

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Dawn of the Fourth Age (NEW!)
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Welcome DraconisSiirexus!

Rhea glanced at ThunderCracker. She walked after her seriously, head held high. Gwendolen wandered after her, muttering to herself. She was slowly falling behind glancing nervously at her surroundings, which happened to be a large group of hostile plague dragons. As she fell behind the group, a large gray mirrior bumped her and growled in her ear, "Keep up, or I'll do things you won't want to imagine." She rushed ahead.

Aradance was watching all of this and walking directly behind Rhea, a litlte spring in her step. She thought all of this was facitating. She opened her maw to say something, but was interrupted by Rhea. A soft hiss came from her."We are nearing the Clan's Lair. Be on gaurd." She walked ahead to where ThunderCracker was and stayed there until they reached Their Lair.

A small pure black spiral fluttered over the Scarred Wastelands. It's dark, dark eyes bliked and it opened it's mouth to taste the wind. It's eyes opened in surprise and it flew to the ground where it softly landed. Fire dragons on this plagued land?

As Rhea, Gwen, and Aradance are being escourted to Thunder Cracker's Lair, Ladon is fretting over Aradance's well-being.

"We need to go looking for her! I mean, them!" Ladon exclaimed. He was pacing up and down the cave entrance, moaning about how much danger Aradance was probably in. Razeth was listening. Erani was perched on his tail, preening.
"I mean, what if she was trapped in a dark pit full of raving Zombies!"
"I stongly doubt Aradance is trapped in a dark pit full of raving Zombies." Razeth replied.
"It could happen!"
"Calm down. You're upsetting my scales!" That was Erani's crabby reply.
"That's it. I'm going looking for her and no one is stopping me."
He started to head out the cave, but then turned around and ran to his den, where he emeged later carring his lucky Charged Sproket.
"Aradance I'm coming for you!" Blackfang suddenly walked out from his den where he slept. He answered Ladon's crys with a blunt, but quiet reply "This is very illogical. I'm coming with you."

Blackfang and Ladon where wandering all over the Zephyr Steppes." I know they came this way fretted Ladon. Blackfang stifled a hiss. Ladon was being a moonstuck fool. His dreamy side had steped in, and now they were going in circles. The taveling party was probably in The Scarred Wasteland by now, but in stead of cutting straight ahead, the green Imperial insisted in staying here.

They noticed a black Pearlcatcher with dark blue wings laying in the sun and ran down there to see him. Ladon rushed over and said worridly,"Have you seen a beautiful white Mirror with blue wings and a long scar on her face? I'm looking for her."
Welcome DraconisSiirexus!

Rhea glanced at ThunderCracker. She walked after her seriously, head held high. Gwendolen wandered after her, muttering to herself. She was slowly falling behind glancing nervously at her surroundings, which happened to be a large group of hostile plague dragons. As she fell behind the group, a large gray mirrior bumped her and growled in her ear, "Keep up, or I'll do things you won't want to imagine." She rushed ahead.

Aradance was watching all of this and walking directly behind Rhea, a litlte spring in her step. She thought all of this was facitating. She opened her maw to say something, but was interrupted by Rhea. A soft hiss came from her."We are nearing the Clan's Lair. Be on gaurd." She walked ahead to where ThunderCracker was and stayed there until they reached Their Lair.

A small pure black spiral fluttered over the Scarred Wastelands. It's dark, dark eyes bliked and it opened it's mouth to taste the wind. It's eyes opened in surprise and it flew to the ground where it softly landed. Fire dragons on this plagued land?

As Rhea, Gwen, and Aradance are being escourted to Thunder Cracker's Lair, Ladon is fretting over Aradance's well-being.

"We need to go looking for her! I mean, them!" Ladon exclaimed. He was pacing up and down the cave entrance, moaning about how much danger Aradance was probably in. Razeth was listening. Erani was perched on his tail, preening.
"I mean, what if she was trapped in a dark pit full of raving Zombies!"
"I stongly doubt Aradance is trapped in a dark pit full of raving Zombies." Razeth replied.
"It could happen!"
"Calm down. You're upsetting my scales!" That was Erani's crabby reply.
"That's it. I'm going looking for her and no one is stopping me."
He started to head out the cave, but then turned around and ran to his den, where he emeged later carring his lucky Charged Sproket.
"Aradance I'm coming for you!" Blackfang suddenly walked out from his den where he slept. He answered Ladon's crys with a blunt, but quiet reply "This is very illogical. I'm coming with you."

Blackfang and Ladon where wandering all over the Zephyr Steppes." I know they came this way fretted Ladon. Blackfang stifled a hiss. Ladon was being a moonstuck fool. His dreamy side had steped in, and now they were going in circles. The taveling party was probably in The Scarred Wasteland by now, but in stead of cutting straight ahead, the green Imperial insisted in staying here.

They noticed a black Pearlcatcher with dark blue wings laying in the sun and ran down there to see him. Ladon rushed over and said worridly,"Have you seen a beautiful white Mirror with blue wings and a long scar on her face? I'm looking for her."
Breathe with the fire within...
the large grey mirror eyed Gwen *heh* "shes wise to fear me" he mumbled to Lockdown who opened his maw "ughg god you must really like her to have warned her not to fall behind" Lockdown smirked at his remark "oh wait I know why you helped her your smitten with her"
Killswitch cuffed Lockdown sharply "cool it you dolt" he growled softly.
the large grey mirror eyed Gwen *heh* "shes wise to fear me" he mumbled to Lockdown who opened his maw "ughg god you must really like her to have warned her not to fall behind" Lockdown smirked at his remark "oh wait I know why you helped her your smitten with her"
Killswitch cuffed Lockdown sharply "cool it you dolt" he growled softly.
Well, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun, oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. When she comes!
Gwendolen walked farther and farther, until she thought that ThunderCracker must not have a lair at all. Suddenly, she saw a large blip on the horizon. She sighed with relief. Gwen spedd into a trot and overtook Rhea. She was going so fast that she didn't notice ThunderCracker ahead of her. She ran adhead and steped on Thunder's tail. She realized what happened and winced, waiting for her reply to her srew-up.
"Uh, oh!"
Rhea hissed a warning.
Aradance stopped walking and so did the group, tention building, just waiting for the tiny black mirror's reply.
Gwendolen walked farther and farther, until she thought that ThunderCracker must not have a lair at all. Suddenly, she saw a large blip on the horizon. She sighed with relief. Gwen spedd into a trot and overtook Rhea. She was going so fast that she didn't notice ThunderCracker ahead of her. She ran adhead and steped on Thunder's tail. She realized what happened and winced, waiting for her reply to her srew-up.
"Uh, oh!"
Rhea hissed a warning.
Aradance stopped walking and so did the group, tention building, just waiting for the tiny black mirror's reply.
Breathe with the fire within...
ThunderCracker hissed in pain she glared at her shattered tail bones. spinning to face the offender she rose ten feet of the floor with out flapping her wings her left eyes flickered to an inky black wile the right eyes changed to an opal like shade with all elemental colors dancing within them. " tred lightly within my relm for remember this I can destroy you and yours with a single blow" Thunder's voice was not her own in its place was a whispering hiss
ThunderCracker hissed in pain she glared at her shattered tail bones. spinning to face the offender she rose ten feet of the floor with out flapping her wings her left eyes flickered to an inky black wile the right eyes changed to an opal like shade with all elemental colors dancing within them. " tred lightly within my relm for remember this I can destroy you and yours with a single blow" Thunder's voice was not her own in its place was a whispering hiss
Well, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun, oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. When she comes!
Rhea whisked Gwendolen aside, and stepped forward. She raised her hackles, bared her teeth and gave a long low growl. "Leave Gwendolen alone. It was a simple mistake. You do not need to respond so."

As the tention grew near the lair, the dark spiral ran at top speed toward the aggressers. It sensed something was awaking between these two elemnts. Something dark. Something strange and unhead of anmong the dragon of the elements. Not only that, but there was trouble and shades greedyously start trouble as much as dragons like meat. Fresh blood will spring from a wound made of mind. Shades relish this evil and come to spread more.

Plaguebriger stopped fighting and ripping at a shady cloud. Her army of exalted dragons stood still. Something huge was going to happen in her home wastelands. She left the cloud to her dragons and flew off in the direction of the swirling chaos...
Rhea whisked Gwendolen aside, and stepped forward. She raised her hackles, bared her teeth and gave a long low growl. "Leave Gwendolen alone. It was a simple mistake. You do not need to respond so."

As the tention grew near the lair, the dark spiral ran at top speed toward the aggressers. It sensed something was awaking between these two elemnts. Something dark. Something strange and unhead of anmong the dragon of the elements. Not only that, but there was trouble and shades greedyously start trouble as much as dragons like meat. Fresh blood will spring from a wound made of mind. Shades relish this evil and come to spread more.

Plaguebriger stopped fighting and ripping at a shady cloud. Her army of exalted dragons stood still. Something huge was going to happen in her home wastelands. She left the cloud to her dragons and flew off in the direction of the swirling chaos...
Breathe with the fire within...
ThunderCracker's mind spun memories unearthed and something elce something powerful stirred within her power strength that far surpassed that of any dragon a power that could only be rivaled by that of a god's. Her tiny body quaked with this new ability but with this great power came great pain she screeched out as her claws and fangs elongated. A foolish riegeback reached out to slash the mirror only to find the moment he touched her, all the life and things that made him up were sucked into her. aiding this astounding and horrifying transformation.
ThunderCracker's mind spun memories unearthed and something elce something powerful stirred within her power strength that far surpassed that of any dragon a power that could only be rivaled by that of a god's. Her tiny body quaked with this new ability but with this great power came great pain she screeched out as her claws and fangs elongated. A foolish riegeback reached out to slash the mirror only to find the moment he touched her, all the life and things that made him up were sucked into her. aiding this astounding and horrifying transformation.
Well, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun, oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. When she comes!
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