

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Freak : School For Monsters (Closed !)
(It's a 'human' RP)

Monsters . Creatures of legends . Humans have feared or worshiped them since the beggining of time . Still , there are no proof that they exist , or existed ... But they're just hidding . Some places exists for them , sanctuaries are the biggest , but there are also small reserves a bit everywhere . Sanctuaries are more like small towns and reserves like villages . In a sanctuary located on the eastern part of the border between the Canada and the United States , monsters live peacefully , protected by magic . And in this sanctuary , there is Freak , one of the most reputed school for monsters in the world .

Your character(s) can be a mythical creature or part human part animal or just have powers or etc , but please no mindcontrol . Mindreading is allowed , but just for the current thoughts , no rummaging through the brain to dig up memories or things like that .

Character Sheet :
If your character is new to this place , you are not obligated to add details about thier story if you don't want to , but if you want your character to have grown in this sanctuary , please add some details about thier past , as other characters will probably know about it (maybe) .
(They're also all starting at 15 years old)

Name :
Gender :
Species :
Appearence :
Personality :
Backstory :
Abilities :
Other :

My Characters (will be updated) :

Name : Alan Lajoie
Gender : male
Species : Shapeshifter
Appearence : a not so tall and muscular guy with golden blond hair and green eyes . He smiles often and has slightly tanned skin .
Personality : Alan Lajoie is known for his kindness and his selflessness . He always help when asked . He likes being outside and playing sports (he's litterally great at all of them and loves them all) . He's also not scared easily and in his group if friend he's the 'courageous one' . A lot of girls are after him but he doesn't seem yo be interested in any of them . He loves music and plays of every instrument he can get his hand on . He's also annoyingly good in every class without even studying . Some people think he's too 'perfect' . He's even good at drawing and dancing .
Backstory : Alan has never known his father , his mother says he just disapeared one day , and it affects him a lot . He learned to be pretty independent at a young age and his mother taught him survival skills , in fear that something happens to him . His mother also puts a lot of preasure on him to be good at everything , even if doesn't notice , and it is one of the reasons he push himself hard to achieve that goal . The other being to make his father proud if he ever come back , or if he's watching from the sky .
Abilities : shapeshifters take time to control thier powers , or even to start using it , and Alan is no exeption ; he hasn't been yet able to change shape or anything . (People take that to thier advantage and say that he's just like a human and that maybe he will stay like that forever) shapeshifters are also very rare and immortal (but not invincible and can die of hunger or thirst or wound or sickness like everybody)
Other : has a golden retriever named Dollytjat he loves very much . Came from Quebec but talks perfectly well in french or english .

Name : Song Iri
Gender : male
Species : siren/merman
Appearence : Song has pale blue hair and even paller blue skin . His eyes are sky blue and he's very tall and graceful but skinny . His tail is pale blue with almost white fins and little white stars scattered a bit everywhere on his scales and skin .
Personality : Song is quiet . He can't sing , because he might bewitch them into liking him . People stay away from him from that reason , and he seems okay with that , as he is now used to be alone . He almost never talks and some people thinks he's mute . He likes to play music , though not in front of people as he's scared to start signing without noticing it . He's always in his head , thinking , usually about stories to write , as he's turned to his pen and paper to get out all the unspoken words of the day .
Backstory : Song's parents are as quiet as him and made him learn quickly to be , as they think there is no place for them there , or anywhere , and prefer to be noticed as less as possible . But with Song's brother , Silk , it's a bit difficult . Song almost never talks to his brother as he almost never talks woth his parents or anybody .
Abilities : when he sings , people get bewitched into finding him extremly attractive . His voice can also cause some people to see only his qualities and liking him . Transform his fish tail into two legs .
Other : Song and Silk came from the same nest and are the same age .

Name : Silk Iri
Gender : male
Species : siren/merman (maybe lycanthrope)
Appearence : Silk has almost white blue-blond hair with a bluer and a little bit darker skin . His eyes are a soft blue with yellow-white around the pupil and sky blue scales with pale yellow stars on his scales and skin . He's average in height and skinny , though it's also because he doesn't eat much . When he transforms he's a gigantic bulky and furry creature with fur the same color as his hair . It's body looks a lot like that of a bear , though it's face is kind of a cross between that of a bear's and a wolf , with long ears . It has a long , powerful and fluffy tail .
Personality : Silk tries to keep calm and just be 'himself' , though he's anxious and totally not confident . He automatically thinks that everyone hates him (including his familly) and judges him . He doesn't know if he has the ability to bewitch with his voice , as he's never dared singing nor does he talk with anybody . He thinks he's dangerous because of his lycanthropic ability to shapeshift into an animal just as a werewolf or any other werecreature does and he doesn't control it , and doesn't think he can . He usually looks at Alan and thinks he's garbage compared to him and he wish he'd be like him .
Backstory : Silk discovered he could transform into a creature when his sister , Symphony , angered him and he lost control , killing her . Now his parents think of getting rid or him , but never did so yet . Song doesn't remember the incident and doesn't hate his brother for that . Silk doesn't remember it either , but knows because of his parents . Since then , they send him to see a specialist each month to try and know what he is exactly , as it looks like lycanthropy but isn't quite that and there is no history of something like that happening in the familly .
Abilities : same as his brother , though he can transform into a gigantic creature but doesn't control it ; he usually transform when angered or when he sees/smell blood . Transform his fish tail into two legs .
Other : has the same age as Song .

(If you have any questions , feel free to ask ! Also , I'd like it if it was a 1X1)
(It's a 'human' RP)

Monsters . Creatures of legends . Humans have feared or worshiped them since the beggining of time . Still , there are no proof that they exist , or existed ... But they're just hidding . Some places exists for them , sanctuaries are the biggest , but there are also small reserves a bit everywhere . Sanctuaries are more like small towns and reserves like villages . In a sanctuary located on the eastern part of the border between the Canada and the United States , monsters live peacefully , protected by magic . And in this sanctuary , there is Freak , one of the most reputed school for monsters in the world .

Your character(s) can be a mythical creature or part human part animal or just have powers or etc , but please no mindcontrol . Mindreading is allowed , but just for the current thoughts , no rummaging through the brain to dig up memories or things like that .

Character Sheet :
If your character is new to this place , you are not obligated to add details about thier story if you don't want to , but if you want your character to have grown in this sanctuary , please add some details about thier past , as other characters will probably know about it (maybe) .
(They're also all starting at 15 years old)

Name :
Gender :
Species :
Appearence :
Personality :
Backstory :
Abilities :
Other :

My Characters (will be updated) :

Name : Alan Lajoie
Gender : male
Species : Shapeshifter
Appearence : a not so tall and muscular guy with golden blond hair and green eyes . He smiles often and has slightly tanned skin .
Personality : Alan Lajoie is known for his kindness and his selflessness . He always help when asked . He likes being outside and playing sports (he's litterally great at all of them and loves them all) . He's also not scared easily and in his group if friend he's the 'courageous one' . A lot of girls are after him but he doesn't seem yo be interested in any of them . He loves music and plays of every instrument he can get his hand on . He's also annoyingly good in every class without even studying . Some people think he's too 'perfect' . He's even good at drawing and dancing .
Backstory : Alan has never known his father , his mother says he just disapeared one day , and it affects him a lot . He learned to be pretty independent at a young age and his mother taught him survival skills , in fear that something happens to him . His mother also puts a lot of preasure on him to be good at everything , even if doesn't notice , and it is one of the reasons he push himself hard to achieve that goal . The other being to make his father proud if he ever come back , or if he's watching from the sky .
Abilities : shapeshifters take time to control thier powers , or even to start using it , and Alan is no exeption ; he hasn't been yet able to change shape or anything . (People take that to thier advantage and say that he's just like a human and that maybe he will stay like that forever) shapeshifters are also very rare and immortal (but not invincible and can die of hunger or thirst or wound or sickness like everybody)
Other : has a golden retriever named Dollytjat he loves very much . Came from Quebec but talks perfectly well in french or english .

Name : Song Iri
Gender : male
Species : siren/merman
Appearence : Song has pale blue hair and even paller blue skin . His eyes are sky blue and he's very tall and graceful but skinny . His tail is pale blue with almost white fins and little white stars scattered a bit everywhere on his scales and skin .
Personality : Song is quiet . He can't sing , because he might bewitch them into liking him . People stay away from him from that reason , and he seems okay with that , as he is now used to be alone . He almost never talks and some people thinks he's mute . He likes to play music , though not in front of people as he's scared to start signing without noticing it . He's always in his head , thinking , usually about stories to write , as he's turned to his pen and paper to get out all the unspoken words of the day .
Backstory : Song's parents are as quiet as him and made him learn quickly to be , as they think there is no place for them there , or anywhere , and prefer to be noticed as less as possible . But with Song's brother , Silk , it's a bit difficult . Song almost never talks to his brother as he almost never talks woth his parents or anybody .
Abilities : when he sings , people get bewitched into finding him extremly attractive . His voice can also cause some people to see only his qualities and liking him . Transform his fish tail into two legs .
Other : Song and Silk came from the same nest and are the same age .

Name : Silk Iri
Gender : male
Species : siren/merman (maybe lycanthrope)
Appearence : Silk has almost white blue-blond hair with a bluer and a little bit darker skin . His eyes are a soft blue with yellow-white around the pupil and sky blue scales with pale yellow stars on his scales and skin . He's average in height and skinny , though it's also because he doesn't eat much . When he transforms he's a gigantic bulky and furry creature with fur the same color as his hair . It's body looks a lot like that of a bear , though it's face is kind of a cross between that of a bear's and a wolf , with long ears . It has a long , powerful and fluffy tail .
Personality : Silk tries to keep calm and just be 'himself' , though he's anxious and totally not confident . He automatically thinks that everyone hates him (including his familly) and judges him . He doesn't know if he has the ability to bewitch with his voice , as he's never dared singing nor does he talk with anybody . He thinks he's dangerous because of his lycanthropic ability to shapeshift into an animal just as a werewolf or any other werecreature does and he doesn't control it , and doesn't think he can . He usually looks at Alan and thinks he's garbage compared to him and he wish he'd be like him .
Backstory : Silk discovered he could transform into a creature when his sister , Symphony , angered him and he lost control , killing her . Now his parents think of getting rid or him , but never did so yet . Song doesn't remember the incident and doesn't hate his brother for that . Silk doesn't remember it either , but knows because of his parents . Since then , they send him to see a specialist each month to try and know what he is exactly , as it looks like lycanthropy but isn't quite that and there is no history of something like that happening in the familly .
Abilities : same as his brother , though he can transform into a gigantic creature but doesn't control it ; he usually transform when angered or when he sees/smell blood . Transform his fish tail into two legs .
Other : has the same age as Song .

(If you have any questions , feel free to ask ! Also , I'd like it if it was a 1X1)
Could I do this with u? I will get my sign up ready
Could I do this with u? I will get my sign up ready
109dcbb08671a69cebba15e6860b2efdb65bde8f_128.gifavatar_4df3de827152_128.png Voltron And Twenty One Pilots

Of course :) and I'm subscribed so no need to ping

Of course :) and I'm subscribed so no need to ping
@aShapeshifter Name: Erma Gender: Female Species: Mermaid Appearance: Erma's tail is based off a Shark's tail. She has some battle scars on her hip and near her gills. Her hair is jet black and is very curly at the bottom. Usually, she wears a T-shirt or sweatshirt. Wears glasses that look like this:[img][/img] Personality: HUGE history nerd. Erma is very nervous when it comes to social activities. Introvert. Although, She is fine if people want to hang out with her. Backstory: Erma was born a hybrid. Her dad a human, and mother a mermaid. Her father was killed in a car accident and her mother died of a sickness. But after she was born, Erma found it difficult to make friends with humans or other mermaids. So, she decided to find other monsters like her Abilities: can manipulate metal Other: Likes: -raisins -ukelele -BOOKS Dislikes: -punk/rock -really loud parties -people that don't study for tests
Name: Erma
Gender: Female
Species: Mermaid
Appearance: Erma's tail is based off a Shark's tail. She has some battle scars on her hip and near her gills. Her hair is jet black and is very curly at the bottom. Usually, she wears a T-shirt or sweatshirt. Wears glasses that look like this:index-retro-computer-glasses-frames-blue-light-blocking-computer-glasses-half-frame-pc-lens-glasses.jpg
Personality: HUGE history nerd. Erma is very nervous when it comes to social activities. Introvert. Although, She is fine if people want to hang out with her.
Backstory: Erma was born a hybrid. Her dad a human, and mother a mermaid. Her father was killed in a car accident and her mother died of a sickness. But after she was born, Erma found it difficult to make friends with humans or other mermaids. So, she decided to find other monsters like her
Abilities: can manipulate metal
Other: Likes:
-really loud parties
-people that don't study for tests
109dcbb08671a69cebba15e6860b2efdb65bde8f_128.gifavatar_4df3de827152_128.png Voltron And Twenty One Pilots