
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | closed ARC | May Buds Grab Bags
[center][size=2]| [url=]Prize Tiers[/url] |[url=] Jackpot Winners[/url] | [url=]Credits [/url]| [/size] [img][/img] ------------ The gardens were in complete disarray. Rows of what was supposed to be [url=]Alstroemeria[/url] have been completely trampled, [url=]Manaweed[/url] are sprouting everywhere they shouldn't be, and who even knows where the [url=]Starfall Blossoms[/url] are anymore! You step carefully around a mound that [i]hopefully[/i] won't explode anytime soon. In your care to not further trample Arcane's recovering grounds, you almost step right past a well-dressed Wildclaw surrounded by crates. [i]Almost[/i]. [url=][img][/img][/url] "Step right up, come try your luck with these Grab Bags!" You do, carefully making a path around the growing greenery to reach the other dragon. He grins at your approach, and gestures to the crates. "I'm raising the coin to fix up our gardens! You give me your currency of choice, I give you... Well. That's for me to know and you to find out!" --------------- [img][/img] [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size] This event is open to everyone, including fellow Arcanites! [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size] There are two (2) types of grab bags- [b]Regular[/b] and [b]lucky[/b]. [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size] Regular bags cost [b]15kt/15g each[/b] [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size] Lucky bags cost [b]30kt/30g each[/b] [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size]Each order can [i]potentially[/i] have [b]one Jackpot prize max![/b] Please don't abuse this by sending in lots of small orders, this rule was put in place to keep things fair for people that can't afford to spend the big bucks on bags! [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size] Both CRs and PMs are acceptable, with 2-way CRs being preferred! [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size]No need to ping and wait for confirmation to buy a bag (or five), though pinging in thread is appreciated! Just go ahead and send the CR or PM! [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size] Please be patient! We will get through the CRs as fast as we can, but sleep and jobs are things that exist! ^^' [size=5][color=fuchsia]*[/color][/size]Please only take the badge(s) according to the prize tiers you won! I won't be pinging everyone who won a badge, or handing them out in CRs or messages, so please be honorable and honest about it all! ------------------- [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent].....................................[/color][nextcol][center][size=4][b]Regular[/b] Tier 1: 70% Tier 2: 20% Tier 3: 7% Tier 4: 2% Jackpot: 1%[/center][/size][nextcol][color=transparent]........................[/color][nextcol][center][size=4][b]Lucky[/b] Tier 1: 0% Tier 2: 45% Tier 3: 30% Tier 4: 15% Jackpot: 10%[/size][/columns]
| Prize Tiers | Jackpot Winners | Credits |


The gardens were in complete disarray. Rows of what was supposed to be Alstroemeria have been completely trampled, Manaweed are sprouting everywhere they shouldn't be, and who even knows where the Starfall Blossoms are anymore! You step carefully around a mound that hopefully won't explode anytime soon.

In your care to not further trample Arcane's recovering grounds, you almost step right past a well-dressed Wildclaw surrounded by crates. Almost.


"Step right up, come try your luck with these Grab Bags!" You do, carefully making a path around the growing greenery to reach the other dragon. He grins at your approach, and gestures to the crates. "I'm raising the coin to fix up our gardens! You give me your currency of choice, I give you... Well. That's for me to know and you to find out!"


* This event is open to everyone, including fellow Arcanites!

* There are two (2) types of grab bags- Regular and lucky.

* Regular bags cost 15kt/15g each

* Lucky bags cost 30kt/30g each

*Each order can potentially have one Jackpot prize max! Please don't abuse this by sending in lots of small orders, this rule was put in place to keep things fair for people that can't afford to spend the big bucks on bags!

* Both CRs and PMs are acceptable, with 2-way CRs being preferred!

*No need to ping and wait for confirmation to buy a bag (or five), though pinging in thread is appreciated! Just go ahead and send the CR or PM!

* Please be patient! We will get through the CRs as fast as we can, but sleep and jobs are things that exist! ^^'

*Please only take the badge(s) according to the prize tiers you won! I won't be pinging everyone who won a badge, or handing them out in CRs or messages, so please be honorable and honest about it all!
Tier 1: 70%
Tier 2: 20%
Tier 3: 7%
Tier 4: 2%
Jackpot: 1%
Tier 1: 0%
Tier 2: 45%
Tier 3: 30%
Tier 4: 15%
Jackpot: 10%
[center] [img][/img] ------------- [columns][center][img][/img] [item=bottled bones][item=pink chalcedony] [item=starfall blossom][item=fallout streak pinion] Probably mostly stuff you could find in the coli or low-level scavenging. Nothing super valuable, but maybe someone in your lair hoards it? [color=transparent]** **[/color] [img][/img] [color=transparent]** **[/color] [nextcol][center][img][/img] [item=daydream puffer][item=cloudgazer's arctic goggles] [item=mage's peony tunic][item=ultraram] Baldwin fodder familiars and apparel. Mostly items you'd get from opening an iron or rusted chest or battling in the coliseum. [color=transparent]** **[/color] [img][/img] [color=transparent]** **[/color] [/columns][columns][center] [img][/img] [item=tropical birdskull headdress][item=prismatic meditate] [skin=9208][item=dusklight alchemist tools] Stuff that's not quite fodder for the cauldron but not valuable enough to sell for a high price. They can reach up to 25kt in value. [color=transparent]** **[/color] [img][/img] [color=transparent]** **[/color] [nextcol][center] [img][/img] [item=breed change: fae][item=wild kilt] [item=enchanting goblin][skin=19726] This tier consists of items that can reach up to 65kt in value. They could be common breed change scrolls or coliseum skins/accents. [color=transparent]** **[/color] [img][/img] [color=transparent]** **[/color][/columns] [img][/img] [item=black dwarf unicorn][item=primary gene: Jaguar] [item=unhatched arcane egg][item=vial of scattersight] Jackpot prizes! All the nice, shiny expensive stuff we all know you want is from here. [color=transparent]** **[/color] [img][/img]

Bottled Bones Pink Chalcedony
Starfall Blossom Fallout Streak Pinion
Probably mostly stuff you could find in the coli or low-level scavenging. Nothing super valuable, but maybe someone in your lair hoards it?




Daydream Puffer Cloudgazer's Arctic Goggles
Mage's Peony Tunic Ultraram
Baldwin fodder familiars and apparel. Mostly items you'd get from opening an iron or rusted chest or battling in the coliseum.





Tropical Birdskull Headdress Prismatic Meditate
Dusklight Alchemist Tools
Stuff that's not quite fodder for the cauldron but not valuable enough to sell for a high price. They can reach up to 25kt in value.




Breed Change: Fae Wild Kilt
Enchanting Goblin
This tier consists of items that can reach up to 65kt in value. They could be common breed change scrolls or coliseum skins/accents.





Black Dwarf Unicorn Primary Gene: Jaguar
Unhatched Arcane Egg Vial of Scattersight
Jackpot prizes! All the nice, shiny expensive stuff we all know you want is from here.


[center][img][/img] ------------------- [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [item=Blazing Goblin][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Primary Gene: Giraffe (Gaoler)][item=Conflagrant Halo][item=Coral Crown] [color=transparent] *****************************STARFALL*****************************[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns]


Blazing Goblin Unhatched Nocturne Egg Conflagrant Halo Coral Crown


[center] [img][/img] Thank you to @orchidtones for the graphics! Thank you to @koyako for the lovely badges! Thank YOU for buying bags and supporting Arcane Dom! And, as always... [img][/img]

Thank you to @orchidtones for the graphics!
Thank you to @koyako for the lovely badges!

Thank YOU for buying bags and supporting Arcane Dom!

And, as always...

Opening push bump! Ill be sending in for bags soon >:)
Opening push bump! Ill be sending in for bags soon >:)
Comp-2-1.gif x Neva (she/her)
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UMA Bags / Services
feelin like I wobbled outta wormhole~~~~
we are open!!!
we are open!!!
@Sonoch I'd like to buy 5 lucky grab bags please! Sending 30g and 120kt!
@Sonoch I'd like to buy 5 lucky grab bags please! Sending 30g and 120kt!
@Sonoch I'd like to buy 10 more lucky bags! Sending 300g. This will be my last order. ^^ Since I am new this is all really useful stuff to me, hence the ordering in bulk!
@Sonoch I'd like to buy 10 more lucky bags! Sending 300g. This will be my last order. ^^ Since I am new this is all really useful stuff to me, hence the ordering in bulk!
@Baphopet Absolutely no worries! And thank you so much!!!! <3
@Baphopet Absolutely no worries! And thank you so much!!!! <3
Thank you as well!!!
Thank you as well!!!