
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Free stuff basically [running low]

Oh, I would love something! I can send you donations, too :)

Oh, I would love something! I can send you donations, too :)
Good_Shit_WCMale_Emoji_Size.png Lichtdrache.gif
@luckgandor Thank you~~!
@luckgandor Thank you~~!
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Hi, I'm new here and don't know what I;m doing. How about you all today
Hi, I'm new here and don't know what I;m doing. How about you all today
Free is always great :D
Free is always great :D

I'll take a thing and donate some extra apparel and such :)

I'll take a thing and donate some extra apparel and such :)
@luckgandor, whoop whoop, over here!
@luckgandor, whoop whoop, over here!
@luckgandor I'd like something, please. I might have some donations I can send, but I'll have to check when I get on my computer later.
@luckgandor I'd like something, please. I might have some donations I can send, but I'll have to check when I get on my computer later.
@luckgandor can i get something please
@luckgandor can i get something please
uh oh! g1 obsession alert
@luckgandor I'd love something! I can send some fodder dragons in a few days :)
@luckgandor I'd love something! I can send some fodder dragons in a few days :)
Whoo, surprises~ Do send me something if you still have anything left. :3
Whoo, surprises~ Do send me something if you still have anything left. :3
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