

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Anyone up for a gem RP?
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((Don't know much about time periods when it comes to this, so meh))

The moderate volume of the space around them was interrupted by a loud roar. Claws darker than the night sky ripped through the ground, with the violence of a volcanic eruption. As the rock was torn like paper, eyes the color of fire opened to the sky, which was glittering with a million stars. The beast was revealed to be a dragon, which slowly climbed out of a hole pouring magma. It let out a mighty roar as it had its first thought
My name is Obsidian.

((Since obsidian in real life forms from volcanoes, why not have a loud and firey appearance?))
@LongLiveFangirls @SP3CT3R
((Don't know much about time periods when it comes to this, so meh))

The moderate volume of the space around them was interrupted by a loud roar. Claws darker than the night sky ripped through the ground, with the violence of a volcanic eruption. As the rock was torn like paper, eyes the color of fire opened to the sky, which was glittering with a million stars. The beast was revealed to be a dragon, which slowly climbed out of a hole pouring magma. It let out a mighty roar as it had its first thought
My name is Obsidian.

((Since obsidian in real life forms from volcanoes, why not have a loud and firey appearance?))
@LongLiveFangirls @SP3CT3R
A mole dug it's way out of the cliffside, morphing into a humanlike form seconds later. It brushed off some dirt from it's skin, noting the greenish hue. It decided it's name was Emerald.
@SP3CT3R @Esko

A mole dug it's way out of the cliffside, morphing into a humanlike form seconds later. It brushed off some dirt from it's skin, noting the greenish hue. It decided it's name was Emerald.
@SP3CT3R @Esko


@LongLiveFangirls @Esko

Serpentine's head whipped sideways as it saw a large black creature erupt ((no pun intended)) from the ground. It darted behind a rock, but crept out from under it a few seconds later, out of curiosity. Its eyes settled on another Gem, who had taken on a strange bipedal form.
@LongLiveFangirls @Esko

Serpentine's head whipped sideways as it saw a large black creature erupt ((no pun intended)) from the ground. It darted behind a rock, but crept out from under it a few seconds later, out of curiosity. Its eyes settled on another Gem, who had taken on a strange bipedal form.
Obsidian snorted, watching the surroundings. Some bipedal creatures with flat wood rectangles were scribbling furiously on then with sticks. The dragon gem cocked its head to the side, them roared and slashed the rock above them, sending large boulders tumbling down. The bipedal creatures yelped and pulled out strange pointy things. Curious about the forms, the gem moulded and shifted into the shape of a teenage girl with long, jet black hair. The bipedal creatures with the pointy things pointed them at it. Obsidian grinned and pulled what looked like a long, black scythe out of tue gem on her neck and pointed it back at them. The creatures ran in fear.
@LongLiveFangirls @SP3CT3R
Obsidian snorted, watching the surroundings. Some bipedal creatures with flat wood rectangles were scribbling furiously on then with sticks. The dragon gem cocked its head to the side, them roared and slashed the rock above them, sending large boulders tumbling down. The bipedal creatures yelped and pulled out strange pointy things. Curious about the forms, the gem moulded and shifted into the shape of a teenage girl with long, jet black hair. The bipedal creatures with the pointy things pointed them at it. Obsidian grinned and pulled what looked like a long, black scythe out of tue gem on her neck and pointed it back at them. The creatures ran in fear.
@LongLiveFangirls @SP3CT3R
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