
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Over, handing out prizes!
[b]Hello there, and welcome to Kiira's June Raffle![/b] The reason? I enjoy holding raffles, and I can. Prizes will include but not be limited to: Coatls, wind/nature chests, wind/nature sprites, Unhatched Nature Egg, and if enough tickets are bought, a ripple gene. Full list of prizes in second post! To purchase tickets, simply send me the correct payment in a message! [b]Current End Date: June [s]15th[/s] 22nd[/b] [u][b]Tickets:[/b][/u] - 500t or 1 gem per Ticket, there is no limit on how many you can buy. - Every 20 tickets purchased with treasure or gems will get you 3 free. - Rusted Chests give you 5 tickets. - Iron chests give you 10 tickets. - 10 Seafood points give you 1 ticket. - Any of the new silk apparel gives you 20 tickets each! - Genes, depending on which one, will give you between 100 tickets and 500 tickets. [u] **Want to know when I have another raffle? Ask me to put you on my raffles ping list![/u] [b]Raffle Goals![/b] 1369/2000 Gems Ostrinus got his coatl scroll! Now I need one for Morum, so all gems from the raffle will go towards that! When 800 tickets are sold (or I obtain the scroll, whichever is first) a hatchling from their upcoming nest will be up as a prize! Chance for triple Mulberry, Iridescent/Shimmer/Underbelly or Crackle. [img][/img]
Hello there, and welcome to Kiira's June Raffle! The reason? I enjoy holding raffles, and I can. Prizes will include but not be limited to: Coatls, wind/nature chests, wind/nature sprites, Unhatched Nature Egg, and if enough tickets are bought, a ripple gene. Full list of prizes in second post!

To purchase tickets, simply send me the correct payment in a message!

Current End Date: June 15th 22nd


- 500t or 1 gem per Ticket, there is no limit on how many you can buy.
- Every 20 tickets purchased with treasure or gems will get you 3 free.
- Rusted Chests give you 5 tickets.
- Iron chests give you 10 tickets.
- 10 Seafood points give you 1 ticket.
- Any of the new silk apparel gives you 20 tickets each!
- Genes, depending on which one, will give you between 100 tickets and 500 tickets.

**Want to know when I have another raffle? Ask me to put you on my raffles ping list!

Raffle Goals!
1369/2000 Gems
Ostrinus got his coatl scroll! Now I need one for Morum, so all gems from the raffle will go towards that! When 800 tickets are sold (or I obtain the scroll, whichever is first) a hatchling from their upcoming nest will be up as a prize!
Chance for triple Mulberry, Iridescent/Shimmer/Underbelly or Crackle.

Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
[b]Prizes: [/b] [quote="Coatl Prize A"][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Female Blue/Emerald/Banana[/quote] [quote="Coatl Prize B"][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Female Midnight/Blood/Chocolate[/quote] [quote="Windy Days Prize C"][item=Wind Sprite] [item=Unhatched Wind Egg][/quote] [quote="Wild Nymphs Prize D"][item=Nature Sprite] [item=Unhatched Nature Egg][/quote] [quote="Flying Kites Prize E"][item=Kite Chest] [item=Whirlwind Armband][/quote] [quote="Overgrown Hedge Prize F"][item=Overgrowth Chest] [item=Druidic Armband][/quote] [quote="Going Wild Prize G"][item=Wilds Chest] [item=Naturalist Adornments][/quote] [quote="Winged Flight Prize H"][item=Winged Chest][/quote] [quote="Unlocked!! Ripple Gene Prize I "][item=Primary Gene: Ripple][/quote] [quote="Prize J "][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/quote] [quote="UNLOCKED!!!! - Hatchling from Morum and Ostrinus"] [img][/img] Chance for triple Mulberry, Iridescent/Shimmer/Underbelly or Crackle. Both will be Coatls before the breeding.[/quote]
Coatl Prize A wrote:


Female Blue/Emerald/Banana
Coatl Prize B wrote:


Female Midnight/Blood/Chocolate
Windy Days Prize C wrote:
Wind Sprite Unhatched Wind Egg
Wild Nymphs Prize D wrote:
Nature Sprite Unhatched Nature Egg
Flying Kites Prize E wrote:
Kite Chest Whirlwind Armband
Overgrown Hedge Prize F wrote:
Overgrowth Chest Druidic Armband
Going Wild Prize G wrote:
Wilds Chest Naturalist Adornments
Winged Flight Prize H wrote:
Winged Chest
Unlocked!! Ripple Gene Prize I wrote:
Primary Gene: Ripple
Prize J wrote:
UNLOCKED!!!! - Hatchling from Morum and Ostrinus wrote:

Chance for triple Mulberry, Iridescent/Shimmer/Underbelly or Crackle.
Both will be Coatls before the breeding.
Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
Ticket Holders:

@DragonSage 1-10
@Aralynia 11-175
@ShadowBender 176-181
@Ikunoche 182-217
@Shishiru 218-241
@Velyanthe 242-265
@Greenwolfkate 266-292
@BubbleCreep 293-295
@Azure 296-230
@ambeht 231-253
@remotecitadel 254-255
@StormFlyer 256-279
@Bulletdance 280-285
@Turien 286-287
@Brightwinged 288-310
@Greenwolfkate 311-400
@Velyanthe 401-415
@ineffabird 416-451
@Bulletdance 452-458
@clanguardian 459-460
@Tiarana 461-483
@Calyah 484-506
@Turien 507-521
@kanamine 522-525
@tanz 526-548
@oldred100 549-590
@herrashmoo 591-613
@Ikunoche 614-623
@punkbird 624-643
@Bulletdance 644-652
@Kurokosworth 653-654
@Greenwolfkate 655-723
@NeonAppleDarko 724-735
@Axikor 736-1155
@Sorbet 1156-1165
Ticket Holders:

@DragonSage 1-10
@Aralynia 11-175
@ShadowBender 176-181
@Ikunoche 182-217
@Shishiru 218-241
@Velyanthe 242-265
@Greenwolfkate 266-292
@BubbleCreep 293-295
@Azure 296-230
@ambeht 231-253
@remotecitadel 254-255
@StormFlyer 256-279
@Bulletdance 280-285
@Turien 286-287
@Brightwinged 288-310
@Greenwolfkate 311-400
@Velyanthe 401-415
@ineffabird 416-451
@Bulletdance 452-458
@clanguardian 459-460
@Tiarana 461-483
@Calyah 484-506
@Turien 507-521
@kanamine 522-525
@tanz 526-548
@oldred100 549-590
@herrashmoo 591-613
@Ikunoche 614-623
@punkbird 624-643
@Bulletdance 644-652
@Kurokosworth 653-654
@Greenwolfkate 655-723
@NeonAppleDarko 724-735
@Axikor 736-1155
@Sorbet 1156-1165
Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
Upcoming Raffles Ping List:


Upcoming Raffles Ping List:


Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
:3 I'll be sending treasure and some rusted chests over for tickets momentarily. ~
:3 I'll be sending treasure and some rusted chests over for tickets momentarily. ~
Rare-Angel.png Karu | She/Her, FR+3
Bea ~Neurodivergent ~ Bi-romantic ~ Demisexual ~ FR +2
Sent. ^^
Also would you mind putting me on yer pinglist for future raffles? :)
Sent. ^^
Also would you mind putting me on yer pinglist for future raffles? :)
Rare-Angel.png Karu | She/Her, FR+3