On “Mature” Roleplay
We would like to remind our community that engaging in erotic roleplay is transmission of pornography and it is not permitted, as per our Terms of Use. This includes using the Flight Rising website, private messages, and forums to seek partners for erotic roleplay on the Flight Risingwebsite or off of it.
Threads seeking erotic roleplay and threads violating our Terms of Use and Site Rules will be removed and accounts actioned, based on severity, history, and context.
If you would like to post about who you are as a roleplayer and what kinds of roleplay you are interested in, you may do so in this sticked thread. This thread will be staff and volunteer moderator monitored.
All roleplay on the Flight Rising website must fall within the guidelines laid out in our Forum Code of Conduct.
We would like to take a moment to remind our community at large about safety on the internet.
While the majority of our roleplay community behaves in the manner defined by our rules, those who violate our rules will be corrected and any instances of erotic roleplay will not be tolerated. This will require stricter moderation. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We would like to remind our community that engaging in erotic roleplay is transmission of pornography and it is not permitted, as per our Terms of Use. This includes using the Flight Rising website, private messages, and forums to seek partners for erotic roleplay on the Flight Risingwebsite or off of it.
Threads seeking erotic roleplay and threads violating our Terms of Use and Site Rules will be removed and accounts actioned, based on severity, history, and context.
If you would like to post about who you are as a roleplayer and what kinds of roleplay you are interested in, you may do so in this sticked thread. This thread will be staff and volunteer moderator monitored.
All roleplay on the Flight Rising website must fall within the guidelines laid out in our Forum Code of Conduct.
- SEEKING ERP PARTNERS = NOT OKAY (regardless of where the roleplay occurs)
We would like to take a moment to remind our community at large about safety on the internet.
- What you post on the internet stays on the internet.
- The type of content that you post affects those visiting the community you are posting to.
- Your roleplay partner may not be the age that they state.
While the majority of our roleplay community behaves in the manner defined by our rules, those who violate our rules will be corrected and any instances of erotic roleplay will not be tolerated. This will require stricter moderation. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.