
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [P] Event Prep 2023
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This is just a place for me to write stuff down, ‘cause i am Bad at remembering things. Especially money and prep things ;;
This is just a place for me to write stuff down, ‘cause i am Bad at remembering things. Especially money and prep things ;;
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83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
Reminders for mah self-

Keep something in the cauldron all day if you can. Doesn’t matter if its melting or brewing, just keep stuff in there 24/7. Also, because I know you will forget-


Bond with all of your unawakened familiars, and add your awakened fams if you have the time daily. It’s free money, plus you can sell the iron & gilded chests for shiny gems.

Try to do G&G daily too, but switch it up if you get bored, you want to actually have fun with it. 75kt adds up quickly.

Try to do an hour or two of Coli at least once a week. Free food, and you can spend your gathering turns on scavenging. Special drops like eggs and Elims can be sold for a pretty penny, and boss fams can be bonded and then also sold.

When fest time comes around, try to buy x5 of the familiars, x15 of both apparel, and at least x1 of each skin. Once thats been done, try to sell the rest of the currency. ALSO, buy as many Jox-boxes you physically can, anything that will give you things to sell is good, especially if those items happen to be halos or fest stuff you need for outfits.

Cyber Monday/Cycled Items Specifics

Try to have at least 6kg in your vault to buy the three WC scrolls you need for your precious perfect gorgeous babies, and by then you’ll be 16 and probably have a job oof so try to take advantage of the Cyber Monday sale if you can.

NOTN Specifics

Eggs sold 200g a pop this (2022) notn, so try to sell e v e r y egg you get. Actually, let’s be real, you’re going to want to hatch every egg you get. You may hatch 2 out of every 10. The rest gets sold. No if-ands-or-buts. Same with strange chests. For the first week sell each chest, then you can hoard the rest to open Jan 1st, sound good? Ok glad we got that sorted out.

Also, bond with every familiar you have. The drops add up quickly.
Reminders for mah self-

Keep something in the cauldron all day if you can. Doesn’t matter if its melting or brewing, just keep stuff in there 24/7. Also, because I know you will forget-


Bond with all of your unawakened familiars, and add your awakened fams if you have the time daily. It’s free money, plus you can sell the iron & gilded chests for shiny gems.

Try to do G&G daily too, but switch it up if you get bored, you want to actually have fun with it. 75kt adds up quickly.

Try to do an hour or two of Coli at least once a week. Free food, and you can spend your gathering turns on scavenging. Special drops like eggs and Elims can be sold for a pretty penny, and boss fams can be bonded and then also sold.

When fest time comes around, try to buy x5 of the familiars, x15 of both apparel, and at least x1 of each skin. Once thats been done, try to sell the rest of the currency. ALSO, buy as many Jox-boxes you physically can, anything that will give you things to sell is good, especially if those items happen to be halos or fest stuff you need for outfits.

Cyber Monday/Cycled Items Specifics

Try to have at least 6kg in your vault to buy the three WC scrolls you need for your precious perfect gorgeous babies, and by then you’ll be 16 and probably have a job oof so try to take advantage of the Cyber Monday sale if you can.

NOTN Specifics

Eggs sold 200g a pop this (2022) notn, so try to sell e v e r y egg you get. Actually, let’s be real, you’re going to want to hatch every egg you get. You may hatch 2 out of every 10. The rest gets sold. No if-ands-or-buts. Same with strange chests. For the first week sell each chest, then you can hoard the rest to open Jan 1st, sound good? Ok glad we got that sorted out.

Also, bond with every familiar you have. The drops add up quickly.
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!

Ice Festivial

Start Date: Jan. 22 at 6am server time, about 9-10am EST

End Date: Jan. 29 at 6am server time, about 9-10 EST

Fest Currency: Eternal Snow

Best place to farm: Woodland Path

Item cost: i have…. No idea ;; Sorry Ice-dad, you’ll have to be my test subject for this

Ice Festivial

Start Date: Jan. 22 at 6am server time, about 9-10am EST

End Date: Jan. 29 at 6am server time, about 9-10 EST

Fest Currency: Eternal Snow

Best place to farm: Woodland Path

Item cost: i have…. No idea ;; Sorry Ice-dad, you’ll have to be my test subject for this
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
NOTN Year-long Prep

Clear out and expand Hib-den/Main Lair and grab more fodder pairs to raise my own fodder, level them up to 7, and shove ‘em into the Hib-den for dom-pushes, then about 2 1/2 months before NOTN, start re-stocking fodder storage. No one leaves the Hib-den until NOTN starts, then EVERYONE O U T.

Goal: Have at least 200 spaces for fodder
[7x200=1400 lvls, so great for foddart and raffles +
average exalt payout for lvl 7 is 2250kt. So like 2250g. Nice]

Melt Baldwin mats to make at least 1 of each NOTN thingy, not including strange chests, and get Baldwin to at least level 13.

Current level: 9

Goal: Melt AT LEAST 28 of each goo, ooze, slime, muck, and sludge. Brew at least 15 of each: Sizzling Phosphorus, Coarse Alchemical Reduction, and Glass Beaker.

Set aside at least 117kt for brewed items, and at least 192kt for chests.

Goal: At least 309kt for Baldwin.

Set aside at least 1266kt + 24kt + 1500kt + 100kt for treasure market place apparel bundles, standalone apparel, vistas and scenes, and 4539g + 330g + 1200g + 200g for gem market place apparel bundles, standalone apparel, vistas and scenes.

Goal: At least 2890kt and 6269g for marketplace.
NOTN Year-long Prep

Clear out and expand Hib-den/Main Lair and grab more fodder pairs to raise my own fodder, level them up to 7, and shove ‘em into the Hib-den for dom-pushes, then about 2 1/2 months before NOTN, start re-stocking fodder storage. No one leaves the Hib-den until NOTN starts, then EVERYONE O U T.

Goal: Have at least 200 spaces for fodder
[7x200=1400 lvls, so great for foddart and raffles +
average exalt payout for lvl 7 is 2250kt. So like 2250g. Nice]

Melt Baldwin mats to make at least 1 of each NOTN thingy, not including strange chests, and get Baldwin to at least level 13.

Current level: 9

Goal: Melt AT LEAST 28 of each goo, ooze, slime, muck, and sludge. Brew at least 15 of each: Sizzling Phosphorus, Coarse Alchemical Reduction, and Glass Beaker.

Set aside at least 117kt for brewed items, and at least 192kt for chests.

Goal: At least 309kt for Baldwin.

Set aside at least 1266kt + 24kt + 1500kt + 100kt for treasure market place apparel bundles, standalone apparel, vistas and scenes, and 4539g + 330g + 1200g + 200g for gem market place apparel bundles, standalone apparel, vistas and scenes.

Goal: At least 2890kt and 6269g for marketplace.
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
Love Is In The Air Constant Prep

Guess I’ll find out this year! Probably going to try to stock up maybe 1000kt and 1000g? Plus Baldwin mats.
Love Is In The Air Constant Prep

Guess I’ll find out this year! Probably going to try to stock up maybe 1000kt and 1000g? Plus Baldwin mats.
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
Warrior’s Way Constant Prep

Melt down baldwin mats. And earn treasure. Not quite as intensive as NOTN.

Goal: At least 447kt and 679g
Warrior’s Way Constant Prep

Melt down baldwin mats. And earn treasure. Not quite as intensive as NOTN.

Goal: At least 447kt and 679g
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
Pirate Day Constant Prep

Same deal as WW. Not much do to in terms of prep, but it’s still there. Melt down mats and earn treasure/gems.

Goal: at least 126kt and 2592g
Pirate Day Constant Prep

Same deal as WW. Not much do to in terms of prep, but it’s still there. Melt down mats and earn treasure/gems.

Goal: at least 126kt and 2592g
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
Seasonal Items Prep

Not much to do here either, it’s mainly just saving up for treasure stuff.

Goal: At least 320kt for every season
Seasonal Items Prep

Not much to do here either, it’s mainly just saving up for treasure stuff.

Goal: At least 320kt for every season
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
Art Shop
UT F accent preorder
83211634.png Aether M Accent Pre-orders
Desert Winds & Frosted Magic

G1s, 7-digit imp, Palindromes & skins raffle!
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