(This is Vladivkazkaz, a random dragon in the skies.)
"YYYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Vladivkazkaz yells as she slams full throttle into Casandra.

(This is Vladivkazkaz, a random dragon in the skies.)
"YYYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Vladivkazkaz yells as she slams full throttle into Casandra.
"Wha- hey this is my sky! Your tresspassing Tribe Hiddenrune territory!" Casandra snarled
"Wha- hey this is my sky! Your tresspassing Tribe Hiddenrune territory!" Casandra snarled
"OH CRAP! I thought this was still Tribe OldForest territory! Gotta run!" suddenly, a huge flash of Electricity appears and the dragon was gone with the wind.
"OH CRAP! I thought this was still Tribe OldForest territory! Gotta run!" suddenly, a huge flash of Electricity appears and the dragon was gone with the wind.
Casandra was pretty confused but shrugged it off and went back to flying
Casandra was pretty confused but shrugged it off and went back to flying
back at the Tribe, Vladiv was very, very embarrassed with herself.
(This is Ciara, a member of the Guardians Republic, and Bodyguard of Vladiv, who is the tribe Sultan.)
"Are you okay?" She said. "Yes, i just made a mistake out in the Starfall Isles that i don't really want to talk about." Vladiv said back.
back at the Tribe, Vladiv was very, very embarrassed with herself.

(This is Ciara, a member of the Guardians Republic, and Bodyguard of Vladiv, who is the tribe Sultan.)
"Are you okay?" She said. "Yes, i just made a mistake out in the Starfall Isles that i don't really want to talk about." Vladiv said back.
(Centauri best bro ever)
"Casandra come on we gotta head back!" Centauri called.

(Centauri best bro ever)
"Casandra come on we gotta head back!" Centauri called.
"Man, i have to apologize, Hey Romania come with me to apologize to them,"
(Romania is another Guardians Republic member.)
"Yes, ma'am." and they set off.
"Man, i have to apologize, Hey Romania come with me to apologize to them,"

(Romania is another Guardians Republic member.)
"Yes, ma'am." and they set off.
Casandra flew along beside her older brother the two talking about things as they flew back to their nest.
Casandra flew along beside her older brother the two talking about things as they flew back to their nest.
When they finally made it, they asked were Casandra was. a dragon showed them to her lair.
When they finally made it, they asked were Casandra was. a dragon showed them to her lair.