

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The House of Mama Dragon [Open RP]
"Another dragon?" he whimpered. Aw why did he do that? That made him sound weak. He thought that one dragon was so much. He wondered about Mama Dragon. Mink noticed that he didn't say that she was a dragon. Hmm, well it was in the name. She probably was another dragon. Geez, this place seemed a bit scary. He still followed. The description of Reathan didn't really help give more information. The way that Reathan wanted to go back didn't give him the same feeling. He wanted to stay here than go see the pirates. He understand that Reathan would probably want to go back. His home was different. Mink watched the ghost near the cabin, holding onto his necklace. He didn't want her to have it. This was the only thing that kept him here. He thought about putting it in his belt, but he knew he couldn't do that. It had to be on his neck.

"Where are you from?" he asked Reathan as they went closer to the cabin.
"Another dragon?" he whimpered. Aw why did he do that? That made him sound weak. He thought that one dragon was so much. He wondered about Mama Dragon. Mink noticed that he didn't say that she was a dragon. Hmm, well it was in the name. She probably was another dragon. Geez, this place seemed a bit scary. He still followed. The description of Reathan didn't really help give more information. The way that Reathan wanted to go back didn't give him the same feeling. He wanted to stay here than go see the pirates. He understand that Reathan would probably want to go back. His home was different. Mink watched the ghost near the cabin, holding onto his necklace. He didn't want her to have it. This was the only thing that kept him here. He thought about putting it in his belt, but he knew he couldn't do that. It had to be on his neck.

"Where are you from?" he asked Reathan as they went closer to the cabin.
You're worth so much more than you know. May troubles be far from your mind.
Leeann hadn't heard the footsteps at first, but as they grew nearer, she ducked for cover behind the roof of the house. Obviously, she didn't want to give a heart attack to whoever - wait - what are they? They weren't human, that's for sure. Though two of them kind of looked humanoid.

The third thing, or person, Leeann wasn't sure, was bright green? And looked like a combination of a... ferret and a seagull? Maybe there was some deer in there too. Leeann really wasn't sure what to think of this. The only thing she did know, or thought she knew, was that the green creature was definitely a ghost. And probably the one who created this place, after all, you need to be powerful to shapeshift to that degree.

There was a bird following them too. Looked large to her. Good thing she wasn't alive, or she would of been terrified.

Wait... were they talking?

(Just to clarify, Leeann doesn't realize that Mink is actually a mink, not a ferret. Just don't want to sound silly.)
Leeann hadn't heard the footsteps at first, but as they grew nearer, she ducked for cover behind the roof of the house. Obviously, she didn't want to give a heart attack to whoever - wait - what are they? They weren't human, that's for sure. Though two of them kind of looked humanoid.

The third thing, or person, Leeann wasn't sure, was bright green? And looked like a combination of a... ferret and a seagull? Maybe there was some deer in there too. Leeann really wasn't sure what to think of this. The only thing she did know, or thought she knew, was that the green creature was definitely a ghost. And probably the one who created this place, after all, you need to be powerful to shapeshift to that degree.

There was a bird following them too. Looked large to her. Good thing she wasn't alive, or she would of been terrified.

Wait... were they talking?

(Just to clarify, Leeann doesn't realize that Mink is actually a mink, not a ferret. Just don't want to sound silly.)
“Me?” Reathan crossed his arms as the cottage came into view, looking to the sky as he thought. His world wasn’t much, or at least, not in his eyes. Corrupt rulers, assassins, forced to kill monsters for a living... he sighed. “Well, I come from the kingdom of Celeria; there’s not many of my own kind there, but it’s where my guild is. I hunt monsters with my two partners, Kiera and Rodin. We’re on the move a lot... it’s not exactly the ideal way of life, but... I found a family there.” He smiled sadly. “That’s all I could really ask for, to have a family again...” Even more reason to get back to them. Though he loved the company here (and he’d be sure to return, someday, with his friends), he had to get back to the people he cared about...
“Me?” Reathan crossed his arms as the cottage came into view, looking to the sky as he thought. His world wasn’t much, or at least, not in his eyes. Corrupt rulers, assassins, forced to kill monsters for a living... he sighed. “Well, I come from the kingdom of Celeria; there’s not many of my own kind there, but it’s where my guild is. I hunt monsters with my two partners, Kiera and Rodin. We’re on the move a lot... it’s not exactly the ideal way of life, but... I found a family there.” He smiled sadly. “That’s all I could really ask for, to have a family again...” Even more reason to get back to them. Though he loved the company here (and he’d be sure to return, someday, with his friends), he had to get back to the people he cared about...
He kept an eye out for Leeann, holding onto the necklace as they walked. He stuck near the group. They hadn't mentioned that there was a ghost here. Sure, there was many different people here, but he didn't think any one of the people that they mentioned was a ghost. It could be a ghost dragon? No that wasn't right. She didn't look like any dragon. They must not know that she's here. That only made him more nervous. How would they defend him? 'Not that I want to be defended,' he reminded himself.

He tried to pay attention to what Reathan had been saying. Hunt monsters? Oh yikes, he wanted to stay friendly with this guy. He wasn't in the mood to be attacked. Mink gave him a smile when he said that he had a family, "Oh that's nice." He thought about his own crew. They were... family, he guessed. Yeah, they were good to him. That was good enough for him. He felt a little bit bad for Reathan since that implied that he really didn't have a family. Still, friends were family that was enough for anything, he didn't really dwell on it much.

The movement of the ghost caught his eye. Mink gripped tighter on the necklace. No, no she can't have it. He would lose everything. He promised the sea he wouldn't do it again. This was his only chance! He saw her go behind the roof. He wanted to suggest that he wanted to leave, but he didn't want to seem to be a coward. He did just run away from a bird which wasn't scary to any of them. There seemed to no other place to go. He really didn't want to go back to the pirates right now. He just had to let it happen. If she tried to take, he would be ready.

They came near the cabin, he looked up at it. Yeah he couldn't reach the door.
He kept an eye out for Leeann, holding onto the necklace as they walked. He stuck near the group. They hadn't mentioned that there was a ghost here. Sure, there was many different people here, but he didn't think any one of the people that they mentioned was a ghost. It could be a ghost dragon? No that wasn't right. She didn't look like any dragon. They must not know that she's here. That only made him more nervous. How would they defend him? 'Not that I want to be defended,' he reminded himself.

He tried to pay attention to what Reathan had been saying. Hunt monsters? Oh yikes, he wanted to stay friendly with this guy. He wasn't in the mood to be attacked. Mink gave him a smile when he said that he had a family, "Oh that's nice." He thought about his own crew. They were... family, he guessed. Yeah, they were good to him. That was good enough for him. He felt a little bit bad for Reathan since that implied that he really didn't have a family. Still, friends were family that was enough for anything, he didn't really dwell on it much.

The movement of the ghost caught his eye. Mink gripped tighter on the necklace. No, no she can't have it. He would lose everything. He promised the sea he wouldn't do it again. This was his only chance! He saw her go behind the roof. He wanted to suggest that he wanted to leave, but he didn't want to seem to be a coward. He did just run away from a bird which wasn't scary to any of them. There seemed to no other place to go. He really didn't want to go back to the pirates right now. He just had to let it happen. If she tried to take, he would be ready.

They came near the cabin, he looked up at it. Yeah he couldn't reach the door.
You're worth so much more than you know. May troubles be far from your mind.
Leeann continued to stay hidden behind the roof to the best of her ability. The creatures were drawing nearer to the cabin. She tried her best to listen in, curious as to what's going on. After all, what else can she do, but piece together the situation?

The other ghost saw her! She ducked her head fully behind the roof. Were they clutching their necklace? Why? It's not like she can touch the darn thing, let alone steal it. It looks cool though, she'll give it that.

Leeann thought about the ghost a little more. If the others with them weren't afraid of them, would they be afraid of her? Maybe. But, the other ghost didn't look very pleased when they saw her. They would likely try to attack her. Though... She really wanted someone to talk to other than the Graveyard night guard.

She'll just watch for a bit longer...
Leeann continued to stay hidden behind the roof to the best of her ability. The creatures were drawing nearer to the cabin. She tried her best to listen in, curious as to what's going on. After all, what else can she do, but piece together the situation?

The other ghost saw her! She ducked her head fully behind the roof. Were they clutching their necklace? Why? It's not like she can touch the darn thing, let alone steal it. It looks cool though, she'll give it that.

Leeann thought about the ghost a little more. If the others with them weren't afraid of them, would they be afraid of her? Maybe. But, the other ghost didn't look very pleased when they saw her. They would likely try to attack her. Though... She really wanted someone to talk to other than the Graveyard night guard.

She'll just watch for a bit longer...
“Coo!” A tiny quail wanders about in the grass, pecking for seeds. It takes a stroll. Amidst its walk, the environment changes to a lush, bountiful forest. She takes no notice, and continues her waddle-walk. Hm? There was no cottage in my woods, did I stray out too far? Out of curiosity, she pecks the window.

(let me innnn please)
“Coo!” A tiny quail wanders about in the grass, pecking for seeds. It takes a stroll. Amidst its walk, the environment changes to a lush, bountiful forest. She takes no notice, and continues her waddle-walk. Hm? There was no cottage in my woods, did I stray out too far? Out of curiosity, she pecks the window.

(let me innnn please)
Thassius found Reathan's tale entertaining. Hunting monsters? That sounded infinitely more exciting than his realm. They had no monsters. It was just wars and every race distrusting each other. His tail flicked at the thought of the wars. It was honestly confusing, even to someone native to the land. That's probably why he didn't mention it.

"That actually sounds so cool," Thass said to Reathan. "We're got nothing interesting where I'm from. No monsters or anything."

There was a nice smell coming from the cabin. What was that? He looked to his companions. Was he supposed to open the door, or knock, or what? He was kinda confused about that. Maybe one of them would, or something.
Thassius found Reathan's tale entertaining. Hunting monsters? That sounded infinitely more exciting than his realm. They had no monsters. It was just wars and every race distrusting each other. His tail flicked at the thought of the wars. It was honestly confusing, even to someone native to the land. That's probably why he didn't mention it.

"That actually sounds so cool," Thass said to Reathan. "We're got nothing interesting where I'm from. No monsters or anything."

There was a nice smell coming from the cabin. What was that? He looked to his companions. Was he supposed to open the door, or knock, or what? He was kinda confused about that. Maybe one of them would, or something.
I'm a pansexual with she/her pronouns. I don't mind a message or a ping! Timezone is +1 FR time.
Currently: Grew UP in the French court, oui oui bonjour, life was a chore so...
“Really? No monsters at all?” Reathan shook his head, the thought of the beast that had been chasing him invading his mind. “Cool, maybe if you’re watching from afar. But when you’re hunting them, well, let’s just say you lose that idea real fast.” The smell of something sweet and warm hit his nose and he lifted his gaze to the door. “Something smells pretty good. Here, I’ll go first this time.”

Omen heard the knock first, and the beast leaped from his spot on the floor and began to bark (rather loudly) at the door. But Mama Dragon has spotted the quail at the window and was opening it as Reathan knocked. “Just a moment!” she shouted, unlatching the window to let the little bird in. Once that was settled, she made her way swiftly to the door, opening it and stepping aside to let them all back in. Omen sat with his tail wagging at her feet. “There you all are!” she said. “And with a few new faces! I thought we might’ve had some more visitors! My magic hasn’t failed me yet, it seems.”
“Really? No monsters at all?” Reathan shook his head, the thought of the beast that had been chasing him invading his mind. “Cool, maybe if you’re watching from afar. But when you’re hunting them, well, let’s just say you lose that idea real fast.” The smell of something sweet and warm hit his nose and he lifted his gaze to the door. “Something smells pretty good. Here, I’ll go first this time.”

Omen heard the knock first, and the beast leaped from his spot on the floor and began to bark (rather loudly) at the door. But Mama Dragon has spotted the quail at the window and was opening it as Reathan knocked. “Just a moment!” she shouted, unlatching the window to let the little bird in. Once that was settled, she made her way swiftly to the door, opening it and stepping aside to let them all back in. Omen sat with his tail wagging at her feet. “There you all are!” she said. “And with a few new faces! I thought we might’ve had some more visitors! My magic hasn’t failed me yet, it seems.”
Once let in, she was bursting with unanswered questions. “Who are you? What is this place? Who are those creatures?” She made herself at home while awaiting her answers.
Once let in, she was bursting with unanswered questions. “Who are you? What is this place? Who are those creatures?” She made herself at home while awaiting her answers.
Leeann leaned into the conversation further, doing her best to still remain hidden. She was behind the corner of the cabin now, peeking her head around.

A warm voice could be heard. Leeann's mind immediately latched to the word magic. Another ghost perhaps? She knew only the dead could use magic, and it was unlikely the new voice belonged to an undead.

Also, does she have sensing magic? The presumed ghost mentioned knowing the others were here. Does that mean she can sense the cyan ghost? So many questions, and now, a bit of panic.

Best to keep hidden. Leeann could never hope to escape two powerful ghosts.
Leeann leaned into the conversation further, doing her best to still remain hidden. She was behind the corner of the cabin now, peeking her head around.

A warm voice could be heard. Leeann's mind immediately latched to the word magic. Another ghost perhaps? She knew only the dead could use magic, and it was unlikely the new voice belonged to an undead.

Also, does she have sensing magic? The presumed ghost mentioned knowing the others were here. Does that mean she can sense the cyan ghost? So many questions, and now, a bit of panic.

Best to keep hidden. Leeann could never hope to escape two powerful ghosts.