I'll create the thread. ;D

*Stalks your dragon lair* I really like Granite! She got beautiful colours.

Do you usually go along with plotted RPs or go with the flow type of RPer, Serp?

Hi Serpenthyne! I wonder how you know how to spell your username off by heart, its tricky for me. xD

I love RPing as anthros and dragons~! We can do a RP of them if we want, just gimme a shout and I'll create the thread. ;D

*Stalks your dragon lair* I really like Granite! She got beautiful colours.

Do you usually go along with plotted RPs or go with the flow type of RPer, Serp?
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.

It does end up being a little hard to spell, yeah. I often end up hitting the wrong keys myself, so no worries. :'D

As for roleplay, I'm cool with not plotting things out beforehand! If we run into trouble we can sort things out there, but I'm not much of a stickler for knowing every character and event in advance of things happening. Anthros/dragons sounds good to me; if you're willing to start the thread, that'd be great! (On the other hand, if you want to do some plotting in advance, that's fine too! I'm not picky.)

*stalks your dragon lair in return* Oh, Mars has pretty colors... then again, they all do!

It does end up being a little hard to spell, yeah. I often end up hitting the wrong keys myself, so no worries. :'D

As for roleplay, I'm cool with not plotting things out beforehand! If we run into trouble we can sort things out there, but I'm not much of a stickler for knowing every character and event in advance of things happening. Anthros/dragons sounds good to me; if you're willing to start the thread, that'd be great! (On the other hand, if you want to do some plotting in advance, that's fine too! I'm not picky.)

*stalks your dragon lair in return* Oh, Mars has pretty colors... then again, they all do!
QgilwX7.png Looking for colors or near miss:

I never got this ping ;-; good thing I came to check on it nonetheless ^^

Let's just stick with canon character, then? :D I'm already so excited XD

Not many people I RP with have even READ the series! And it breaks my heart because the series is just amazing!

I never got this ping ;-; good thing I came to check on it nonetheless ^^

Let's just stick with canon character, then? :D I'm already so excited XD

Not many people I RP with have even READ the series! And it breaks my heart because the series is just amazing!
Spreading disease is kinda my thing.
Imperial_obsClown_tomSer_violGem_apprl.gif♈ ♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓

/pokes head in Did someone say RP?

I am a pretty damn flexible RPer so I can pretty much RP whatever you're up for? I prefer to do more OC stuff but I can do stuff with fandoms (IE I've done things like Pokemon RPs or World of Warcraft RPs, and I'm in a Game of Thrones right now, but I typically always use OCs.)

Uh. Dragons/fantasy/sci-fi/fandom stuff I'm all good with. If I don't know the fandom I learn pretty quick (though I know all the fandoms you've mentioned. xD) I prefer some vague idea of a plot before we get too involved, but it doesn't have to be too complex. (IE bad thing is happening. It should be dealt with) as opposed to some intricate nonsense--after all, making headcanons and world building is half the fun! I hope you don't feel too leery about violence though, I tend to be very cruel to my poor characters. xD

/pokes head in Did someone say RP?

I am a pretty damn flexible RPer so I can pretty much RP whatever you're up for? I prefer to do more OC stuff but I can do stuff with fandoms (IE I've done things like Pokemon RPs or World of Warcraft RPs, and I'm in a Game of Thrones right now, but I typically always use OCs.)

Uh. Dragons/fantasy/sci-fi/fandom stuff I'm all good with. If I don't know the fandom I learn pretty quick (though I know all the fandoms you've mentioned. xD) I prefer some vague idea of a plot before we get too involved, but it doesn't have to be too complex. (IE bad thing is happening. It should be dealt with) as opposed to some intricate nonsense--after all, making headcanons and world building is half the fun! I hope you don't feel too leery about violence though, I tend to be very cruel to my poor characters. xD

Oh ahaha, I see. ;D

I'm happy with either discussing a plot with you or we can just go crazy and go with the flow and make up stuff along. xD

/flees to make the thread


Ohmai, I must had spelled your name wrong. ;3; My apologies for that.

Ehehehe, I never RP'd as canon before but it will definitely be interesting and new. I like that! ;D

It is such a shame not many people read the books. :c They really stuffed up the movie, they should recreate it or else I cannot die in peace.


Mmh, dragons and sci-fi sounds great to me. I like the idea of having some organized and long dramatic plot, it keeps us on track. C:
Ohmai, I LOOVEEE abusing and torturing my poor characters. xD I too can get a bit carried on with violence, I hope you won't mind it too much.

Lets get our thread going and we can discuses there on ideas we got and find an amazing plot to go along with. c;

Oh ahaha, I see. ;D

I'm happy with either discussing a plot with you or we can just go crazy and go with the flow and make up stuff along. xD

/flees to make the thread


Ohmai, I must had spelled your name wrong. ;3; My apologies for that.

Ehehehe, I never RP'd as canon before but it will definitely be interesting and new. I like that! ;D

It is such a shame not many people read the books. :c They really stuffed up the movie, they should recreate it or else I cannot die in peace.


Mmh, dragons and sci-fi sounds great to me. I like the idea of having some organized and long dramatic plot, it keeps us on track. C:
Ohmai, I LOOVEEE abusing and torturing my poor characters. xD I too can get a bit carried on with violence, I hope you won't mind it too much.

Lets get our thread going and we can discuses there on ideas we got and find an amazing plot to go along with. c;
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.

:3 okay~ is there any specific plot you'd like to RP? Like stay on the storyline of one of the books or just do a side story thing?

Ikr? I heard from someone they're gonna make Eldest soon...and I'm not going to get my hopes up in terms of quality, par-say. They missed out on a few major details in Eragon, and then you know..ERAGON himself they messed up on -sigh- and Arya! She didn't even have pointed ears! XD excuse my rant xD

:3 okay~ is there any specific plot you'd like to RP? Like stay on the storyline of one of the books or just do a side story thing?

Ikr? I heard from someone they're gonna make Eldest soon...and I'm not going to get my hopes up in terms of quality, par-say. They missed out on a few major details in Eragon, and then you know..ERAGON himself they messed up on -sigh- and Arya! She didn't even have pointed ears! XD excuse my rant xD
Spreading disease is kinda my thing.
Imperial_obsClown_tomSer_violGem_apprl.gif♈ ♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓
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