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TOPIC | Hunting With A Friend (Closed)
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@WolfYoko [indent]The cool crisp morning air descended upon the Hollow as the moon began [/indent] to set. A dark mist had settled into the camp from the night before but it wasn't yet sunrise. For the beginning of spring it was chilly but plants had already regrown upon the forest filling it with life and color once more. [img][/img] [indent]Off in a rather odd shaped Hollow tree lived §oularis and his family.[/indent] This tree bent and curved back down on it's self like another tree had fallen on it while it was still young forcing it to bend and grow around its fallen brother. Inside this allowed for extra "rooms" that didn't go straight up as it was formed more left to right and then up. Anyways §oul's room lied in between this turn with a circular window. Tonight he had awoken early and had plans to meet §aevaugn's in the early morning to go hunting but the two had not specified a time so now was good for §oul. He carefully opened his window and swung onto the topside of the tree and carefully made his way down the side. He ran through the sleeping hollows until he reached the one that belonged to his friend. §oul just needed a way to sneak in and not wake up his friends parents. Turning towards their door he saw a small blue familiar flit following him, Haku was his father's flit but often followed him around. §oul quietly stepped into his friends house and began towards his room. Since the tribe was close knit and no outsiders ever found their camp they didn't worry about locks. Stepping into the room he quietly stepped towards his friend until he hovered above him and quickly placed his hand over his friends mouth so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Motioning a hand to his lips so his friend would know to be quiet but it was still dark and he wasn't sure if his friend could see it was him.
The cool crisp morning air descended upon the Hollow as the moon began
to set. A dark mist had settled into the camp from the night before but it wasn't yet sunrise. For the beginning of spring it was chilly but plants had already regrown upon the forest filling it with life and color once more.
Off in a rather odd shaped Hollow tree lived §oularis and his family.
This tree bent and curved back down on it's self like another tree had fallen on it while it was still young forcing it to bend and grow around its fallen brother. Inside this allowed for extra "rooms" that didn't go straight up as it was formed more left to right and then up. Anyways §oul's room lied in between this turn with a circular window. Tonight he had awoken early and had plans to meet §aevaugn's in the early morning to go hunting but the two had not specified a time so now was good for §oul. He carefully opened his window and swung onto the topside of the tree and carefully made his way down the side. He ran through the sleeping hollows until he reached the one that belonged to his friend. §oul just needed a way to sneak in and not wake up his friends parents. Turning towards their door he saw a small blue familiar flit following him, Haku was his father's flit but often followed him around. §oul quietly stepped into his friends house and began towards his room. Since the tribe was close knit and no outsiders ever found their camp they didn't worry about locks. Stepping into the room he quietly stepped towards his friend until he hovered above him and quickly placed his hand over his friends mouth so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Motioning a hand to his lips so his friend would know to be quiet but it was still dark and he wasn't sure if his friend could see it was him.

Saevaughn was not exactly having sweet dreams. In his nightmares, murky shadows chased him about with big fangs and giant teeth. So when a hand covered his mouth, he did not take it well and he shouted into his palm, which thankfully muffled most of the sound. Unfortunately that didn’t stop him from flailing an arm, and Soularis was very fortunate that Saevaughn had never been very coordinated first thing in the morning or he might have gotten a punch in the face.

As the red-head slowly regained his sentence, he gave a slight confused glare at his best friend. Then he remembered their hunting plans and he forcibly removed the other boy’s hand.

“Pebbles against the window would have worked just fine,” he grumbled, sitting up and stretching.

Getting ready to go was no big deal, a pair of pants and shoes and he was ready to go. He grabbed some tools on his way.

Out the front door and into the darkness of early morning they slipped. Once far from the last of the tribe's homes, he asked, "Where to? The Hills or the Forest?"
Saevaughn was not exactly having sweet dreams. In his nightmares, murky shadows chased him about with big fangs and giant teeth. So when a hand covered his mouth, he did not take it well and he shouted into his palm, which thankfully muffled most of the sound. Unfortunately that didn’t stop him from flailing an arm, and Soularis was very fortunate that Saevaughn had never been very coordinated first thing in the morning or he might have gotten a punch in the face.

As the red-head slowly regained his sentence, he gave a slight confused glare at his best friend. Then he remembered their hunting plans and he forcibly removed the other boy’s hand.

“Pebbles against the window would have worked just fine,” he grumbled, sitting up and stretching.

Getting ready to go was no big deal, a pair of pants and shoes and he was ready to go. He grabbed some tools on his way.

Out the front door and into the darkness of early morning they slipped. Once far from the last of the tribe's homes, he asked, "Where to? The Hills or the Forest?"
"I'll remember to collect pebbles for the next time perhaps, although this was more fun.. Gotta keep each other on our toes, ready for anything!" he exclaimed as an excuse for startling his friend into awakeness.

He gave his friend some space as he got ready and followed his friend quietly out the door with Haku in tow. The blue flit gave a quiet chirp of disapproval but followed anyways.

"I always prefer the safety of trees in the forest but this fog also provides some cover and might make hunting more difficult."

He shifted his hunting bag to put it on both shoulders instead of one and his bow hung over his shoulder with his hand already on the base ready to grab it if they saw anything worth hunting along the way.
"I'll remember to collect pebbles for the next time perhaps, although this was more fun.. Gotta keep each other on our toes, ready for anything!" he exclaimed as an excuse for startling his friend into awakeness.

He gave his friend some space as he got ready and followed his friend quietly out the door with Haku in tow. The blue flit gave a quiet chirp of disapproval but followed anyways.

"I always prefer the safety of trees in the forest but this fog also provides some cover and might make hunting more difficult."

He shifted his hunting bag to put it on both shoulders instead of one and his bow hung over his shoulder with his hand already on the base ready to grab it if they saw anything worth hunting along the way.
[img][/img] “Thank you for that detailed analysis, Elder Soularis,” Saevaughn teased. “I would like to add that trapping tends to be easier trees and leaves around. So that’s two for forest and one for plains.” The young hunters veered off to the left. The morning forest was quiet aside from the birds chirping and bushes rustling as they passed. The forest was lively, and that was good for hunt. The trees were impossibly tall here, many of them had their first branches too high to climb without rope. He did bring rope, of course, but for other purposes. “So what is today’s bet? Biggest wherry wins? Or the most prey?”

“Thank you for that detailed analysis, Elder Soularis,” Saevaughn teased. “I would like to add that trapping tends to be easier trees and leaves around. So that’s two for forest and one for plains.”

The young hunters veered off to the left. The morning forest was quiet aside from the birds chirping and bushes rustling as they passed. The forest was lively, and that was good for hunt. The trees were impossibly tall here, many of them had their first branches too high to climb without rope. He did bring rope, of course, but for other purposes.

“So what is today’s bet? Biggest wherry wins? Or the most prey?”
"Yes apprentice §aev, you must listen to your elders... So Forest it is!" Haku fluttered around and chased some birds higher up in the trees while keeping an eye on the two boys. §oul smiled at the flit who had already started the days hunt. "Well, I think we did most prey last time and it was a draw. I would say biggest catch but not be so limited to just wherry. Unless you only want to catch wherry?" [img][/img] "Keep your eyes peeled for wild Whers, we don't want to stumble into one of those..." The trees didn't look overly inviting but the sun was starting to rise and that was when animals would begin to awake and begin their own hunting of prey. Haku was their lookout in the sky who would warn them of danger if he spotted it.
"Yes apprentice §aev, you must listen to your elders... So Forest it is!"

Haku fluttered around and chased some birds higher up in the trees while keeping an eye on the two boys. §oul smiled at the flit who had already started the days hunt.

"Well, I think we did most prey last time and it was a draw. I would say biggest catch but not be so limited to just wherry. Unless you only want to catch wherry?"


"Keep your eyes peeled for wild Whers, we don't want to stumble into one of those..."

The trees didn't look overly inviting but the sun was starting to rise and that was when animals would begin to awake and begin their own hunting of prey. Haku was their lookout in the sky who would warn them of danger if he spotted it.
“Largest wherry it is!” Saevaughn chirped, though really this contest put him at a big disadvantage. He was more of a trapper than a hunter. He couldn’t really control what wandered into his traps, whereas Soularis could pick and choose his targets with his bow and arrow. Still, he wasn’t going to concede defeat easily. He’d just have to catch more game and increase his chances of catching a large one. And use the proper bait...of course.

“You’re telling me to be careful?” Saevaughn snorted. “You really are an Elder. Why don’t you watch out for any giant holes in the ground?”

He let out a little snicker, remembering a rather embarrassing fall from their hunting lessons.

Rukbat was rising though, and Saevaughn had to make the best use of his time to start making traps.
“Largest wherry it is!” Saevaughn chirped, though really this contest put him at a big disadvantage. He was more of a trapper than a hunter. He couldn’t really control what wandered into his traps, whereas Soularis could pick and choose his targets with his bow and arrow. Still, he wasn’t going to concede defeat easily. He’d just have to catch more game and increase his chances of catching a large one. And use the proper bait...of course.

“You’re telling me to be careful?” Saevaughn snorted. “You really are an Elder. Why don’t you watch out for any giant holes in the ground?”

He let out a little snicker, remembering a rather embarrassing fall from their hunting lessons.

Rukbat was rising though, and Saevaughn had to make the best use of his time to start making traps.
"Listen §aev, Those holes better watch out for me.. if they're not careful I might just bury them..."

He knew his friend had to begin making traps and he had to begin tracking so he looked around for signs of prey. The two wouldn't wander far from each other but also couldn't stay entirely together while hunting.

"We'll meet back here at this tree with bark removed, a little before noon agreed?"

That gave them time to break and have lunch and then §aev could go check his traps again and continue hunting if they hadn't caught anything before that.

"Listen §aev, Those holes better watch out for me.. if they're not careful I might just bury them..."

He knew his friend had to begin making traps and he had to begin tracking so he looked around for signs of prey. The two wouldn't wander far from each other but also couldn't stay entirely together while hunting.

"We'll meet back here at this tree with bark removed, a little before noon agreed?"

That gave them time to break and have lunch and then §aev could go check his traps again and continue hunting if they hadn't caught anything before that.

Saevaughn laughed despite himself.

“With that sense of humor, holes aren’t the only thing you need to be worried about.”

But he didn’t take the time to elaborate. Soularis seemed to recognize the need to save time as well. Saevaughn examined the tree. Aside from a few missing slices of bark, it wouldn’t be all that noticeable if they weren’t from the Quercus tribe. If any tribe knew their trees it was them. Each tree was as unique as a person, an individual, it’s shape, branches, and roots all stood out as clearly as if it were painted orange in a sea of brown.

“Deal. See you at Noon. Be ready to give me your dessert tonight!”

He turned and headed right to a more suitable tree for trapping.
Saevaughn laughed despite himself.

“With that sense of humor, holes aren’t the only thing you need to be worried about.”

But he didn’t take the time to elaborate. Soularis seemed to recognize the need to save time as well. Saevaughn examined the tree. Aside from a few missing slices of bark, it wouldn’t be all that noticeable if they weren’t from the Quercus tribe. If any tribe knew their trees it was them. Each tree was as unique as a person, an individual, it’s shape, branches, and roots all stood out as clearly as if it were painted orange in a sea of brown.

“Deal. See you at Noon. Be ready to give me your dessert tonight!”

He turned and headed right to a more suitable tree for trapping.
"Don't worry too much it will give you wrinkles!"

§oul wanted to move as quickly as possible so he dropped his bag next to the tree and strapped his hunting knife to his belt. His quiver carefully attached to his back and bow in hand he took off into the trees after noticing a broken branch possibly made by a wherry or small herd beast.

"Ha.. I'm sure the desert in your shoes will have to do..."
"I'm just full of them today..."

He quickly realized he was up wind and didn't want his scent to give him away so he rolled around in some strong scented flowery plants and mud to mask his scent. It was a good thing he was wearing older clothes or else Eretria, his mother would have had his hide for dirtying them. But his mother was far from his mind right now.. all he could think about was the task at hand. He had to catch the biggest wherry he could find before §aev could set a trap for it.

While he had the advantage with his bow §aev could set multiple traps and catch the wherry before either of them even saw it... if his friend was lucky that is.
"Don't worry too much it will give you wrinkles!"

§oul wanted to move as quickly as possible so he dropped his bag next to the tree and strapped his hunting knife to his belt. His quiver carefully attached to his back and bow in hand he took off into the trees after noticing a broken branch possibly made by a wherry or small herd beast.

"Ha.. I'm sure the desert in your shoes will have to do..."
"I'm just full of them today..."

He quickly realized he was up wind and didn't want his scent to give him away so he rolled around in some strong scented flowery plants and mud to mask his scent. It was a good thing he was wearing older clothes or else Eretria, his mother would have had his hide for dirtying them. But his mother was far from his mind right now.. all he could think about was the task at hand. He had to catch the biggest wherry he could find before §aev could set a trap for it.

While he had the advantage with his bow §aev could set multiple traps and catch the wherry before either of them even saw it... if his friend was lucky that is.
“Laughing and smiling gives you wrinkles too!”

Saevaughn ignored the last of his friend’s taunts. He would have double the desserts and eat it right in front of him! The competition was friendly, of course, but that didn’t mean Saevaughn couldn’t savor a win!

He went right to work with the first trap, pulling the rope taut and securing it to a sturdy but flexible branch. He then flung it over an even thicker branch and dragged it down to the forest floor. Setting the loop and hiding it was easy enough, but there was the matter of bait to consider. Wherries weren’t exactly known for their stellar tracking skills. He’d need something with a strong and enticing scent to bring them about…. His prayers were answered by the soft rustle of morning wind which brought him to a rather sweet, almost honey smelling, plant. He plucked its flowering buds and set it inside the trap without setting it off and scurried off to another.

Part of him wished this was a fishing trip. A new would have caught all that he needed.
“Laughing and smiling gives you wrinkles too!”

Saevaughn ignored the last of his friend’s taunts. He would have double the desserts and eat it right in front of him! The competition was friendly, of course, but that didn’t mean Saevaughn couldn’t savor a win!

He went right to work with the first trap, pulling the rope taut and securing it to a sturdy but flexible branch. He then flung it over an even thicker branch and dragged it down to the forest floor. Setting the loop and hiding it was easy enough, but there was the matter of bait to consider. Wherries weren’t exactly known for their stellar tracking skills. He’d need something with a strong and enticing scent to bring them about…. His prayers were answered by the soft rustle of morning wind which brought him to a rather sweet, almost honey smelling, plant. He plucked its flowering buds and set it inside the trap without setting it off and scurried off to another.

Part of him wished this was a fishing trip. A new would have caught all that he needed.
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