

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | the statue's secret 1x1 w/Kivetre
Sans quickly followed, Redsoul hot on his heals. sans landed with a soft thud. He sniffed, the long old stench of death hanging weakly in the air. "This is the place" he said as redsoul landed next to him.
Sans quickly followed, Redsoul hot on his heals. sans landed with a soft thud. He sniffed, the long old stench of death hanging weakly in the air. "This is the place" he said as redsoul landed next to him.
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
Trinket walked in, she could feel the faint, familiar magics lingering in the lair.
"Anyone home?" she called jokingly, if the cobwebs and dust in the cave were anything to go by, no one had stepped foot in here in a long time.
The group reached a room, there were old shelves lining most of the walls, filled with rotting books, covered in layers of dust. Tables with various equipment strewn across them were on one side of the room, as well as a large desk with more notes and books stacked on it. The books that were still legible were written in the same dead language as Trinket's back home.
The crimson Imperial was the first to see it in the dim cave, and she instantly recoiled and backed out of the room, fear evident on her face. In the middle of the room was a skeleton, the size and shape pointing towards it belonging to an imperial. realization dawned on Trinket, and she addressed the white dragon backing out of the cave,
"Crim, wait outside."
Crim didn't need to be told twice, she instantly turned tail and left the lair.
Trinket walked in, she could feel the faint, familiar magics lingering in the lair.
"Anyone home?" she called jokingly, if the cobwebs and dust in the cave were anything to go by, no one had stepped foot in here in a long time.
The group reached a room, there were old shelves lining most of the walls, filled with rotting books, covered in layers of dust. Tables with various equipment strewn across them were on one side of the room, as well as a large desk with more notes and books stacked on it. The books that were still legible were written in the same dead language as Trinket's back home.
The crimson Imperial was the first to see it in the dim cave, and she instantly recoiled and backed out of the room, fear evident on her face. In the middle of the room was a skeleton, the size and shape pointing towards it belonging to an imperial. realization dawned on Trinket, and she addressed the white dragon backing out of the cave,
"Crim, wait outside."
Crim didn't need to be told twice, she instantly turned tail and left the lair.
Redsoul was in equal parts afraid of and fascinated by the skeleton. She had never seen the bones of a dragon before, they always buried the bodies long before they started to decay, so this was all new to her.

Sans expected the bones. "Life for a life." he clicked "Should've read the fine print freind." he added, walking over to one of the only books that wasn't motheaten. He carefully removed it and began to thumb through it. It was a spell book, which is probably why its still in one piece.
Redsoul was in equal parts afraid of and fascinated by the skeleton. She had never seen the bones of a dragon before, they always buried the bodies long before they started to decay, so this was all new to her.

Sans expected the bones. "Life for a life." he clicked "Should've read the fine print freind." he added, walking over to one of the only books that wasn't motheaten. He carefully removed it and began to thumb through it. It was a spell book, which is probably why its still in one piece.
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
Trinket inspected the desk, carefully picking up a piece of parchment and wiping away the dust that had accumulated. Parts of it were still legible, and from what she could make out it seemed to be a letter. She read it over, [img][/img] "That's an interesting tidbit," she commented before passing the note to Sans, "Stolen from a tomb? That brings up a few questions."
Trinket inspected the desk, carefully picking up a piece of parchment and wiping away the dust that had accumulated. Parts of it were still legible, and from what she could make out it seemed to be a letter. She read it over,
"That's an interesting tidbit," she commented before passing the note to Sans, "Stolen from a tomb? That brings up a few questions."
(How did you pull that off?)

Sans took the note, reading it and then rereading it to make sure he had his facts straight. "Certainly doesn't give any answers, thats for sure." He said, looking up from the note at the pearlcatcher.

Redsoul fluttered up on the guardian's wrist so she could read the dusty piece of parchment. "The names gone," she stated, "looks like we have a paper trail to follow."
(How did you pull that off?)

Sans took the note, reading it and then rereading it to make sure he had his facts straight. "Certainly doesn't give any answers, thats for sure." He said, looking up from the note at the pearlcatcher.

Redsoul fluttered up on the guardian's wrist so she could read the dusty piece of parchment. "The names gone," she stated, "looks like we have a paper trail to follow."
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
((Mspaint my friend, mspaint and a lot of "old parchment" google searches)
Trinket pointed to a line on the parchment, " 'You told us to keep you updated on any finds like these.' It makes it sound like he was looking for something like me," She glaced at the notes scattered across the desk and the piles of books stacked beside it, "If he was actively searching for a statue, or something similar, then there might be more info around here somewhere."
She figured there'd be some kind of research, notes from other contacts, maybe even books about any artifacts he was seeking.
((Mspaint my friend, mspaint and a lot of "old parchment" google searches)
Trinket pointed to a line on the parchment, " 'You told us to keep you updated on any finds like these.' It makes it sound like he was looking for something like me," She glaced at the notes scattered across the desk and the piles of books stacked beside it, "If he was actively searching for a statue, or something similar, then there might be more info around here somewhere."
She figured there'd be some kind of research, notes from other contacts, maybe even books about any artifacts he was seeking.
"Well" sans said, "this guy has multiple spellbooks, the like that are borderline necronamicans." He added, fingering a pile of books by the empty statue base, "the only reason they aren't is because he was animating a inanimate object, not giving life to a corpse."
"Well" sans said, "this guy has multiple spellbooks, the like that are borderline necronamicans." He added, fingering a pile of books by the empty statue base, "the only reason they aren't is because he was animating a inanimate object, not giving life to a corpse."
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time