
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
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Sorry on the slow reply, been a crazy day. Ran fiance to the dock for a sinus infection and my cellphone evidently hates trying to reply on these forums for some reason.

I will take the Coli team. They make adorable babies, the pairing that is, and Mili just looks amazing. Promise them a good home, and I'll work to find Mil a decent stud muffin. Thank you ever so much for running the raffle. I don't think I've ever landed on a game community with this much newb welcome. Ever.

Sorry on the slow reply, been a crazy day. Ran fiance to the dock for a sinus infection and my cellphone evidently hates trying to reply on these forums for some reason.

I will take the Coli team. They make adorable babies, the pairing that is, and Mili just looks amazing. Promise them a good home, and I'll work to find Mil a decent stud muffin. Thank you ever so much for running the raffle. I don't think I've ever landed on a game community with this much newb welcome. Ever.

Thank you so much for this!
Reading back a bit, it looks like the top5 choices are like this:

Nyxilis - Coli Team
ippyk - P01
Arienai - P02
likeafrodo - D-04

so I'll take D-02!

Thank you so much for this!
Reading back a bit, it looks like the top5 choices are like this:

Nyxilis - Coli Team
ippyk - P01
Arienai - P02
likeafrodo - D-04

so I'll take D-02!
@Nyxilis Don't worry about it! On a normal day, I wouldn't even be around for another three hours. I just wanted to make sure that you got the ping. The coli team (which I did manage to make up to level 12) is yours. Check your messages, if you haven't already, as I have a question for you about the team's abilities. And you're welcome! I have much more fun breeding, and talking, and other things than in trying to worry about selling, so this worked out well for me. :)

@ippyk This means P-01. the purple crackle pair is yours. I'll be sending you a crossroads for each of them in a moment.

@Arienai This means you get P-02, the maize crackle imps. I'll send you a crossroads for each of them in a moment.

@likefrodo As the pair that was your first choice has been taken, that means you get D-04. I'll be sending you a crossroads in a moment. (She was the hardest for me to give up, actually, so enjoy her! :) )

@shrapnelsong And yup! Your list was accurate. I'll be sending him to you in a moment.

@Riv The coli team has been taken. I just want to confirm that by "4", you mean prize four, which is P-03, the purple iri/shim skydancer pair. Let me know. If that is the case, then you will get them as soon as I get your confirmation!

If you could confirm that I didn't screw up in sending out the dragons, I'd appreciate it. (I swear I've double and triple checked, but things happen.) Also, I just want to reiterate that I understand tastes change. If ever any of you decide that you don't want to keep these dragons, feel free to sell them or give them away. If you are thinking about exalting, though, I'd love it if you could sell them back to me instead, as I've grown rather attached to them. Thanks!
@Nyxilis Don't worry about it! On a normal day, I wouldn't even be around for another three hours. I just wanted to make sure that you got the ping. The coli team (which I did manage to make up to level 12) is yours. Check your messages, if you haven't already, as I have a question for you about the team's abilities. And you're welcome! I have much more fun breeding, and talking, and other things than in trying to worry about selling, so this worked out well for me. :)

@ippyk This means P-01. the purple crackle pair is yours. I'll be sending you a crossroads for each of them in a moment.

@Arienai This means you get P-02, the maize crackle imps. I'll send you a crossroads for each of them in a moment.

@likefrodo As the pair that was your first choice has been taken, that means you get D-04. I'll be sending you a crossroads in a moment. (She was the hardest for me to give up, actually, so enjoy her! :) )

@shrapnelsong And yup! Your list was accurate. I'll be sending him to you in a moment.

@Riv The coli team has been taken. I just want to confirm that by "4", you mean prize four, which is P-03, the purple iri/shim skydancer pair. Let me know. If that is the case, then you will get them as soon as I get your confirmation!

If you could confirm that I didn't screw up in sending out the dragons, I'd appreciate it. (I swear I've double and triple checked, but things happen.) Also, I just want to reiterate that I understand tastes change. If ever any of you decide that you don't want to keep these dragons, feel free to sell them or give them away. If you are thinking about exalting, though, I'd love it if you could sell them back to me instead, as I've grown rather attached to them. Thanks!
@Meredith44 Yep, that's right. Thank you once again for such a beautiful pair of dragons. I'll be sure to return the kindness when another batch of newbies arrives :) The community here sure is amazing.
@Meredith44 Yep, that's right. Thank you once again for such a beautiful pair of dragons. I'll be sure to return the kindness when another batch of newbies arrives :) The community here sure is amazing.
@Meredith44 Ahh thank you so much, I'll take good care of her, I promise uwu
@Meredith44 Ahh thank you so much, I'll take good care of her, I promise uwu
@Arienai You're welcome! And this community is amazing. (Also, if you would be willing to ping me for any hatchlings, I'd love to see them!)
@likefrodo I'm so glad you like her! And you're welcome.
@Arienai You're welcome! And this community is amazing. (Also, if you would be willing to ping me for any hatchlings, I'd love to see them!)
@likefrodo I'm so glad you like her! And you're welcome.
@Meredith44 Definitely! I'll write it down somewhere so I don't forget. You'll be the first one to admire their beauty :) Also, if you'd want one, just say so; I'll be happy to donate him/her.
@Meredith44 Definitely! I'll write it down somewhere so I don't forget. You'll be the first one to admire their beauty :) Also, if you'd want one, just say so; I'll be happy to donate him/her.
@Arienai Yay! Thanks! And you wouldn't have to donate him/her to me. If my lair at that point is empty enough that I can get more dragons (OMG, I fill it up so fast and then don't know what to do, which is why I had this raffle) then I'd be willing to buy. :)
@Arienai Yay! Thanks! And you wouldn't have to donate him/her to me. If my lair at that point is empty enough that I can get more dragons (OMG, I fill it up so fast and then don't know what to do, which is why I had this raffle) then I'd be willing to buy. :)
He arrived safe and sound! Thank you so much!
He arrived safe and sound! Thank you so much!

Indeed I did! ;u;

I really appreciate this, thank you!

Indeed I did! ;u;

I really appreciate this, thank you!
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