
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Bloodline Bombing - DRAWING
[center][size=6]Welcome to Nala's Annual Bloodline Bombing![/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][b]G i f t b o m b i n g[/b][color=white].....[/color][b]M a s c o t[/b][/size] It's me again! I hope you all have been having a wonderful year! We're back again with my Annual Giftbombing Event! Every Christmas from 2017 to 2023, Error and I had surprise giftbombed one lucky person with their own G4 born on Christmas. Over the years, I began adding Noomi, Pandora, and Wicked children in the giftbombing and it ended up turning into a huge event. So, starting in 2023, I decided to let my dragons decide how many will be gifted while also adding in other lineages and even some that weren't born on Christmas as runner up prizes to spread more merriment in the Season of Giving. <3 Join the Veiled Dominion as we spend the next few weeks sharing stories, playing events, and ending the year off with fun prizes! So, the gist of it is that Erroneous, Noomi, Pandora, and many others will be giftbombing several users with Christmas-born babies! There will also be lineage dragons that were not born on Christmas as prizes for this raffle. Please remember this when selecting your prize. If anyone would like to sign up, simply add yourself to the pinglist found at the bottom of this post. For those who win, you may ONLY claim a dragon if you do not already own a sibling from the line you are trying to claim. Example: if you own an Error G4 already, you can still claim a Noomi or Pandora. However, you may not claim the Erroneous G4. If the winners drawn all have a sibling of that line, I will remove this restriction. New owners will be prioritized from drawn winners. However, this will not affect their chances at being drawn. Everyone has an equal chance of their name being drawn (outside of ticket amounts altering chances). This giftbombing event is not discord server/FR forums specific so if you know someone who likes lineages and might want one, feel free to share the pinglist or link to this post~! Number of prizes will vary as we get closer to Christmas! You can see all current dragon prizes [url=][b]here[/b][/url]. [size=4]Tickets are buyable this year for [b]1kt/1g each[/b] but there is a twist. You may [b]ONLY buy tickets as a gift for another user[/b] (It's the Season of Giving, after all <3 ) However, there is no limit on how many you may gift. You may choose who to gift the tickets to or request that I choose someone randomly. Tickets can also be split up on purchase.[/size] Please note that bought tickets will not get prioritized on pull chances. There are, and will be, [b]many[/b] ways to earn free tickets throughout this event. Payments may be sent [b]via mail[/b]. Please [b]remember to label the mail[/b] (even so much as calling it "Giftbombing") as my inbox tends to get filled quickly and I don't want to miss anyone's mail <3 You can also [b]earn Bump tickets[/b]! [b]10 free tickets a day[/b] can be earned by bumping. Your bumps [b]MUST[/b] be at least [b]1hr apart[/b] to be earned. Bumps that are not, [b]will not be eligible[/b]. [b]Bumps must also contain the word "bump"[/b] so I can find them easier when I go to register them. If the word "Bump" is not in the bump post, [b]it will not be counted[/b]. [b]Tickets and Ticket numbers[/b] can be found [url=][b]here[/b][/url]. [b]NOTE[/b]: I [b]only [/b]update [b]Bump tickets once every few days[/b]. Paid tickets [b]may [/b]be updated once a day. Every bump and paid ticket will be listed in [b]the correct order [/b]in the end <3 This is because [b]I only update while on my PC[/b] as there are a [b]LOT [/b]of Bump entries to update. You may [b]only win one prize[/b] unless there is not enough [b]people vs prizes[/b]. In which case, [b]names will be drawn again after everyone has claimed their first prize[/b]. Winning numbers will be drawn on [b][/b]. People may claim their prizes [b]based on order of numbers drawn[/b]. We will doing [b]batches of 5[/b] winners at a time so [b]please be mindful about collecting your prizes swiftly[/b] and [b]responding to the winning announcement post when your name is pinged[/b]. We are doing a [b]ranked list system[/b]. [b]This is how it will work[/b]: For those who are new to the community or aren't in the Naomi Discord server, I'll go over what happens. On Christmas day, I will hatch my nests. I will then go through the list of tickets and I will draw the winners. If you have been chosen as a recipient of one of the kids, you will receive a ping with additional information. I will draw all winners and ping them in batches of 5. Those winners may then post or pm me a list of 5 prizes that they wish to claim. I will then send out the first 5 prizes based on lists. 1st place will receive their #1 pick. If this pick is on 2nd places list, it will be removed and I will then send the prize that is at the top of their list and so on for other winners. After all 5 have posted their lists, I will then draw 5 more and repeat the process above until we have no more prizes. If someone is chosen a second time before everyone has received their first prize, their second win will be redrawn for someone who hasn't won yet, should we have more prizes vs participants. <3 Raffle will end in roughly [b]1 month[/b] from now at [b]23:59 FRT on December 25, 2024[/b]. Prizes will be drawn between Dec 25th and Dec 31st as I will have to fit it into my rl schedule. I will be drawing the winners on Discord so if you'd like a ping for that, feel free to add yourself to the "Discord Drawing" pinglist at the end of this post. [size=5][u]Current Count[/u][/size] [size=2]Ticket count as of 11/28/24[/size] [size=5] 17,577 Tickets 49 Participants [/size] [rule] [rule] Feel free to add yourself to the pinglists below! [pinglist=41005] This list is the main sign up list. Adding yourself to it will net you 100 starting tickets. [rule] [rule] [pinglist=41008] We will have mini-events throughout December. I will ping this list each time I post one. You can find the current mini-event in the second post! [rule] [rule] [pinglist=41006] The pinglist I will ping the day before I draw to let participants know I will be drawing and the invite link. [rule] [rule] [pinglist=41007] The LDP list will be pinged 48hrs before the event closes and then once more 24hrs before the end. This is due to it being a large event (last event had 48 people x.x ) and I had a few say they forgot the ping. So, I thought two reminders might help some remember :P lol [/center]
Welcome to Nala's Annual Bloodline Bombing!

G i f t b o m b i n g.....M a s c o t

It's me again! I hope you all have been having a wonderful year!

We're back again with my Annual Giftbombing Event!

Every Christmas from 2017 to 2023, Error and I had surprise giftbombed one lucky person with their own G4 born on Christmas. Over the years, I began adding Noomi, Pandora, and Wicked children in the giftbombing and it ended up turning into a huge event. So, starting in 2023, I decided to let my dragons decide how many will be gifted while also adding in other lineages and even some that weren't born on Christmas as runner up prizes to spread more merriment in the Season of Giving. <3

Join the Veiled Dominion as we spend the next few weeks sharing stories, playing events, and ending the year off with fun prizes!

So, the gist of it is that Erroneous, Noomi, Pandora, and many others will be giftbombing several users with Christmas-born babies! There will also be lineage dragons that were not born on Christmas as prizes for this raffle. Please remember this when selecting your prize.

If anyone would like to sign up, simply add yourself to the pinglist found at the bottom of this post. For those who win, you may ONLY claim a dragon if you do not already own a sibling from the line you are trying to claim. Example: if you own an Error G4 already, you can still claim a Noomi or Pandora. However, you may not claim the Erroneous G4. If the winners drawn all have a sibling of that line, I will remove this restriction. New owners will be prioritized from drawn winners. However, this will not affect their chances at being drawn. Everyone has an equal chance of their name being drawn (outside of ticket amounts altering chances).

This giftbombing event is not discord server/FR forums specific so if you know someone who likes lineages and might want one, feel free to share the pinglist or link to this post~!

Number of prizes will vary as we get closer to Christmas! You can see all current dragon prizes here.

Tickets are buyable this year for 1kt/1g each but there is a twist. You may ONLY buy tickets as a gift for another user (It's the Season of Giving, after all <3 ) However, there is no limit on how many you may gift. You may choose who to gift the tickets to or request that I choose someone randomly. Tickets can also be split up on purchase.

Please note that bought tickets will not get prioritized on pull chances. There are, and will be, many ways to earn free tickets throughout this event.

Payments may be sent via mail. Please remember to label the mail (even so much as calling it "Giftbombing") as my inbox tends to get filled quickly and I don't want to miss anyone's mail <3

You can also earn Bump tickets! 10 free tickets a day can be earned by bumping. Your bumps MUST be at least 1hr apart to be earned. Bumps that are not, will not be eligible. Bumps must also contain the word "bump" so I can find them easier when I go to register them. If the word "Bump" is not in the bump post, it will not be counted.

Tickets and Ticket numbers can be found here.

NOTE: I only update Bump tickets once every few days. Paid tickets may be updated once a day. Every bump and paid ticket will be listed in the correct order in the end <3 This is because I only update while on my PC as there are a LOT of Bump entries to update.

You may only win one prize unless there is not enough people vs prizes. In which case, names will be drawn again after everyone has claimed their first prize.

Winning numbers will be drawn on People may claim their prizes based on order of numbers drawn. We will doing batches of 5 winners at a time so please be mindful about collecting your prizes swiftly and responding to the winning announcement post when your name is pinged. We are doing a ranked list system.

This is how it will work:

For those who are new to the community or aren't in the Naomi Discord server, I'll go over what happens. On Christmas day, I will hatch my nests. I will then go through the list of tickets and I will draw the winners. If you have been chosen as a recipient of one of the kids, you will receive a ping with additional information.

I will draw all winners and ping them in batches of 5. Those winners may then post or pm me a list of 5 prizes that they wish to claim. I will then send out the first 5 prizes based on lists. 1st place will receive their #1 pick. If this pick is on 2nd places list, it will be removed and I will then send the prize that is at the top of their list and so on for other winners. After all 5 have posted their lists, I will then draw 5 more and repeat the process above until we have no more prizes. If someone is chosen a second time before everyone has received their first prize, their second win will be redrawn for someone who hasn't won yet, should we have more prizes vs participants. <3

Raffle will end in roughly 1 month from now at 23:59 FRT on December 25, 2024. Prizes will be drawn between Dec 25th and Dec 31st as I will have to fit it into my rl schedule. I will be drawing the winners on Discord so if you'd like a ping for that, feel free to add yourself to the "Discord Drawing" pinglist at the end of this post.

Current Count
Ticket count as of 11/28/24

17,577 Tickets
49 Participants

Feel free to add yourself to the pinglists below!

This list is the main sign up list. Adding yourself to it will net you 100 starting tickets.

We will have mini-events throughout December. I will ping this list each time I post one. You can find the current mini-event in the second post!

The pinglist I will ping the day before I draw to let participants know I will be drawing and the invite link.

The LDP list will be pinged 48hrs before the event closes and then once more 24hrs before the end. This is due to it being a large event (last event had 48 people x.x ) and I had a few say they forgot the ping. So, I thought two reminders might help some remember :P lol

[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][b]U n w i l l i n g[/b][color=white]...[/color][b]H o l i d a y[/b][color=white]...[/color][b]E l f[/b][/size] [size=5][b]Mini Event: Tis the Season![/b][/size] Hey guys! It's time for our last mini event! Today's event is in honor of the season: Gifting. For every gift you send to someone, you will receive 100 tickets! Details below! <3 Happy Holidays! Here are today's rules~ [size=5][u][b]Rules[/b][/u][/center][/size] [LIST=1] [*]Screenshots are required to cut down cheating. This can simply be a screenshot or picture of the gift message/cr. Screenshots are to be mailed to me for the recipient's privacy. Please make a post in the thread each time you mail me a screenshot so I can keep track. [*]There is no max on what you can gift, however, please keep the gifts above 25g total. [*]Gifts may be anything but please only send something you know they'll like or something you know you'd enjoy getting as a gift. This means no trash items (random items with no use) unless they will enjoy them. This is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience for the gifter AND the giftee. <3 [*]Gifting tickets to this raffle will also count towards today's event! Please see the first post on rules on bought tickets. [*]Gifts may be sent to anyone and as many people as you like but only the first gift will count per person you gift. (example: If I gift @/Alyxsandre twice and then gift @/Wildfirestar once, only the gift for Wild and the first gift for Alyx would gain me tickets. [*]Gifts must be sent by December 25th at 23:59 FRT. That gives you all of today and tomorrow to get your gifts out! :D [*]Have fun and Happy Holidays! [/LIST]
U n w i l l i n g...H o l i d a y...E l f

Mini Event: Tis the Season!

Hey guys! It's time for our last mini event! Today's event is in honor of the season: Gifting. For every gift you send to someone, you will receive 100 tickets! Details below! <3

Happy Holidays!

Here are today's rules~


  1. Screenshots are required to cut down cheating. This can simply be a screenshot or picture of the gift message/cr. Screenshots are to be mailed to me for the recipient's privacy. Please make a post in the thread each time you mail me a screenshot so I can keep track.
  2. There is no max on what you can gift, however, please keep the gifts above 25g total.
  3. Gifts may be anything but please only send something you know they'll like or something you know you'd enjoy getting as a gift. This means no trash items (random items with no use) unless they will enjoy them. This is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience for the gifter AND the giftee. <3
  4. Gifting tickets to this raffle will also count towards today's event! Please see the first post on rules on bought tickets.
  5. Gifts may be sent to anyone and as many people as you like but only the first gift will count per person you gift. (example: If I gift @/Alyxsandre twice and then gift @/Wildfirestar once, only the gift for Wild and the first gift for Alyx would gain me tickets.
  6. Gifts must be sent by December 25th at 23:59 FRT. That gives you all of today and tomorrow to get your gifts out! :D
  7. Have fun and Happy Holidays!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][b]H a p p y[/b][color=white]...[/color][b]H o l i d a y[/b][color=white]...[/color][b]H e l p e r[/b][/size] [size=6][b][u]Previous Mini-Events[/u][/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*]12/01 - [url=]Tell me: Fav Holiday Memory[/url] (aka TM) - 6 Participants [*]12/02 - [url=]RP Time: Writing a letter to Dragonclause[/url] (aka RPT) - 4 Participants [*]12/09 - [url=]Dragon Dress-Up: Winter Theme[/url] (aka DDU) - 8 Participants [*]12/14 - [url=]Riddle Me This: Christmas/Winter Theme[/url] (aka RMT) - 4 Participants [*]12/16 - [url=]Tell me: Fav Holiday Movie[/url] (aka TM) - 7 Participants [*]12/19 - [url=]Quiz Time: Christmas Trivia[/url] (aka QT) - ? Participants [/LIST]
H a p p y...H o l i d a y...H e l p e r

Previous Mini-Events

[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][b]P e p p y[/b][color=white]...[/color][b]P r i z e[/b][color=white]...[/color][b]P e d d l e r[/b][/size] [size=6][b][u]Prizes[/u][/b][/size] [b][u][size=4]In Lair Prizes[/size][/u][/b] (Artemis and Apollo are not prizes) [url=]#1[/url] [url=]#2[/url] [b][u][size=4]Out of Lair Prizes[/size][/u][/b] (Prizes donated by @Altarea / Magma is not a Prize) [url=]#3[/url]
P e p p y...P r i z e...P e d d l e r


In Lair Prizes
(Artemis and Apollo are not prizes)


Out of Lair Prizes
(Prizes donated by @Altarea / Magma is not a Prize)
