

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Follow The Blood Trail(Open)Fantasy
It was something that hardly ever happened to him. Let alone when he was alone either and he never expected anyone to try to capture him because of who he was and what he knew about the world. It was something he figured out fast. For being a royal prince most would never assume he was,but the other stuff. Everyone knew about the other stuff. That he was an inventor ,that he new how to do all kinds of magic, to knowing he knew the death lagrange e to also knowing that he also carried around a very important book and it the wrong hands could probably destroy his whole family. Little did they know the book had a mind of it's own and it would not show you anything unless it wanted to. Which was a very good thing for Domino since he had lost fallen to a few pages missing from the book when he had got attacked. It was something he had list expected and he had been caught off guard. The attack had been quick with about 10 hooded figures who had rushed him from the shadows of the darkness and had quickly managed to bond his hands and go through his bag that he carried all his stuff in. When they had seen him becoming violent over what they wore doing and had managed to get his hands free and lashing one across the face drawing blood the others became more violent and had attacked him with electric rods shocking him to death. Once he was on the ground again one had stabbed him through the back on his side sticking him to the ground as an other one had did the other side so it would be harder for him to struggle to get up.With his hands bond again they took what they could before he had got free again and attacked them grabbing the book from them while it was open which they only managed to get a few pages of the book and other very princeless things before they had took off dragging one of them behind them since Domino had managed to tear his neck open among the struggle.

Now he was trying to make it back to the castle so he could go to the hospital wing and get healed. Since he was to wounded to heal himself as a trail of blood followed and a few puddles wore left behind where he got attacked at. He is about 30 some years old or older, a mixed creature, with long purple hair and dark purple eyes dressed in a black and purple suit.With black boots on.
It was something that hardly ever happened to him. Let alone when he was alone either and he never expected anyone to try to capture him because of who he was and what he knew about the world. It was something he figured out fast. For being a royal prince most would never assume he was,but the other stuff. Everyone knew about the other stuff. That he was an inventor ,that he new how to do all kinds of magic, to knowing he knew the death lagrange e to also knowing that he also carried around a very important book and it the wrong hands could probably destroy his whole family. Little did they know the book had a mind of it's own and it would not show you anything unless it wanted to. Which was a very good thing for Domino since he had lost fallen to a few pages missing from the book when he had got attacked. It was something he had list expected and he had been caught off guard. The attack had been quick with about 10 hooded figures who had rushed him from the shadows of the darkness and had quickly managed to bond his hands and go through his bag that he carried all his stuff in. When they had seen him becoming violent over what they wore doing and had managed to get his hands free and lashing one across the face drawing blood the others became more violent and had attacked him with electric rods shocking him to death. Once he was on the ground again one had stabbed him through the back on his side sticking him to the ground as an other one had did the other side so it would be harder for him to struggle to get up.With his hands bond again they took what they could before he had got free again and attacked them grabbing the book from them while it was open which they only managed to get a few pages of the book and other very princeless things before they had took off dragging one of them behind them since Domino had managed to tear his neck open among the struggle.

Now he was trying to make it back to the castle so he could go to the hospital wing and get healed. Since he was to wounded to heal himself as a trail of blood followed and a few puddles wore left behind where he got attacked at. He is about 30 some years old or older, a mixed creature, with long purple hair and dark purple eyes dressed in a black and purple suit.With black boots on.
(Can be a bad guy or a good guy....though I prefer a bad guy.....I like to let my characters bleed a

(Can be a bad guy or a good guy....though I prefer a bad guy.....I like to let my characters bleed a


((I was thinking about doing a kinda sorta bad character, that will periodically attack your character, but ultimately like him? She just looses control accidentally. Is that fine?))

((I was thinking about doing a kinda sorta bad character, that will periodically attack your character, but ultimately like him? She just looses control accidentally. Is that fine?))
Just as a helpful hint when pinging me, there is no extra I in my name ^^
(lol Um sure I don't mind...if she wants to be his friend or something..or just crush on him,but if you wanted something faither not sure it would happen since his g@y @Frailty)
(lol Um sure I don't mind...if she wants to be his friend or something..or just crush on him,but if you wanted something faither not sure it would happen since his g@y @Frailty)

((So im gonna try this out, but if you dont like it, I can delete it and start over?))

Tsuki ((Which means moon in Japanese!)) Lopped leisurely along, following the sweet smell of blood. Taking occasional sniffs of the air, she made sure she wouldn't loose the trail. She crouched low to the ground, the leaves silent underneath her as she went. Looking at the moon briefly, her cats eyes flashed a brilliant blue, glowing the the bright light from the full moon. Small bit of blue in her hair shone, lighting up a small circle around her. She wrinkled her nose in frustration. How was she supposed to sneak up on her prey when she glowed like an freaking lightning bug?! Her tattoo like markings didnt help much, as they were the ones throwing off the majority of the blue light. They looked like weird tribal ritual markings, as though someone had written a spell on the child. Her 12 year old features shone with wonder as she slowly stuck her finger in the blood, taking a big wiff of it. "Hmmm, smells like a large male she thought, the words circling around in her head. Picking up her pace, she saw the large form of something limping. Sneaking up until she was a few feet from him, she pounced, her mouth opening wide to reveal four pointed fangs, two on bottom, two on top.

((So im gonna try this out, but if you dont like it, I can delete it and start over?))

Tsuki ((Which means moon in Japanese!)) Lopped leisurely along, following the sweet smell of blood. Taking occasional sniffs of the air, she made sure she wouldn't loose the trail. She crouched low to the ground, the leaves silent underneath her as she went. Looking at the moon briefly, her cats eyes flashed a brilliant blue, glowing the the bright light from the full moon. Small bit of blue in her hair shone, lighting up a small circle around her. She wrinkled her nose in frustration. How was she supposed to sneak up on her prey when she glowed like an freaking lightning bug?! Her tattoo like markings didnt help much, as they were the ones throwing off the majority of the blue light. They looked like weird tribal ritual markings, as though someone had written a spell on the child. Her 12 year old features shone with wonder as she slowly stuck her finger in the blood, taking a big wiff of it. "Hmmm, smells like a large male she thought, the words circling around in her head. Picking up her pace, she saw the large form of something limping. Sneaking up until she was a few feet from him, she pounced, her mouth opening wide to reveal four pointed fangs, two on bottom, two on top.
Just as a helpful hint when pinging me, there is no extra I in my name ^^
(Oh that's fine. lol @Frailty)

If he wasn't on high alert already he would of probably gotten bitten by the young girl when she had pounced on him causing him to fall over,but before she could get a could bit on him he had turned quickly and put his hand out to catch her by the chest while his other hand quickly grabbed a fist full of hair.He was a bit annoying by how much he was getting attacked tonight and he was really tired and really wounded.He looked her in the eyes slightly noticing her cat like eyes and wondered why kind of creature she was since she had blue light emanating from her."Just my luck"He muttered wondering just how sane this creature was right now or if she was completely lost to the smell of his blood."I'll let go if you promise to get off me and not attack me"He said to her refusing to let go just incase she tried to attack and bite him father.
(Oh that's fine. lol @Frailty)

If he wasn't on high alert already he would of probably gotten bitten by the young girl when she had pounced on him causing him to fall over,but before she could get a could bit on him he had turned quickly and put his hand out to catch her by the chest while his other hand quickly grabbed a fist full of hair.He was a bit annoying by how much he was getting attacked tonight and he was really tired and really wounded.He looked her in the eyes slightly noticing her cat like eyes and wondered why kind of creature she was since she had blue light emanating from her."Just my luck"He muttered wondering just how sane this creature was right now or if she was completely lost to the smell of his blood."I'll let go if you promise to get off me and not attack me"He said to her refusing to let go just incase she tried to attack and bite him father.
((Sorry, ive been kinda busy... But im back!))

Tsuki snarled, the light from the moon flashing off her fangs as she twisted gracefully threw the air to land on her feet with a small thud, escaping his grasp, though riping a chunk of hair out in the process. Hissing spitefully, she looked around for her companion, seeing Killua up in a tree far above, his leopard spots concealing him from all eyes but hers. Calling up to him, she yowled in outrage "Why didnt you distract him! I almost had him!" Hissing, she turned away from the troublesome feline, looking to the man in front of her. "I have no obligation to helping you kill something, Tsuki. No, I have an obligation to make sure that you kill no one. Your otherself will cry" his voice flowed from the dense foliage above, carrying across the woods to the two humans below. "But, I think this human will be fine" smiling softly, his teeth glistened in the darkness.

Snarling, Tsuki went to lunge at the large man in front of her, but just as she tensed, the moon was covered in clouds, plunging the woods further into the darkness. Gasping, Tsuki shook her head, finally able to control herself. Looking around, she saw she had travled far while she had been asleep. Glancing forward, she saw a man, looking as though he was on deaths door. "Oh no no no! Did I do that?" Cringing, she walked over to him slowly, her hands outstretched. Saying in a soft voice that was no longer rough, "I am so sorry" pausing, she teared up a little "Did I do that?" She looked down at herself, her tattoos no langer glowing with that strange light
((Sorry, ive been kinda busy... But im back!))

Tsuki snarled, the light from the moon flashing off her fangs as she twisted gracefully threw the air to land on her feet with a small thud, escaping his grasp, though riping a chunk of hair out in the process. Hissing spitefully, she looked around for her companion, seeing Killua up in a tree far above, his leopard spots concealing him from all eyes but hers. Calling up to him, she yowled in outrage "Why didnt you distract him! I almost had him!" Hissing, she turned away from the troublesome feline, looking to the man in front of her. "I have no obligation to helping you kill something, Tsuki. No, I have an obligation to make sure that you kill no one. Your otherself will cry" his voice flowed from the dense foliage above, carrying across the woods to the two humans below. "But, I think this human will be fine" smiling softly, his teeth glistened in the darkness.

Snarling, Tsuki went to lunge at the large man in front of her, but just as she tensed, the moon was covered in clouds, plunging the woods further into the darkness. Gasping, Tsuki shook her head, finally able to control herself. Looking around, she saw she had travled far while she had been asleep. Glancing forward, she saw a man, looking as though he was on deaths door. "Oh no no no! Did I do that?" Cringing, she walked over to him slowly, her hands outstretched. Saying in a soft voice that was no longer rough, "I am so sorry" pausing, she teared up a little "Did I do that?" She looked down at herself, her tattoos no langer glowing with that strange light
Just as a helpful hint when pinging me, there is no extra I in my name ^^
(Lol same here been busy trying to make a hatchery and stuff @frailty)

Domino had quickly took note that she wasn't completely gone and that she was cursed by the moon as some creatures still was.He shook his head and stood up a bit with shaky legs"No no....I was already like this when you attacks....some thugs jumped me and was trying to get something I possess,but once they found out I wasn't going to give them what I wanted and killed some of them they took off with there tail between there legs."He said as he looked at her and then to Killua she had been talking to before. "Anyways I'm fine for now was just heading back to the castle.....think you can control yourself before then...or would the moon change you again?"He asked her curiously which he kept on guard because of that factor the moon could make even the most civil creatures terrifying monsters.
(Lol same here been busy trying to make a hatchery and stuff @frailty)

Domino had quickly took note that she wasn't completely gone and that she was cursed by the moon as some creatures still was.He shook his head and stood up a bit with shaky legs"No no....I was already like this when you attacks....some thugs jumped me and was trying to get something I possess,but once they found out I wasn't going to give them what I wanted and killed some of them they took off with there tail between there legs."He said as he looked at her and then to Killua she had been talking to before. "Anyways I'm fine for now was just heading back to the castle.....think you can control yourself before then...or would the moon change you again?"He asked her curiously which he kept on guard because of that factor the moon could make even the most civil creatures terrifying monsters.