
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Entering The Labyrinth
@VelikaTheAlpha @GhostDogBones @sutaraito @Uwa @Eenyay @Mikhael
users listed above do not have a recorded response- please respond by 06.29 to avoid Dietrich's control.

& please tag me in all responses
If you've submitted an answer to this weeks prompt and find that you've been pinged please resubmit your response as it's likely you've been missed.
@VelikaTheAlpha @GhostDogBones @sutaraito @Uwa @Eenyay @Mikhael
users listed above do not have a recorded response- please respond by 06.29 to avoid Dietrich's control.

& please tag me in all responses
If you've submitted an answer to this weeks prompt and find that you've been pinged please resubmit your response as it's likely you've been missed.
@wistfulclown sorry for the delay! I'll head East please :D
@wistfulclown sorry for the delay! I'll head East please :D


Ill go west ^^

Ill go west ^^

Art Shop

Skin Shop
@wistfulclown i choose to run past him, i will also send payment for a death defy later today.
@wistfulclown i choose to run past him, i will also send payment for a death defy later today.
[center]@wistfulclown[/center] [rule] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=transparent]_-_-_-_-_[/color][b][size=5]RAMMAQ[/b] [color=transparent]-_-_-_-_[/color]-they/it/any neos- [nextcol] The mech has since been pushed forward north unwillingly, now stuck upon two paths seeming to have no possible logical ease. It whirls dizzily, then heads east hoping they'll simply stumble someplace safe or where they need to be [/columns] [center][b][size=5]\-\CHOICE DECIDED: EAST/-/[/center][/b][/size] E>N>W>N>N>N>N>E

-_-_-_-_-they/it/any neos-
The mech has since been pushed forward north unwillingly, now stuck upon two paths seeming to have no possible logical ease.
It whirls dizzily, then heads east hoping they'll simply stumble someplace safe or where they need to be


A game? A repeating hallway? Sure. He'd play along. The creatures in this maze are sentient, after all... Playing along might be his best chance of survival.


A game? A repeating hallway? Sure. He'd play along. The creatures in this maze are sentient, after all... Playing along might be his best chance of survival.

@wistfulclown I'll head East please
@wistfulclown I'll head East please
[center][font=gabriola][size=7]Week 7:[/font][/size] ------ W>W>N>N>N>W>N>N [size=2]@Jay250 @DismasYves[/size] Found E>N>W>N>N>N>N>E [b]West[/b]: Small footprints continue down this hall, disappearing around the southern corner- before you stand a lone and weary traveller.. [b]East[/b]: This hall is pristine, in the distance you can hear someone- or something- moving around. ------ W>W>N>N>N>W>S>W [size=2]@Bananaquit[/size] [b]North[/b]:Small footprints continue down this path. [b]South[/b]: The dust in the ground here remains undisturbed. ------ W>W>N>N>N [size=2]@Treesapperson[/size] [b]North[/b]: Familiar footprints can be found leading down this hall… You’re sure Avina will be found down there somewhere.. [b]West[/b]: Avina seems to have come from this direction.. You wonder what she could have left behind.. [b]South[/b]: This hall is quiet and dark like the rest- a thick layer of dust seems to have settled over the tile. ------ W>S>E>N>N>S>N>E [size=2]@GhostDogBones[/size] [b]North[/b]: The dust here has been kicked up, you’re not sure what kind of creature left these tracks. [b]South[/b]: You hear distant cheering. ------ W>S>E>S>E>Leave>S [size=2]@SpicySheWolf @SharkOfChaos[/size] [b]North[/b]: Through this door, a musician plays her lyre. [b]West[/b]: An endless and uncountable number of footsteps trail down this hall. ------ W>S>E>S>S>N>E>N [size=2]@Dakializ[/size] [b]North[/b]: Familiar footprints can be found leading down this hall… You’re sure Avina will be found down there somewhere.. [b]West[/b]: Avina seems to have come from this direction.. You wonder what she could have left behind.. [b]South[/b]: This hall is quiet and dark like the rest- a thick layer of dust seems to have settled over the tile. ------ W>S>E>S>S>N>N>W [size=2]@MysticGalaxy[/size] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]The air around you is thick with pollen and an unfamiliar yet sweet scent. The walls of this hall are lined with [i]gorgeous[/i] and delicate pink flowers. You feel calm, and before you realize it your world begins to spin. With each breath you take your lungs become heavier and your body goes numb, starting from your fingers and toes and ending at your heart. A childish laughter rings through the air as your eyes close for the last time.[/columns] Expend one Death Defy ------ W>S>E>S>S>N>N>E [size=2]@Raon222 @loneseacucumber[/size] [b]West[/b]: This hall is dark and doesn’t seem to have anything special about it. [b]North[b/]: The air here is a little colder, a gentle breeze comes from this direction. ------ E>S>N>N>E>N>W [size=2]@GraveyardGhost[/size] ------ E>S>N>N>E>N>W>N [size=2]@ViolentViolet77[/size] [b]West[/b]: The sound of running water echoes down this hall.. You suddenly find yourself feeling thirsty.. [b]North[/b]: This hall is quiet, but from around the corner light pours in, this is no mere torch, you’re certain. ------ E>S>N>E>N [size=2]@Naegikun[/size] [b]North[/b]: Familiar footprints can be found leading down this hall… You’re sure Avina will be found down there somewhere.. [b]West[/b]: Avina seems to have come from this direction.. You wonder what she could have left behind.. [b]South[/b]: This hall is quiet and dark like the rest- a thick layer of dust seems to have settled over the tile. ------ E>S>N>E>N>W>N [size=2]@XxCalypsoxX[/size] [b]West[/b]: The sound of running water echoes down this hall.. You suddenly find yourself feeling thirsty.. [b]North[/b]: This hall is quiet, but from around the corner light pours in, this is no mere torch, you’re certain. ------ E>N>W>N>N>S>W>N [size=2]@Blazestorm22[/size] [b]West[/b]: Small footprints continue down this hall, disappearing around the southern corner. [b]East[/b]: This hall is pristine, in the distance you can hear someone- or something- moving around. ------ E>N>W>N>N>N>N>E [size=2]@ChromeTalons[/size] Found W>W>N>N>N>W>N>N [b]East[/b]: The hall before you is pristine, in the distance you can hear something rather large moving. [b]South[/b]: There’s a small group of stragglers here.. they look worn out but familiar.. ------ E>N>E>Leave>W [size=2]@StarryComet[/size] [b]West[/b]: A cool breeze comes from this direction. [b]North[/b]: This hall is unremarkable, just as well traveled as the rest. ------[center] Non-responses: @VelikaTheAlpha continue from W>W>N>N>N>W>N>N @Sutaraito continue from E>S>W>W>N>W>N & choose between west & east, both paths seem identical in the dark. @Uwa continue from E>S>W>S>S>W>W & choose between north & west, from the west a cool breeze can be felt. @ReptillianGold @Eenyay @Mikhael continue from E>N>E>Leave>W ------- Aion’s Avaricious Aeons EmilyWolf: E>N>W>N>W>Give Name [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]You run past your challenger- injured as you are you’re able to make it through without meeting greater injury. Theseus seems all too content monologuing to himself as you get away- you’re not sure if he’s even noticed you walking past him. [b]West[/b]: This path would keep you in his line of sight as briefly as possible. [b]South[/b]: This is the path you came from, heading this way would have you in Theseus’ line of sight for twice as long.[/columns] ------[center] [size=5] Response Due 07.12 ------
Week 7:
@Jay250 @DismasYves
Found E>N>W>N>N>N>N>E

West: Small footprints continue down this hall, disappearing around the southern corner- before you stand a lone and weary traveller..
East: This hall is pristine, in the distance you can hear someone- or something- moving around.


North:Small footprints continue down this path.
South: The dust in the ground here remains undisturbed.


North: Familiar footprints can be found leading down this hall… You’re sure Avina will be found down there somewhere..
West: Avina seems to have come from this direction.. You wonder what she could have left behind..
South: This hall is quiet and dark like the rest- a thick layer of dust seems to have settled over the tile.


North: The dust here has been kicked up, you’re not sure what kind of creature left these tracks.
South: You hear distant cheering.

@SpicySheWolf @SharkOfChaos

North: Through this door, a musician plays her lyre.
West: An endless and uncountable number of footsteps trail down this hall.


North: Familiar footprints can be found leading down this hall… You’re sure Avina will be found down there somewhere..
West: Avina seems to have come from this direction.. You wonder what she could have left behind..
South: This hall is quiet and dark like the rest- a thick layer of dust seems to have settled over the tile.

91596642_350.png The air around you is thick with pollen and an unfamiliar yet sweet scent. The walls of this hall are lined with gorgeous and delicate pink flowers. You feel calm, and before you realize it your world begins to spin. With each breath you take your lungs become heavier and your body goes numb, starting from your fingers and toes and ending at your heart. A childish laughter rings through the air as your eyes close for the last time.

Expend one Death Defy

@Raon222 @loneseacucumber

West: This hall is dark and doesn’t seem to have anything special about it.
North[b/]: The air here is a little colder, a gentle breeze comes from this direction.



West: The sound of running water echoes down this hall.. You suddenly find yourself feeling thirsty..
North: This hall is quiet, but from around the corner light pours in, this is no mere torch, you’re certain.


North: Familiar footprints can be found leading down this hall… You’re sure Avina will be found down there somewhere..
West: Avina seems to have come from this direction.. You wonder what she could have left behind..
South: This hall is quiet and dark like the rest- a thick layer of dust seems to have settled over the tile.


West: The sound of running water echoes down this hall.. You suddenly find yourself feeling thirsty..
North: This hall is quiet, but from around the corner light pours in, this is no mere torch, you’re certain.


West: Small footprints continue down this hall, disappearing around the southern corner.
East: This hall is pristine, in the distance you can hear someone- or something- moving around.

Found W>W>N>N>N>W>N>N

East: The hall before you is pristine, in the distance you can hear something rather large moving.
South: There’s a small group of stragglers here.. they look worn out but familiar..


West: A cool breeze comes from this direction.
North: This hall is unremarkable, just as well traveled as the rest.

@VelikaTheAlpha continue from W>W>N>N>N>W>N>N
@Sutaraito continue from E>S>W>W>N>W>N & choose between west & east, both paths seem identical in the dark.
@Uwa continue from E>S>W>S>S>W>W & choose between north & west, from the west a cool breeze can be felt.
@ReptillianGold @Eenyay @Mikhael continue from E>N>E>Leave>W

Aion’s Avaricious Aeons
E>N>W>N>W>Give Name
93290534_350.png You run past your challenger- injured as you are you’re able to make it through without meeting greater injury. Theseus seems all too content monologuing to himself as you get away- you’re not sure if he’s even noticed you walking past him.

West: This path would keep you in his line of sight as briefly as possible.
South: This is the path you came from, heading this way would have you in Theseus’ line of sight for twice as long.

Response Due 07.12

[center][font=gabriola][size=7]Tactical Termination[/font][/size] ------ [columns][url=][img][/url][/img][nextcol]You.. feel strange.. something in the air has left you light headed and dizzy.. the world around you fades as you stumble and fall.. and the world has gone silent... Before you hovers a mischievous Fae, grinning from ear to ear as he bears his jagged fangs.[/columns] ------ Terminations this week: @treesapperson ------ If your name is listed above & you did not have any equipped death defies, you've been removed from the game! Thank you for playing!
Tactical Termination
85828903_350.png You.. feel strange.. something in the air has left you light headed and dizzy.. the world around you fades as you stumble and fall.. and the world has gone silent... Before you hovers a mischievous Fae, grinning from ear to ear as he bears his jagged fangs.

Terminations this week:
If your name is listed above & you did not have any equipped death defies, you've been removed from the game!
Thank you for playing!
@wistfulclown south please!
@wistfulclown south please!