

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | the art of exploration (open !! )
[center][font=georgia]{{ ooc: not very many rules! standard roleplay etiquette applies, be sure to introduce your character, remember to ping, etc. }} [url=][img][/img][/url] Scarlett winced as Wren continued to squawk in her ear in what appeared to be the most endearingly obnoxious fashion possible. "And you must watch out for sharks, as they're incredibly dangerous- be sure to bring extra food, you need the protein- oh, please visit sometime-" "Enough," Scarlett hissed with a roll of her eyes. "I will leave, I will go on the expedition, and I will not die!" Scarlett had been chosen to join a group of biologists, archaeologists, and cartographers as they traveled the world in search of new information. Scarlett was to serve as a temporary Knight of sorts, tagging along to protect the scientists from the various foes that resided beyond her Clan's territories. In mere moments, she would meet the rest of the group at Valeria's trading post and embark on a journey across the planet, in search of things no other dragon had seen before. While her exterior certainly seemed most pessimistic, she was positively bursting with joy inside. Wren penetrated her cloud of thoughts with a satirical sigh. "Very well. You'll no longer need your good old pal Wren to look after you, I s'pose." Scarlett let out a small puff of air, then nuzzled Wren's chin in the most affectionate way a dragon so unaffectionate as Scarlett could. "Do not overthink this. I will return before you know it." On that note, she set out towards the trading post, the sunrise peeking over the horizon. [/center]
{{ ooc: not very many rules! standard roleplay etiquette applies, be sure to introduce your character, remember to ping, etc. }}
Scarlett winced as Wren continued to squawk in her ear in what appeared to be the most endearingly obnoxious fashion possible. "And you must watch out for sharks, as they're incredibly dangerous- be sure to bring extra food, you need the protein- oh, please visit sometime-"
"Enough," Scarlett hissed with a roll of her eyes. "I will leave, I will go on the expedition, and I will not die!"
Scarlett had been chosen to join a group of biologists, archaeologists, and cartographers as they traveled the world in search of new information. Scarlett was to serve as a temporary Knight of sorts, tagging along to protect the scientists from the various foes that resided beyond her Clan's territories.
In mere moments, she would meet the rest of the group at Valeria's trading post and embark on a journey across the planet, in search of things no other dragon had seen before. While her exterior certainly seemed most pessimistic, she was positively bursting with joy inside.
Wren penetrated her cloud of thoughts with a satirical sigh. "Very well. You'll no longer need your good old pal Wren to look after you, I s'pose."
Scarlett let out a small puff of air, then nuzzled Wren's chin in the most affectionate way a dragon so unaffectionate as Scarlett could. "Do not overthink this. I will return before you know it."
On that note, she set out towards the trading post, the sunrise peeking over the horizon.