Update can be read on page 53 & 68
**I have been gone a few days due to a combination of school+work, so lately I have not had too much time to keep track of this. I will be doing my best to update whenever possible, so don't you worry your little butts if it seems like it's taking a long time to get your tickets, you'll get em :D**
I am currently: | Answering all non-payment messages | Adding Bumps to the spreadsheet | Adding New Users to the spreadsheet | Working on another update post | Adding up any messages that contain payments | Offline WIll most likely be working on the spreadsheet tonight | Busy
*Any questions, payments, forum posts, ect. can still be sent at any time, regardless of what I am currently doing. This is just so people know that I haven't forgotten them :P
Please make sure to read the first post, there have been a few questions that have the answers here.
Whenever I am working on the spreadsheet, I am trying to get everyone's names down, then I will be going through messages to collect money/items and correcting the spreadsheet accordingly.
Until you are pinged with me saying that you've been added, and that your bumps/signatures have been counted, your ticket count is likely to temporarily be incorrect.
I've recently kinda realized that I've gotten bored of this site, and that I've been spending waaay to much time investing in pixel dragons, and today I think I've finalized my decision and that I'm gonna leave entirely.
So I'm holding a cheap raffle to give away all of my stuff!
Spreadsheet If you find that anything's incorrect, please let me know! I'm usually diligent about it, but mistakes happen.
How to get tickets:
Tickets wrote:
1. Absolutely anyone can get 10 tickets for free. That's right, just ask and you'll be entered, free of charge!
2.Buy tickets for 100t each, or 6 tickets for 1 gem!
3. Trade for tickets using food, items, and so on. Amount of tickets will be based on the current LAH price, plus an extra 50%. Retired items will be given a higher value, earning double tickets. Any item that I am currently in need of will be given 3X tickets*.
Food will earn 1 ticket per5 10 food points. Food must be able to fit into 1 message (too many people sending 5+ messages of 99X stacks of food)
I will not be taking any coliseum crates (or their skins) or extremely low-value items (eg. hanks, any battle items other than Ambush, Rally, Eliminate or similiar, any materials/trinkets, generally any apparel/familiar that sells for less than 10-15+kt, ect), sorry.
3. Bump this thread up to3 times a day 1 time a day will earn you 2 tickets each time. (Must be reasonably spaced apart, preferably a few hours. Bumps that occur within half an hour of the previous one and are made by the same user will not be counted.)
Initial posts do not count as bumps.
4. Signature advertising by adding this into your signature:
This will earn you15 25 tickets each day you wear it. (Increased tickets applies starting from Oct. 8th, 5am FR Time)
(please let me know each day you have it, I'm not going to go looking for 50 different users a day to see if they still have it)
2.Buy tickets for 100t each, or 6 tickets for 1 gem!
3. Trade for tickets using food, items, and so on. Amount of tickets will be based on the current LAH price, plus an extra 50%. Retired items will be given a higher value, earning double tickets. Any item that I am currently in need of will be given 3X tickets*.
Food will earn 1 ticket per
I will not be taking any coliseum crates (or their skins) or extremely low-value items (eg. hanks, any battle items other than Ambush, Rally, Eliminate or similiar, any materials/trinkets, generally any apparel/familiar that sells for less than 10-15+kt, ect), sorry.
3. Bump this thread up to
Initial posts do not count as bumps.
4. Signature advertising by adding this into your signature:
This will earn you
(please let me know each day you have it, I'm not going to go looking for 50 different users a day to see if they still have it)
*Items that I'm currently in need of:
This years Arcane festival skins and accents X2 (minus celestial hues, star collector, soul gems, crystalspine aura, quartzen, a little universe. Celestial hues will no longer receive bonus tickets that are normal for retired items as I have been receiving way to many of them.)
Any Aviator Gear (minus the gem set) to be added to the prizes
Any "full sets" of apparel to be added to the prizes
*Special Offer:
Get 4X tickets for any Unhatched Egg (these will be added to the Calendar sets if I get one of each type)
Get 4X tickets if you send in any gem familiar/apparel (apparel must not be part of a set and seperated, e.g. no seperate pieces Alabaster Filigree, Night Sky Silks, ect. These may only be sent in if all of the pieces are together.) (Sets are not required to be in a bundle). Will be added to prizes.
Get 5X tickets for a sprite! (as if anyone'd actually send one in though lol)
Get 5X tickets for a Speedy or Golden Bantam Fangar! Will be added to prizes.
End date has yet to be determined, though it will be at least until the end of the Rockbreakers Ceremony, possibly up to the end of NOTN.
The nearing-end pinglist has been moved to the spreadsheet
There will be no refunds, aside from the unlikely situation of a raffle-cancellation
Now, onto the fun stuff.
(More prizes will be added as I obtain new items)
Beginning prizes, these do not require any amount of tickets to be unlocked (Dragon models not included)
Marva 2015 wrote:
Surprise Grab Bag wrote:
5 random pieces of apparel
Baldwin wrote:
An assortment of materials to begin crafting at Baldwin's Bubbling Brew
Marva 2015 wrote:
Loga wrote:
Another Night Sky wrote:
Each Calendar set up to August includes a full set of skins and accents from 2015.
Dragons do not include their apparel. All "Warrior" Dragons are Lv. 25 and are fully stoned.
Cycling wrote:
Sun & Moon wrote:
Fox Rats wrote:
Each Calendar set up to August includes a full set of skins and accents from 2015.
January wrote:
Febuary wrote:
March wrote:
April wrote:
May wrote:
June wrote:
July wrote:
August wrote:
September wrote:
October wrote:
2015 Festival items
November wrote:
2015 Festival items
December wrote:
Akirbeak wrote:
My only KS item wrote:
Dragons do not include their apparel. All "Warrior" Dragons are Lv. 25 and are fully stoned.
...And I think that's everything! We're open~