

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 w/ TheWorshipOnes & ForeverTwilight
Kassian felt a pang of guilt. Coming up behind Avery and scooping her up in a hug, he lifted her off the floor, doing a small spin with the pirate before flopping the two dramatically on her bed. "I'd still like to marry you. For real this time. I might... mmph. I might be upset," he said, kissing her cheek and sitting up again, "but it's nothing I can't work on. Things change. People change. I'll just need time."

The prince shifted where he sat to begin helping Avery pack, folding a few more clothes and putting a hair-brush in the luggage. He was well aware how bad her tangled could get if her curls weren't regularly maintained. First few days after my kidnapping were a nightmare for her, I'm sure. "Think we should bring anything other than basics? It's not exactly going to be a riveting trip."
Kassian felt a pang of guilt. Coming up behind Avery and scooping her up in a hug, he lifted her off the floor, doing a small spin with the pirate before flopping the two dramatically on her bed. "I'd still like to marry you. For real this time. I might... mmph. I might be upset," he said, kissing her cheek and sitting up again, "but it's nothing I can't work on. Things change. People change. I'll just need time."

The prince shifted where he sat to begin helping Avery pack, folding a few more clothes and putting a hair-brush in the luggage. He was well aware how bad her tangled could get if her curls weren't regularly maintained. First few days after my kidnapping were a nightmare for her, I'm sure. "Think we should bring anything other than basics? It's not exactly going to be a riveting trip."
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
Avery laughed at his actions, allowing him to do as he wished as she watched him, her dimples visible as she smiled. “Well of course, I don’t blame you for being upset, you have every right to be upset. I just don’t… Well I just don’t want to get my heart broken, or accidentally say the wrong thing that could have my heart possibly broken again. I regret what I did, and I’ve learnt that the hard way.” She nodded, and sat up again.

“We’re dating to marry, right? As in, like we see a future with each other?” Her voice became quiet as she murmured, settling back down onto the floor cross legged. “Ah, well as long as we’ve got our emergency stash of a few coins, and maybe an extra change of clothes just in case, we ought to be alright. Should we be bringing clothing for Sebastian when we find him? I don’t think he’d fit in my clothes at all.. I’ll bring extras just in case in any impossible scenario I’ve got to ride Blackfire and get thrown to the ground.”
Avery laughed at his actions, allowing him to do as he wished as she watched him, her dimples visible as she smiled. “Well of course, I don’t blame you for being upset, you have every right to be upset. I just don’t… Well I just don’t want to get my heart broken, or accidentally say the wrong thing that could have my heart possibly broken again. I regret what I did, and I’ve learnt that the hard way.” She nodded, and sat up again.

“We’re dating to marry, right? As in, like we see a future with each other?” Her voice became quiet as she murmured, settling back down onto the floor cross legged. “Ah, well as long as we’ve got our emergency stash of a few coins, and maybe an extra change of clothes just in case, we ought to be alright. Should we be bringing clothing for Sebastian when we find him? I don’t think he’d fit in my clothes at all.. I’ll bring extras just in case in any impossible scenario I’ve got to ride Blackfire and get thrown to the ground.”
Kassian snorted at the idea that Blackfire would do anything intentional to throw Avery off. If anything, the horse loved the pirate more than he did. Pretty sure he's gotten jealous more than a few times. Even if he preferred the company of Lady to anything, the horse was... eerily more intelligent than he should've been.

"I say let him stay in whatever clothes he decided to run off in. If it turns out he's been kidnapped, we'll buy him something to wear. Think he ought to learn a lesson in humility if it was just a mad dash with someone he just met." So soon after kissing another man's wife, t- Kass had to halt that train of thought where it started. It would do him no good to mull on it, right now, and the two were already trying to put things in the past.

He watched her for a moment, clipping her suitcase done as they finished Avery's packing. "...Avery, of course I see a future with you- there's a reason I wasn't freaking out about the whole marriage ordeal in the first place." He gave her a genuine smile wide enough to crack his face in two. "Think I'd like a genuine wedding someday. Would be nice not to have half the kingdom attending that time around."

The prince hauled himself to his feet, offering the pirate a helping hand off her bed. "Now c'mon. I've got my own packing to do before sunrise, and mine's going to be a bit more difficult."
Kassian snorted at the idea that Blackfire would do anything intentional to throw Avery off. If anything, the horse loved the pirate more than he did. Pretty sure he's gotten jealous more than a few times. Even if he preferred the company of Lady to anything, the horse was... eerily more intelligent than he should've been.

"I say let him stay in whatever clothes he decided to run off in. If it turns out he's been kidnapped, we'll buy him something to wear. Think he ought to learn a lesson in humility if it was just a mad dash with someone he just met." So soon after kissing another man's wife, t- Kass had to halt that train of thought where it started. It would do him no good to mull on it, right now, and the two were already trying to put things in the past.

He watched her for a moment, clipping her suitcase done as they finished Avery's packing. "...Avery, of course I see a future with you- there's a reason I wasn't freaking out about the whole marriage ordeal in the first place." He gave her a genuine smile wide enough to crack his face in two. "Think I'd like a genuine wedding someday. Would be nice not to have half the kingdom attending that time around."

The prince hauled himself to his feet, offering the pirate a helping hand off her bed. "Now c'mon. I've got my own packing to do before sunrise, and mine's going to be a bit more difficult."
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
“Oh. Okay, well I’ll remember that when you’re loaning the clothing you brought with you to him when you don’t want to spend the money on buying him new clothes.” Avery sniggered as she stood. “What if he did run away with someone… what if he’s in a cult? With cannibals? Or monkeys, or ghosts? That’d be kinda funny-“ she started to snicker, but then remembered this was a serious discussion.

“Erm, I mean, you did seem rather relaxed and content with the whole wedding idea, so I’d assume so. I’m just doubtful, clingy, and worried. Probably overthinking things to.” She smiled sheepishly. “Good gods, you know I’ve been dreading this. You’re awful at packing your own things, can’t hardly decide what color of socks to bring, when you only need two pairs. Almost like you need another brain.”

She poked his shoulder playfully and led the way out of the bedroom, into the hallway. “Trust me. I’ll make sure this process is no more then an hour tops. Because we can’t spend so much time figuring out how to fold shirts tightly enough just so you could bring an extra one like the time before.”
“Oh. Okay, well I’ll remember that when you’re loaning the clothing you brought with you to him when you don’t want to spend the money on buying him new clothes.” Avery sniggered as she stood. “What if he did run away with someone… what if he’s in a cult? With cannibals? Or monkeys, or ghosts? That’d be kinda funny-“ she started to snicker, but then remembered this was a serious discussion.

“Erm, I mean, you did seem rather relaxed and content with the whole wedding idea, so I’d assume so. I’m just doubtful, clingy, and worried. Probably overthinking things to.” She smiled sheepishly. “Good gods, you know I’ve been dreading this. You’re awful at packing your own things, can’t hardly decide what color of socks to bring, when you only need two pairs. Almost like you need another brain.”

She poked his shoulder playfully and led the way out of the bedroom, into the hallway. “Trust me. I’ll make sure this process is no more then an hour tops. Because we can’t spend so much time figuring out how to fold shirts tightly enough just so you could bring an extra one like the time before.”
Kassian had snorted dismissively at Avery's comment on his packing skills, but it had turned out to be just as difficult as last time. Stuffing everything in the suitcase and zipping it shut took both their combined efforts and a bit of cursing to be successful.

Next in line was getting the horses. It wasn't a long walk to the stables - though Kassian was adamant they couldn't be seen, so they ended up taking a much longer way around. Blackfire and Lady were situated in the best stalls the little nook of horses could provide, within... reason. It looked like the former's stall had been upgraded a bit from his incessant fussing about interior decorating.

Blackfire was not pleased to see Kassian, echoing an irritated whinny at the sight of luggage, but quickly changed his tune when Avery appeared from behind the prince. He knickered softly and extended his head to be pet. "Oh, lovely, make me the monster," Kass mumbled irritatedly, beginning to hook on Blackfire's saddle and the two's packing.
Kassian had snorted dismissively at Avery's comment on his packing skills, but it had turned out to be just as difficult as last time. Stuffing everything in the suitcase and zipping it shut took both their combined efforts and a bit of cursing to be successful.

Next in line was getting the horses. It wasn't a long walk to the stables - though Kassian was adamant they couldn't be seen, so they ended up taking a much longer way around. Blackfire and Lady were situated in the best stalls the little nook of horses could provide, within... reason. It looked like the former's stall had been upgraded a bit from his incessant fussing about interior decorating.

Blackfire was not pleased to see Kassian, echoing an irritated whinny at the sight of luggage, but quickly changed his tune when Avery appeared from behind the prince. He knickered softly and extended his head to be pet. "Oh, lovely, make me the monster," Kass mumbled irritatedly, beginning to hook on Blackfire's saddle and the two's packing.
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
Avery sniggered, highly entertained at the horse's reaction to Kassian. He had it coming though, sooner or later. "Well, I suppose that's what you get when you simply leave your horse, don't even come out to say hi... I've spent hours out here. Even rode Black fire one time." She grinned, rather proud of herself as she reached forward, gently scratching underneath the horses' chin.

"He's a big baby you know. Obviously he doesn't like you, although I'm not exactly sure what you did to him.. He seems fine to me." She shrugged, a coy smile still on her face. "Are you sure he's the one you want to ride? There's lots of other horses, I wouldn't mind riding him instead, I'll give you my pony~~"
Avery sniggered, highly entertained at the horse's reaction to Kassian. He had it coming though, sooner or later. "Well, I suppose that's what you get when you simply leave your horse, don't even come out to say hi... I've spent hours out here. Even rode Black fire one time." She grinned, rather proud of herself as she reached forward, gently scratching underneath the horses' chin.

"He's a big baby you know. Obviously he doesn't like you, although I'm not exactly sure what you did to him.. He seems fine to me." She shrugged, a coy smile still on her face. "Are you sure he's the one you want to ride? There's lots of other horses, I wouldn't mind riding him instead, I'll give you my pony~~"
Kassian pointed his nose up in a display of offendedness. Huffing softly, he attempted to mount Blackfire, but the horse promptly dropped him off the saddle and onto the hay-covered barn-floor. He gave a pained groan as he stood back up. "Oh no you don't I am not riding Lady-" before Blackfire proceeded to repeat dropping his owner twice more.

Standing up, hay caught in his hair, Kassian brushed himself off, looking a bit irritated. "...Alright, then, riding Lady it is!"

She would be a nicer horse, all things considered. Maybe Avery could finally get Blackfire to behave himself long enough not to have Kassian shot by a stray arrow. "Your pony... will work just fine." His tone was badly disguised anger at his own horse, who only whinnied amusedly in response.
Kassian pointed his nose up in a display of offendedness. Huffing softly, he attempted to mount Blackfire, but the horse promptly dropped him off the saddle and onto the hay-covered barn-floor. He gave a pained groan as he stood back up. "Oh no you don't I am not riding Lady-" before Blackfire proceeded to repeat dropping his owner twice more.

Standing up, hay caught in his hair, Kassian brushed himself off, looking a bit irritated. "...Alright, then, riding Lady it is!"

She would be a nicer horse, all things considered. Maybe Avery could finally get Blackfire to behave himself long enough not to have Kassian shot by a stray arrow. "Your pony... will work just fine." His tone was badly disguised anger at his own horse, who only whinnied amusedly in response.
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
Avery giggled as she watched him, highly amused. “Alrighty. Let’s switch saddles, and we can be on our way. Just warning you, she’s significantly shorter than Blackfire.” Quickly, she threw her saddle on Blackfire, and put Kassian’s onto the little pony. “She’ll behave, don’t worry.”

Lady was as chill as could be, quietly allowing Kassian to mount, and patiently waited for Blackfire. Avery mounted the stallion without an issue, leaning down to place hee feet in the stirrups before gently patting him on the shoulder, a quiet “good boy” could be heard before she straightened, and headed towards the door.

“Let’s go.. please don’t be pouty, I promise you she’s almost as good as Blacky…”

(I love this sm for him lolz)
Avery giggled as she watched him, highly amused. “Alrighty. Let’s switch saddles, and we can be on our way. Just warning you, she’s significantly shorter than Blackfire.” Quickly, she threw her saddle on Blackfire, and put Kassian’s onto the little pony. “She’ll behave, don’t worry.”

Lady was as chill as could be, quietly allowing Kassian to mount, and patiently waited for Blackfire. Avery mounted the stallion without an issue, leaning down to place hee feet in the stirrups before gently patting him on the shoulder, a quiet “good boy” could be heard before she straightened, and headed towards the door.

“Let’s go.. please don’t be pouty, I promise you she’s almost as good as Blacky…”

(I love this sm for him lolz)
(he kinda needs a humbling when it comes to Blackfire LMAOO)

Kassian did his best not to complain. If anything, Lady seemed fond of him the same way Blackfire was for Avery- if a bit more subtle about it. She took her time making sure the prince could adjust to riding a smaller horse and even skirted around the occasional, low-hanging tree branch as the pair began their slow journey out of the court-yards and into the waking streets of the capital.

The kingdom tended not to rise until after the sun, considering no one settled in until far past it had gone to sleep. Markets were still being opened, and displays were still being set up in preparation for the Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year and the day Revengrand took the chance to take in swathes of tourists from allied nations across the coast.

He was careful to keep a low profile, despite how high-class the saddles were and the clothing the two had on their backs. Slipping out the city gates proved even less of an issue.

Kassian released a relieved huff from his nose, glancing back once they were out of ear-shot of the guards ringing the city entrance and firmly on the road. "Well! I'd say that went quite smoothly. Makes me worried for whatever karma's going to pull in the meantime..."
(he kinda needs a humbling when it comes to Blackfire LMAOO)

Kassian did his best not to complain. If anything, Lady seemed fond of him the same way Blackfire was for Avery- if a bit more subtle about it. She took her time making sure the prince could adjust to riding a smaller horse and even skirted around the occasional, low-hanging tree branch as the pair began their slow journey out of the court-yards and into the waking streets of the capital.

The kingdom tended not to rise until after the sun, considering no one settled in until far past it had gone to sleep. Markets were still being opened, and displays were still being set up in preparation for the Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year and the day Revengrand took the chance to take in swathes of tourists from allied nations across the coast.

He was careful to keep a low profile, despite how high-class the saddles were and the clothing the two had on their backs. Slipping out the city gates proved even less of an issue.

Kassian released a relieved huff from his nose, glancing back once they were out of ear-shot of the guards ringing the city entrance and firmly on the road. "Well! I'd say that went quite smoothly. Makes me worried for whatever karma's going to pull in the meantime..."
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
(He does, I’m sure it’s a comical sight seeing Avery riding such a big horse while Kassian was stuck with the stocky pony-)

Avery remained quiet for most of the journey, keeping to herself. Occasionally she’d speak, a comment about something, or somethings she’d point out and notice. When it came for the towns, she allowed Blackfire to take the lead, mildly uncomfortable with the crowds and amounts of people everywhere. Surprisingly they hadn’t been noticed yet.

As Kassian spoke, Avery sent him a a mock glare. “Don’t you dare jinx us. We’ve been through hell enough, I’d rather not have to worry about getting into more trouble them we already are in.”
(He does, I’m sure it’s a comical sight seeing Avery riding such a big horse while Kassian was stuck with the stocky pony-)

Avery remained quiet for most of the journey, keeping to herself. Occasionally she’d speak, a comment about something, or somethings she’d point out and notice. When it came for the towns, she allowed Blackfire to take the lead, mildly uncomfortable with the crowds and amounts of people everywhere. Surprisingly they hadn’t been noticed yet.

As Kassian spoke, Avery sent him a a mock glare. “Don’t you dare jinx us. We’ve been through hell enough, I’d rather not have to worry about getting into more trouble them we already are in.”