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Karma's Basic to rare challenge!

Welcome to my basic to rare challenge!
This one is a little different, we have here a challenge.. with lore as well.
Isn't that DELIGHTFUL?

Now we look in at the inn, an abandoned house that a family of 4 has turned back into LIVABLE condition. They rent it out to travellers, seeing as they are located between two popular cities.

My goal is to turn this little inn into a town!
I have already started so let's jump right in, shall we?
Karma's Basic to rare challenge!

Welcome to my basic to rare challenge!
This one is a little different, we have here a challenge.. with lore as well.
Isn't that DELIGHTFUL?

Now we look in at the inn, an abandoned house that a family of 4 has turned back into LIVABLE condition. They rent it out to travellers, seeing as they are located between two popular cities.

My goal is to turn this little inn into a town!
I have already started so let's jump right in, shall we?
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~

Before we continue, we gotta explain- heres the rules!
1. The current heir can mate once with each partner.
2. The gene rarities of partners must be equal to or surpass the heir.
3. A new heir will be chosen if their gene rarities are equal to or surpass a parent.
4. Once an heir is chosen, the remaining hatchlings can no longer participate in the challenge. Choosing an heir is a done deal! No going backwards! We only look forwards!

Basic > Common > Uncommon > Limited > Rare > Challenge Complete!
(Thank you to Festivoog, seeing as i took inspiration from there. As well as copied the rules they had, seeing as they were the same for me. Go check out their challenge!)

I don't have lore rules, but every heir will get some. Not too sure about their mates, but i can always try!
@/Festivoog @/Selki

Anything else i need to add will go here!

Before we continue, we gotta explain- heres the rules!
1. The current heir can mate once with each partner.
2. The gene rarities of partners must be equal to or surpass the heir.
3. A new heir will be chosen if their gene rarities are equal to or surpass a parent.
4. Once an heir is chosen, the remaining hatchlings can no longer participate in the challenge. Choosing an heir is a done deal! No going backwards! We only look forwards!

Basic > Common > Uncommon > Limited > Rare > Challenge Complete!
(Thank you to Festivoog, seeing as i took inspiration from there. As well as copied the rules they had, seeing as they were the same for me. Go check out their challenge!)

I don't have lore rules, but every heir will get some. Not too sure about their mates, but i can always try!
@/Festivoog @/Selki

Anything else i need to add will go here!
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~
[center][size=5][u][b]Round One[/b][/u][/size][/center] (i already started, remember?) This right here is Saridu, he is the older brother who is starting this challenge. His twin brother is Tamidu, he is the younger of the two. You see the resemblance, right? [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Okay well, Saridu here met his mate first. I'm very glad you asked- Here is his and Ulieria's lore! [url=][img][/img][/url] [Quote=Saridu and Ulieria]Saridu's family always hated the dragons moving in and changing the clan they founded, so they abandoned it and moved, Taking their youngest sons with them. They founded the Seaside Inn out in the middle of nowhere, it had been a rundown building that they turned into their home. People would stop seeing as it was between towns and they would let them stay. They eventually turned it into an official inn. Saridu was the strongest and oldest, so he would definitely run the inn someday as he hoped. But for now, since Saridu IS the strongest, he helps carry bags to the resident's room. As he was taking an imperial's bags to her room, he noticed she didn't have any. Saridu frowned, wondering why she brought only money to the middle of nowhere. He was too filled with pride to ask, however, but the imperial, Ulieria, didn't want to leave. To be fair, Saridu DID wait on her hand and talons. Ulieria would help treat his wounds, the wounds Saridu acquired from fights. Fights from coyotes or dragons who think they own the desert. She never asked because she knew he was too arrogant to answer. They soon fell in love, this resulted in her becoming a permanent part of the inn.[/quote] "permanent" is for lore-sake. She will be for sale shortly- Now up next is Tamidu's mate, Torram! [url=][img][/img][/url] [Quote=Tamidu and Torram]Tamidu's family always hated the dragons moving in and changing the clan they founded, so they abandoned it and moved, Taking their youngest sons with them. They founded the Seaside Inn out in the middle of nowhere, it had been a rundown building that they turned into their home. People would stop seeing as it was between towns and they would let them stay. They eventually turned it into an official inn. Tamidu was the creative younger twin, so he was the one who would maintain the building. He would fix planks, clocks, stables, rooms, sinks- just about anything he was told. Tamidu hated it, he hated having to run around and fix everything. He just wanted to tinker and make inventions that nobody could fathom. He wanted out of the inn, so one day- he attempted to run away. It wasn't the best idea but it was the only one he had. He however came across a dragon about his age, one that was paralyzed. She had been paralyzed from her waist to her back talons, why she was out in the middle of the desert is beyond him. He carried her back to the inn since it was the only place he could go to try to help her.[/quote] Also to be sold shortly!
Round One
(i already started, remember?)

This right here is Saridu, he is the older brother who is starting this challenge. His twin brother is Tamidu, he is the younger of the two. You see the resemblance, right?

Okay well, Saridu here met his mate first. I'm very glad you asked- Here is his and Ulieria's lore!
Saridu and Ulieria wrote:
Saridu's family always hated the dragons moving in and changing the clan they founded, so they abandoned it and moved, Taking their youngest sons with them. They founded the Seaside Inn out in the middle of nowhere, it had been a rundown building that they turned into their home. People would stop seeing as it was between towns and they would let them stay. They eventually turned it into an official inn. Saridu was the strongest and oldest, so he would definitely run the inn someday as he hoped. But for now, since Saridu IS the strongest, he helps carry bags to the resident's room.

As he was taking an imperial's bags to her room, he noticed she didn't have any. Saridu frowned, wondering why she brought only money to the middle of nowhere. He was too filled with pride to ask, however, but the imperial, Ulieria, didn't want to leave. To be fair, Saridu DID wait on her hand and talons. Ulieria would help treat his wounds, the wounds Saridu acquired from fights. Fights from coyotes or dragons who think they own the desert. She never asked because she knew he was too arrogant to answer. They soon fell in love, this resulted in her becoming a permanent part of the inn.

"permanent" is for lore-sake. She will be for sale shortly-

Now up next is Tamidu's mate, Torram!
Tamidu and Torram wrote:
Tamidu's family always hated the dragons moving in and changing the clan they founded, so they abandoned it and moved, Taking their youngest sons with them. They founded the Seaside Inn out in the middle of nowhere, it had been a rundown building that they turned into their home. People would stop seeing as it was between towns and they would let them stay. They eventually turned it into an official inn. Tamidu was the creative younger twin, so he was the one who would maintain the building. He would fix planks, clocks, stables, rooms, sinks- just about anything he was told.

Tamidu hated it, he hated having to run around and fix everything. He just wanted to tinker and make inventions that nobody could fathom. He wanted out of the inn, so one day- he attempted to run away. It wasn't the best idea but it was the only one he had. He however came across a dragon about his age, one that was paralyzed. She had been paralyzed from her waist to her back talons, why she was out in the middle of the desert is beyond him. He carried her back to the inn since it was the only place he could go to try to help her.

Also to be sold shortly!
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~
[center][size=5][b][u]Round One's Nests[/u][/b][/size][/center] Now Saridu and Ulieria had three eggs, somehow i got an imperial gal along with two girl guardians! [url=][img][/img][/url] Azra- Sanguine Basic, Seafoam Basic, Gold [b]Underbelly[/b]! [url=][img][/img][/url] Amarissa- Vermilion Basic, Pistachio Basic, Hunter Basic [url=][img][/img][/url] Micah- Sanguine Basic, Turquoise Basic, Cyan Basic Only one upgrade and somehow it was on our imperial girl- she stole the other hatchlings luck so i ain't letting her near my stuff. Now for Tamidu's nest of two, a guardian gal like Saridu but he also got another breed, a Tundra boy! [url=][img][/img][/url] Teren- Flint [b]Tapir[/b], Teal Basic, Denim Basic [url=][img][/img][/url] Krylor- Cornflower [b]Tapir[/b], Cerulean Basic, Stonewash Basic They both got upgrades! They are actually both really pretty, but i like Teren's combo a bit more so i choose her to be my heir! Plus older siblings are easier to write for
Round One's Nests

Now Saridu and Ulieria had three eggs, somehow i got an imperial gal along with two girl guardians!

Azra- Sanguine Basic, Seafoam Basic, Gold Underbelly!

Amarissa- Vermilion Basic, Pistachio Basic, Hunter Basic

Micah- Sanguine Basic, Turquoise Basic, Cyan Basic

Only one upgrade and somehow it was on our imperial girl- she stole the other hatchlings luck so i ain't letting her near my stuff.

Now for Tamidu's nest of two, a guardian gal like Saridu but he also got another breed, a Tundra boy!

Teren- Flint Tapir, Teal Basic, Denim Basic

Krylor- Cornflower Tapir, Cerulean Basic, Stonewash Basic

They both got upgrades! They are actually both really pretty, but i like Teren's combo a bit more so i choose her to be my heir! Plus older siblings are easier to write for
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~
I was browsing for new challenges to follow and found yours! Thought those rules sounded familiar, haha! Can you add me to the pinglist?
I was browsing for new challenges to follow and found yours! Thought those rules sounded familiar, haha! Can you add me to the pinglist?
Yep! I added ye, thanks for liking my challenge
Means quite a bit since i follow yours as well <33

I think you told me to ping ye, and ultimately forgot-
But er- hey?
Yep! I added ye, thanks for liking my challenge
Means quite a bit since i follow yours as well <33

I think you told me to ping ye, and ultimately forgot-
But er- hey?
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~
nice!! congrats- these are some amazing first nests :D can you please add me to the pinglist?
nice!! congrats- these are some amazing first nests :D can you please add me to the pinglist?

Gotcha down!
And i must say... I am very proud of mah babies
Like omg- how did i manage to get an heir.. That is an imperial?

Gotcha down!
And i must say... I am very proud of mah babies
Like omg- how did i manage to get an heir.. That is an imperial?
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~
@Festivoog @Selki Okay now, we took a break didn't we? Why? Because Azra dearest is an imperial so i only got her on a nest today- time has really passed, looking back on the inn is kinda refreshing. [center][size=5][u][b]Updates[/b][/u][/size][/center] Lorelei has stepped down from the front desk- Teren has taken over! Though she is hardly there- Xeno is still the innkeeper, that hasn't changed. Saridu still helps with bags- devastating, i know. Tamidu however is an inventor- in a way. He creates his own hours, due to not working for the inn. Torram never had a job, but is still around. Ulieria has relocated, along with Amarisaa. Azra is lovesick- er- i mean she cleans after guests! (Need some ice for that?) --------------- [center][size=5][u][b]Round Two[/b][/u][/size][/center] Azra and Teren are my heirs- they each both got their father's egg count. Meaning Azra's family line has three eggs, just like Saridu had. And Teren has two eggs, just like Tamidu (who is not afraid to tell her how proud he is of her) [Img][/img] [img][/img] Now our gal Teren met her man first, so here's the lore i promised! [url=][img][/img][/url] [Quote=Teren and Senet]Teren always felt like her life was missing a little spice, she was never satisfied taking over the front desk for her grandmother. So while nobody needed checked in, she would sneak off to the kitchen. She would try out different kinds of pastries and cakes until she was satisfied- and then she would get her father's opinion. He would tell her the honest truth, and she was always thankful for that. Her mother was the one that taught her to bake- though she only taught her what NOT to do as she clumsily made her way around the kitchen in her wheelchair. She was well past her mother's skills so she would seek help in the customers of the inn, seeing as she had to make small-talk at the desk anyways. This enhanced her skills as she learned recipes, which was all put up to the test when a little fae strolled in. This fae was Senet, he was an inspiring food critic. Of course Teren asked him for his critique- the fae gave tips, eventually becoming her sous [s]chef[/s] baker. They worked side by side in the kitchen, as they made jokes, played with flour, fell in love- and that brings us to now.. When they have two children.[/quote] Now Azra really did have a rags to riches story, she found herself a good man in a lineage, more specifically she found Amaram, a 7th gen noami descendant! (Who just so happens to be related to my gal, oasis) [url=][img][/img][/url] [Quote=Azra and Amaram]I always felt like an outsider between my siblings, both of them were guardians like our dad, both of them had common eyes like him too but i had uncommon eyes just like mom did, they both didn't have an underbelly but i did, and the worst difference we had was that they wanted to leave. Why am i so different? What happened to my egg that made me so different? My mother calls it luck, i call it a curse. I avoid mirrors, i avoid reflections in water as well, anything that would show me just how different i am. But then Amaram came along, he made different not so bad. He was a handsome imperial that also didn't feel like he belonged in his family, Amaram is from a line of noami descendants. I've never met any before- but he said that he was looking for his sister and that she was in the next town. He couldn't make it any farther that day so he had to stop at the inn, is it greedy that i'm glad he couldn't make it? I know i shouldn't wish something like that, but if he HAD made it to the town, i would never have met the love of my life.[/quote] Amaram will be the only one not for sale after the eggs hatch- unless i fall in love with a hatchling. But otherwise- Senet will be for sale after his nest hatches (tomorrow? Or at the same time as Azra's?)
@Festivoog @Selki

Okay now, we took a break didn't we? Why? Because Azra dearest is an imperial so i only got her on a nest today- time has really passed, looking back on the inn is kinda refreshing.
Lorelei has stepped down from the front desk- Teren has taken over! Though she is hardly there-
Xeno is still the innkeeper, that hasn't changed.
Saridu still helps with bags- devastating, i know.
Tamidu however is an inventor- in a way. He creates his own hours, due to not working for the inn.
Torram never had a job, but is still around.
Ulieria has relocated, along with Amarisaa.
Azra is lovesick- er- i mean she cleans after guests! (Need some ice for that?)
Round Two

Azra and Teren are my heirs- they each both got their father's egg count. Meaning Azra's family line has three eggs, just like Saridu had. And Teren has two eggs, just like Tamidu (who is not afraid to tell her how proud he is of her)
73793824p.png 73793832p.png

Now our gal Teren met her man first, so here's the lore i promised!
Teren and Senet wrote:
Teren always felt like her life was missing a little spice, she was never satisfied taking over the front desk for her grandmother. So while nobody needed checked in, she would sneak off to the kitchen. She would try out different kinds of pastries and cakes until she was satisfied- and then she would get her father's opinion. He would tell her the honest truth, and she was always thankful for that.

Her mother was the one that taught her to bake- though she only taught her what NOT to do as she clumsily made her way around the kitchen in her wheelchair. She was well past her mother's skills so she would seek help in the customers of the inn, seeing as she had to make small-talk at the desk anyways. This enhanced her skills as she learned recipes, which was all put up to the test when a little fae strolled in. This fae was Senet, he was an inspiring food critic. Of course Teren asked him for his critique- the fae gave tips, eventually becoming her sous chef baker. They worked side by side in the kitchen, as they made jokes, played with flour, fell in love- and that brings us to now.. When they have two children.

Now Azra really did have a rags to riches story, she found herself a good man in a lineage, more specifically she found Amaram, a 7th gen noami descendant! (Who just so happens to be related to my gal, oasis)
Azra and Amaram wrote:
I always felt like an outsider between my siblings, both of them were guardians like our dad, both of them had common eyes like him too but i had uncommon eyes just like mom did, they both didn't have an underbelly but i did, and the worst difference we had was that they wanted to leave.
Why am i so different? What happened to my egg that made me so different? My mother calls it luck, i call it a curse. I avoid mirrors, i avoid reflections in water as well, anything that would show me just how different i am. But then Amaram came along, he made different not so bad.

He was a handsome imperial that also didn't feel like he belonged in his family, Amaram is from a line of noami descendants. I've never met any before- but he said that he was looking for his sister and that she was in the next town. He couldn't make it any farther that day so he had to stop at the inn, is it greedy that i'm glad he couldn't make it? I know i shouldn't wish something like that, but if he HAD made it to the town, i would never have met the love of my life.

Amaram will be the only one not for sale after the eggs hatch- unless i fall in love with a hatchling. But otherwise- Senet will be for sale after his nest hatches (tomorrow? Or at the same time as Azra's?)
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~
[center][size=5][b][u]Round One's Nests[/u][/b][/size][/center] @Festivoog @Selki Oh my goodness its FINALLY time! Teren and Senet had their children first so meet [url=][img][/img][/url] Sadness- Eldritch Tapir/Antique Basic/Cottoncandy Basic [B]Faceted eyes[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Selene- Black [b]Jaguar[/b]/Ultramarine Basic/Plum Basic Unfortunately only one got the upgrade yet the other had special eyes, so Selene will be our heir by default Now for Azra's three children, meet [url=][img][/img][/url] Sycamore- Dirt Basic/Fern Basic/Carrot Underbelly [url=][img][/img][/url] Rowan- Crimson Basic/Radioactive Basic/Terracotta Underbelly [url=][img][/img][/url] Marigold- Terracotta Basic/Sunset Basic/Cantaloupe Underbelly No upgrades for this pair but its also a very clear choice- Marigold's colors are too matchy (from this batch) to NOT pick her.
Round One's Nests

@Festivoog @Selki
Oh my goodness its FINALLY time!

Teren and Senet had their children first so meet

Sadness- Eldritch Tapir/Antique Basic/Cottoncandy Basic
Faceted eyes

Selene- Black Jaguar/Ultramarine Basic/Plum Basic

Unfortunately only one got the upgrade yet the other had special eyes, so Selene will be our heir by default

Now for Azra's three children, meet

Sycamore- Dirt Basic/Fern Basic/Carrot Underbelly

Rowan- Crimson Basic/Radioactive Basic/Terracotta Underbelly

Marigold- Terracotta Basic/Sunset Basic/Cantaloupe Underbelly

No upgrades for this pair but its also a very clear choice- Marigold's colors are too matchy (from this batch) to NOT pick her.
I look expensive but i'm BROKER than broke~
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