
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Giveaway Glen | Free Daily Dragons
[center][img][/img] [size=7][font=Forte][color=#ce4040]F[/color][color=#cb4740]r[/color][color=#c74e40]e[/color][color=#c45640]e[/color] [color=#bd6440]D[/color][color=#ba6b40]a[/color][color=#b8763b]i[/color][color=#b68135]l[/color][color=#b48d30]y[/color] [color=#b0a325]D[/color][color=#aeae1f]r[/color][color=#9ca71d]a[/color][color=#8aa11c]g[/color][color=#789a1a]o[/color][color=#669419]n[/color] [color=#428716]R[/color][color=#308014]a[/color][color=#327531]f[/color][color=#34694e]f[/color][color=#365e6c]l[/color][color=#375289]e[/color][color=#3947a6]s[/color] [color=#3e37b4]f[/color][color=#4032a5]o[/color][color=#432e96]r[/color] [color=#482578]E[/color][color=#4a2069]v[/color][color=#532477]e[/color][color=#5c2985]r[/color][color=#662d93]y[/color][color=#6f31a0]o[/color][color=#7836ae]n[/color][color=#813abc]e[/color] [/size] [/font] Free Dragon Raffles hosted almost daily [br] [b][user=Kinaku][user=MaDovahVhenan][user=GalenLeBeux][user=batmilk][/b] [size=6]The Glen's Hosts[/size] If you have any trouble or want to return a dragon please ping any of our Glen Hosts! [br] [columns][size=5]Welcome to Giveaway Glen! Simply scroll down for the current host and dragon, then comment to enter a free raffle for them, you can enter for multiple/all dragons if they're available. Its always free to enter and there is a dragon to enter for almost every day. [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][columns][img][/img] [nextcol][right][size=5] We also have a discord server called "The Glen" with over 100+ members where you can actively join in a flight rising community with tons of chat rooms and games as well as a place where you can giveaway dragons to good homes. Even if your socially awkward, we get that. Please hang out with us![/columns] --------- [size=7]Rules and FAQ[/size] [left][LIST] [*][b]I do request that you don't use this thread for fodder gain [/b] It is more then selfish to profit off of someones generosity, and other people might really want to home these dragons.[/right] [*][b]DO NOT DONATE DRAGONS YOU CANNOT STAND TO SEE EXALTED. [/b] We will not be held responsible. It is your fault and [i]only[/i] your fault for donating that dragon in the first place if that dragon becomes exalted. [*][b] To donate a dragon, send a crossroads to any of our hosts. [/b] The host will accept the cr when they can. Please do not pester them about it. You are free to cancel the trade at any time. [*] [b]If you've won a dragon from Giveaway Glen you will have 1 week to accept the crossroads[/b] before your entry becomes null and void. [*][b]Ping the correct host of the giveaway[/b][/LIST] [br] [center] [size=5][b]PINGLIST[/b][/size] [size=2]@Kinaku @Mukti @Kzyrail @GalenLeBeux @Eiyora @HarlequinCr0w @Raevyn @Marquell @Natsumereikosan @MaDovahVhenan @Sylviana @Kristan @L0LB1T11001001 @Batmilk @rosebunny @SilverQuark @Mpiftekia @Polyhymnia @ScrollWyrm @MarinaQuakenbush @GreatLordHades @KingSpinosaurus @Kurayami @Drakzaen @FantasyMyth @Missinqno @Schiemoon @SkylordLysand @melbelletrend @MiraMac @LovelyWillow @DarkishStag @corvidwings @WrathovTan @ivyfall @bichokun @MysticDay @SpaceNinjaCat @WolfTales @DarkSnowfox @jak96 @BobolGrobol @KaminooniSeika @Yakul @BeardFistofDoom @ThePlasticTree @NuclearFudge @SummerMammal @Jaspernoir @Amoxtli @Xayxayx @Frozenqueen92 @onemessyperson @QueenAlchemy @ribbitking @Illyrael @Nelorin @SapphyreL @Solanceae @kemp @Shadowwave @NyaPyonNya @Honeyflight @DoubleMobius @akujura @Akeva @Mantakorra @Alastriona1 @VmprKitty @Jata @XiangEr @DeadSuzume @SariStar @G0NE @chasewildrider @Peacewielder @manzonian @NovaBlu @bakugannvgims @Rockon @thievingGlimmer @ArtofSocrates[/size] [size=4][b]To be added to the pinglist please ping @Kinaku[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [br]

Free Daily Dragon Raffles for Everyone
Free Dragon Raffles hosted almost daily

no user 'Kinaku'no user 'GalenLeBeux'
The Glen's Hosts
If you have any trouble or want to return a dragon
please ping any of our Glen Hosts!

Welcome to Giveaway Glen! Simply scroll down for the current host and dragon, then comment to enter a free raffle for them, you can enter for multiple/all dragons if they're available. Its always free to enter and there is a dragon to enter for almost every day. 9685b16fad9c8bb57bd89840f45c36e1-d9v0hhe.png
We also have a discord server called "The Glen" with over 100+ members where you can actively join in a flight rising community with tons of chat rooms and games as well as a place where you can giveaway dragons to good homes. Even if your socially awkward, we get that. Please hang out with us!

Rules and FAQ

  • I do request that you don't use this thread for fodder gain
    It is more then selfish to profit off of someones generosity, and other people might really want to home these dragons.
    We will not be held responsible. It is your fault and only your fault for donating that dragon in the first place if that dragon becomes exalted.
  • To donate a dragon, send a crossroads to any of our hosts.
    The host will accept the cr when they can. Please do not pester them about it. You are free to cancel the trade at any time.
  • If you've won a dragon from Giveaway Glen you will have 1 week to accept the crossroads before your entry becomes null and void.
  • Ping the correct host of the giveaway

FR +3
[center][img][/img][/center] [center]I am Galen, pleasure to meet you, I run Mondays and Tuesdays here in the Giveaway Glen, there's always gorgeous dragons to be had here. I am exactly on Flight Rising time. But never on time. XD[/center] [rule] [size=7]Halloween is coming soon.... Are you ready? Today's offerings were generously donated by many people... forgive me if I forget who all generously gave. ^.^ [/size] [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] [rule] [rule] ************* [rule] [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] [rule] [rule] ************* [rule] [rule] Remember to comment asking to enter and that’s it, you’re in! Just ping me and will answer as quickly as I can. Thank You. ^.^ [rule] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [rule] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center]
I am Galen, pleasure to meet you, I run Mondays and Tuesdays here in the Giveaway Glen, there's always gorgeous dragons to be had here. I am exactly on Flight Rising time. But never on time. XD

Halloween is coming soon....
Are you ready?

Today's offerings were generously donated by many people... forgive me if I forget who all generously gave. ^.^





Remember to comment asking to enter and that’s it, you’re in! Just ping me and will answer as quickly as I can. Thank You. ^.^

bcPLEkL.png crystalgeneeggfire.pngsimplicity.png
[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] -------------- [center] [b]Days of MaDovaVhenan's giveaways:[/b] [size=5][u]-----[/u][/size] Greetings and salutations! Glen Host MaDovahVhenan here, FR +10 time. --- [quote][center][size=7][b][url=]New Giveaway Glen Thread[/url][/b][/size][/center] [/quote]------------ [center][b]How to Enter[/b] To enter simply ping me (@MaDovahVhenan) and mention the title or number of the desired dragon(s) (especially if there's nore than one in the giveaway!) You can enter and win for any and all the dragons listed in each of my giveaways~ [/center] [center] [img][/img][/center]

Days of MaDovaVhenan's giveaways:

Greetings and salutations! Glen Host MaDovahVhenan here, FR +10 time.

How to Enter
To enter simply ping me (@MaDovahVhenan) and mention the title or number of the desired dragon(s) (especially if there's nore than one in the giveaway!)
You can enter and win for any and all the dragons listed in each of my giveaways~
Dii Isenatha Rii is the name

[center][img][/img] [br] [size=2][b]Hosting Friday and Saturday[/b][/size][/center] ---------------------- ---------- [center][img][/img] [br]

Hosting Friday and Saturday


FR +3

your unfriendly neighbourhood bumpmachine, comes with free random facts
Did something go wrong?
Did something go wrong?
Oh, but can't you feel it?! The void, it's calling me- Calling all of us! It wants to eat our souls, so that we never ascend to the heavens, it wants to absorb us! It needs sustenance, so that it may expand and envelop this whole useless world! All that muck and grime, the ooze, it will fill every crevice of reality, and it will change the world into a paradise! All you have to do is live to see it!
And why aren't I scared? Because the void is the afterlife, and I am its Grim Reaper!
your unfriendly neighbourhood bumpmachine, comes with free random facts
[quote]@Kinaku @Mukti @Kzyrail @GalenLeBeux @Eiyora @HarlequinCr0w @Raevyn @Sunline @Marquell @Natsumereikosan @MaDovahVhenan @Sylviana @Kristan @L0LB1T11001001 @Batmilk @rosebunny @Toxical @SilverQuark @Mpiftekia @Polyhymnia @ScrollWyrm @MarinaQuakenbush @GreatLordHades @KingSpinosaurus @Kurayami95 @Drakzaen @FantasyMyth @missinqno @Schiemoon @SkylordLysand @melbelletrend @MiraMac @LovelyWillow[/quote] New dragons babies up for raffle in Host Galen's corner! Come and get'em! LOL

New dragons babies up for raffle in Host Galen's corner! Come and get'em! LOL
bcPLEkL.png crystalgeneeggfire.pngsimplicity.png
@GalenLeBeuz Is EyeSpot you still available??
@GalenLeBeuz Is EyeSpot you still available??
I'd like to enter and be on the ping list!
I'd like to enter and be on the ping list!