

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Cold Blood Warmed Over (OPEN!)
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[FREE FOR ANYONE TO JOIN. Don't toss in one sentence replies or try to control other people's characters and we'll get along fine!]


It was a quiet little town on the Highland Scrub.

Not quite picturesque, but peaceful enough for the dragons that lived and worked there.

It started out as a trading post--much like the one a little ways down on the Carrion Canyon, tucked into its own little niche near the Sundial Terrance and always bustling with activity.

Here, a short distance between flights from the Hewn City of the Sunbeam Ruins, things were a little more subdued. Shops take the place of stands and caravans, selling food and clothes and all sorts of other goods to the travelers that passed through.

The residents themselves are kind and friendly as can be, always willing to lend a set of claws to help anyone out as much as they could.

After all, it lent to the illusion of being sleepy little town, instead of the meeting and breeding ground of the dubious, the shady, and the downright low that it was.

There's hardly a soul in the place that hasn't washed blood off their hands at least once, and even less that could say with a clear conscience that the treasure rolling into their pockets were made by providing the goods and services they had neatly painted onto their shop windows.

Those shops were merely fronts for the real businesses conducted in their back rooms, available only to those with enough treasure or gems to pay for them.

Mercanaries favor the place for the wide variety of services they could pay for. Whether it was a vial of lethal poison for a job or a quick place to drop off a corpse, there was always someone offering a worthwhile deal.
[FREE FOR ANYONE TO JOIN. Don't toss in one sentence replies or try to control other people's characters and we'll get along fine!]


It was a quiet little town on the Highland Scrub.

Not quite picturesque, but peaceful enough for the dragons that lived and worked there.

It started out as a trading post--much like the one a little ways down on the Carrion Canyon, tucked into its own little niche near the Sundial Terrance and always bustling with activity.

Here, a short distance between flights from the Hewn City of the Sunbeam Ruins, things were a little more subdued. Shops take the place of stands and caravans, selling food and clothes and all sorts of other goods to the travelers that passed through.

The residents themselves are kind and friendly as can be, always willing to lend a set of claws to help anyone out as much as they could.

After all, it lent to the illusion of being sleepy little town, instead of the meeting and breeding ground of the dubious, the shady, and the downright low that it was.

There's hardly a soul in the place that hasn't washed blood off their hands at least once, and even less that could say with a clear conscience that the treasure rolling into their pockets were made by providing the goods and services they had neatly painted onto their shop windows.

Those shops were merely fronts for the real businesses conducted in their back rooms, available only to those with enough treasure or gems to pay for them.

Mercanaries favor the place for the wide variety of services they could pay for. Whether it was a vial of lethal poison for a job or a quick place to drop off a corpse, there was always someone offering a worthwhile deal.
@ineffablybookish [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The joint bakery and butcher shop opened before the sun even started to peek over the horizon, on account of one shopkeeper being an early bird and the other's complete inability to sleep. Biscotti hummed cheerfully to himself, flipping the sign on his bakery to OPEN as he listened to the rhythmic sounds of Vivienne chopping meat through the wall that separated his shop from hers. Although, he was a little surprised she got to work so soon after a job. Usually, after an all nighter like the one they had the day before, the Coatl liked to sleep in for a little longer. He wouldn't have blamed her--after all, the fellow they had to take care of was quite the hassle to dispose. They'd agreed that they needed to bump up the price for dragons his size. But there was no time to dwell on that. Right now, he was a baker, and from the high ringing sounds of the chimes above his door, he also had a customer.


The joint bakery and butcher shop opened before the sun even started to peek over the horizon, on account of one shopkeeper being an early bird and the other's complete inability to sleep.

Biscotti hummed cheerfully to himself, flipping the sign on his bakery to OPEN as he listened to the rhythmic sounds of Vivienne chopping meat through the wall that separated his shop from hers.

Although, he was a little surprised she got to work so soon after a job. Usually, after an all nighter like the one they had the day before, the Coatl liked to sleep in for a little longer. He wouldn't have blamed her--after all, the fellow they had to take care of was quite the hassle to dispose. They'd agreed that they needed to bump up the price for dragons his size.

But there was no time to dwell on that. Right now, he was a baker, and from the high ringing sounds of the chimes above his door, he also had a customer.
@TangeloJack [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Vasilisa was running. She was done being a mercenary. They were all just glorified murderers with more money than conscience, and she was done with the life she'd been living. She ran to the only place she knew to go; the bakery. It was run by two dragons; a snapper and a coatl, and she'd only heard of them before in passing. If she could get there, she was sure to find somewhere to go, even if it was hiding amongst the dead. She couldn't afford to raise suspicions, so she walked as casually as she could down the crowded street. Entering the shop, she pretended to peruse the cookies and loaves of bread until the shop emptied.


Vasilisa was running. She was done being a mercenary. They were all just glorified murderers with more money than conscience, and she was done with the life she'd been living.

She ran to the only place she knew to go; the bakery. It was run by two dragons; a snapper and a coatl, and she'd only heard of them before in passing. If she could get there, she was sure to find somewhere to go, even if it was hiding amongst the dead.

She couldn't afford to raise suspicions, so she walked as casually as she could down the crowded street. Entering the shop, she pretended to peruse the cookies and loaves of bread until the shop emptied.

The Snapper approached the other dragon with a bounce in his step and friendly smile plastered on his face.

"See anything you like, miss?" he asked, keeping his tone light and cheerful. "Shortcake's freshly baked from this morning, and Ol' McLean sold me some lovely strawberries that'd pair well with a good glaze and a dollop of whipped cream."

She wasn't here for a bit to eat, one look at her face told Biscotti all he needed to know. There was a shifty look in her eye he'd long grown familiar with seeing, and that meant one of two things--either she was looking for a place to hide, or she was looking for a place to hide someone.

The Snapper approached the other dragon with a bounce in his step and friendly smile plastered on his face.

"See anything you like, miss?" he asked, keeping his tone light and cheerful. "Shortcake's freshly baked from this morning, and Ol' McLean sold me some lovely strawberries that'd pair well with a good glaze and a dollop of whipped cream."

She wasn't here for a bit to eat, one look at her face told Biscotti all he needed to know. There was a shifty look in her eye he'd long grown familiar with seeing, and that meant one of two things--either she was looking for a place to hide, or she was looking for a place to hide someone.
@TangeloJack @ineffablybookish [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] It was her first day in the town, thankfully Malvina had been given some instructions to shops she would have to visit to get what was on her list. A pouch banged against her hip, her goggled eyes cost downward at the parchment in her hand full of scribbled handwriting. She had so far been directed to a Bakery and the dragon was keen on most likely spending all her treasure getting sweets. It felt nice for a once to be alone and out in the fresh air instead of with Eurydice, in the stuffy and disorganized workshop. A click and clack of what sounded like bones on the cobblestones belonged to Permafrost Impaler that when by the name of Aden, a companion to Malvina. The things mouth was covered in blood from the dragon remains that had been fed to it earlier, hopefully it only looked like the blood was from a animal. With one claw, Malvina pushed open the door, a cool gust of air welcomed her as she stepped inside. A happy smile crept up her face, there were two sides to her one of them in which you would want to meet, a happy, kind, friendly one, the other one was left best unexplained and shown to only those who truly knew her. She gave a friendly nod and smile to the snapper and ridgeback, proceeding to focus on the sweets and keep back Aden from trying to lick and eat everything.
@TangeloJack @ineffablybookish



It was her first day in the town, thankfully Malvina had been given some instructions to shops she would have to visit to get what was on her list. A pouch banged against her hip, her goggled eyes cost downward at the parchment in her hand full of scribbled handwriting. She had so far been directed to a Bakery and the dragon was keen on most likely spending all her treasure getting sweets.

It felt nice for a once to be alone and out in the fresh air instead of with Eurydice, in the stuffy and disorganized workshop. A click and clack of what sounded like bones on the cobblestones belonged to Permafrost Impaler that when by the name of Aden, a companion to Malvina. The things mouth was covered in blood from the dragon remains that had been fed to it earlier, hopefully it only looked like the blood was from a animal.

With one claw, Malvina pushed open the door, a cool gust of air welcomed her as she stepped inside. A happy smile crept up her face, there were two sides to her one of them in which you would want to meet, a happy, kind, friendly one, the other one was left best unexplained and shown to only those who truly knew her. She gave a friendly nod and smile to the snapper and ridgeback, proceeding to focus on the sweets and keep back Aden from trying to lick and eat everything.
@TangeloJack @DacianaLupa

The snapper wasn't what she was expecting, but she could see it in his eyes; he was who she was looking for.

"You know, everything looks so good. I don't suppose you'd be willing to show me how it's done, would you? I'm a curious one, myself."

She didn't have a clue how to broach the subject she wanted to, but she knew this wasn't the place to do it. Especially with a new customer just walking in to the shop.
@TangeloJack @DacianaLupa

The snapper wasn't what she was expecting, but she could see it in his eyes; he was who she was looking for.

"You know, everything looks so good. I don't suppose you'd be willing to show me how it's done, would you? I'm a curious one, myself."

She didn't have a clue how to broach the subject she wanted to, but she knew this wasn't the place to do it. Especially with a new customer just walking in to the shop.
@TangeloJack @DacianaLupa @ineffablybookish [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Belvia worked in a coffee shop that she and her sisters ran. Her shop was across from the bakery and butchery, she mainly managed the coffee making and the management of the shop where as the two sisters of hers served and took orders. Not cause she was above them, it was just her colouring that seemed to be the up most unfortunate. It scared the customers, so her sisters had told her to stay out of view. What little did the customers know that they were a trio of mercenary's. Belvia headed into the back to sort out their budget for this month. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Tear was taking orders for customers whilst her sister Belvia made the different types of hot drinks, one after another. Her older sister was a mirror just like her but their younger sister was a skydancer. Just like their mother. Where as Tear was the middle child. The orders had calmed down for now and the shop was getting quiter each minute that passed by, Tear had a chance to clean up a bit. Washing and cleaning the overrun sink that had plenty of cups and mugs in it. She looked out the front window to see the butcher and the bakers had 'Business'. She smiled and gave them both a wave. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ivory was the youngest at the shop, she loved working there though. She got to take the drinks to many different types of dragons and meet new people and greet the regulars, She enjoyed all of it. It was starting to get late and the customers had started to clear out and Ivory had less to take back to Tear. She caught a glimpse of Belvia moving into the back to go and do something whilst Tear waved to the owners across the street. Ivory glanced at them and then spoke to her dear sister. "Tear, we should go across and offer them some drinks. Since you attracted their attention - even if you didn't" she interuppted herself "It would be a lovely guesture rather than just waving and getting on with our lives, it might be nice to speak to them. " Tear looked at Ivory who proposed the idea of taking the dragons some hot drinks, "But Ivory, how do we know what they would like?" A voice from the back of the shop rang out, "Send one of us over there and ask. Its not like I can go. I'll just scare them off or put them on guard." Belvia complained. "I shall go" Ivory piped up already moving towards the door. "Be careful, if anything happens. Signal to us or send a shadow." said Tear from behind the counter. Ivory turned her head to look at Tear and shouted out to both of her sisters. "I will and I'll be back soon." Ivory opened their shop door and made her way to the bakery and butchery.
@TangeloJack @DacianaLupa @ineffablybookish


Belvia worked in a coffee shop that she and her sisters ran. Her shop was across from the bakery and butchery, she mainly managed the coffee making and the management of the shop where as the two sisters of hers served and took orders. Not cause she was above them, it was just her colouring that seemed to be the up most unfortunate. It scared the customers, so her sisters had told her to stay out of view. What little did the customers know that they were a trio of mercenary's. Belvia headed into the back to sort out their budget for this month.


Tear was taking orders for customers whilst her sister Belvia made the different types of hot drinks, one after another. Her older sister was a mirror just like her but their younger sister was a skydancer. Just like their mother. Where as Tear was the middle child. The orders had calmed down for now and the shop was getting quiter each minute that passed by, Tear had a chance to clean up a bit. Washing and cleaning the overrun sink that had plenty of cups and mugs in it. She looked out the front window to see the butcher and the bakers had 'Business'. She smiled and gave them both a wave.


Ivory was the youngest at the shop, she loved working there though. She got to take the drinks to many different types of dragons and meet new people and greet the regulars, She enjoyed all of it. It was starting to get late and the customers had started to clear out and Ivory had less to take back to Tear. She caught a glimpse of Belvia moving into the back to go and do something whilst Tear waved to the owners across the street. Ivory glanced at them and then spoke to her dear sister. "Tear, we should go across and offer them some drinks. Since you attracted their attention - even if you didn't" she interuppted herself "It would be a lovely guesture rather than just waving and getting on with our lives, it might be nice to speak to them. "

Tear looked at Ivory who proposed the idea of taking the dragons some hot drinks, "But Ivory, how do we know what they would like?"

A voice from the back of the shop rang out, "Send one of us over there and ask. Its not like I can go. I'll just scare them off or put them on guard." Belvia complained.

"I shall go" Ivory piped up already moving towards the door. "Be careful, if anything happens. Signal to us or send a shadow." said Tear from behind the counter. Ivory turned her head to look at Tear and shouted out to both of her sisters. "I will and I'll be back soon." Ivory opened their shop door and made her way to the bakery and butchery.
8HRS Ahead of FR Time
@Tigerlillyrose @DacianaLupa @ineffablybookish Biscotti looked past the Ridgeback to chuckle at the Permafrost Impaler clicking about his shop. He shot a grin at its handler. "Keep an eye on the little fella, miss! If he wants to sample the merchandise, I'd rather be the one to pick it out for him. He shifted his gaze back onto the Ridgeback. "I do all my baking right behind the counter! ...But the ingredients are all in the back room." The Snapper took a few steps back behind the counter and gestured at the door with his head. "Right this way!" Before taking another step, he reached up and rapped on the little window on the door in the wall. "Vivi!" he called, "You busy?" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The door opened just enough for the dragon on the other side to poke her head through. Her smile was soft, her apron heavily stained with animal blood, and her voice was low and quiet as she said: "Not at the moment, dear heart, why?" Biscotti beamed and nodded towards the Skydancer. "Just wondering if you'd mind keeping an eye on things while I do a little business in the back, is all." The Coatl shucked off her apron and stepped into the bakery. "Of course." "Great! Right this way now." Taking her place behind the counter, Vivienne looked towards the Skydancer and smiled. "If you're having a hard time making a decision...his raspberry tarts are to die for, and everything here tastes as good as it looks." The chimes on the door jingled the arrival of the next customer, and Vivienne turned her head to wave at the Skydancer who walked in. "Good morning, what can I do for you?"
@Tigerlillyrose @DacianaLupa @ineffablybookish

Biscotti looked past the Ridgeback to chuckle at the Permafrost Impaler clicking about his shop. He shot a grin at its handler. "Keep an eye on the little fella, miss! If he wants to sample the merchandise, I'd rather be the one to pick it out for him.

He shifted his gaze back onto the Ridgeback. "I do all my baking right behind the counter! ...But the ingredients are all in the back room." The Snapper took a few steps back behind the counter and gestured at the door with his head. "Right this way!"

Before taking another step, he reached up and rapped on the little window on the door in the wall. "Vivi!" he called, "You busy?"


The door opened just enough for the dragon on the other side to poke her head through. Her smile was soft, her apron heavily stained with animal blood, and her voice was low and quiet as she said: "Not at the moment, dear heart, why?"

Biscotti beamed and nodded towards the Skydancer. "Just wondering if you'd mind keeping an eye on things while I do a little business in the back, is all."

The Coatl shucked off her apron and stepped into the bakery. "Of course."

"Great! Right this way now."

Taking her place behind the counter, Vivienne looked towards the Skydancer and smiled. "If you're having a hard time making a decision...his raspberry tarts are to die for, and everything here tastes as good as it looks."

The chimes on the door jingled the arrival of the next customer, and Vivienne turned her head to wave at the Skydancer who walked in.

"Good morning, what can I do for you?"
@TangeloJack @DacianaLupa @ineffablybookish

Ivory walked into the shop. She was welcomed by a coatl. "Well, Hello there. I am Ivory. You know the coffee shop across from you? It's the one called 'Tree Sweet Coffee'?" She looked at the surrounding dragons questioningly and glanced back to the shop where her sisters gave her a quick wave, she rolled her eyes at them and turned back to the group of dragons. "Well you see, my sisters and I would like to offer you a round of hot drinks and sent me to take your orders if you would like anything of course. Soft drinks included. We have all the range. No alcoholic one though." Ivory informed the group of dragons whilst taking out a pen and pad out of her small bag she had brought with her.
@TangeloJack @DacianaLupa @ineffablybookish

Ivory walked into the shop. She was welcomed by a coatl. "Well, Hello there. I am Ivory. You know the coffee shop across from you? It's the one called 'Tree Sweet Coffee'?" She looked at the surrounding dragons questioningly and glanced back to the shop where her sisters gave her a quick wave, she rolled her eyes at them and turned back to the group of dragons. "Well you see, my sisters and I would like to offer you a round of hot drinks and sent me to take your orders if you would like anything of course. Soft drinks included. We have all the range. No alcoholic one though." Ivory informed the group of dragons whilst taking out a pen and pad out of her small bag she had brought with her.
8HRS Ahead of FR Time
@Tigerlillyrose @TangeloJack @ineffablybookish

Malvina felt herself smile at the dragons giving the coatl and skydancer both a wave. She pulled out the list that had what she needed on it before shoving it back into her pouch and turning to the coatl.

"This is all to go, so I would like to try the Raspberry Tarts" She paused for a second, unsure on what to get. "How about some scones. Oh and some of that Strawberry Shortcake, and some loaves of bread"

She grabbed the scruff of Aden, whom was trying to eat something that shouldn't have been eaten, the creature let out a cackle, its bone legs clacking on the floor. "Oh and a question, do you know where I can get some thick sewing needles, ones that can pierce through tough material and some scalpels as well."

The skydancer turned to the one behind her. "Oh I really am not sure, anything is fine with me, I'm not too picky."
@Tigerlillyrose @TangeloJack @ineffablybookish

Malvina felt herself smile at the dragons giving the coatl and skydancer both a wave. She pulled out the list that had what she needed on it before shoving it back into her pouch and turning to the coatl.

"This is all to go, so I would like to try the Raspberry Tarts" She paused for a second, unsure on what to get. "How about some scones. Oh and some of that Strawberry Shortcake, and some loaves of bread"

She grabbed the scruff of Aden, whom was trying to eat something that shouldn't have been eaten, the creature let out a cackle, its bone legs clacking on the floor. "Oh and a question, do you know where I can get some thick sewing needles, ones that can pierce through tough material and some scalpels as well."

The skydancer turned to the one behind her. "Oh I really am not sure, anything is fine with me, I'm not too picky."
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