

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 with Sparkbreeze
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"We should go look for a place we might be able to get water and other supplies we might need as well," Adelie said, tilting her head thoughtfully as she stepped out of the store and looked around. The town was really starting to bustle with activity now, the sun slowly making it's way higher into the sky. Everyone seemed to be busy with their morning activities, and it looked a little difficult to simply just ask a townsperson where they'd be able to get what they needed.
"We should go look for a place we might be able to get water and other supplies we might need as well," Adelie said, tilting her head thoughtfully as she stepped out of the store and looked around. The town was really starting to bustle with activity now, the sun slowly making it's way higher into the sky. Everyone seemed to be busy with their morning activities, and it looked a little difficult to simply just ask a townsperson where they'd be able to get what they needed.
"There should be some more stores around here," Jackdaw said after finishing her mouthful of fish. "I'm not familiar with this town, but I know others of a similar size that have lots of them." She followed Adelie, looking at the growing crowd. There are a lot of dragons here, the Coatl thought. I wonder if any of them know of the treasures as well...
"There should be some more stores around here," Jackdaw said after finishing her mouthful of fish. "I'm not familiar with this town, but I know others of a similar size that have lots of them." She followed Adelie, looking at the growing crowd. There are a lot of dragons here, the Coatl thought. I wonder if any of them know of the treasures as well...

(i'll edit my signature soon, i promise.)
As Adelie looked up and down the street, there were no supplies shops catching her eye, though there were a number of apparel shops down the street and what looked like an inn. "Maybe we should look down another street," she suggested, looking back in the direction of the little town square they had started out from.
As Adelie looked up and down the street, there were no supplies shops catching her eye, though there were a number of apparel shops down the street and what looked like an inn. "Maybe we should look down another street," she suggested, looking back in the direction of the little town square they had started out from.
Jackaw blinked. "You're right. I don't think there are any on this street." After quickly finishing the large sardine, she began to walk back to the town square. The crowd was relatively large now, with dragons running about with their morning purchases or hurrying to open up their shops.
Jackaw blinked. "You're right. I don't think there are any on this street." After quickly finishing the large sardine, she began to walk back to the town square. The crowd was relatively large now, with dragons running about with their morning purchases or hurrying to open up their shops.

(i'll edit my signature soon, i promise.)
((Sorry I'm late...! I got busy))

Adelie followed behind her larger companion, looking around at the crowd curiously. The crowd was bigger than what you would normally expect from such a small town, and it made her wonder where all the dragons were coming from. Perhaps from neighbouring villages? Or maybe it was naturally a hotspot since it was so close to the rumoured ancient treasure? Adelie hoped it had nothing to do with the treasure. Their journey would be dangerous enough without having to bother about rival treasure hunters too.

"There," Adelie pointed out again, raising a claw to point down another street right next to the one they had just exited. Piles of tools could be seen from where they stood, just barely peeking out the front of a store.
((Sorry I'm late...! I got busy))

Adelie followed behind her larger companion, looking around at the crowd curiously. The crowd was bigger than what you would normally expect from such a small town, and it made her wonder where all the dragons were coming from. Perhaps from neighbouring villages? Or maybe it was naturally a hotspot since it was so close to the rumoured ancient treasure? Adelie hoped it had nothing to do with the treasure. Their journey would be dangerous enough without having to bother about rival treasure hunters too.

"There," Adelie pointed out again, raising a claw to point down another street right next to the one they had just exited. Piles of tools could be seen from where they stood, just barely peeking out the front of a store.
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