
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [ShaDom] Herding Cats
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@Herding Cats

The cats are back, but they're not happy! Can you help Mara make it up to them?
@Herding Cats

The cats are back, but they're not happy! Can you help Mara make it up to them?
Question! Would it be possible to put the bounties + daily badge in the daily ping post so that we can just click on the notif to see what's needed instead of heading back to the first page?
Question! Would it be possible to put the bounties + daily badge in the daily ping post so that we can just click on the notif to see what's needed instead of heading back to the first page?
@Tiramissyou I wonder if I could suggest an edit to the Tracker for future iterations of this very fun game? If you make a slight change the Conditional Formatting for the cells that we use to input how many items we have collected, if we miss a day and need double the items, the shading would still work if we input the double amount in the dark purple cells. The change would be instead of "Text is exactly" and a number. Make it "Is equal to..." and then the cell below it, so "=A6" (which then you can copy to all the rest of the cells for quickness.)
@Tiramissyou I wonder if I could suggest an edit to the Tracker for future iterations of this very fun game? If you make a slight change the Conditional Formatting for the cells that we use to input how many items we have collected, if we miss a day and need double the items, the shading would still work if we input the double amount in the dark purple cells. The change would be instead of "Text is exactly" and a number. Make it "Is equal to..." and then the cell below it, so "=A6" (which then you can copy to all the rest of the cells for quickness.)
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@rufusdrumknott I usually do the daily ping from mobile, since it's quite early in the morning and I'm usually getting into work, but I will see if there's an easier way to do it in future runs, maybe if I had a link back to each post? like a click here for badges and here for the items?
@rufusdrumknott I usually do the daily ping from mobile, since it's quite early in the morning and I'm usually getting into work, but I will see if there's an easier way to do it in future runs, maybe if I had a link back to each post? like a click here for badges and here for the items?
@Herding Cats

Apologies for how late the ping is, absolute mental morning at work!!
@Herding Cats

Apologies for how late the ping is, absolute mental morning at work!!
@Herding Cats

Thanks for taking part!!
@Herding Cats

Thanks for taking part!!
Completionist badge will be posted in the morning once I'm home! (Staying the night away without laptop access)
Completionist badge will be posted in the morning once I'm home! (Staying the night away without laptop access)
[center][img][/img] @rufusdrumknott - Capri-Catastrophe [img][/img] @mngwa - So Many Snoots [img][/img] @Xenamorph - Seasonal Friends @CaptainDrakken @Niviarsiaq @Golden The badge is posted now, so sorry for the delay, prizes will be sent out shortly :) [/center]
@rufusdrumknott - Capri-Catastrophe

@mngwa - So Many Snoots

@Xenamorph - Seasonal Friends

@CaptainDrakken @Niviarsiaq @Golden The badge is posted now, so sorry for the delay, prizes will be sent out shortly :)
I hadn’t seen this before may compete it still for the badges?
I hadn’t seen this before may compete it still for the badges?
Yay! Ty!!
Yay! Ty!!
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