

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A fireside rest {OPEN}
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Kanya tipped her plate back and scarfed down her food in one go before walking over to the bark coated coatl

"alright lets see here, I think Ive seen this before In ArcLord Krixis' clinic once" the Light Imperial pulled out her book and began fliping though it, landing on a couple of pages and reading then throughly

"from my Notes I can deduce its either a Barkskin-rash, which is a Nature dragons allergic reaction to some kind of nasty bacteria native to the Plague territory, Or its some kind of woodhide petrification curse, But I don't think anyone cursed her so ts most likely the rash, I'm going to try take a massive chunk off you so stay calm and still for me alright?"

Kanya then took hold of the Costl and fliped her over onto her back and took out a blade, punctuing a small hole into the bark, exposing the Crystalhide benethe before digging her claws into it and peeling a massive chunk off Sarias belly exposing a series of small red lumps

"yepyep, It was the rash, you probably got it when you laned on the emperors head like a dink, I think I have some antisecptic paste in here somewhere- actually wait better Idea." Kanya turned her head toward her Pearlcatcher Clanmate "Oi Boozebag! you have any of that Spit-Fire rum?"

Kennan looked up from his bug skewers and pulled a amber glass bottle the size of his head from his bag and brandished it "'course I do, why?"

Kalanar looked up from setting some of the newly filleted fish on to fry and recognised the look in Kanya's eyes "germ burn?"

Kanya nodded "yep"
Kanya tipped her plate back and scarfed down her food in one go before walking over to the bark coated coatl

"alright lets see here, I think Ive seen this before In ArcLord Krixis' clinic once" the Light Imperial pulled out her book and began fliping though it, landing on a couple of pages and reading then throughly

"from my Notes I can deduce its either a Barkskin-rash, which is a Nature dragons allergic reaction to some kind of nasty bacteria native to the Plague territory, Or its some kind of woodhide petrification curse, But I don't think anyone cursed her so ts most likely the rash, I'm going to try take a massive chunk off you so stay calm and still for me alright?"

Kanya then took hold of the Costl and fliped her over onto her back and took out a blade, punctuing a small hole into the bark, exposing the Crystalhide benethe before digging her claws into it and peeling a massive chunk off Sarias belly exposing a series of small red lumps

"yepyep, It was the rash, you probably got it when you laned on the emperors head like a dink, I think I have some antisecptic paste in here somewhere- actually wait better Idea." Kanya turned her head toward her Pearlcatcher Clanmate "Oi Boozebag! you have any of that Spit-Fire rum?"

Kennan looked up from his bug skewers and pulled a amber glass bottle the size of his head from his bag and brandished it "'course I do, why?"

Kalanar looked up from setting some of the newly filleted fish on to fry and recognised the look in Kanya's eyes "germ burn?"

Kanya nodded "yep"
Selene admired Kanya’s work, healing Saria. Then blinked and realised Tali said something to her.
“Selene, what’s an Emperor? Mama said she left to fight one ages ago, then Scruffy, Sheri, and Big Brother Andras left to fight it too! So what is it?”
Arlen sighed at Selene, and Riveros gulped at Saria.
“You all right Saria? You gonna be okay?” She asked calmly. Arlen snorted at Saria for being careless about landing on the Emperor head ‘like a dink’ so said Kanya.
Selene admired Kanya’s work, healing Saria. Then blinked and realised Tali said something to her.
“Selene, what’s an Emperor? Mama said she left to fight one ages ago, then Scruffy, Sheri, and Big Brother Andras left to fight it too! So what is it?”
Arlen sighed at Selene, and Riveros gulped at Saria.
“You all right Saria? You gonna be okay?” She asked calmly. Arlen snorted at Saria for being careless about landing on the Emperor head ‘like a dink’ so said Kanya.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
"Hey Riveros. Who's that Mirror with you?" Groxinite said.
"Hi, i'm Tali! What's your name?" Tali asked Kanya.
Bruce and Dirna were trying to make a statue of the flamecaller out of sticks.
"Hey Riveros. Who's that Mirror with you?" Groxinite said.
"Hi, i'm Tali! What's your name?" Tali asked Kanya.
Bruce and Dirna were trying to make a statue of the flamecaller out of sticks.
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
Riveros said to Groxinite,
“This is my... mate, Arlen! That’s my daughter Selene... in other words, Andras’ little sister.” Selene hissed at her father, and Arlen smirked at him.
Riveros said to Groxinite,
“This is my... mate, Arlen! That’s my daughter Selene... in other words, Andras’ little sister.” Selene hissed at her father, and Arlen smirked at him.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
"Hi Arlen. How's Andras doing?" Groxinite asked.
"Hi Arlen. How's Andras doing?" Groxinite asked.
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
“Ha! The genius is doing awesome! Bragging bout being here taking down that Emperor to his younger siblings and sons.” Arlen laughed.
“He was doing that right Selene?” She nodded back, and turned back to watching Saria. Riveros tapped her snout in thinking about how what happened to Saria could possibly happen.
“Ha! The genius is doing awesome! Bragging bout being here taking down that Emperor to his younger siblings and sons.” Arlen laughed.
“He was doing that right Selene?” She nodded back, and turned back to watching Saria. Riveros tapped her snout in thinking about how what happened to Saria could possibly happen.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
"My son went home and only told his mom and no, he didn't get scolded. I got scolded..." Groxinite said and sighed.
"My son went home and only told his mom and no, he didn't get scolded. I got scolded..." Groxinite said and sighed.
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
Riveros wrinkled her snout,
“Well... I called my son, I have terrible memory... did you call yours or did he come on his own? Either way, I get his mother’s motives! I’m a grandma, so I have a big family to worry about! Including our clans... they’re our family! Of course.... i’m Gonna be scolded by Andras’ mate! Aye, Arlen?” He nodded at her.
Selene pounced on her mother’s swishing tail.
Riveros wrinkled her snout,
“Well... I called my son, I have terrible memory... did you call yours or did he come on his own? Either way, I get his mother’s motives! I’m a grandma, so I have a big family to worry about! Including our clans... they’re our family! Of course.... i’m Gonna be scolded by Andras’ mate! Aye, Arlen?” He nodded at her.
Selene pounced on her mother’s swishing tail.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
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