

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Lost Charge OOC
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Nimphy @Lamvin @FloatingInSpace

Ok, from my understanding the new magics were meant to be variations/adititions to an element, things that were still part pf the essence pf a flight, but which dragons were unable to do with their magic before. Control over things that were important to a flight, but relatively untouchable by their magic. I also felt that they were meant to have destructive cabability, since the voice that bought our gaurdians there spoke of revenge, not just glory. The dragons themselves are vengeful, and I felt that whatever magic they gain it would make sense if they could be used in battle.

So unto the elements, and how my ideas in my last post compare to what everyone else has said. I apologize if my critique starts to sound negative, but opinions what the flights are already capable of can change from person to person, and know that for most of these points I'm still pretty flexible.

Earth/Pillar: I like the ideas Malaika had here, but I've always seen Earth magic as being very constructive, and it even says in the World Map "the Earth Dragons of the DragonHome are monument builders" So the idea of raising bulidings doesn't seem very new, and I'd suggest putting the magic more towards the golems, even if these dragons have more advanced abilities towards building with rock.

Fire/Metal: I can see why Nimphy suggested moving this to earth magic, but at the same time this is a good fit for fire. Blacksmithing is a highly important part of the fire flight, but in my mind their magic centers around heat and flame, so their smiths still have to rely on heat and tools to bend the metal, if I'm making any sense. So metal magic would skip that part, and allow dragons to shape metal even in its solid form, without the use of tools.

Metal magic grants control over elements classified as metals, and earth magic over elements classified as nonmetals, perhaps the more ancient the rock the stronger a pillar dragons power is over it.

Water/Life: the idea of healing bugs me a bit since healing is already a flight-wide thing in Sornieth (at least in the coliseum), and there really doesn't seem to be any connections to healing in the water lore, so it doesn't feel as centered in the flight to me. *shrugs*
I originally suggested blood magic since it has the potential to be aggressive, and I didn't think it would get in the way of plague when plague magic wasn't on the original pillar. Blood magic would consist of having a connection not just with the water in lakes/streams/etc. but that of living things, since water is the lifeblood of all life. This wouldn't have to be the same as the literal bloodbending in avatar, and could still have some relations to healing, just not directly it.
Also notable is that in runestones there is a blood tile, and that the symbol for life in the game is an egptian ankh, though I forget what the signifigance of the symbol was beyond meaning life.

This is my own flight, and my character's flight, so admittedly I'll be more strict on it. I changed it earlier because while clouds have a large presence in the sky, they are made of water and are only up there because of the sun's heat, technically. I just don't see them as being very important to the wind flight.
So here was my thoughts on sound: the wind flight dragons are artisans, and minstrels as well as wanderers, their very home is ringing with the endless sound of wind blowing in its own musical way. Wind is an invisible magic, and so would sound be. Sound surrounds and creates their flight in a lot of ways, the one thing important to them that their natural magic can't quite touch.
A sound dragon would have an extensive haering range, able to catch sounds of a vast variety of pitches, as well as to focus in on quiet or distant ones when necessary. They also would be able to make noises beyond their vocal chords normal limits, whose sources can seem to be from a different direction than the dragon themselves.

I recegnize that Sound isn't a runestone, but I was under the impression that the magic was based on the game, rather than had to come from it. I'm willing to discard the sound idea if nessecary, but I would still prefer to be able to call the new wind magic something other than cloud, if possible.
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Nimphy @Lamvin @FloatingInSpace

Ok, from my understanding the new magics were meant to be variations/adititions to an element, things that were still part pf the essence pf a flight, but which dragons were unable to do with their magic before. Control over things that were important to a flight, but relatively untouchable by their magic. I also felt that they were meant to have destructive cabability, since the voice that bought our gaurdians there spoke of revenge, not just glory. The dragons themselves are vengeful, and I felt that whatever magic they gain it would make sense if they could be used in battle.

So unto the elements, and how my ideas in my last post compare to what everyone else has said. I apologize if my critique starts to sound negative, but opinions what the flights are already capable of can change from person to person, and know that for most of these points I'm still pretty flexible.

Earth/Pillar: I like the ideas Malaika had here, but I've always seen Earth magic as being very constructive, and it even says in the World Map "the Earth Dragons of the DragonHome are monument builders" So the idea of raising bulidings doesn't seem very new, and I'd suggest putting the magic more towards the golems, even if these dragons have more advanced abilities towards building with rock.

Fire/Metal: I can see why Nimphy suggested moving this to earth magic, but at the same time this is a good fit for fire. Blacksmithing is a highly important part of the fire flight, but in my mind their magic centers around heat and flame, so their smiths still have to rely on heat and tools to bend the metal, if I'm making any sense. So metal magic would skip that part, and allow dragons to shape metal even in its solid form, without the use of tools.

Metal magic grants control over elements classified as metals, and earth magic over elements classified as nonmetals, perhaps the more ancient the rock the stronger a pillar dragons power is over it.

Water/Life: the idea of healing bugs me a bit since healing is already a flight-wide thing in Sornieth (at least in the coliseum), and there really doesn't seem to be any connections to healing in the water lore, so it doesn't feel as centered in the flight to me. *shrugs*
I originally suggested blood magic since it has the potential to be aggressive, and I didn't think it would get in the way of plague when plague magic wasn't on the original pillar. Blood magic would consist of having a connection not just with the water in lakes/streams/etc. but that of living things, since water is the lifeblood of all life. This wouldn't have to be the same as the literal bloodbending in avatar, and could still have some relations to healing, just not directly it.
Also notable is that in runestones there is a blood tile, and that the symbol for life in the game is an egptian ankh, though I forget what the signifigance of the symbol was beyond meaning life.

This is my own flight, and my character's flight, so admittedly I'll be more strict on it. I changed it earlier because while clouds have a large presence in the sky, they are made of water and are only up there because of the sun's heat, technically. I just don't see them as being very important to the wind flight.
So here was my thoughts on sound: the wind flight dragons are artisans, and minstrels as well as wanderers, their very home is ringing with the endless sound of wind blowing in its own musical way. Wind is an invisible magic, and so would sound be. Sound surrounds and creates their flight in a lot of ways, the one thing important to them that their natural magic can't quite touch.
A sound dragon would have an extensive haering range, able to catch sounds of a vast variety of pitches, as well as to focus in on quiet or distant ones when necessary. They also would be able to make noises beyond their vocal chords normal limits, whose sources can seem to be from a different direction than the dragon themselves.

I recegnize that Sound isn't a runestone, but I was under the impression that the magic was based on the game, rather than had to come from it. I'm willing to discard the sound idea if nessecary, but I would still prefer to be able to call the new wind magic something other than cloud, if possible.
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@FloatingInSpace, I believe if I want to make a character, I post here first? I apologize if I'm incorrect.
@FloatingInSpace, I believe if I want to make a character, I post here first? I apologize if I'm incorrect.

You should send it to me directly via Private Message.

You should send it to me directly via Private Message.
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Nimphy @Lamvin @Thewarywatcher13 @StarDragon34

Alright, I live. After looking over your suggestions and whatnot, I've realized I missed a few explanations.

The magic is basically a twisted version of the current magics that the dragons already have, based on the Runestones from the Runestones of Arcanist game, though it is not necessary to use them, as some of the runestones are ridiculous.

Nature, Plague, and Arcane did not dwell within the pillar so I have no magics for them just yet. They will come into play later and lead to a bunch of issues, but as of right now, any dragon that has those as their original birth flight will more than likely find themselves as remainers, as they do not have magics to expand on.

Earth/Pillar- based off of the fact that the Pillar of the World stands in Dragonhome. Earth magic is mainly about building and moving the earth itself into creating new structures. Pillar magic would be infusing these structures with a kind of artificial life, like golems and the like. It would also stem from the ability to contain other living beings in a stone-like state, as the other gods slept in the pillar for gods knows how long.

Fire/Metal- Those that come from the Ashfall Waste are known to be great blacksmiths, so they are associated with metal in the fact that they craft it. Fire magic involves the manipulation of fire and so metal would involve the manipulation of metals and alloys. This is different from earth magic because earth magic cannot manipulate pure alloys, only a combination of them. Fire can also "light up" Metal with life now, something like Earth dragons can do with Pillar magic.

Wind/Cloud or Wind/Sound- My logic behind Wind/Cloud is that wind usually pushes the clouds around, so now they can move actually clouds down onto the ground, form them into shapes and give them that same artificial life that Erath can do with Pillar and Fire can do with Metal. Cloud could also be used to manipulate the weather, something that wind alone cannot do. I am not too sure about sound, since that is more related to "Waves", though I do understand the idea of an "invisible" magic, I more associated Wind with the movement of objects.

Water/Life- Water is associated with "rebirth" when it comes to tropes and symbolism and whatnot, so that's why I decided to place it with Life. I would say that now with Life, there would come a healing aspect.

I'm a bit tired and out of it but that's what I have so far.
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Nimphy @Lamvin @Thewarywatcher13 @StarDragon34

Alright, I live. After looking over your suggestions and whatnot, I've realized I missed a few explanations.

The magic is basically a twisted version of the current magics that the dragons already have, based on the Runestones from the Runestones of Arcanist game, though it is not necessary to use them, as some of the runestones are ridiculous.

Nature, Plague, and Arcane did not dwell within the pillar so I have no magics for them just yet. They will come into play later and lead to a bunch of issues, but as of right now, any dragon that has those as their original birth flight will more than likely find themselves as remainers, as they do not have magics to expand on.

Earth/Pillar- based off of the fact that the Pillar of the World stands in Dragonhome. Earth magic is mainly about building and moving the earth itself into creating new structures. Pillar magic would be infusing these structures with a kind of artificial life, like golems and the like. It would also stem from the ability to contain other living beings in a stone-like state, as the other gods slept in the pillar for gods knows how long.

Fire/Metal- Those that come from the Ashfall Waste are known to be great blacksmiths, so they are associated with metal in the fact that they craft it. Fire magic involves the manipulation of fire and so metal would involve the manipulation of metals and alloys. This is different from earth magic because earth magic cannot manipulate pure alloys, only a combination of them. Fire can also "light up" Metal with life now, something like Earth dragons can do with Pillar magic.

Wind/Cloud or Wind/Sound- My logic behind Wind/Cloud is that wind usually pushes the clouds around, so now they can move actually clouds down onto the ground, form them into shapes and give them that same artificial life that Erath can do with Pillar and Fire can do with Metal. Cloud could also be used to manipulate the weather, something that wind alone cannot do. I am not too sure about sound, since that is more related to "Waves", though I do understand the idea of an "invisible" magic, I more associated Wind with the movement of objects.

Water/Life- Water is associated with "rebirth" when it comes to tropes and symbolism and whatnot, so that's why I decided to place it with Life. I would say that now with Life, there would come a healing aspect.

I'm a bit tired and out of it but that's what I have so far.
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Nimphy @Lamvin @StarDragon34
Anyone still alive?

I'd hadn't thought of soundwaves, good point. :P
I never really associated wind magic with moving objects around, but I see that animating stuff is starting to be the theme here, so I'm willing to shift my headcanon's around for the new magic's sake. Controling the weather still bugs me a bit since that's kinda Lightning's Domain (Stormcatcher came from Wind and Water warring after all), but FR elements cross over each a lot, so I can't expect to get the "perfect" way. Come to think of it, you said that dragons could learn multiple new magics, so I guess it wouldn't be too bad if they crossed a bit.
Also, can you imagine how long it would take to bring a cloud to the ground? And it could make for awfully long-distance magic for a dragon that isn't flying. Unless Cloud dragons could make their own clouds, which I suppose is feasible since the water in the air is still air/wind, the magic would take a lot of skill (and flying) to use.
All in all, The Windsinger painted the sky with his own clouds, so while I was oppesed to the magic at first I can see his children wanting to paint, too.
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Nimphy @Lamvin @StarDragon34
Anyone still alive?

I'd hadn't thought of soundwaves, good point. :P
I never really associated wind magic with moving objects around, but I see that animating stuff is starting to be the theme here, so I'm willing to shift my headcanon's around for the new magic's sake. Controling the weather still bugs me a bit since that's kinda Lightning's Domain (Stormcatcher came from Wind and Water warring after all), but FR elements cross over each a lot, so I can't expect to get the "perfect" way. Come to think of it, you said that dragons could learn multiple new magics, so I guess it wouldn't be too bad if they crossed a bit.
Also, can you imagine how long it would take to bring a cloud to the ground? And it could make for awfully long-distance magic for a dragon that isn't flying. Unless Cloud dragons could make their own clouds, which I suppose is feasible since the water in the air is still air/wind, the magic would take a lot of skill (and flying) to use.
All in all, The Windsinger painted the sky with his own clouds, so while I was oppesed to the magic at first I can see his children wanting to paint, too.
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@Thewarywatcher13 *Stumbles in* I'm still here! kinda busy because of AP week, though. ;v;
@Thewarywatcher13 *Stumbles in* I'm still here! kinda busy because of AP week, though. ;v;
@Thewarywatcher13 Still here. Don't have a lot to contribute until OP is ready to start.
@Thewarywatcher13 Still here. Don't have a lot to contribute until OP is ready to start.
@Thewarywatcher13 @Malaika @shadowdrac

AP season ends for me on the 13th. I'll be more active then.
@Thewarywatcher13 @Malaika @shadowdrac

AP season ends for me on the 13th. I'll be more active then.
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Lamvin @Thewarywatcher13 @FloatingInSpace

Hey everyone! Are we still doing this?
@MidnightRaven @Dimesocket @Malaika @shadowdrac @Lamvin @Thewarywatcher13 @FloatingInSpace

Hey everyone! Are we still doing this?
Wishlist | They/Them or Xe/Zir | Please ping me!
I'm still here, just waiting for something to do. Not much has happened since my last post...
I'm still here, just waiting for something to do. Not much has happened since my last post...
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