

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Asylum [open]
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((@TheNorthDragon please remember the asylum is abandoned, and has been closed for 10 years. Since then our 4 characters are the only ones who stayed. :D))

@Xaron @Solztize

Vexy found an old lab-coat and quickly put it on. "This hospital is my everything, and I will do everything in my power to keep it functioning." she said in a mocking yet monotone voice, mimicking the doctor she saw with the Big Boss the second year she got here. He did a good job considering.
/That was right after our first midnight escape!/
/Oh the memories/
Picking the organs of the rat up she shoved them into the pocket of the coat and skipped to the window, to take another peek at their new guests.
((@TheNorthDragon please remember the asylum is abandoned, and has been closed for 10 years. Since then our 4 characters are the only ones who stayed. :D))

@Xaron @Solztize

Vexy found an old lab-coat and quickly put it on. "This hospital is my everything, and I will do everything in my power to keep it functioning." she said in a mocking yet monotone voice, mimicking the doctor she saw with the Big Boss the second year she got here. He did a good job considering.
/That was right after our first midnight escape!/
/Oh the memories/
Picking the organs of the rat up she shoved them into the pocket of the coat and skipped to the window, to take another peek at their new guests.
@Casiope (Kk I will edit the last post sorry about that)
@Casiope (Kk I will edit the last post sorry about that)
wateranim1.gif~ E.V Shiro Mills~
@Casiope @Xaron @TheNorthDragon ((I changed Damien's traits a little to match his character. Took me a while to get a feel of his right personality XD))

Damien entered the room where he heard Vex's voice. Leaning on the doorway with arms crossed over to his chest, he watched her play around mimicking the asylum owner's voice. He deeply hated that Big Boss. That guy himself belonged in his own asylum. The man was crazy about disorders even going as far as experimenting on him. Hatred welling up inside of him as he remembered the past. This wasn't good. He needed to control his emotions. He couldn't lose it now just yet. He quickly calmed himself down. You'll get your chance to 'experiment' on him someday. "It seems that the annual school trip has arrived," he chuckled,"We should get ready to welcome our guests."
@Casiope @Xaron @TheNorthDragon ((I changed Damien's traits a little to match his character. Took me a while to get a feel of his right personality XD))

Damien entered the room where he heard Vex's voice. Leaning on the doorway with arms crossed over to his chest, he watched her play around mimicking the asylum owner's voice. He deeply hated that Big Boss. That guy himself belonged in his own asylum. The man was crazy about disorders even going as far as experimenting on him. Hatred welling up inside of him as he remembered the past. This wasn't good. He needed to control his emotions. He couldn't lose it now just yet. He quickly calmed himself down. You'll get your chance to 'experiment' on him someday. "It seems that the annual school trip has arrived," he chuckled,"We should get ready to welcome our guests."
@Solztize @Xaron @TheNorthDragon ((I get that too sometimes!))

Vex looked at Damien with her puppy eyes "Can we activate code red?"she asked in a soft voice. "You know, the one where we lock the doors and scare everyone. I personally like to pick them off one by one." she explained, excited. "You get to kill some students, we can even 'play' our little games...everyone gets the same amount of kids. It's fun for everyone!" Vex continued tauntingly. She took another look outside, where the field trippers were now forming into groups.
@Solztize @Xaron @TheNorthDragon ((I get that too sometimes!))

Vex looked at Damien with her puppy eyes "Can we activate code red?"she asked in a soft voice. "You know, the one where we lock the doors and scare everyone. I personally like to pick them off one by one." she explained, excited. "You get to kill some students, we can even 'play' our little games...everyone gets the same amount of kids. It's fun for everyone!" Vex continued tauntingly. She took another look outside, where the field trippers were now forming into groups.
@Casiope @Xaron @Solztize

Carol walked over to the other members for the asylum
“Come on it couldn’t hurt could it? I bet Blue is Hungry anyways” She chuckled darkly and looked up through the window and saw them forming there groups. She examined the groups and looked them up and down.
“I want the group with that girl.” She said pointing to the group with three boys and two girls, the girl in particular she was looking at has curly dark brown hair and caramel colored skin. “She looks good.” She said smiling. “So are we gonna?”
@Casiope @Xaron @Solztize

Carol walked over to the other members for the asylum
“Come on it couldn’t hurt could it? I bet Blue is Hungry anyways” She chuckled darkly and looked up through the window and saw them forming there groups. She examined the groups and looked them up and down.
“I want the group with that girl.” She said pointing to the group with three boys and two girls, the girl in particular she was looking at has curly dark brown hair and caramel colored skin. “She looks good.” She said smiling. “So are we gonna?”
wateranim1.gif~ E.V Shiro Mills~
Blue listened in on Vex and Damiens conversation, adding in here and there. "We haven't done Code Red in years, since before the schools field trips. We don't want the school to stop coming, do we?" Blue pondered the thought. There would still be teenagers... And if this incident got reported we would certainly get lots of police! "I call second floor," she blurted. Usually they all got one floor to themselves. This floor granted the easiest access to the meat locker, where she could store the bodies.

@Solztize @Casiope@TheNorthDragon
Blue listened in on Vex and Damiens conversation, adding in here and there. "We haven't done Code Red in years, since before the schools field trips. We don't want the school to stop coming, do we?" Blue pondered the thought. There would still be teenagers... And if this incident got reported we would certainly get lots of police! "I call second floor," she blurted. Usually they all got one floor to themselves. This floor granted the easiest access to the meat locker, where she could store the bodies.

@Solztize @Casiope@TheNorthDragon
@Xaron @Solztize @TheNorthDragon

"Shotgun ground floor!" shouted Vex immediately after Blue declared her territory for Code Red. The ground floor had many advantages. The kitchens, the common room and a few laboratories were located there, all of them full of hiding places and storage for her trophies, if she made any. Vex was also the one who greeted everyone nearly all the time. Her quickness and acrobatic skills proved to be scary, the way she could appear and disappear without you noticing. This skill also proved handy when it came to locking the door once everyone was inside.

Aculeus was beaming with energy as the teachers started calling out names, and put everyone in various groups. Oh yes.
@Xaron @Solztize @TheNorthDragon

"Shotgun ground floor!" shouted Vex immediately after Blue declared her territory for Code Red. The ground floor had many advantages. The kitchens, the common room and a few laboratories were located there, all of them full of hiding places and storage for her trophies, if she made any. Vex was also the one who greeted everyone nearly all the time. Her quickness and acrobatic skills proved to be scary, the way she could appear and disappear without you noticing. This skill also proved handy when it came to locking the door once everyone was inside.

Aculeus was beaming with energy as the teachers started calling out names, and put everyone in various groups. Oh yes.

May I join?

Name: Wren Avian

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Her hoodie is black, her eyes a steel gray color. Her hair is chestnut brown. Her jeans are just plain blue skinny jeans. Her converse are also black, with rainbow shoe laces. Shes really really pale to, as one of the nicknames her friends had given her is Ghost. Usually wears sunglasses when outside.

Traits: Shy, Anti-Social, Stubborn

Strengths: Shes able to stay calm in dicey situations, flexible, and has amazing eyesight

Weaknesses: Absolutely hates bugs. Will flip shi* if she sees one. Has claustrophobia. Bright light hurts her eyes pretty bad.

Tourist/inhabitant: Tourist

May I join?

Name: Wren Avian

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Her hoodie is black, her eyes a steel gray color. Her hair is chestnut brown. Her jeans are just plain blue skinny jeans. Her converse are also black, with rainbow shoe laces. Shes really really pale to, as one of the nicknames her friends had given her is Ghost. Usually wears sunglasses when outside.

Traits: Shy, Anti-Social, Stubborn

Strengths: Shes able to stay calm in dicey situations, flexible, and has amazing eyesight

Weaknesses: Absolutely hates bugs. Will flip shi* if she sees one. Has claustrophobia. Bright light hurts her eyes pretty bad.

Tourist/inhabitant: Tourist
Just as a helpful hint when pinging me, there is no extra I in my name ^^
@Frailty ((Sure thing!! welcome! Wren looks awesome, I love the drawing!))
@Frailty ((Sure thing!! welcome! Wren looks awesome, I love the drawing!))
@ Casiope with Aculeus
@Crookedwiings with Brooke
@LambyChan with Noir
@ Frailty with Wren
@Casiope with Vex
@Solztize with Damien
@Xaron with Blue
@TheNorthDragon with Carol
((Holy crap nuggets its a long post, sorry guys! But this should be a chance to join eceryone together?))

Wren coughed as she got off the uncomfortable bus, dust blown in her face covering her sunglasses in a thin coat of grim. Looking around as she walked quickly away from the large group of students, she saw the large not-quite-right looking building. Wren tucked her hands into her hoodie pocket, walking close to the wall and looking up. She watched the shadows play across the face of the building, the trees tossed by the breeze. She looked around her to make sure that annoying teacher was somewhere else. She had gotten in trouble before coming on this field trip for not wearing the uniform the school required. But this was her first day in this new school, and she hadnt had time to buy one. Plus, she had little funds to spend on frivolous crap like that. It was her grandparents decision to send her here, in an effort to get her away from them, and to socialize. Her parents were dead, murdered by an inmate that used to be here. Stuck with only her grandparents, she was not well liked by them, and so, they made her disappear from their sight. That was fine by her, she didnt like the stuck up attitude they had either. Her mother came from a prestigious familiy, very rich. But, her mother married a local machanic running away with him to elope. Needless to say, she was disowned. And here I am. Pretty much an orphane, in a stupid stuck up private school.

She had been staring off into emptiness, a pained expression on her face, when she heard a loud sound come from the building. What? I thought it was supposed to be abandoned? Maybe a student got lost inside? seeing a hole in the front gate, Wren clambered threw, dusting the dirt off her pants. Looking around, she headed in the direction of an open window on the side of the building.
@ Casiope with Aculeus
@Crookedwiings with Brooke
@LambyChan with Noir
@ Frailty with Wren
@Casiope with Vex
@Solztize with Damien
@Xaron with Blue
@TheNorthDragon with Carol
((Holy crap nuggets its a long post, sorry guys! But this should be a chance to join eceryone together?))

Wren coughed as she got off the uncomfortable bus, dust blown in her face covering her sunglasses in a thin coat of grim. Looking around as she walked quickly away from the large group of students, she saw the large not-quite-right looking building. Wren tucked her hands into her hoodie pocket, walking close to the wall and looking up. She watched the shadows play across the face of the building, the trees tossed by the breeze. She looked around her to make sure that annoying teacher was somewhere else. She had gotten in trouble before coming on this field trip for not wearing the uniform the school required. But this was her first day in this new school, and she hadnt had time to buy one. Plus, she had little funds to spend on frivolous crap like that. It was her grandparents decision to send her here, in an effort to get her away from them, and to socialize. Her parents were dead, murdered by an inmate that used to be here. Stuck with only her grandparents, she was not well liked by them, and so, they made her disappear from their sight. That was fine by her, she didnt like the stuck up attitude they had either. Her mother came from a prestigious familiy, very rich. But, her mother married a local machanic running away with him to elope. Needless to say, she was disowned. And here I am. Pretty much an orphane, in a stupid stuck up private school.

She had been staring off into emptiness, a pained expression on her face, when she heard a loud sound come from the building. What? I thought it was supposed to be abandoned? Maybe a student got lost inside? seeing a hole in the front gate, Wren clambered threw, dusting the dirt off her pants. Looking around, she headed in the direction of an open window on the side of the building.
Just as a helpful hint when pinging me, there is no extra I in my name ^^
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