Hello and welcome! I've been running a [b]basic to rare progen challenge[/b] since June 2023. You can check it out [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3251924#post_3251924]here[/url] if you'd like, but I'll give some brief context anyway before we get started on this new parallel challenge.
If you want to skip, the [b]tldr;[/b] is I'm running a second basic-to-rare challenge from my progens' original nest of 3, this time with two lineages at the same time!
Some history: I unexalted my progens [s]once I learned that was a thing[/s] and scatterscrolled them each once. To my surprise, they both came out quite nice (and yellow!) so I bred them together in order to begin a basic-to-rare progen challenge. They gave me three hatchlings: two mirror sisters named Lilac and Calendula, and a male guardian named Cosmos.
I ended up starting that challenge with Cosmos as the heir thanks to finding an inexpensive female mate on the AH. I hadn't initially planned on doing another basic-to-rare challenge with the mirror sisters, but now that the first challenge is on a breeding cooldown of 35 days (hooray final breed upgrade... [i]sobs[/i]) I have time and nests enough to run a second challenge.
And this one is a race! >:) well, kinda. I'll see them both to completion. One of them just gets bragging rights.
The basics of a basic-to-rare progen challenge is to breed until all three genes are rare, as well as the species. That means I'll be going for a Coatl or Wildclaw in the end, decked out with gem genes from nothing but months [s]years?[/s] of waiting and luck.
I'm not running any additional rules for this like needing them to be different breeds or genes because I don't want to impose any advantages or disadvantages to either contestant based on popular gene combos. It's a straight race!
[b]Introducing Your Challengers[/b] and their respective mates:
Team Lilac! This firstborn is Flaxen, Fog, and Honey. Don't mistake her fragrant, honey-sweet scent for a soft heart; she's here to fight! Her mate Lavenza (prenamed) was bought of the AH for 20kt and is Mist Fade, Lavender Blend, Lavender Peacock.
Team Calendula! This youngest sibling is Flaxen, Banana, and Steel. She might look like one of those 5c banana candies, but she's got a hidden toughness! Her mate Hollyhock was 20g on the AH and is Auburn Fade, Auburn Blend, and Copper Peacock.
Seeing some similarities? There weren't a ton of options for mates, especially not those ready to breed (and I'm impatient!) so they ended up quite similar! I'm not particularly predisposed to Ridgebacks, but Fade and Blend are really nice for common genes and the offspring options for both of these pairs are, well... very okay. As okay as it can get at this stage in the game, anyway. :)
Here are their respective nests and some potential offspring!
Lilac, with 2 eggs! [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2590236/1][img]https://i.imgur.com/oa2NJIM.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/oa2NJIM.gif[/img][/url]
Calendula already in the lead with 3 eggs! [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2590236/1][img]https://i.imgur.com/oa2NJIM.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/oa2NJIM.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/oa2NJIM.gif[/img][/url]
And that's it! Be back here in a few days when the nests hatch!
Hello and welcome! I've been running a
basic to rare progen challenge since June 2023. You can check it out
here if you'd like, but I'll give some brief context anyway before we get started on this new parallel challenge.
If you want to skip, the
tldr; is I'm running a second basic-to-rare challenge from my progens' original nest of 3, this time with two lineages at the same time!
Some history: I unexalted my progens once I learned that was a thing and scatterscrolled them each once. To my surprise, they both came out quite nice (and yellow!) so I bred them together in order to begin a basic-to-rare progen challenge. They gave me three hatchlings: two mirror sisters named Lilac and Calendula, and a male guardian named Cosmos.
I ended up starting that challenge with Cosmos as the heir thanks to finding an inexpensive female mate on the AH. I hadn't initially planned on doing another basic-to-rare challenge with the mirror sisters, but now that the first challenge is on a breeding cooldown of 35 days (hooray final breed upgrade... sobs) I have time and nests enough to run a second challenge.
And this one is a race! >:) well, kinda. I'll see them both to completion. One of them just gets bragging rights.
The basics of a basic-to-rare progen challenge is to breed until all three genes are rare, as well as the species. That means I'll be going for a Coatl or Wildclaw in the end, decked out with gem genes from nothing but months
years? of waiting and luck.
I'm not running any additional rules for this like needing them to be different breeds or genes because I don't want to impose any advantages or disadvantages to either contestant based on popular gene combos. It's a straight race!
Introducing Your Challengers and their respective mates:
Team Lilac! This firstborn is Flaxen, Fog, and Honey. Don't mistake her fragrant, honey-sweet scent for a soft heart; she's here to fight! Her mate Lavenza (prenamed) was bought of the AH for 20kt and is Mist Fade, Lavender Blend, Lavender Peacock.
Team Calendula! This youngest sibling is Flaxen, Banana, and Steel. She might look like one of those 5c banana candies, but she's got a hidden toughness! Her mate Hollyhock was 20g on the AH and is Auburn Fade, Auburn Blend, and Copper Peacock.
Seeing some similarities? There weren't a ton of options for mates, especially not those ready to breed (and I'm impatient!) so they ended up quite similar! I'm not particularly predisposed to Ridgebacks, but Fade and Blend are really nice for common genes and the offspring options for both of these pairs are, well... very okay. As okay as it can get at this stage in the game, anyway. :)
Here are their respective nests and some potential offspring!
Lilac, with 2 eggs!

Calendula already in the lead with 3 eggs!

And that's it! Be back here in a few days when the nests hatch!
[center][u]gen 0: the progens[/u][/center]
[u]the sisters and onward[/u][/center]
[columns][u][b]team lilac[/b][/u]
Flaxen Basic
Fog Basic
Honey Basic
Goldenrod Basic
Mist Basic
Storm Peacock
Buttercup Basic
Denim Basic
Stonewash Peacock
Metals Basic
Teal Peregrine
Stonewash Peacock
Pumpkin Basic
Spearmint Peregrine
Orchid Ringlets
Pumpkin Basic
Saffron Blaze
Heather Flecks
Silver Basic
Rust Blaze
Midnight Flecks
Platinum Basic
Carmine Sludge
Mulberry Flecks
Copper Clown
Carmine Sludge
Platinum Flecks
Mint Fade
Lavender Blend
Lavender Peacock
Umber Laced
Peach Eye Spots
Caramel Smoke
Ice Tiger
Spruce Peregrine
Sky Smoke
Pumpkin Fade
Spearmint Flair
White Ringlets
Fire Laced
Maroon Blaze
Red Flecks
Oilslick Piebald
Smoke Spinner
Flint Glimmer
Moon Leopard
Thistle Sludge
Mist Glimmer
Stone Clown
Sunset Butterfly
Peach Glimmer
Sanguine Flaunt
Sanguine Bee
Nightshade Opal
[u][b]team calendula[/b][/u]
Flaxen Basic
Banana Basic
Steel Basic
Peach Fade
Buttercup Basic
Amethyst Peacock
Gold Fade
Flaxen Basic
Pear Peacock
Sanddollar Fade
Buttercup Basic
Metals Runes
Banana Fade
Hunter Basic
Emerald Capsule
Lemon Flaunt
Fern Basic
Mantis Capsule
Mantis Flaunt
Ultramarine Basic
Mist Capsule
Pistachio Flaunt
Fern Striation
Fern Capsule
Pistachio Flaunt
Jungle Striation
Pistachio Capsule
Auburn Fade
Auburn Blend
Copper Peacock
Flaxen Lionfish
Sanddollar Stripes
Buttercup Runes
Grapefruit Giraffe
Gold Blend
Ruby Runes
Banana Ripple
Robin Striation
Aqua Capsule
Murk Flair
Lemon Striation
Flaxen Opal
Shadow Python
Shadow Peregrine
Shadow Glimmer
Spruce Skink
Mantis Striation
Pear Stained
Peridot Python
Jade Saturn
Caribbean Glimmer
Peacock Poison
Aqua Current
Aqua Glimmer
[b]names used:[/b] lilac, cosmos, calendula, alium, forsythia, gladiolus, ranunculus, achillea, primrose, helianthus, canna, zinnia, astilbe, marigold, tulip, yarrow, hazel, hellbore, sycamore, amaryllis, lisianthus, fritillaria, dendrobium, lupine, nasturtium, poppy, sundew, amaranthus, alchemilla, dianthus, hibiscus, lotus, frangipani, acanthus, hollyhock, monkshood, snapdragon, lucerne, acanthus, crocosmia, bougainvillea, hawkweed, anthurium, stonecrop, salal, elderflower, strawflower, acacia, hyacinth, cinquefoil, larkspur, nettle, silverweed, valerian, kalmia, heath, sorrel, vervain, sage, echeveria, pentas, pricklypear, verbena, cornflower, thistle, chicory, bramble, pansy, angelica, muscari, agrimony, flax, lantana, clematis, borage, agapanthus, honeysuckle [/size]
gen 0: the progens

the sisters and onward
team lilac

Flaxen Basic
Fog Basic
Honey Basic

Goldenrod Basic
Mist Basic
Storm Peacock

Buttercup Basic
Denim Basic
Stonewash Peacock

Metals Basic
Teal Peregrine
Stonewash Peacock

Pumpkin Basic
Spearmint Peregrine
Orchid Ringlets

Pumpkin Basic
Saffron Blaze
Heather Flecks

Silver Basic
Rust Blaze
Midnight Flecks

Platinum Basic
Carmine Sludge
Mulberry Flecks

Copper Clown
Carmine Sludge
Platinum Flecks

Mint Fade
Lavender Blend
Lavender Peacock

Umber Laced
Peach Eye Spots
Caramel Smoke

Ice Tiger
Spruce Peregrine
Sky Smoke

Pumpkin Fade
Spearmint Flair
White Ringlets

Fire Laced
Maroon Blaze
Red Flecks

Oilslick Piebald
Smoke Spinner
Flint Glimmer

Moon Leopard
Thistle Sludge
Mist Glimmer

Stone Clown
Sunset Butterfly
Peach Glimmer

Sanguine Flaunt
Sanguine Bee
Nightshade Opal
team calendula
Flaxen Basic
Banana Basic
Steel Basic
Peach Fade
Buttercup Basic
Amethyst Peacock
Gold Fade
Flaxen Basic
Pear Peacock
Sanddollar Fade
Buttercup Basic
Metals Runes
Banana Fade
Hunter Basic
Emerald Capsule

Lemon Flaunt
Fern Basic
Mantis Capsule
Mantis Flaunt
Ultramarine Basic
Mist Capsule
Pistachio Flaunt
Fern Striation
Fern Capsule
Pistachio Flaunt
Jungle Striation
Pistachio Capsule

Auburn Fade
Auburn Blend
Copper Peacock

Flaxen Lionfish
Sanddollar Stripes
Buttercup Runes

Grapefruit Giraffe
Gold Blend
Ruby Runes

Banana Ripple
Robin Striation
Aqua Capsule

Murk Flair
Lemon Striation
Flaxen Opal

Shadow Python
Shadow Peregrine
Shadow Glimmer

Spruce Skink
Mantis Striation
Pear Stained

Peridot Python
Jade Saturn
Caribbean Glimmer

Peacock Poison
Aqua Current
Aqua Glimmer
names used: lilac, cosmos, calendula, alium, forsythia, gladiolus, ranunculus, achillea, primrose, helianthus, canna, zinnia, astilbe, marigold, tulip, yarrow, hazel, hellbore, sycamore, amaryllis, lisianthus, fritillaria, dendrobium, lupine, nasturtium, poppy, sundew, amaranthus, alchemilla, dianthus, hibiscus, lotus, frangipani, acanthus, hollyhock, monkshood, snapdragon, lucerne, acanthus, crocosmia, bougainvillea, hawkweed, anthurium, stonecrop, salal, elderflower, strawflower, acacia, hyacinth, cinquefoil, larkspur, nettle, silverweed, valerian, kalmia, heath, sorrel, vervain, sage, echeveria, pentas, pricklypear, verbena, cornflower, thistle, chicory, bramble, pansy, angelica, muscari, agrimony, flax, lantana, clematis, borage, agapanthus, honeysuckle
Morning! Our little first nests have hatched! ALL male, somehow?
First, the two from Team Lilac:
Monkshood got a breed and tertiary upgrade!! Looks scarily similar to Cosmos' basic-to-rare start... He's Goldenrod Basic, Mist Basic, and Storm Peacock.
And Aster is a bright pop of colour with zero upgrades! He's Mint Basic, Lavender Basic, Moss Basic.
Next, the three from Team Calendula:
Honeysuckle got a primary and tertiary upgrade! He's Cinnamon Fade, Stone Basic, and Periwinkle Peacock. He also got the new dark fire eyes. :)
Privet got no upgrades to speak of (but is very cute and fiery) and is Tangerine Basic, Flaxen Basic, and Twilight Basic.
And lastly, Lucerne also got a primary and tertiary upgrade; he's Peach Fade, Buttercup Basic, and Amethyst Peacock.
Team Lilac ends up with a clear heir in Monkshood! For Team Calendula, I searched for mates for either Honeysuckle or Lucerne based on the best colour results with what the AH had, and Lucerne won out!
Here's their respective mates and a look at potential hatchlings. Horkos (prenamed) the Obelisk for Monkshood, and Snapdragon the Spiral for Lucerne. Horkos is Umber Laced, Peach Eye Spots, and Caramel Smoke, and Snapdragon is Flaxen Lionfish, Sanddollar Stripes, and Buttercup Runes.
Both teams are looking kinda fishy, which I'm totally okay with. :)
They'll be ready to nest in 20 days! See everyone again then!
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters
Morning! Our little first nests have hatched! ALL male, somehow?
First, the two from Team Lilac:
Monkshood got a breed and tertiary upgrade!! Looks scarily similar to Cosmos' basic-to-rare start... He's Goldenrod Basic, Mist Basic, and Storm Peacock.
And Aster is a bright pop of colour with zero upgrades! He's Mint Basic, Lavender Basic, Moss Basic.
Next, the three from Team Calendula:
Honeysuckle got a primary and tertiary upgrade! He's Cinnamon Fade, Stone Basic, and Periwinkle Peacock. He also got the new dark fire eyes. :)
Privet got no upgrades to speak of (but is very cute and fiery) and is Tangerine Basic, Flaxen Basic, and Twilight Basic.
And lastly, Lucerne also got a primary and tertiary upgrade; he's Peach Fade, Buttercup Basic, and Amethyst Peacock.
Team Lilac ends up with a clear heir in Monkshood! For Team Calendula, I searched for mates for either Honeysuckle or Lucerne based on the best colour results with what the AH had, and Lucerne won out!
Here's their respective mates and a look at potential hatchlings. Horkos (prenamed) the Obelisk for Monkshood, and Snapdragon the Spiral for Lucerne. Horkos is Umber Laced, Peach Eye Spots, and Caramel Smoke, and Snapdragon is Flaxen Lionfish, Sanddollar Stripes, and Buttercup Runes.
Both teams are looking kinda fishy, which I'm totally okay with. :)
They'll be ready to nest in 20 days! See everyone again then!
Sorry for the late update!! Been a lot busier than I expected even with school ending.
I'm gonna do a quick sum-up of the hatchlings that weren't heirs, since between the two teams, there were SEVEN hatchlings total!
The first three are from Team Lilac, the last two are from Team Calendula. From left to right:
Bryonia, stone basic, stonewash basic, abyss peacock
Impatiens, gold basic, denim basic, overcast peacock
Epiphyllum, marigold laced, pistachio basic, crocodile peacock
Craspedia, marigold fade, ivory basic, shamrock runes
Cereus, flaxen fade, ivory basic, navy peacock
The primary upgrade on Epiphyllum and the tertiary upgrade on Craspedia would have made those two the heirs, if it weren't for each team getting a breed upgrade!
First from Team Lilac, the winning heir is Arisaema with an upgrade to Obelisk! This little lad is Buttercup Basic, Denim Basic, and Stonewash Peacock. I'm generally okay with his colours; we'll see what we can't figure out with a mate.
And from Team Calendula, we have Strelitzia with an upgrade to Spiral! This golden boy is very aligned with his team colours; he's Gold Fade, Flaxen Basic, and Pear Peacock.
For mates, I've made a bit of a bold choice for Arisaema:
Hydrangea here is my hopeful pick for moving Team Lilac somewhere more blue. There's some cool (and some awful) hatchling opportunities for them, so we'll see! Hydrangea is Ice Tiger, Spruce Peregrine, and Sky Smoke.
And for Strelitzia, Aisha here (prenamed) should keep us in the nice bright yellows I'm really enjoying. She's Grapefruit Giraffe, Gold Blend, and Ruby Runes.
Here's a glimpse of the hatchling outcomes, with Hydrangea and Arisaema (Team Lilac) on the left, and Aisha and Strelitzia (Team Calendula) on the right.
I don't want to spam folks with tags, but I will begin breeding Team Calendula earlier than Team Lilac (the Spiral breeding cooldown being shorter than Obelisk), since this is considered a "race." Updates for both teams will still be posted at once, though, to avoid double pings.
See ya in a bit!
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters
Sorry for the late update!! Been a lot busier than I expected even with school ending.
I'm gonna do a quick sum-up of the hatchlings that weren't heirs, since between the two teams, there were SEVEN hatchlings total!
The first three are from Team Lilac, the last two are from Team Calendula. From left to right:
Bryonia, stone basic, stonewash basic, abyss peacock
Impatiens, gold basic, denim basic, overcast peacock
Epiphyllum, marigold laced, pistachio basic, crocodile peacock
Craspedia, marigold fade, ivory basic, shamrock runes
Cereus, flaxen fade, ivory basic, navy peacock
The primary upgrade on Epiphyllum and the tertiary upgrade on Craspedia would have made those two the heirs, if it weren't for each team getting a breed upgrade!
First from Team Lilac, the winning heir is Arisaema with an upgrade to Obelisk! This little lad is Buttercup Basic, Denim Basic, and Stonewash Peacock. I'm generally okay with his colours; we'll see what we can't figure out with a mate.
And from Team Calendula, we have Strelitzia with an upgrade to Spiral! This golden boy is very aligned with his team colours; he's Gold Fade, Flaxen Basic, and Pear Peacock.
For mates, I've made a bit of a bold choice for Arisaema:
Hydrangea here is my hopeful pick for moving Team Lilac somewhere more blue. There's some cool (and some awful) hatchling opportunities for them, so we'll see! Hydrangea is Ice Tiger, Spruce Peregrine, and Sky Smoke.
And for Strelitzia, Aisha here (prenamed) should keep us in the nice bright yellows I'm really enjoying. She's Grapefruit Giraffe, Gold Blend, and Ruby Runes.
Here's a glimpse of the hatchling outcomes, with Hydrangea and Arisaema (Team Lilac) on the left, and Aisha and Strelitzia (Team Calendula) on the right.
I don't want to spam folks with tags, but I will begin breeding Team Calendula earlier than Team Lilac (the Spiral breeding cooldown being shorter than Obelisk), since this is considered a "race." Updates for both teams will still be posted at once, though, to avoid double pings.
See ya in a bit!
@pinglist-26156 Late update on our two teams here! They each had three hatchlings this time around.
Here's Team Lilac's trio.
Privet: Metals Basic, Teal [b]Peregrine[/b], Stonewash Peacock
Kalmia: Berry Basic, Spruce Basic, Sky Peacock
Heath: Rose [b]Tiger[/b], Turquoise Basic, Sky Peacock
So no breed upgrades, but both Privet and Heath got gene upgrades. I'm really grateful for Privet getting a gene upgrade because Heath's colours are a little... much. That makes Privet an easy selection for Team Lilac's heir!
And here's Team Calendula.
Silverweed: [b]Skydancer,[/b] Sanddollar Fade, Buttercup Basic, Metals [b]Runes[/b]
Valerian: Ivory Fade, Flaxen Basic, Tan Peacock
Sorrel: Buttercup Fade, Ivory Basic, Pumpkin [b]Runes[/b]
With the Skydancer breed upgrade [i]and[/i] a tertiary gene upgrade, Silverweed is an easy heir! I'm a fan of his colours too!
For heirs, I found Yule for Lilac, and Ryze for Calendula (both prenamed).
Pumpkin Fade, Spearmint Flair, White Ringlets
Banana Ripple, Robin Striation, Aqua Capsule.
Here's what the offspring potentials can look like.
Funny that Team Lilac is going more orange and Team Lilac is going more blue, but there you have it! Options are really limited for dragons that have to be either Nocturnes or Imperials and with a mix of common/uncommon/limited genes... for Silverweed it was only a single page of options!
It's 20 days until Yule can breed, so I'll be back then! :)
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters Late update on our two teams here! They each had three hatchlings this time around.
Here's Team Lilac's trio.

Privet: Metals Basic, Teal
Peregrine, Stonewash Peacock
Kalmia: Berry Basic, Spruce Basic, Sky Peacock
Heath: Rose
Tiger, Turquoise Basic, Sky Peacock
So no breed upgrades, but both Privet and Heath got gene upgrades. I'm really grateful for Privet getting a gene upgrade because Heath's colours are a little... much. That makes Privet an easy selection for Team Lilac's heir!
And here's Team Calendula.

Skydancer, Sanddollar Fade, Buttercup Basic, Metals
Valerian: Ivory Fade, Flaxen Basic, Tan Peacock
Sorrel: Buttercup Fade, Ivory Basic, Pumpkin
With the Skydancer breed upgrade
and a tertiary gene upgrade, Silverweed is an easy heir! I'm a fan of his colours too!
For heirs, I found Yule for Lilac, and Ryze for Calendula (both prenamed).
Pumpkin Fade, Spearmint Flair, White Ringlets
Banana Ripple, Robin Striation, Aqua Capsule.
Here's what the offspring potentials can look like.
Funny that Team Lilac is going more orange and Team Lilac is going more blue, but there you have it! Options are really limited for dragons that have to be either Nocturnes or Imperials and with a mix of common/uncommon/limited genes... for Silverweed it was only a single page of options!
It's 20 days until Yule can breed, so I'll be back then! :)
Good morning! We have our hatchlings today!
First, for Team Lilac:
Acacia is Carrot Basic, Spruce Peregrine, and Blackberry [b]Ringlets[/b].
Cinquefoil is Metals Basic, Robin Peregrine, and Periwinkle Peacock - no upgrades. I like her colours the best, naturally.
And lastly, Hyacinth got a breed upgrade to [b]Imperial[/b] and is Pumpkin Basic, Spearmint Peregrine, and Orchid [b]Ringlets[/b]. With both a breed and tertiary gene upgrade, that makes this eyeburner our heir! Thankfully there's still lots of time to breed into better colours. :')
For Team Calendula, two siblings:
Larkspur is Banana Fade, Hunter Basic, and Emerald [b]Capsule[/b].
Nettle is Banana Fade, Shamrock Basic, and Sanddollar [b]Capsule[/b].
Neither of them got any breed upgrades, but they both got tertiary upgrades, so at least that's something! Purely for the sake of her colours, I'm choosing Larkspur as the heir.
Thanks to these strange upgrades, our results for potential mates on the AH are totaled to a page each. Nonetheless, I got lucky-ish finding mates; Team Lilac's was 30g, and Team Calendula 10g.
Here's Hyacinth's mate, Vervain:
I actually really like his colours, but maybe that's just coming from my bias as a fire lair. :) He's Fire Laced, Maroon Blaze, and Red Flecks. Here's what their potential offspring might look like.
There's still a chance for some weird un-matchy colours, but there's a good chance we'll swing more into all oranges, which I quite like. Here's hoping!
As for Larkspur, I found her this Imperial dragon (there were no nocturnes available at all for the criteria), prenamed Tenebrion.
He's Murk Flaunt, Lemon Striations, and Flaxen Opal. Here's some of their potential offspring:
I really like the earthy green/golds that we might get with them!
It's funny that both this challenge and the original have had the breed changes and tertiary genes upgrade the fastest. I'm not complaining, because there's always the chance to get no upgrades at all (which is where we've been at for a couple months now with Cosmos' challenge).
These pairs will both be ready to breed in 30 days, so I'll see everyone then! :)
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters
Good morning! We have our hatchlings today!
First, for Team Lilac:
Acacia is Carrot Basic, Spruce Peregrine, and Blackberry
Cinquefoil is Metals Basic, Robin Peregrine, and Periwinkle Peacock - no upgrades. I like her colours the best, naturally.
And lastly, Hyacinth got a breed upgrade to
Imperial and is Pumpkin Basic, Spearmint Peregrine, and Orchid
Ringlets. With both a breed and tertiary gene upgrade, that makes this eyeburner our heir! Thankfully there's still lots of time to breed into better colours. :')
For Team Calendula, two siblings:
Larkspur is Banana Fade, Hunter Basic, and Emerald
Nettle is Banana Fade, Shamrock Basic, and Sanddollar
Neither of them got any breed upgrades, but they both got tertiary upgrades, so at least that's something! Purely for the sake of her colours, I'm choosing Larkspur as the heir.
Thanks to these strange upgrades, our results for potential mates on the AH are totaled to a page each. Nonetheless, I got lucky-ish finding mates; Team Lilac's was 30g, and Team Calendula 10g.
Here's Hyacinth's mate, Vervain:
I actually really like his colours, but maybe that's just coming from my bias as a fire lair. :) He's Fire Laced, Maroon Blaze, and Red Flecks. Here's what their potential offspring might look like.
There's still a chance for some weird un-matchy colours, but there's a good chance we'll swing more into all oranges, which I quite like. Here's hoping!
As for Larkspur, I found her this Imperial dragon (there were no nocturnes available at all for the criteria), prenamed Tenebrion.
He's Murk Flaunt, Lemon Striations, and Flaxen Opal. Here's some of their potential offspring:
I really like the earthy green/golds that we might get with them!
It's funny that both this challenge and the original have had the breed changes and tertiary genes upgrade the fastest. I'm not complaining, because there's always the chance to get no upgrades at all (which is where we've been at for a couple months now with Cosmos' challenge).
These pairs will both be ready to breed in 30 days, so I'll see everyone then! :)
Morning! Kind of a funny hatch today- Team Calendula had a whopping four eggs, and Team Lilac had one.
First up, here's our hatchlings from Team Calendula, the non-heirs first.
From left to right:
Bramble: Pumpkin Basic, Olive Peregrine, Mist Ringlets
Angelica: Fire Basic, Tan Peregrine, Rose Ringlets
Pansy: Pumpkin Basic, Yellow Peregrine, Fog [b]Flecks[/b]
And introducing Team Lilac's heir, Narcissus!
She's Pumpkin Basic, Saffron [b]Blaze[/b], and Heather [b]Flecks.[/b]
No breed upgrade, but at this point that makes sense; there's only one left. To still be at basic for the primary is a little brutal, but I'd say she made up for it by getting [i]two[/i] upgrades otherwise! Her tertiary colour is awkward, but there's lots of time to fix that- I'd be happy staying around the oranges/reds going forward.
Next, our single hatchling and heir for Team Lilac, Chicory!
She's Lemon [b]Flaunt,[/b] Fern Basic, and Mantis Capsule. No breed upgrade, but at least we got a primary upgrade! Her colours are kind of fun, too. It's cool seeing how different the teams have gone since both starting in very similar places!
Both teams are slowly crawling their way up there, but both also still have a completely basic gene, so it remains anyone's game!
When it comes to a mate for Narcissus for Team Calendula, after putting in the parameters for genes - which at this point is looking for a Common Basic, Limited Secondary, and Rare Tertiary, in a male Coatl or Wildclaw - there was a single dragon on the AH.
This is Dust (prenamed), who was 50kt. He's Oilslick Piebald, Smoke Spinner, and Flint Glimmer. Honestly a cool looking dragon!! The hatchlings can be kind of all over the place, so it's gonna be a total shot in the dark.
For Team Lilac's heir Chicory, we had a few more options (9 or so, I think) and the best I found, for colour, is this guy I named Xyris.
He's triple Shadow Python, Peregrine, and Glimmer. Here's what their hatchlings might look like:
A little more cohesive than Team Calendula, but there's still a good chance for some wild colour combos. I like at least that we'll be sticking around the blue/green realm!
It's 30 days until Narcissus can breed, so I'll be back with another update in a month! :)
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters
Morning! Kind of a funny hatch today- Team Calendula had a whopping four eggs, and Team Lilac had one.
First up, here's our hatchlings from Team Calendula, the non-heirs first.
From left to right:
Bramble: Pumpkin Basic, Olive Peregrine, Mist Ringlets
Angelica: Fire Basic, Tan Peregrine, Rose Ringlets
Pansy: Pumpkin Basic, Yellow Peregrine, Fog
And introducing Team Lilac's heir, Narcissus!
She's Pumpkin Basic, Saffron
Blaze, and Heather
No breed upgrade, but at this point that makes sense; there's only one left. To still be at basic for the primary is a little brutal, but I'd say she made up for it by getting
two upgrades otherwise! Her tertiary colour is awkward, but there's lots of time to fix that- I'd be happy staying around the oranges/reds going forward.
Next, our single hatchling and heir for Team Lilac, Chicory!
She's Lemon
Flaunt, Fern Basic, and Mantis Capsule. No breed upgrade, but at least we got a primary upgrade! Her colours are kind of fun, too. It's cool seeing how different the teams have gone since both starting in very similar places!
Both teams are slowly crawling their way up there, but both also still have a completely basic gene, so it remains anyone's game!
When it comes to a mate for Narcissus for Team Calendula, after putting in the parameters for genes - which at this point is looking for a Common Basic, Limited Secondary, and Rare Tertiary, in a male Coatl or Wildclaw - there was a single dragon on the AH.
This is Dust (prenamed), who was 50kt. He's Oilslick Piebald, Smoke Spinner, and Flint Glimmer. Honestly a cool looking dragon!! The hatchlings can be kind of all over the place, so it's gonna be a total shot in the dark.
For Team Lilac's heir Chicory, we had a few more options (9 or so, I think) and the best I found, for colour, is this guy I named Xyris.
He's triple Shadow Python, Peregrine, and Glimmer. Here's what their hatchlings might look like:
A little more cohesive than Team Calendula, but there's still a good chance for some wild colour combos. I like at least that we'll be sticking around the blue/green realm!
It's 30 days until Narcissus can breed, so I'll be back with another update in a month! :)
Morning! Bit of a late update for these guys; I've re-adjusted my nest schedule so I have a nest to hatch every day. I ended up breeding the first team a bit earlier thanks to cooldowns as a result, which is why Team Lilac's hatchlings are already adults.
But first, we'll start with Team Calendula, for consistency.
[b]Pentas:[/b] Silver Basic, Rust Blaze, Midnight Flecks
[b]PricklyPear:[/b] Dirt Basic, Soil Blaze, Thistle Flecks
[b]Verbena:[/b] Chocolate Basic, Ice Blaze, Fog Flecks
And so... no upgrades! :') It's been a rough week of hatching for the two challenges actually - no to spoil anything, but uh, oof.
There was a single page of results when I went looking for a mate, but I was super happy to find this little Coatl for 12kt, who I named Sage.
She's Moon Leopard, Thistle Sludge, and Mist Glimmer. Because of her colours, I chose [b]Pentas[/b] as our heir! Here's what their hatchlings could look like:
I really like the colour options; we're definitely leaning more into a lilac colour scheme, but that's alright! :) It's cool being surprised by how the colours can change between generations!
And moving on to Team Lilac, which only had two hatchlings this time:
[b]Cornflower[/b] is Mantis Flaunt, Ultramarine Basic, and Mist Capsule. His brother [b]Thistle[/b] is Jungle Flaunt, Splash Basic, and Forest Capsule.
Which means, once again, no upgrades this week for anyone!
When looking for an heir, we got lucky again. I found a lovely imperial for 10g and named her Echeveria.
She's Spruce Skink, Mantis Striation, and Pear Stained (and with lovely nature pastel eyes to match)!
Here's what their offspring could look like:
I really love the greens!! I'm happy this time around at least that our potential heirs have pretty consistent colour schemes - there's nothing super crazy in the mix. Here's hoping we can at least get away from the basic genes both of these teams have stubbornly held onto. :)
See everyone in a few weeks!
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters
Morning! Bit of a late update for these guys; I've re-adjusted my nest schedule so I have a nest to hatch every day. I ended up breeding the first team a bit earlier thanks to cooldowns as a result, which is why Team Lilac's hatchlings are already adults.
But first, we'll start with Team Calendula, for consistency.

Pentas: Silver Basic, Rust Blaze, Midnight Flecks
PricklyPear: Dirt Basic, Soil Blaze, Thistle Flecks
Verbena: Chocolate Basic, Ice Blaze, Fog Flecks
And so... no upgrades! :') It's been a rough week of hatching for the two challenges actually - no to spoil anything, but uh, oof.
There was a single page of results when I went looking for a mate, but I was super happy to find this little Coatl for 12kt, who I named Sage.
She's Moon Leopard, Thistle Sludge, and Mist Glimmer. Because of her colours, I chose
Pentas as our heir! Here's what their hatchlings could look like:
I really like the colour options; we're definitely leaning more into a lilac colour scheme, but that's alright! :) It's cool being surprised by how the colours can change between generations!
And moving on to Team Lilac, which only had two hatchlings this time:
Cornflower is Mantis Flaunt, Ultramarine Basic, and Mist Capsule. His brother
Thistle is Jungle Flaunt, Splash Basic, and Forest Capsule.
Which means, once again, no upgrades this week for anyone!
When looking for an heir, we got lucky again. I found a lovely imperial for 10g and named her Echeveria.
She's Spruce Skink, Mantis Striation, and Pear Stained (and with lovely nature pastel eyes to match)!
Here's what their offspring could look like:
I really love the greens!! I'm happy this time around at least that our potential heirs have pretty consistent colour schemes - there's nothing super crazy in the mix. Here's hoping we can at least get away from the basic genes both of these teams have stubbornly held onto. :)
See everyone in a few weeks!
Good morning!! We have a new generation today! They're a bit staggered because I didn't bother waiting to nest them both at the same time; I've been running a "one nest a day" regimen for a little while and find it just suits my playstyle a lot better than being all over the place.
Anyway, Team Lilac is up first this time, with three sisters:
These are the two non-heirs, Periwinkle and Indigo, who are Spruce Flaunt/Sky Basic/Fern Capsule and Mint Flaunt/Mantis [b]Striation[/b]/Algae Capsule respectively.
Their sister Muscari takes the title of heir! She's Pistachio Flaunt, Fern [b]Striation[/b] and Fern Capsule, picked over Indigo because of her colours.
Only one upgrade to speak of for Team Lilac but we'll take it, and I LOVE her colours! I found her a mate on the AH - there was once again only one page - for 10kt.
His name is Agrimony, and he's Peridot Python, Jade Saturn, and Caribbean Glimmer. Although I'm not a huge fan of his individual aesthetic, he was the only green-ish potential mate on the AH, and their potential offspring are mostly quite consistent with the new colour scheme:
Now for Team Calendula, who had two hatchlings:
Flax is Platinum Basic, Carmine [b]Sludge,[/b] and Mulberry Flecks.
Her brother Rosemary is Orca [b]Leopard,[/b] Ice Blaze, and Blackberry Flecks. This is a bit of a tough one, because both hatchlings got one upgrade each. Originally I was going to go with Rosemary because I thought it would be easier finding him a mate, but boy was I proved wrong! There was only a single option on the AH for a mate for Rosemary and the colours were not a good match; potential offspring were kind of all over the place.
Flax on the other hand had about 6 to choose from, so Flax is our heir! Her mate came prenamed Samhain (v seasonal!!) for 30g and he's Stone Clown, Sunset Butterfly, and Peach Glimmer.
Here's what their potential offspring might look like:
There's definitely still a chance it could be a little all over the place, but you'll have to trust me when I say it's more cohesive than Rosemary's chances!
Muscari and Agrimony can breed in 19 days, and Flax and Samhain in 32, so it'll be a bit of a wait again for the next update. See you then! :)
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters
Good morning!! We have a new generation today! They're a bit staggered because I didn't bother waiting to nest them both at the same time; I've been running a "one nest a day" regimen for a little while and find it just suits my playstyle a lot better than being all over the place.
Anyway, Team Lilac is up first this time, with three sisters:
These are the two non-heirs, Periwinkle and Indigo, who are Spruce Flaunt/Sky Basic/Fern Capsule and Mint Flaunt/Mantis
Striation/Algae Capsule respectively.
Their sister Muscari takes the title of heir! She's Pistachio Flaunt, Fern
Striation and Fern Capsule, picked over Indigo because of her colours.
Only one upgrade to speak of for Team Lilac but we'll take it, and I LOVE her colours! I found her a mate on the AH - there was once again only one page - for 10kt.
His name is Agrimony, and he's Peridot Python, Jade Saturn, and Caribbean Glimmer. Although I'm not a huge fan of his individual aesthetic, he was the only green-ish potential mate on the AH, and their potential offspring are mostly quite consistent with the new colour scheme:
Now for Team Calendula, who had two hatchlings:
Flax is Platinum Basic, Carmine
Sludge, and Mulberry Flecks.
Her brother Rosemary is Orca
Leopard, Ice Blaze, and Blackberry Flecks. This is a bit of a tough one, because both hatchlings got one upgrade each. Originally I was going to go with Rosemary because I thought it would be easier finding him a mate, but boy was I proved wrong! There was only a single option on the AH for a mate for Rosemary and the colours were not a good match; potential offspring were kind of all over the place.
Flax on the other hand had about 6 to choose from, so Flax is our heir! Her mate came prenamed Samhain (v seasonal!!) for 30g and he's Stone Clown, Sunset Butterfly, and Peach Glimmer.
Here's what their potential offspring might look like:
There's definitely still a chance it could be a little all over the place, but you'll have to trust me when I say it's more cohesive than Rosemary's chances!
Muscari and Agrimony can breed in 19 days, and Flax and Samhain in 32, so it'll be a bit of a wait again for the next update. See you then! :)
@pinglist-26156 [pinglist=26156]
Good morning!! It's a late update today thanks to some family visits, an apartment move, etc etc... but we have new heirs!
Because I've been nesting a pair of dragons every day, I decided to just go ahead and stagger the hatchings for the two teams, meaning I nested Team Lilac first since their cooldowns were up earlier than Team Calendula.
So, we'll start with their two hatchlings, Indigo and Borage:
Indigo is one of my favourite hatchlings from any of these challenges. WOW! I'm not even usually a nocturne fan but I [i]am[/i] a pistachio fan... she's got double colours just like her mum! Pistachio Flaunt, Jungle Striation, Pistachio Capsule. Oh, and obviously - a breed upgrade!! :D
Second is Borage, who is also beautiful in her own right. She's Avocado Flaunt, Camo Striation, and Green Capsule. If anyone is interested in buying Borage (or her pretty mom, Muscari), they're both for sale for 10g/kt on my sales tab.
Thanks to Indigo's breed upgrade to Nocturne, she's our heir - and Team Lilac is finally catching up! I went to find her a mate, and thankfully, from the whole FIVE options (in which one was a beautiful first gen coatl for 10kg loooool) I found this little guy, who I named Agapanthus!
He's Peacock Poison, Aqua Current, and Aqua Glimmer. Here's a glimpse of what their potential hatchlings could look like:
I'm in love with these little blue guys honestly. Really love what happened with Team Lilac. We might not be purple, but blue is close enough. :)
Now for Team Calendula, who had three hatchlings! First, the two sisters, who had no upgrades:
Celosia is Stone Basic, Blood Sludge, and Silver Flecks. Hickory is Dirt Basic, Tan Sludge, and Bronze Flecks.
Their brother Clematis is our winner with - FINALLY - a primary gene upgrade!! Can't believe it took all the way until Imperial (well... I kinda can) but we're finally making some progress here. Also, a rare male heir - it feels like there's been wayyy more females. He's Copper Clown, Carmine Sludge, and Platinum Flecks.
For his mate, despite there being five pages on the AH, it was a bit of a difficult choice without breaking the bank. Clematis' colours are a little awkward, so we'll see.
This is Camelia, and she's Sanguine Flaunt, Sanguine Bee, and Nightshade Opal. Here's what their potential hatchlings might look like:
Flaunt always throws a wrench in things but we'll see what happens!
Due to the mates, Team Calendula actually now has a headstart over Team Lilac, a reverse from last week; they'll be mating in 20 days and Team Lilac in 31. At that point I'll post again with an update. :)
For now, here's a recap on what's left for the race for both teams:
[b]Team Lilac needs:[/b]
Rare Breed Upgrade
Uncommon Primary
Limited Primary
Rare Primary
Rare Secondary
Rare Tertiary
[b]Team Calendula needs:[/b]
Rare Breed Upgrade
Limited Primary
Rare Primary
Limited Secondary
Rare Secondary
Rare Tertiary
See ya in a month and happy NOTN!
@Italicised's Basic-to-Rare Challenge: Sisters
Good morning!! It's a late update today thanks to some family visits, an apartment move, etc etc... but we have new heirs!
Because I've been nesting a pair of dragons every day, I decided to just go ahead and stagger the hatchings for the two teams, meaning I nested Team Lilac first since their cooldowns were up earlier than Team Calendula.
So, we'll start with their two hatchlings, Indigo and Borage:
Indigo is one of my favourite hatchlings from any of these challenges. WOW! I'm not even usually a nocturne fan but I
am a pistachio fan... she's got double colours just like her mum! Pistachio Flaunt, Jungle Striation, Pistachio Capsule. Oh, and obviously - a breed upgrade!! :D
Second is Borage, who is also beautiful in her own right. She's Avocado Flaunt, Camo Striation, and Green Capsule. If anyone is interested in buying Borage (or her pretty mom, Muscari), they're both for sale for 10g/kt on my sales tab.
Thanks to Indigo's breed upgrade to Nocturne, she's our heir - and Team Lilac is finally catching up! I went to find her a mate, and thankfully, from the whole FIVE options (in which one was a beautiful first gen coatl for 10kg loooool) I found this little guy, who I named Agapanthus!
He's Peacock Poison, Aqua Current, and Aqua Glimmer. Here's a glimpse of what their potential hatchlings could look like:
I'm in love with these little blue guys honestly. Really love what happened with Team Lilac. We might not be purple, but blue is close enough. :)
Now for Team Calendula, who had three hatchlings! First, the two sisters, who had no upgrades:
Celosia is Stone Basic, Blood Sludge, and Silver Flecks. Hickory is Dirt Basic, Tan Sludge, and Bronze Flecks.
Their brother Clematis is our winner with - FINALLY - a primary gene upgrade!! Can't believe it took all the way until Imperial (well... I kinda can) but we're finally making some progress here. Also, a rare male heir - it feels like there's been wayyy more females. He's Copper Clown, Carmine Sludge, and Platinum Flecks.
For his mate, despite there being five pages on the AH, it was a bit of a difficult choice without breaking the bank. Clematis' colours are a little awkward, so we'll see.
This is Camelia, and she's Sanguine Flaunt, Sanguine Bee, and Nightshade Opal. Here's what their potential hatchlings might look like:
Flaunt always throws a wrench in things but we'll see what happens!
Due to the mates, Team Calendula actually now has a headstart over Team Lilac, a reverse from last week; they'll be mating in 20 days and Team Lilac in 31. At that point I'll post again with an update. :)
For now, here's a recap on what's left for the race for both teams:
Team Lilac needs:
Rare Breed Upgrade
Uncommon Primary
Limited Primary
Rare Primary
Rare Secondary
Rare Tertiary
Team Calendula needs:
Rare Breed Upgrade
Limited Primary
Rare Primary
Limited Secondary
Rare Secondary
Rare Tertiary
See ya in a month and happy NOTN!