

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | It Takes A Village Roleplay [Open]
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It Takes A Village Roleplay

This is a casual, free-form roleplay with no size limit, based on fleshing out the stories and characters of your dragons and having fun with other like-minded people. If things ever get too large or clique-ish, the roleplay will split into multiple threads for different groups. Please be respectful of others' sensitivities about gore and explicit content or ideological differences, but I will not be laying down any hard-and-fast rules about that at this time.

The rules:
Every dragon must have at least a short bio.
Mating that produces young is equivalent to marriage, but dating first is allowed and encouraged. (Exceptions allowed if there are in-story reasons)
Children must stay with their parents unless there's a good in-story reason; hatchlings from discovered eggs must be adopted and cared for by at least one adult dragon.
Any bought/traded/adopted dragons must have a reason behind their change in status.
Exalted dragons must have a reason for being exalted. (Only applies if they were part of the Roleplay)
Any dragon that is exalted or leaves your clan should still be at least marginally connected to the story; i.e. they might come up in conversation.
The use of any scrolls or skins must be explained in-story.
Any deviations from canon lore must have some kind of explanation.

*Note: the rules are for those dragons which are participating in the roleplay - you are free to participate however much or little you like.

You don't have to worry about:
Whether the roleplay is full
Whether your dragons are interesting enough
How rich your clan is
How many dragons you have
How often you're on
If you think you might want to leave after a while

*I hope this will be a welcoming space for writers of all skill levels, and characters of all types, so please, no hate!*

Please tell us a little bit about your clan as a whole, where it's located, which Flight it belongs to, and list which members you will be including before you start playing (one free internet for you if you choose to enroll your entire clan ;P ). If you're not sure how to start, ping me and I'll try to introduce you to the story.

Edit: If you add more characters later on in the roleplay, please edit your original clan introduction post to include those characters, for ease of reference.

If you decide to leave the roleplay, please leave a short message letting us know to go on without you, otherwise we will do our best to accommodate those players who are temporarily absent :)

You do not need to ask before joining the roleplay, and it is never too late!
It Takes A Village Roleplay

This is a casual, free-form roleplay with no size limit, based on fleshing out the stories and characters of your dragons and having fun with other like-minded people. If things ever get too large or clique-ish, the roleplay will split into multiple threads for different groups. Please be respectful of others' sensitivities about gore and explicit content or ideological differences, but I will not be laying down any hard-and-fast rules about that at this time.

The rules:
Every dragon must have at least a short bio.
Mating that produces young is equivalent to marriage, but dating first is allowed and encouraged. (Exceptions allowed if there are in-story reasons)
Children must stay with their parents unless there's a good in-story reason; hatchlings from discovered eggs must be adopted and cared for by at least one adult dragon.
Any bought/traded/adopted dragons must have a reason behind their change in status.
Exalted dragons must have a reason for being exalted. (Only applies if they were part of the Roleplay)
Any dragon that is exalted or leaves your clan should still be at least marginally connected to the story; i.e. they might come up in conversation.
The use of any scrolls or skins must be explained in-story.
Any deviations from canon lore must have some kind of explanation.

*Note: the rules are for those dragons which are participating in the roleplay - you are free to participate however much or little you like.

You don't have to worry about:
Whether the roleplay is full
Whether your dragons are interesting enough
How rich your clan is
How many dragons you have
How often you're on
If you think you might want to leave after a while

*I hope this will be a welcoming space for writers of all skill levels, and characters of all types, so please, no hate!*

Please tell us a little bit about your clan as a whole, where it's located, which Flight it belongs to, and list which members you will be including before you start playing (one free internet for you if you choose to enroll your entire clan ;P ). If you're not sure how to start, ping me and I'll try to introduce you to the story.

Edit: If you add more characters later on in the roleplay, please edit your original clan introduction post to include those characters, for ease of reference.

If you decide to leave the roleplay, please leave a short message letting us know to go on without you, otherwise we will do our best to accommodate those players who are temporarily absent :)

You do not need to ask before joining the roleplay, and it is never too late!
Lightspinner Clan Introduction The Lightspinner clan is a small but caring clan located on the Sundial Terrace. Although the clan itself is nominally of the Light Flight, the clan is not very interested in politics and is happy to make friends with anyone. All clan members will be taking part Sosenna [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ttayem [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Marble [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sanaya [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cazdor [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Jhambiri [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Tina [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Edit: you can find their bios on their pages
Lightspinner Clan Introduction

The Lightspinner clan is a small but caring clan located on the Sundial Terrace. Although the clan itself is nominally of the Light Flight, the clan is not very interested in politics and is happy to make friends with anyone.

All clan members will be taking part















Edit: you can find their bios on their pages
Starting Post

The starting premise is that it's time for the annual etching of the sundial's shadow, and the Lightspinner clan is taking part. While there, they meet some dragons from other clans and flights who they're interested in keeping in contact with.


Ttayem looked out at the multitudes of dragons swarming the crumbling old sundial, his mate Sosenna by his side. It was an even bigger turn-out than last year, and he was looking forward to once again dipping his toe into the wider world of dragon culture. Oh, solitude could be nice, of course - he loved the closeness he felt to his tiny clan - but he still sometimes missed the bustle of the much larger clan he'd grown up in.

Sanaya poked her head over the ridge, a bit nervous of the crowds. Last year she'd been too young to come, not to mention far to afraid of getting lost, but this year she was older and bolder, and besides, she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. The white bulk of Marble behind her was reassuring, too. Last week he'd gravely assured her that he would look after her during the hectic event, and he hadn't left her line of sight since they'd started the journey, something she particularly appreciated as the rigorous travel brought back memories that turned into hideous nightmares each night.

Jhambiri and Tina were still catching up, having lagged behind the main group, and Cazdor was flying just above them, making joking remarks about their short legs, and why didn't they just fly up the incline?

"Because I'm darn sore after all this travel, give a poor old dragon some peace," Jhambiri muttered grumpily, but Tina knew her mate well enough to spot the slight grin that flickered across his face. Jhambiri harbored a secret fondness for the Cazdor's energy and wit, although he would never admit it, even to Tina. Of course, that wouldn't stop him from giving the upstart a good knock around the head if he though he was getting too cheeky.
Starting Post

The starting premise is that it's time for the annual etching of the sundial's shadow, and the Lightspinner clan is taking part. While there, they meet some dragons from other clans and flights who they're interested in keeping in contact with.


Ttayem looked out at the multitudes of dragons swarming the crumbling old sundial, his mate Sosenna by his side. It was an even bigger turn-out than last year, and he was looking forward to once again dipping his toe into the wider world of dragon culture. Oh, solitude could be nice, of course - he loved the closeness he felt to his tiny clan - but he still sometimes missed the bustle of the much larger clan he'd grown up in.

Sanaya poked her head over the ridge, a bit nervous of the crowds. Last year she'd been too young to come, not to mention far to afraid of getting lost, but this year she was older and bolder, and besides, she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. The white bulk of Marble behind her was reassuring, too. Last week he'd gravely assured her that he would look after her during the hectic event, and he hadn't left her line of sight since they'd started the journey, something she particularly appreciated as the rigorous travel brought back memories that turned into hideous nightmares each night.

Jhambiri and Tina were still catching up, having lagged behind the main group, and Cazdor was flying just above them, making joking remarks about their short legs, and why didn't they just fly up the incline?

"Because I'm darn sore after all this travel, give a poor old dragon some peace," Jhambiri muttered grumpily, but Tina knew her mate well enough to spot the slight grin that flickered across his face. Jhambiri harbored a secret fondness for the Cazdor's energy and wit, although he would never admit it, even to Tina. Of course, that wouldn't stop him from giving the upstart a good knock around the head if he though he was getting too cheeky.
((Even though I'll just be using a few dragons for now, I'll probably use my entire clan eventually. :3 the dragons I'm using right now are all in the top five spaces of my lair))

Azra plodded along lazily, not in any hurry at all. The two sleeping Skydancers on his back snored rather loudly. Uriel and Gabriel trailed after him, talking about combat techniques.

It had been a long time since the five of them had all left the clan. Uriel had been reluctant, but the four of them all dragged him out of the castle. He was grumpy at first, but soon calmed down. Raphael and Michael had fallen asleep soon after they started.

Azra spotted a group of dragons making their way up the hill, with a young Imperial flying above them. He throws the two Skydancers off his back, and onto Gabriel's. He bounds up the hill to greet them, making sure they know he's not a threat.

"Hello there! How has the journey been for you all so far?" He says with a small smile.

((my post would take up a lot of space if I posted the images))

(Edit: crap I forgot to add where my clan lives. they pretty much live in a dragon-sized castle.)
((Even though I'll just be using a few dragons for now, I'll probably use my entire clan eventually. :3 the dragons I'm using right now are all in the top five spaces of my lair))

Azra plodded along lazily, not in any hurry at all. The two sleeping Skydancers on his back snored rather loudly. Uriel and Gabriel trailed after him, talking about combat techniques.

It had been a long time since the five of them had all left the clan. Uriel had been reluctant, but the four of them all dragged him out of the castle. He was grumpy at first, but soon calmed down. Raphael and Michael had fallen asleep soon after they started.

Azra spotted a group of dragons making their way up the hill, with a young Imperial flying above them. He throws the two Skydancers off his back, and onto Gabriel's. He bounds up the hill to greet them, making sure they know he's not a threat.

"Hello there! How has the journey been for you all so far?" He says with a small smile.

((my post would take up a lot of space if I posted the images))

(Edit: crap I forgot to add where my clan lives. they pretty much live in a dragon-sized castle.)
@Yodra [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Soft and sweet as apple pie. This is the kid you want to snuggle all day cause she's so good at snuggling. Wow does she even get mad or anyfin? Probably not, fighting style is death hugs where she just hugs you into sweet oblivion. You want it cause she's giving it. She's sort of Clan mother as the oldest and with a natural maternal instinct and ability to put any of the young ones in their place. Pomodoro used to be part of the plague clan but decided to return to the zephyr steppes, the homeland of her mother Crest. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ma-jesty is known mostly by less friendly dragons for being quiet, clumsy and dim however he is actually quite smart. He constantly has his head up in the clouds thinking, creating and pondering the mysteries of the universe, he is generally perfectly fine being alone so does not often approach others. One of his downfalls is since he is such an avid day dreamer he is likely to miss something important especially if you're talking to him and he's otherwise occupied. If you ever talked to him you would find that he can be quite personable especially if you ask him for his opinion on a dilemma as he likes nothing more than to help tackle a tricky puzzle. He is always polite but will often trail off in the middle of a sentence if he gets distracted by a stray thought. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This tudra is cool as ice (like you know she's very in, very now) and friendly. Airis is very calm so calm in fact that she is often at risk of falling asleep. Some call her boring as she doesn't often raise her voice or seemingly get excited about things, those who know her understand her reaction to excitement or anger or fear is just different. She may be just as excited as a spiral whooping and spinning about but she will probably just be sitting there smiling with a twinkle in her eye. She is not one to take sides in arguments or meddle in clan drama but if you need her help she will always come to your call.


Soft and sweet as apple pie. This is the kid you want to snuggle all day cause she's so good at snuggling. Wow does she even get mad or anyfin? Probably not, fighting style is death hugs where she just hugs you into sweet oblivion. You want it cause she's giving it. She's sort of Clan mother as the oldest and with a natural maternal instinct and ability to put any of the young ones in their place.

Pomodoro used to be part of the plague clan but decided to return to the zephyr steppes, the homeland of her mother Crest.


Ma-jesty is known mostly by less friendly dragons for being quiet, clumsy and dim however he is actually quite smart. He constantly has his head up in the clouds thinking, creating and pondering the mysteries of the universe, he is generally perfectly fine being alone so does not often approach others. One of his downfalls is since he is such an avid day dreamer he is likely to miss something important especially if you're talking to him and he's otherwise occupied. If you ever talked to him you would find that he can be quite personable especially if you ask him for his opinion on a dilemma as he likes nothing more than to help tackle a tricky puzzle. He is always polite but will often trail off in the middle of a sentence if he gets distracted by a stray thought.


This tudra is cool as ice (like you know she's very in, very now) and friendly. Airis is very calm so calm in fact that she is often at risk of falling asleep. Some call her boring as she doesn't often raise her voice or seemingly get excited about things, those who know her understand her reaction to excitement or anger or fear is just different. She may be just as excited as a spiral whooping and spinning about but she will probably just be sitting there smiling with a twinkle in her eye. She is not one to take sides in arguments or meddle in clan drama but if you need her help she will always come to your call.
forgot my clan I am windflight we live in the Zephyr Steppes and pretty much the whole clan is hill and not very confrontational. We have a couple dragon that can cause tension with other clans but tey were left at home since they are still hatchlings.
forgot my clan I am windflight we live in the Zephyr Steppes and pretty much the whole clan is hill and not very confrontational. We have a couple dragon that can cause tension with other clans but tey were left at home since they are still hatchlings.
Pomodoro meandering around the square spots a group consisting of three tundras and a guardian, seeing the uncomfortable look on one of the tundras faces she makes her way over followed closely by her two clan mates "It's pretty crowded here, it must be very hard for those who don't do well in large groups."
Pomodoro meandering around the square spots a group consisting of three tundras and a guardian, seeing the uncomfortable look on one of the tundras faces she makes her way over followed closely by her two clan mates "It's pretty crowded here, it must be very hard for those who don't do well in large groups."

Cazdor looked up in awe at the regal blue dragon, but quickly hid his reaction.

"Hey, another Imperial! Man, I haven't seen one of my kind since I left my previous clan." He let himself settle to the ground, privately a little annoyed as he saw that he was less than half the size of the newcomer.

"Our trip has been quite pleasant, thank you," Tina interjected smoothly. "I do apologize for Cazdor's manners - or lack thereof. My name is Tina."

"And I am Jhambiri," the gruff former general added. "I apologize if this is presumptuous, but you seem familiar. I don't suppose we might have met before, when I was younger?"


Meanwhile, Sanaya was feeling a little overwhelmed by the three unfamiliar dragons that had approached her. Still, the snapper who had spoken seemed perfectly friendly.

"Yes, I do tend to get a bit nervous," she admitted awkwardly, trying to smile. "H-how are you enjoying the event?" She stumbled a bit over the words, but something about these dragons made her feel surprisingly at ease.

Ttayem walked up beside her, knowing she'd be uncomfortable and hoping to ease the introductions. He was pleased to note that Marble was keeping an eye on the conversation, ready to step in if there was any chance of hostilities. The guardian was not an aggressive dragon, nor was Ttayem usually prone to much worrying, but it was always best to be on the safe side, and it would help Sanaya feel better as well.

Cazdor looked up in awe at the regal blue dragon, but quickly hid his reaction.

"Hey, another Imperial! Man, I haven't seen one of my kind since I left my previous clan." He let himself settle to the ground, privately a little annoyed as he saw that he was less than half the size of the newcomer.

"Our trip has been quite pleasant, thank you," Tina interjected smoothly. "I do apologize for Cazdor's manners - or lack thereof. My name is Tina."

"And I am Jhambiri," the gruff former general added. "I apologize if this is presumptuous, but you seem familiar. I don't suppose we might have met before, when I was younger?"


Meanwhile, Sanaya was feeling a little overwhelmed by the three unfamiliar dragons that had approached her. Still, the snapper who had spoken seemed perfectly friendly.

"Yes, I do tend to get a bit nervous," she admitted awkwardly, trying to smile. "H-how are you enjoying the event?" She stumbled a bit over the words, but something about these dragons made her feel surprisingly at ease.

Ttayem walked up beside her, knowing she'd be uncomfortable and hoping to ease the introductions. He was pleased to note that Marble was keeping an eye on the conversation, ready to step in if there was any chance of hostilities. The guardian was not an aggressive dragon, nor was Ttayem usually prone to much worrying, but it was always best to be on the safe side, and it would help Sanaya feel better as well.

He huffs with amusement at the younger Imperial. Wait until he saw Uriel. Oh, there were his companions now, making their way up the hill.

He looks somewhat confused at Jhambiri's question. "I do not believe we have met, though I have suffered from amnesia many times. We may have met, and I might have forgotten."

Uriel and Gabriel quickly reach their leader's side. Raphael and Michael slowly make their way up as well. A little groggy, but otherwise fine. "Magical accidents happen often in our clan." Michael adds with a yawn.

He huffs with amusement at the younger Imperial. Wait until he saw Uriel. Oh, there were his companions now, making their way up the hill.

He looks somewhat confused at Jhambiri's question. "I do not believe we have met, though I have suffered from amnesia many times. We may have met, and I might have forgotten."

Uriel and Gabriel quickly reach their leader's side. Raphael and Michael slowly make their way up as well. A little groggy, but otherwise fine. "Magical accidents happen often in our clan." Michael adds with a yawn.

"My apologies, then; I must have been mistaken" Jhambiri demurred, bobbing his head slightly in deference. Perhaps he was only getting old, too eager to see the shadows of his younger days.

"What sort of accidents?" Cazdor asked suddenly, trying very hard indeed not to be cowed by the new arrivals. These were Imperials as they were meant to be, majestic children of the Lightweaver - but Tina was sending him a discreet but annoyed look, one that he knew meant "don't pry", so he quickly swallowed down his questions.

"I mean, uh, sorry. Of course your business is your own." He knew Tina meant well, but did she have to make him feel like such a boor? He wished now that he hadn't hung back with the stately couple.

((Since Jhambiri is fairly old and well-travelled, I thought he might have seen Azra or one of the other immortal dragons before, in passing. Does that seem too forced to you? I'm not particularly set on the idea or anything.))

"My apologies, then; I must have been mistaken" Jhambiri demurred, bobbing his head slightly in deference. Perhaps he was only getting old, too eager to see the shadows of his younger days.

"What sort of accidents?" Cazdor asked suddenly, trying very hard indeed not to be cowed by the new arrivals. These were Imperials as they were meant to be, majestic children of the Lightweaver - but Tina was sending him a discreet but annoyed look, one that he knew meant "don't pry", so he quickly swallowed down his questions.

"I mean, uh, sorry. Of course your business is your own." He knew Tina meant well, but did she have to make him feel like such a boor? He wished now that he hadn't hung back with the stately couple.

((Since Jhambiri is fairly old and well-travelled, I thought he might have seen Azra or one of the other immortal dragons before, in passing. Does that seem too forced to you? I'm not particularly set on the idea or anything.))
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