

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Ride with Pride
Welcome to Ride with Pride. We have opened up cabins for the summer. We have tons of horses. You can board your horse here or use one we already have. You can stay here for the summer. You can take lessons. We have a snow cone hut where you can have a snow cone. The boys cabins Andre on the left and the girls cabins are on the right side of the ranch. We can only house twenty people so sign up today. Also you can bring your cats here. Keep them in at night because unfortunately there are coyotes here at Ride with Pride. Have as much fun as you can.




Rank-(Who you are)

Welcome to Ride with Pride. We have opened up cabins for the summer. We have tons of horses. You can board your horse here or use one we already have. You can stay here for the summer. You can take lessons. We have a snow cone hut where you can have a snow cone. The boys cabins Andre on the left and the girls cabins are on the right side of the ranch. We can only house twenty people so sign up today. Also you can bring your cats here. Keep them in at night because unfortunately there are coyotes here at Ride with Pride. Have as much fun as you can.




Rank-(Who you are)

Can someone join
Can someone join
@LadyArcana Shall I do? :) Name: Layana Chardswick Age: 14 Gender: Female Looks: [img];_ylu=X3oDMTAyN3Vldmc1BDAD/SIG=13bvg1ah7/EXP=1436100002;_ylc=X3IDMgRmc3QDMQRpZHgDMARvaWQDQU5kOUdjU3JEYk0zbUxrel91VEJ6LTg0TkozMmlOZGRXYkFKMHU2X3Q3dXF4MXJiUEZmb2FyZ2ppclgxYTAwBHADWVc1cGJXVWdaMmx5YkNCM2FYUm9JSEpsWkNCb1lXbHkEcG9zAzEzBHNlYwNzaHcEc2xrA3Nmc3Q-/**https%3a//[/img] Horse: Mimi Color: Brown with cream patches and a white mane Cat: Prince Albert (Albi for short) Color: Black with white paws and amber eyes History (kind of her personality.,, whatever): An ordinary, social underdog. She's kind, but an awkward conversationalist. Whenever she attempts at a witty comment, she usually gets blank stares in reply. Simply because they often include obscure book references. She enjoys expressing herself through art work, which is often derived from her cat. Rank: (What do you mean by that?)

Shall I do? :)

Name: Layana Chardswick
Age: 14
Gender: Female


Horse: Mimi
Color: Brown with cream patches and a white mane

Cat: Prince Albert (Albi for short)
Color: Black with white paws and amber eyes

History (kind of her personality.,, whatever): An ordinary, social underdog. She's kind, but an awkward conversationalist. Whenever she attempts at a witty comment, she usually gets blank stares in reply. Simply because they often include obscure book references. She enjoys expressing herself through art work, which is often derived from her cat.

Rank: (What do you mean by that?)