
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | 13/22 eggs found! Zon's Coli EggHunt
@Selki ooooh, I like the third scry!

Thank you!!
@Selki ooooh, I like the third scry!

Thank you!!

+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.
Dear Diary, It has been 110 days since I started this campaign. I have found 8 eggs with 13 to go. Morale amongst the dragons is very low, and I suspect they are about to revolt. It is battle 1500 in Redrock Cove, and still no egg or whale to call my own. If the dragons get me tomorrow, please tell my cats I love them, and that no, the homies can NOT have my house, car, pokemon cards, or my ikea shark. ~ZonZon [img][/img]
Dear Diary,

It has been 110 days since I started this campaign.

I have found 8 eggs with 13 to go.

Morale amongst the dragons is very low, and I suspect they are about to revolt.

It is battle 1500 in Redrock Cove, and still no egg or whale to call my own.

If the dragons get me tomorrow, please tell my cats I love them, and that no, the homies can NOT have my house, car, pokemon cards, or my ikea shark.



+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.

Also it's snowing for the first time in 6 years!!!

Mysterious white powder is falling from the sky!!!

I want to eat it.

Also it's a good night for coli grinding since no one knows how to drive in snow here, so ..... stuck in the house

Also it's snowing for the first time in 6 years!!!

Mysterious white powder is falling from the sky!!!

I want to eat it.

Also it's a good night for coli grinding since no one knows how to drive in snow here, so ..... stuck in the house

+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.

I already have this whale but I'll take it anyway thank u

I already have this whale but I'll take it anyway thank u

+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.
Welp, couldn't be avoided.

I'm having to increase my lightning sprite funding goal to 7000g.

'Tis always a risk with the passage of time and retired familiars. Things only increase in price.

Y'all still can't stop me tho
Welp, couldn't be avoided.

I'm having to increase my lightning sprite funding goal to 7000g.

'Tis always a risk with the passage of time and retired familiars. Things only increase in price.

Y'all still can't stop me tho

+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.
REDROCK COVE EGG: [url=][img][/img][/url] grape/turquoise/sanguine [img][/img] [img][/img] ......... *SOBS* [img][/img]




......... *SOBS*


+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.
[quote name='Waterway'] [center][item=Vista: Waterway][font= Candara][Size="5"]Waterway[/Size][/font][item=Vista: Waterway] [/center] [font= Candara] [Size="5"]Status: [b]COMPLETE[/b][/Size] [Size="5"]Total battles: 2736 battles[/Size] [IMG][/IMG] [Size="5"][b]Notable Loot:[/b][/Size] [item=zephyr might fragment][item=dark bolt][item=natural might fragment][item=shock][item=Vermilion Harvest Bracelet][item=contuse][item=might fragment][item=Vermilion Harvest Sandals][item=dark acuity fragment][item=natural acuity fragment][item=Scene: Waterway][item=pestilent slash][item=obsidian hybrid fragment][item=zephyr might fragment][item=congeal][item=ghostly rat lord][item=natural acuity fragment][item=sap][item=shred][item=rock slash][item=earthen might fragment][item=crimson rogue hood][item=bloodscale shoulder guards][item=frozen acuity fragment][item=aquatic might fragment][item=bloodscale shoulder guards][item=dark acuity fragment][item=freezing slash][item=shining acuity fragment][item=crimson rogue wing guard][item=disorient][item=shining acuity fragment][item=Skin: crested river flight][item=arcane runestone][item=shale hybrid fragment][item=rune slash][item=acuity fragment][item=acuity fragment][item=shred][item=ambush][item=scene: waterway][item=meditate][item=shred][item=Vermilion Harvest Bracelet][item=acuity fragment][item=contuse][item=Primary gene: phantom (Gaoler)][item=jungle slash][item=boulder bolt][item=frozen acuity fragment][item=scene: waterway][item=hydro bolt][item=shining might fragment][item=Vermilion Harvest Robe][item=aquatic might fragment][item=glass hybrid fragment][item=blazing slash][item=thunder slash][item=aquatic might fragment][item=charged acuity fragment][item=zephyr might fragment][item=freezing slash][item=aquatic might fragment][item=hydro bolt][item=vile bolt][item=enamor][item=natural acuity fragment][item=acuity fragment][item=aquatic might fragment][item=pathfinder's treads][item=natural might fragment][item=aquatic acuity fragment][item=enfeeble][item=might fragment][item=dented iron gauntlets][item=dark might fragment][item=natural might fragment][item=fossilize][item=scratch][item=shining might fragment][item=earthen might fragment][item=enfeeble][item=vial of hypnotic sight][item=shred][item=shining acuity fragment][item=congeal][item=acuity fragment][item=aquatic acuity fragment][item=earthen acuity fragment][item=wind bearers chest][item=zephyr acuity fragment][item=cleaver] [item=unhatched water egg] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] teal/honey/teal [Size='5'][b]THOUGHTS:[/b][/Size] [Size='5']XYX THANK YOU WINDDAD, HAPPY WIMDY WEEK[/Size] [s]And thanks for the cleaver too, that is an excellent toy to give your children[/s] [/center] [/quote] I've gotten so many ugly gen1s Crying in the club rn Pls give me something pretty this time RNG pls I'm begging u (Edit: BEGGING WORKS)
Waterway wrote:
Vista: Waterway Waterway Vista: Waterway

Total battles: 2736 battles


Notable Loot:
Zephyr Might Fragment Dark Bolt Natural Might Fragment Shock Vermilion Harvest Bracelet Contuse Might Fragment Vermilion Harvest Sandals Dark Acuity Fragment Natural Acuity Fragment Scene: Waterway Pestilent Slash Obsidian Hybrid Fragment Zephyr Might Fragment Congeal Ghostly Rat Lord Natural Acuity Fragment Sap Shred Rock Slash Earthen Might Fragment Crimson Rogue Hood Bloodscale Shoulder Guards Frozen Acuity Fragment Aquatic Might Fragment Bloodscale Shoulder Guards Dark Acuity Fragment Freezing Slash Shining Acuity Fragment Crimson Rogue Wing Guard Disorient Shining Acuity Fragment Skin: Crested River Flight Arcane Runestone Shale Hybrid Fragment Rune Slash Acuity Fragment Acuity Fragment Shred Ambush Scene: Waterway Meditate Shred Vermilion Harvest Bracelet Acuity Fragment Contuse Jungle Slash Boulder Bolt Frozen Acuity Fragment Scene: Waterway Hydro Bolt Shining Might Fragment Vermilion Harvest Robe Aquatic Might Fragment Glass Hybrid Fragment Blazing Slash Thunder Slash Aquatic Might Fragment Charged Acuity Fragment Zephyr Might Fragment Freezing Slash Aquatic Might Fragment Hydro Bolt Vile Bolt Enamor Natural Acuity Fragment Acuity Fragment Aquatic Might Fragment Pathfinder's Treads Natural Might Fragment Aquatic Acuity Fragment Enfeeble Might Fragment Dented Iron Gauntlets Dark Might Fragment Natural Might Fragment Fossilize Scratch Shining Might Fragment Earthen Might Fragment Enfeeble Vial of Hypnotic Sight Shred Shining Acuity Fragment Congeal Acuity Fragment Aquatic Acuity Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment Wind Bearers Chest Zephyr Acuity Fragment Cleaver
Unhatched Water Egg


And thanks for the cleaver too, that is an excellent toy to give your children

I've gotten so many ugly gen1s

Crying in the club rn

Pls give me something pretty this time RNG pls I'm begging u


+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.

Q: Why in the world would you do this to yourself??
A: Because I like dragon money, I'm addicted to hatching gen1s, and got no sense, lmaooo

Q: How do you keep track of your battles?
A: A lot of people use tally counters and such, which works great. I recommend a system which syncs, like google docs. I actually use the apple notepad app, which syncs my changes across all my apple devices. This works well because I do all my coli grinding on ipad, which is much less painful for my wrist. However, in a situation without my ipad, I can use my macbook or iphone instead and still retain my progress. Now obviously not everyone has those kinda devices, so google docs or another syncing method works great!
I also don't tally every battle; I tally every five battles. Makes counting easier and less time consuming. Less interruptions to my coli grinding.

Q: Wouldn't it be more profitable to sell the eggs you get instead of hatching them?
A: Absolutely, but the 300g-ish profit I would get every couple of weeks pales in comparison to the profit of selling everything else in the coli. Egg hatching is super fun and something I look forward to when grinding, so it motivates me. If you read my changelogs, you'll notice that most of my profit comes from battlestone cleanouts, gilded and iron chests from all the familiars, and converting my goods into baldwin materials. I also have small transactions here and there, such as selling clothes and genes.

Q: What are some personal limitations you've set for yourself?
  1. NotN eggs do not count as completing the venue.
  2. Venues are done in order, by difficulty. Training fields first, Forbidden Portal last. I can allow myself to jump around, but anything gained in an out-of-order venue will not count towards the challenge, including eggs.
  3. No spending actual money on gems. Gotta keep it real. No pay to win.
  4. Eggs are hatched the instant I obtain them.
  5. All profits and spending in gems must be recorded, but treasure doesn't count. If I sell something for treasure, it's not recorded in the changelog. However, if I convert treasure to gems via trades, it's recorded.

Q: Why in the world would you do this to yourself??
A: Because I like dragon money, I'm addicted to hatching gen1s, and got no sense, lmaooo

Q: How do you keep track of your battles?
A: A lot of people use tally counters and such, which works great. I recommend a system which syncs, like google docs. I actually use the apple notepad app, which syncs my changes across all my apple devices. This works well because I do all my coli grinding on ipad, which is much less painful for my wrist. However, in a situation without my ipad, I can use my macbook or iphone instead and still retain my progress. Now obviously not everyone has those kinda devices, so google docs or another syncing method works great!
I also don't tally every battle; I tally every five battles. Makes counting easier and less time consuming. Less interruptions to my coli grinding.

Q: Wouldn't it be more profitable to sell the eggs you get instead of hatching them?
A: Absolutely, but the 300g-ish profit I would get every couple of weeks pales in comparison to the profit of selling everything else in the coli. Egg hatching is super fun and something I look forward to when grinding, so it motivates me. If you read my changelogs, you'll notice that most of my profit comes from battlestone cleanouts, gilded and iron chests from all the familiars, and converting my goods into baldwin materials. I also have small transactions here and there, such as selling clothes and genes.

Q: What are some personal limitations you've set for yourself?
  1. NotN eggs do not count as completing the venue.
  2. Venues are done in order, by difficulty. Training fields first, Forbidden Portal last. I can allow myself to jump around, but anything gained in an out-of-order venue will not count towards the challenge, including eggs.
  3. No spending actual money on gems. Gotta keep it real. No pay to win.
  4. Eggs are hatched the instant I obtain them.
  5. All profits and spending in gems must be recorded, but treasure doesn't count. If I sell something for treasure, it's not recorded in the changelog. However, if I convert treasure to gems via trades, it's recorded.

+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.
[size=5][b]4831g/7000g (69%) acquired [/b][/size] [img][/img]
4831g/7000g (69%) acquired


+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.
Hellooooo, waterwayyyyy It's battle 1000, where is the egg??? [img][/img]
Hellooooo, waterwayyyyy

It's battle 1000, where is the egg???


+3 FR time

1 Egg per venue: 13/22

Oh no! A zombie! Why is he here? Click him for immediate gratification of your curiosity.