

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | ~The Academy ~ Closeing, see recent
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She's good! You can start rping, I'll add her to the list later.

She's good! You can start rping, I'll add her to the list later.
not super active :(

Name: Umaara Awolowo Age: 18 Species: Abada (Central African unicorn) shifter Gender: Female Sexuality: Lesbian Drawing-Winner or Paid Admission?: Drawing-Winner Appearance: [img][/img][img][/img] She looks like this, but with amber-bronze teardrops in the outer corners of her eyes and moss green eyes. Personality: She is strong, loyal, charismatic, and sarcastic. She will stick up for her friends and relentlessly torture her enemies. She has a stubborn streak and will only do something if she wants to, not if someone tells her to. She is very strong-willed, but will break down if you hit a nerve. She plays tough, but in reality she is very sensitive. If in the role-play, she gets a girlfriend or falls for someone, she will protect them with her life. (I really want a romantic story arc for her). Powers: She can turn into a Abada. However, she's been having anxiety attacks and turning feral out of her own control. Weapons: She brandishes a two-handed broadsword covered in golden symbols and red and yellow paints. Strengths: Is a great cook, good with kids, but not teenagers or adults, loves fiercely, very organized Flaws: Overthinks things, gets stressed easily because of her anxiety disorder, has OCD Classes: Potions Species Studies Shapeshifting and Illusions Reading Dark Magics Cooking Dorm: Spindelle Dorm
Name: Umaara Awolowo
Age: 18
Species: Abada (Central African unicorn) shifter
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Drawing-Winner or Paid Admission?: Drawing-Winner
She looks like this, but with amber-bronze teardrops in the outer corners of her eyes and moss green eyes.
Personality: She is strong, loyal, charismatic, and sarcastic. She will stick up for her friends and relentlessly torture her enemies. She has a stubborn streak and will only do something if she wants to, not if someone tells her to. She is very strong-willed, but will break down if you hit a nerve. She plays tough, but in reality she is very sensitive. If in the role-play, she gets a girlfriend or falls for someone, she will protect them with her life. (I really want a romantic story arc for her).
Powers: She can turn into a Abada. However, she's been having anxiety attacks and turning feral out of her own control.
Weapons: She brandishes a two-handed broadsword covered in golden symbols and red and yellow paints.
Strengths: Is a great cook, good with kids, but not teenagers or adults, loves fiercely, very organized
Flaws: Overthinks things, gets stressed easily because of her anxiety disorder, has OCD
Species Studies
Shapeshifting and Illusions
Dark Magics
Dorm: Spindelle Dorm
In all honestly, Lo generally completely ignored the bookheads at the school. They may be perfectly agreeable and kind persons, but she wasn't interested in talking to people who insisted on learning so strictly from the written word. Magic, in her experience, was such a unique, living, impercievable thing that to try and learn it from scripture instead of experiencing it, it almost felt insulting to it. Some people called her religious for it, as if she worshipped magic. She thought of it more as a reverence for the powers that the living could only barely skim their fingers over the surface. To clinically write all of it down as it were a science, and could be vivisected as such was so removed from what magic was.

"Not exactly, but I take a great deal of classes and come into the garden to relax. I don't...socialize too much, especially as this will be my last year. I'd like to make friends, but it....I don't want to miss people when I have to leave, you know?"

Lo smiled slightly at the question. "Nah, if you were too loud I'd tell you. Besides-" she reached into her ear and pulled out a small, multi layered white earplug "- I come well prepared. Some of the species here are known for sonic attacks, and those'll hurt anyone's poor ears."


"Already? The year's barely started." But Erebus knew all too well the struggles of anxiety. "I'd be happy to help if you'd like, I don't know much of mer....." Oh no, what is the term for the collective of mersondom (merpersondom)? Was it merpeople or merfolk? Merfolk sounded cooler. Let's hope that. "much of merfolk magics, but I know a little of theory and would love to learn something new myself."

In all honestly, Lo generally completely ignored the bookheads at the school. They may be perfectly agreeable and kind persons, but she wasn't interested in talking to people who insisted on learning so strictly from the written word. Magic, in her experience, was such a unique, living, impercievable thing that to try and learn it from scripture instead of experiencing it, it almost felt insulting to it. Some people called her religious for it, as if she worshipped magic. She thought of it more as a reverence for the powers that the living could only barely skim their fingers over the surface. To clinically write all of it down as it were a science, and could be vivisected as such was so removed from what magic was.

"Not exactly, but I take a great deal of classes and come into the garden to relax. I don't...socialize too much, especially as this will be my last year. I'd like to make friends, but it....I don't want to miss people when I have to leave, you know?"

Lo smiled slightly at the question. "Nah, if you were too loud I'd tell you. Besides-" she reached into her ear and pulled out a small, multi layered white earplug "- I come well prepared. Some of the species here are known for sonic attacks, and those'll hurt anyone's poor ears."


"Already? The year's barely started." But Erebus knew all too well the struggles of anxiety. "I'd be happy to help if you'd like, I don't know much of mer....." Oh no, what is the term for the collective of mersondom (merpersondom)? Was it merpeople or merfolk? Merfolk sounded cooler. Let's hope that. "much of merfolk magics, but I know a little of theory and would love to learn something new myself."

Grace gave a light snort, a bit amused by his choice of words, before putting back on a serious-ish face. With a light smile, she nodded. "I know mostly water-based spells, but I also know a bit of time-related spells and such; It would be nice to learn a bit more other then trial and error." The mermaid said, before grabbing the book back out of the bag, and showing it to him. It was about some water spells, but written in common English.

"You can borrow it if you want, it's pretty helpful for most spells. I can help you too - erm, if you wanted."She said, before craning her head back to look at him again.

Grace gave a light snort, a bit amused by his choice of words, before putting back on a serious-ish face. With a light smile, she nodded. "I know mostly water-based spells, but I also know a bit of time-related spells and such; It would be nice to learn a bit more other then trial and error." The mermaid said, before grabbing the book back out of the bag, and showing it to him. It was about some water spells, but written in common English.

"You can borrow it if you want, it's pretty helpful for most spells. I can help you too - erm, if you wanted."She said, before craning her head back to look at him again.

not super active :(


((What do you think??))

((What do you think??))
It was very fortunate that she had an English book, as Erebus knew nothing of the merfolk language. He sat down next to her, folding his wings so they wouldn't he so....looming. "Let's see, alright." He glanced through the introductions and rolled up his sleeves. "You specialize in very nebulous magic." Erebus knew little of water magic, but he was far more acquainted with time magic than he'd like to be. The winged man shook his hand in the water to acquaint his touch with the element properly, which would help his mind to focus on his purpose. He spoke the words aloud, as nonverbal magic was always harder for speaking species. The ball rose, but fell apart before exploding. Not bad for a first attempt at a new spell, he figured. "If it's done much are you supposed to be able to lift?" He asked before trying again, this time altering the hand motion to be more fluid, like he was drawing the water up versus picking up a handful of it. Experimentation was the food of discovery, after all.

It was very fortunate that she had an English book, as Erebus knew nothing of the merfolk language. He sat down next to her, folding his wings so they wouldn't he so....looming. "Let's see, alright." He glanced through the introductions and rolled up his sleeves. "You specialize in very nebulous magic." Erebus knew little of water magic, but he was far more acquainted with time magic than he'd like to be. The winged man shook his hand in the water to acquaint his touch with the element properly, which would help his mind to focus on his purpose. He spoke the words aloud, as nonverbal magic was always harder for speaking species. The ball rose, but fell apart before exploding. Not bad for a first attempt at a new spell, he figured. "If it's done much are you supposed to be able to lift?" He asked before trying again, this time altering the hand motion to be more fluid, like he was drawing the water up versus picking up a handful of it. Experimentation was the food of discovery, after all.


Accepted! She's really pretty and fits the unicorn shift well! You can start roleplaying, and I will add her to the list later!

Accepted! She's really pretty and fits the unicorn shift well! You can start roleplaying, and I will add her to the list later!
not super active :(

((Awesome, thank you so much!!))
((Awesome, thank you so much!!))
Grace smiled at his attempt, her tail flickering slightly. "That was pretty good!" She said, before pushed some of her straying hair back.

"Well, it's almost endless amounts, but it takes forever to learn how to hold it, and even longer to support the weight of the creatures in the water. Besides, something like that couldn't happen at this lake, the teachers protected it with some spell, and it's linked to the whole school." The girl explained, before making another ball the size of a soccer ball, before lowering it carefully to keep it from exploding all over him.

Grace smiled at his attempt, her tail flickering slightly. "That was pretty good!" She said, before pushed some of her straying hair back.

"Well, it's almost endless amounts, but it takes forever to learn how to hold it, and even longer to support the weight of the creatures in the water. Besides, something like that couldn't happen at this lake, the teachers protected it with some spell, and it's linked to the whole school." The girl explained, before making another ball the size of a soccer ball, before lowering it carefully to keep it from exploding all over him.

not super active :(

((Um, just so you know, he doesn't just read about magic in books. Tom actively practices it as well. I mean, you wouldn't be very good at spells unless you practice them, right? XD.))

"Well, we seem to have that in common, I'd say." Tom commented with a chuckle. "I'm not really one for socializing either. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I kind of find most people less interesting than a book." Although, that certainly didn't seem to be a problem while talking to Lo. For once, he actually hadn't thought about his book for a while now. "And I do understand about not wanting to miss people. But you know, the way I see it, you're going to miss people and be hurt by people all your life. But you've gotta find the people worth the pain, you know? Like say, you had someone you love. You'll probably argue and be away from each other from time to time and that'll hurt. But it'll be worth it because you both love each other, right?" He seemed to realize that he was babbling and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, went off on a tangent there."

As a slight smile appeared on her face at his question, Tom couldn't help but think that she would look really cute when she smiled. He let out a sigh of relief when she said that he wasn't too loud while taking out an earplug that she happened to have to be prepared for any loud sounds directed at her. "Phew, I'm glad. I'm not really used to talking to faes like yourself, so I don't really know what is polite and impolite or if I happened to be talking too loudly. I'm enjoying talking to you, so I didn't want to mess up, you know?"
((Um, just so you know, he doesn't just read about magic in books. Tom actively practices it as well. I mean, you wouldn't be very good at spells unless you practice them, right? XD.))

"Well, we seem to have that in common, I'd say." Tom commented with a chuckle. "I'm not really one for socializing either. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I kind of find most people less interesting than a book." Although, that certainly didn't seem to be a problem while talking to Lo. For once, he actually hadn't thought about his book for a while now. "And I do understand about not wanting to miss people. But you know, the way I see it, you're going to miss people and be hurt by people all your life. But you've gotta find the people worth the pain, you know? Like say, you had someone you love. You'll probably argue and be away from each other from time to time and that'll hurt. But it'll be worth it because you both love each other, right?" He seemed to realize that he was babbling and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, went off on a tangent there."

As a slight smile appeared on her face at his question, Tom couldn't help but think that she would look really cute when she smiled. He let out a sigh of relief when she said that he wasn't too loud while taking out an earplug that she happened to have to be prepared for any loud sounds directed at her. "Phew, I'm glad. I'm not really used to talking to faes like yourself, so I don't really know what is polite and impolite or if I happened to be talking too loudly. I'm enjoying talking to you, so I didn't want to mess up, you know?"
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