

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private 1x1 with Hummingknight
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@Hummingknight [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Market day was always an adventure....if you were a fledgling. For Sandalphon, it was a chore and a way Arariel got him out of the lair when she was sick of his lazing and flirting. He carried the empty pack begrudgingly and checked the list that his clanleader had given him. [b]"Seafood, new bedding, a new wrench for Barachiel...Hey, watch it!"[/b] The Imperial swung his head and flared his wings at an errant youngling who'd knocked into him, then patted his pockets to make sure the little urchin hadn't run off with something valuable. Good, everything was there. Disgruntled, he made his way to the food stands, clutching the list tightly in one paw. Stormcatcher curse these crowds. Even with his size, it was difficult to get up there to buy anything. [b]"Yes, hello, I need a three dozen oysters and five measures of those shrimps, and a couple of those big fish over there. And..."[/b] A shimmering white pelt caught his eye, and suddenly the day seemed a little brighter. He arched his neck and smiled at her. [b]"What's a pearl like you doing out here?"[/b]


Market day was always an adventure....if you were a fledgling. For Sandalphon, it was a chore and a way Arariel got him out of the lair when she was sick of his lazing and flirting. He carried the empty pack begrudgingly and checked the list that his clanleader had given him. "Seafood, new bedding, a new wrench for Barachiel...Hey, watch it!" The Imperial swung his head and flared his wings at an errant youngling who'd knocked into him, then patted his pockets to make sure the little urchin hadn't run off with something valuable. Good, everything was there.

Disgruntled, he made his way to the food stands, clutching the list tightly in one paw. Stormcatcher curse these crowds. Even with his size, it was difficult to get up there to buy anything. "Yes, hello, I need a three dozen oysters and five measures of those shrimps, and a couple of those big fish over there. And..." A shimmering white pelt caught his eye, and suddenly the day seemed a little brighter. He arched his neck and smiled at her. "What's a pearl like you doing out here?"
@Scyllarus [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Willow love the market day, always so aktive, full of energi, new dragons to meet, she and some of her tribes mates always went to market together but this year she was alone, Queen and some of the other female's had just begin to nested so Queen wanted everyone in the tribe near and King was having almost a mental break down over all the mates running around trying to make it as comfortable for their loved one. She was the one few with out a mate so she was the in charge to get what the clan needed, carrying the empty pack with easy, she checked the list that the clanleader had given her [i]"" [/i]she smiled and trotts through the crowds, her slim body shape make it easy for her to slip through the crowed of dragons that gathered at the market. Making her ways towards the food stands she jumps over long tails and ducking under wings,stopping time to time to look at the goods, she was just admiring some delicious tulips when a rumbling voice peeked her interest, she cranked her neck and looked up, blue pelt meet her eyes and she smiles [i]"enjoying this beautiful market day~"[/i]


Willow love the market day, always so aktive, full of energi, new dragons to meet, she and some of her tribes mates always went to market together but this year she was alone, Queen and some of the other female's had just begin to nested so Queen wanted everyone in the tribe near and King was having almost a mental break down over all the mates running around trying to make it as comfortable for their loved one.

She was the one few with out a mate so she was the in charge to get what the clan needed, carrying the empty pack with easy, she checked the list that the clanleader had given her "" she smiled and trotts through the crowds, her slim body shape make it easy for her to slip through the crowed of dragons that gathered at the market.
Making her ways towards the food stands she jumps over long tails and ducking under wings,stopping time to time to look at the goods, she was just admiring some delicious tulips when a rumbling voice peeked her interest, she cranked her neck and looked up, blue pelt meet her eyes and she smiles "enjoying this beautiful market day~"

"It is a beautiful day, isn't it? I'm not a fan of these crowds, though." The smaller dragons buffeted around his legs as if proving his point. Sandalphon waved off the shopkeeper, handing him a few coins. "Hold those for me, I've got a bit more shopping to do. My name is Sandalphon, part of the Stormwinds clan." Turning back to the Skydancer he dipped his head and smiled charmingly. "Perhaps I could assist the lady with her shopping? It's practically a crime that your clan has you out here all on your own."

"It is a beautiful day, isn't it? I'm not a fan of these crowds, though." The smaller dragons buffeted around his legs as if proving his point. Sandalphon waved off the shopkeeper, handing him a few coins. "Hold those for me, I've got a bit more shopping to do. My name is Sandalphon, part of the Stormwinds clan." Turning back to the Skydancer he dipped his head and smiled charmingly. "Perhaps I could assist the lady with her shopping? It's practically a crime that your clan has you out here all on your own."
"It is~" Willow said with a smiled "I like the crowds~it make everything feel so alive~" she turns to the shopkeeper ordering some tulips before giving him some coins, putting the tulips in her bag before turning back to the blue Imperial "nice to meet ~ I'm Willow~part of the Gladekeeper clan" she laughs softly and starts walking, moving easy through the crowds "Oh I don't mind, I like it~ more then anyone in my clan so I mostly the one that get to do the shopping anyways~ " she said as she stops at a stand with all kind of fabrics. looking at the silks "and It nesting month this month anyways so we with out mates aren't allowed in the mainlair anyways "
"It is~" Willow said with a smiled "I like the crowds~it make everything feel so alive~" she turns to the shopkeeper ordering some tulips before giving him some coins, putting the tulips in her bag before turning back to the blue Imperial "nice to meet ~ I'm Willow~part of the Gladekeeper clan" she laughs softly and starts walking, moving easy through the crowds "Oh I don't mind, I like it~ more then anyone in my clan so I mostly the one that get to do the shopping anyways~ " she said as she stops at a stand with all kind of fabrics. looking at the silks "and It nesting month this month anyways so we with out mates aren't allowed in the mainlair anyways "

"A lovely name to match a lovely dragon." He followed along, a little relieved that she'd stopped at a stand selling fabrics. Arariel would chew him out if he didn't return with at least something. "Two bundles of cotton and one of linen, thanks. I'll be back to get them." Handing the coin over, he resumed the conversation with the Skydancer. "Really? Usually we get one of the younger dragons to come out here and deal with the marketplace, or Arariel does it herself if it's important. I've never heard of keeping unmated dragons out of the lair - generally we prefer a little more...privacy in those matters."

((Hey, heads up - I'm not going to be available for the next couple of days. I've got a couple of interviews to deal with, so I'm sorry if I don't get a chance to reply))

"A lovely name to match a lovely dragon." He followed along, a little relieved that she'd stopped at a stand selling fabrics. Arariel would chew him out if he didn't return with at least something. "Two bundles of cotton and one of linen, thanks. I'll be back to get them." Handing the coin over, he resumed the conversation with the Skydancer. "Really? Usually we get one of the younger dragons to come out here and deal with the marketplace, or Arariel does it herself if it's important. I've never heard of keeping unmated dragons out of the lair - generally we prefer a little more...privacy in those matters."

((Hey, heads up - I'm not going to be available for the next couple of days. I've got a couple of interviews to deal with, so I'm sorry if I don't get a chance to reply))
Willow blushes a little "thank a uniq one~" she said with a smiles and turns to stand " Three bundles of silk and one of cotton, please" Handing the coins over she turns back to the Imp "Well I like it here so I dosen't mind going ~" she said as the fabric she had order was fasten on to her back, she gives a small node to the helper before she continues her route.

"well we arn't exactly pushed out, our lair are big so we can keep to the main lairs and outside, we just need to keep away from the nesting grounds~" she said with a cute smiles "we our lair is placed in the middle of The Viridian Labyrinth, you can't find if if you don't know how~"

((Sure Good luck ~"))
Willow blushes a little "thank a uniq one~" she said with a smiles and turns to stand " Three bundles of silk and one of cotton, please" Handing the coins over she turns back to the Imp "Well I like it here so I dosen't mind going ~" she said as the fabric she had order was fasten on to her back, she gives a small node to the helper before she continues her route.

"well we arn't exactly pushed out, our lair are big so we can keep to the main lairs and outside, we just need to keep away from the nesting grounds~" she said with a cute smiles "we our lair is placed in the middle of The Viridian Labyrinth, you can't find if if you don't know how~"

((Sure Good luck ~"))

"All the dragons in my lair are named like this. Something to do with angels, I think. You'd have to ask Arariel about that." He shrugged, following the Skydancer and checking his list. "Oh, I see. No, our nesting grounds still have smaller caverns for anyone who prefers their privacy while brooding, but no one goes to that part of the lair unless they're nesting, anyway." Sandalphon paused for a moment, a puzzled look on his face. "Wait, so you're telling me that you haven't got a mate this season? Why not? How? I would've assumed that a dragon like you would've already been snapped up."

"All the dragons in my lair are named like this. Something to do with angels, I think. You'd have to ask Arariel about that." He shrugged, following the Skydancer and checking his list. "Oh, I see. No, our nesting grounds still have smaller caverns for anyone who prefers their privacy while brooding, but no one goes to that part of the lair unless they're nesting, anyway." Sandalphon paused for a moment, a puzzled look on his face. "Wait, so you're telling me that you haven't got a mate this season? Why not? How? I would've assumed that a dragon like you would've already been snapped up."
"Oh~that's nice " she said, looking around in the stands as they walk "hmm honey~ honey~" the white skydancer hums softly while walking, stopping time to time at some stands that caught her interest "Mhh yeah the same with our nesting grounds ~ "

Willow stops at a stand that was selling honey and start to look through the different jars of honey, she laughs a little at his puzzled look " Yes i'm telling you that I don't have a mate for this season ~" she shrugs as she picks up a jar of honey and pays for it before putting it away in her saddlebag "Don't know ~ wasn't appealing enough "
"Oh~that's nice " she said, looking around in the stands as they walk "hmm honey~ honey~" the white skydancer hums softly while walking, stopping time to time at some stands that caught her interest "Mhh yeah the same with our nesting grounds ~ "

Willow stops at a stand that was selling honey and start to look through the different jars of honey, she laughs a little at his puzzled look " Yes i'm telling you that I don't have a mate for this season ~" she shrugs as she picks up a jar of honey and pays for it before putting it away in her saddlebag "Don't know ~ wasn't appealing enough "

Sandalphon stood befuddled at Willow's nonchalance. He didn't have a mate, but that was because he liked it that way. Unlike his brother, he wasn't interested in settling down with one dragon forever. "You're not kidding." The opportunity presented itself and after a moment of thought he raised an eyebrow. "Well, I can't let a beautiful dragoness go mateless all season. Perhaps you'd be willing to join me for dinner?"

Sandalphon stood befuddled at Willow's nonchalance. He didn't have a mate, but that was because he liked it that way. Unlike his brother, he wasn't interested in settling down with one dragon forever. "You're not kidding." The opportunity presented itself and after a moment of thought he raised an eyebrow. "Well, I can't let a beautiful dragoness go mateless all season. Perhaps you'd be willing to join me for dinner?"
"No~ I'm not kidding" WIllow shakes her head with a small laugh and stopes so that Sandalphon could catch up to her, she didn't understad why the Imperial made a big deal of it but couldn't help but to blush a little when the dragon asked her out "hmm~"
She studies the Imperial male, she couldn't help but to admit that he was quiet impressed "hmm sure~"
"No~ I'm not kidding" WIllow shakes her head with a small laugh and stopes so that Sandalphon could catch up to her, she didn't understad why the Imperial made a big deal of it but couldn't help but to blush a little when the dragon asked her out "hmm~"
She studies the Imperial male, she couldn't help but to admit that he was quiet impressed "hmm sure~"
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