
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Free dergs and an invite to info dump
[left][b]Hello hello! And welcome :}[/b] I have a lot of hatchlings that I do not want. So I thought; "[i]Hey, I should give them away. Some do have nice colors after all.[/i]" But only giving them away is quite boring. So I decided why not make a free dragon post and let people share some stuff with the world.[/left] [b]*You have a special interest that you learned something new about? [/b] I'll love to learn about it! [b]*You got a new hyper fixation and no one wants to hear you talk about it? [/b] I can relate and l want to hear it! [b]*A new hobby? A trinket you recently bought? Something that makes you happy?[/b] Please do talk about it as much as you want. You can also talk about your dragons and lore that you have written. Oh also you can just want a dragon and not say anything that's okay! Vice versa is also accepted. No need to get a dragon to talk about something. [b]Please ping me![/b] ***Unfortunatly I have been too busy to even look at flight rising so I won't have time to reply to messages. But be sure I am reading them! ***Important note: If you're going to exalt a dragon please name them. Do try to give them away first please. I think some of these dragons have great gene potential. And here are the dragons/pretties; [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] (Also apologies in advance if I forget to feed them. I'm kinda running low on food from not playing :\)
Hello hello! And welcome :}
I have a lot of hatchlings that I do not want. So I thought;
"Hey, I should give them away. Some do have nice colors after all."
But only giving them away is quite boring. So I decided why not make a free dragon post and let people share some stuff with the world.

*You have a special interest that you learned something new about?
I'll love to learn about it!
*You got a new hyper fixation and no one wants to hear you talk about it?
I can relate and l want to hear it!
*A new hobby? A trinket you recently bought? Something that makes you happy?
Please do talk about it as much as you want.

You can also talk about your dragons and lore that you have written.

Oh also you can just want a dragon and not say anything that's okay! Vice versa is also accepted. No need to get a dragon to talk about something.

Please ping me!

***Unfortunatly I have been too busy to even look at flight rising so I won't have time to reply to messages. But be sure I am reading them!

***Important note: If you're going to exalt a dragon please name them. Do try to give them away first please. I think some of these dragons have great gene potential.
And here are the dragons/pretties;
(Also apologies in advance if I forget to feed them. I'm kinda running low on food from not playing :\)
omg can i get this little exploded color girl?? [url=][img][/img][/url] Also for infodumping I LOVE ROTIFERS What are they?? Goofy little microscopic buddies. They're like flatworms but not really? Scientists know almost nothing about what they're related too because they're so small, but they think they're related to the phylum platyhelminthes (flatworms) They got these little things on them called a corona that has cilia, making little water currents to suck food in They actually have jaws for how tiny they are too, which helps them crush food and bring it into their digestive glands and down the intestine, where its excreted. AND AT THE BOTTOM THEY HAVE A FOOT WITH TWO LITTLE TOES TO LATCH ONTO STUFF THEYRE SO CUTE HANG ON HERES A PICTURE [img][/img] [img][/img]
omg can i get this little exploded color girl??


Also for infodumping I LOVE ROTIFERS
What are they??
Goofy little microscopic buddies. They're like flatworms but not really? Scientists know almost nothing about what they're related too because they're so small, but they think they're related to the phylum platyhelminthes (flatworms)
They got these little things on them called a corona that has cilia, making little water currents to suck food in
They actually have jaws for how tiny they are too, which helps them crush food and bring it into their digestive glands and down the intestine, where its excreted. AND AT THE BOTTOM THEY HAVE A FOOT WITH TWO LITTLE TOES TO LATCH ONTO STUFF
Hound | He/They/It | +2FR
485.png | 486.png
may I have if they are taken, I'd like to have please

Also, I'm just so proud of my boyfriend doing his master's degree, even though quite much everyone I know does one, he's studying something he has never learned before and is doing so great :)
may I have if they are taken, I'd like to have please

Also, I'm just so proud of my boyfriend doing his master's degree, even though quite much everyone I know does one, he's studying something he has never learned before and is doing so great :)
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Of course she is on her way :)
Also Rotifers look so interesting. They remind me a little bit about squids. I can definitely see them being related to flatworms. Scientists are probably very close with their guess. With how similar both species anatomy are I would be surprised if they aren't related.
And the part named corona does actually look like a crown.

An animal this small having a jaw like structure is surprising. From what I looked up they are around 0.1–0.5 mm.(some sources claim different things but with how small they are it's probably close enough).
AND THEY HAVE TOES? To hang onto stuff?!? You're so right to call them cute. I kinda want a plushie rotifier.
Of course she is on her way :)
Also Rotifers look so interesting. They remind me a little bit about squids. I can definitely see them being related to flatworms. Scientists are probably very close with their guess. With how similar both species anatomy are I would be surprised if they aren't related.
And the part named corona does actually look like a crown.

An animal this small having a jaw like structure is surprising. From what I looked up they are around 0.1–0.5 mm.(some sources claim different things but with how small they are it's probably close enough).
AND THEY HAVE TOES? To hang onto stuff?!? You're so right to call them cute. I kinda want a plushie rotifier.
Sorry they are taken but you can have the other!
If you ask me studying and learning new stuff requires patience and dedication. And most people don't want to bother themselves. There aren't any people I know that try to get a master's degree so I think what he is doing is very impressive. And it's very nice of you to support him. Even if it's quite common around you, you are still proud of him for something that means a lot to him. Best of luck to you and your boyfriend :)
Sorry they are taken but you can have the other!
If you ask me studying and learning new stuff requires patience and dedication. And most people don't want to bother themselves. There aren't any people I know that try to get a master's degree so I think what he is doing is very impressive. And it's very nice of you to support him. Even if it's quite common around you, you are still proud of him for something that means a lot to him. Best of luck to you and your boyfriend :)
[url=][img][/img][/url] this one please! also. recently read a book! so good. now i just [i]need[/i] a Heist TM/criminal mastermind/murder mystery in the Story in my Head, a fantasy, now kinda scifi from the one and only: (dramatic music goes here) story in my head, an epic tale featuring strange characters that are kinda me disassociating and slipping into a new personality (weird way to cope i know imagining your favorite characters, quite literally parts of your personality ending in various states of dramatic tragedy and upheaval, leaving behind the world sorrowfully alone and-- yeah im a theatre kid if my school had theatre.) anyways good idea! i frankenstein it into the Story and into it goes! mix a little like cake batter, hmmm needs more murder. its my way to cope with my absolute failure of a life and resume. blank. i hold it dear, this little 4d honeycomb world (did i mention that? 4d honeycomb? cause thats what the earth actually is, not fat, not [i]round[/i] (blasphemous). it was all a lie. a scam. a fad. believe me jesus came back through my chimney and told me himself, told me that was what god actually intended. the holy covent of admirable book authors... it is even in their holy bible, entrusted to me-- wow ok that got off task sorry my brain is even more... This TM today. i either come off as really cold or i overshare and overwhelm and fail successfully at deceiving everyone into thinking im an extrovert. long story short read good book, got bits fed into the Story, now i [i]need[/i] heists and murder mysteries despite knowing nothing about it (ugh time for more research instead of doing workkk). until i realized [i]i[/i] would have to be the one that wrote this awesome space heist in my epic soap opera and make everyone sound smart. like look i dont actually read the Smart TM dialogue in books they just need to sound Smart TM enough for me to skip it and label the character as Smart TM. now im going back and reading my collection of comfort books for the actual smart dialogue. ghhhbbbsbsn sorry for just typing an essay n dumping everythjngnnnnn :')))))) hhh overexcited mmmmmmm cant type send help i am not ok this has taken over my life my story has magick sparkle poof poofed a plot and now its trying to eat me death by plot /j i need tone tags whoever made them shoukd get all the ice cream and hugs in the world genius nobel prize

this one please!

also. recently read a book! so good. now i just need a Heist TM/criminal mastermind/murder mystery in the Story in my Head, a fantasy, now kinda scifi from the one and only: (dramatic music goes here) story in my head, an epic tale featuring strange characters that are kinda me disassociating and slipping into a new personality (weird way to cope i know imagining your favorite characters, quite literally parts of your personality ending in various states of dramatic tragedy and upheaval, leaving behind the world sorrowfully alone and-- yeah im a theatre kid if my school had theatre.) anyways good idea! i frankenstein it into the Story and into it goes! mix a little like cake batter, hmmm needs more murder. its my way to cope with my absolute failure of a life and resume. blank. i hold it dear, this little 4d honeycomb world (did i mention that? 4d honeycomb? cause thats what the earth actually is, not fat, not round (blasphemous). it was all a lie. a scam. a fad. believe me jesus came back through my chimney and told me himself, told me that was what god actually intended. the holy covent of admirable book authors... it is even in their holy bible, entrusted to me-- wow ok that got off task sorry my brain is even more... This TM today. i either come off as really cold or i overshare and overwhelm and fail successfully at deceiving everyone into thinking im an extrovert. long story short read good book, got bits fed into the Story, now i need heists and murder mysteries despite knowing nothing about it (ugh time for more research instead of doing workkk). until i realized i would have to be the one that wrote this awesome space heist in my epic soap opera and make everyone sound smart. like look i dont actually read the Smart TM dialogue in books they just need to sound Smart TM enough for me to skip it and label the character as Smart TM. now im going back and reading my collection of comfort books for the actual smart dialogue. ghhhbbbsbsn

sorry for just typing an essay n dumping everythjngnnnnn :'))))))

hhh overexcited mmmmmmm
cant type
send help i am not ok this has taken over my life my story has magick sparkle poof poofed a plot and now its trying to eat me
death by plot

/j i need tone tags whoever made them shoukd get all the ice cream and hugs in the world genius nobel prize
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It's okay to write an essay don't worry. This post if for you to write and gush about things that make you happy.
It's nice to meet another book lover like myself. I am a big fan of mystery/horror stories. I can relate to writing about characters similar to you and making them go thru less than ideal situations.
Right now I am writing a murder mystery story for my game.
I don't know who you are in real life or what you go thru but I don't think your life is a failure. Finding stuff that inspires you and using it to create something is never a bad thing. Even if how insignificant it seems to you, you're adding something to this world.
And yes the earth isn't round, with all the mountains and valleys that shouldn't be surprising.
I don't think you're deceiving people into believing you being an extrovert. Being bad at expressing yourself isn't deceitful. Because you're not trying to lie about yourself.
I recommend researching how heist in real life work. There are lots of events that involved a bank being robbed. Decide on what kind of smart you want your character to be. Intelligence and being smart is usually misunderstood. Being able to pick up on small details or realizing the connections between two events is smart to me for example.
I'm sure you'll write something great.
(And yeah tone tags are a gift to humanity.)
It's okay to write an essay don't worry. This post if for you to write and gush about things that make you happy.
It's nice to meet another book lover like myself. I am a big fan of mystery/horror stories. I can relate to writing about characters similar to you and making them go thru less than ideal situations.
Right now I am writing a murder mystery story for my game.
I don't know who you are in real life or what you go thru but I don't think your life is a failure. Finding stuff that inspires you and using it to create something is never a bad thing. Even if how insignificant it seems to you, you're adding something to this world.
And yes the earth isn't round, with all the mountains and valleys that shouldn't be surprising.
I don't think you're deceiving people into believing you being an extrovert. Being bad at expressing yourself isn't deceitful. Because you're not trying to lie about yourself.
I recommend researching how heist in real life work. There are lots of events that involved a bank being robbed. Decide on what kind of smart you want your character to be. Intelligence and being smart is usually misunderstood. Being able to pick up on small details or realizing the connections between two events is smart to me for example.
I'm sure you'll write something great.
(And yeah tone tags are a gift to humanity.)
I'm gonna add fun facts to my bumps >:)
Owl eyes are closer to a cylinder shape than to round ones like us.
This special eye shape lets them see better at night.
This is another reason as to why they are great night hunters.
You can also see their eyes thru their ears. :>
I'm gonna add fun facts to my bumps >:)
Owl eyes are closer to a cylinder shape than to round ones like us.
This special eye shape lets them see better at night.
This is another reason as to why they are great night hunters.
You can also see their eyes thru their ears. :>
If you were invincible you would be blind!
To see the light needs to reach the back of your eye where the rods and cones are located. And to reach there the light gets bent and reflected via the cornea and the lens. If you were invincible the light would just go thru you. Thus no light for the rods and cones. Which leads to the conclusion of no vision!
If you were invincible you would be blind!
To see the light needs to reach the back of your eye where the rods and cones are located. And to reach there the light gets bent and reflected via the cornea and the lens. If you were invincible the light would just go thru you. Thus no light for the rods and cones. Which leads to the conclusion of no vision!