
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | The Bachelor: Season 3.5
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[center][b]EPISODE 2 The Tangled Wood[/b] EXTERIOR. MID MORNING. ON BOARD THE CRUISE LINER. Our bachelor and his contestants are sat at a dinner table, high tea is being served. Falkor looks resplendant with his steampunk silver scarf glinting in the morning light- in fact every now and then it catches light off Nym's goggles and their gazes meet. Speaking of Nym, the ice-coloured coatl looks frigid and uncomfortable- sitting up straight, her feathers down and pressed against her head and neck, this is clearly not her kind of environment. She seems like she's more busy testing the cucumber sandwiches then eating them, and more focused on dissecting the different kinds of teas then choosing one to enjoy. Nym: I just think the variables are off. Falkor: What? Nym: (opening a triangle-cut sandwich) Why triangles? Because it's more aesthetic? More pleasing and less harsh than squares? Why are triangles perceived as more delicate? Falkor: I've never thought about-- Nym: No, of course you haven't. You'd never need to. I, on the other hand, need to think of everything. Falkor: Wow. Yzma - the strikingly beautiful fog-coloured skydancer - watches the going on while sipping succinctly from her china teacup, looking perfectly at home. Older than the other two contestants, but by no means less attractive, Yzma seems to purr when she looks at Falkor- and colour touches his cheeks. Yzma: Falkor, darling, have you tried the jam? It is simply delightful, would you like me to prepare a bite for you? I promise, it is the most divine thing you've ever tasted. She proceeds to set some jam on a lady finger cookie, and hands it to Falkor, who's forgotten all about Nym and her wild theories; thoroughly transfixed with the beauty of Yzma and the skydancers' eyes meet and lock. Reading one another's emotions, they both seem to thrill at the moment. Till: Excuse me? The meek pearlcatcher named Till, with her petal-patterned lavender scales and white dove perched on her shoulder, is no where near as striking as the regal Yzma, but she has a girl-next-door beauty to her. Falkor blinks and looks over. Till: I was wondering, I mean, if it's alright with you, if you could recommend to me a tea to try? I've never been in this sort of setting, but it's so exciting! I've never been on a boat either! Thank you so much for the opportunity, it's just so overwhelming, I don't think I can-- if you'll excuse me-- I'm so sorry-- She backs up and out of her chair, dropping the tea menu and gathering up her pearl- before sneaking off and out of view into a cabin. CUT SCENE. We're with Till in a cabin off from the group. She's perched in a director's chair, clutching her pearl tightly. Till: Hi, my name is Till, and I'm an aspiring actress and singer-songwriter. I just really want to find a few good friends, you know? I think- this doesn't have to be a vicious sort of competition like we see on the news. I know it's good for the ratings, but I hope we can have a season full of kindness and respect, and compassion, yknow? She smiles a little, shyly, at the camera, and adjusts the greenery tucked behind one ear, moving her tufts of fur and generally fidgeting and anxious. CUT SCENE. Back to where we left off. Rubix just misses Till as she scurries past, scuttling his way forward, and clears his throat. Rubix: Ahem! He has a bunch of cue cards. Maybe the producers have been kind this time and told him what's going on. Rubix: Here ye, here ye! Falkor: What? Rubix: Welcome to the new season of the Bachelor! This time, we're about to embark on a world tour! I was told to remind you ladies that every few days there will be a rose ceremony, where our handsome and fetching bachelor, Felix, will choose who can stay aboard and continue their pursuit of his heart. Of course, that means that at the ceremony, one of you won't receive a rose, and will be asked to leave and return home, or wherever you choose to go with the hefty severance package filling your pockets. I don't judge. Falkor: Harsh. Rubix: (shrugs) It is what it is, my friend! Besides, with that, we're getting underway! Say goodbye to the Tangled Wood! We're about to set sail across the Sea of a Thousand Currents! Keep your eyes out for whales and merfolk - and who knows, maybe we'll find the Tidelord! (he pauses for laughter, and only receives a confused chuckle from Falkor) Alright! I'll leave you lovebirds to get to know one another better! Yzma: Goodbye, Rubix. Rubix: When you say it like that, I get a chill down my spines, woo. I'll be locking my cabin door tonight if you don't mind, (under his breath) creepy dragoness. FADE OUT. END CREDITS. [rule] [columns]Pink drew a meat, so coli-wise [b]40-50 battles[/b] were had in the Training Fields. On battle 3, all dragons leveled up, break for stat assignment. Nym is being statted as a tank, the other two are mages bc 3 meditate dragons is garbage. Yzma was a breath away from fainting, aaaaa! On battle 6, all dragons leveled up to 3, break for stat assignment. On battle 19, all dragons leveled up to 4, break for stat assignment. On battle 28, a minor health potion dropped. On battle 31, a minor health potion & a broken flower pot dropped. On battle 46, a broken flower pot dropped. On battle 48, a leafy pack dropped. [nextcol][item=micro deer][/columns] Nothing further of note happened during their battles, no cool drops to screm over. Everyone gains a heart. [size=2]@Mitrasunshine @Wolfandcrow @Demonchild77 @HenryJekyll @Wishuponadragon @GarlondIronworks @TheAwesoMew @SpaceSnake @StormwaterSiren @Alaia[/size]
The Tangled Wood


Our bachelor and his contestants are sat at a dinner table, high tea is being served.
Falkor looks resplendant with his steampunk silver scarf glinting in the morning light- in fact every now and then it catches light off Nym's goggles and their gazes meet.

Speaking of Nym, the ice-coloured coatl looks frigid and uncomfortable- sitting up straight, her feathers down and pressed against her head and neck, this is clearly not her kind of environment. She seems like she's more busy testing the cucumber sandwiches then eating them, and more focused on dissecting the different kinds of teas then choosing one to enjoy.

I just think the variables are off.


(opening a triangle-cut sandwich)
Why triangles? Because it's more aesthetic? More pleasing and less harsh than squares? Why are triangles perceived as more delicate?

I've never thought about--

No, of course you haven't. You'd never need to. I, on the other hand, need to think of everything.


Yzma - the strikingly beautiful fog-coloured skydancer - watches the going on while sipping succinctly from her china teacup, looking perfectly at home. Older than the other two contestants, but by no means less attractive, Yzma seems to purr when she looks at Falkor- and colour touches his cheeks.

Falkor, darling, have you tried the jam? It is simply delightful, would you like me to prepare a bite for you? I promise, it is the most divine thing you've ever tasted.

She proceeds to set some jam on a lady finger cookie, and hands it to Falkor, who's forgotten all about Nym and her wild theories; thoroughly transfixed with the beauty of Yzma and the skydancers' eyes meet and lock. Reading one another's emotions, they both seem to thrill at the moment.

Excuse me?

The meek pearlcatcher named Till, with her petal-patterned lavender scales and white dove perched on her shoulder, is no where near as striking as the regal Yzma, but she has a girl-next-door beauty to her. Falkor blinks and looks over.

I was wondering, I mean, if it's alright with you, if you could recommend to me a tea to try? I've never been in this sort of setting, but it's so exciting! I've never been on a boat either! Thank you so much for the opportunity, it's just so overwhelming, I don't think I can-- if you'll excuse me-- I'm so sorry--

She backs up and out of her chair, dropping the tea menu and gathering up her pearl- before sneaking off and out of view into a cabin.

CUT SCENE. We're with Till in a cabin off from the group. She's perched in a director's chair, clutching her pearl tightly.

Hi, my name is Till, and I'm an aspiring actress and singer-songwriter. I just really want to find a few good friends, you know? I think- this doesn't have to be a vicious sort of competition like we see on the news. I know it's good for the ratings, but I hope we can have a season full of kindness and respect, and compassion, yknow?

She smiles a little, shyly, at the camera, and adjusts the greenery tucked behind one ear, moving her tufts of fur and generally fidgeting and anxious.

CUT SCENE. Back to where we left off.

Rubix just misses Till as she scurries past, scuttling his way forward, and clears his throat.


He has a bunch of cue cards. Maybe the producers have been kind this time and told him what's going on.

Here ye, here ye!


Welcome to the new season of the Bachelor! This time, we're about to embark on a world tour! I was told to remind you ladies that every few days there will be a rose ceremony, where our handsome and fetching bachelor, Felix, will choose who can stay aboard and continue their pursuit of his heart.
Of course, that means that at the ceremony, one of you won't receive a rose, and will be asked to leave and return home, or wherever you choose to go with the hefty severance package filling your pockets.
I don't judge.


It is what it is, my friend! Besides, with that, we're getting underway! Say goodbye to the Tangled Wood! We're about to set sail across the Sea of a Thousand Currents! Keep your eyes out for whales and merfolk - and who knows, maybe we'll find the Tidelord!
(he pauses for laughter, and only receives a confused chuckle from Falkor)
Alright! I'll leave you lovebirds to get to know one another better!

Goodbye, Rubix.

When you say it like that, I get a chill down my spines, woo. I'll be locking my cabin door tonight if you don't mind,
(under his breath)
creepy dragoness.


Pink drew a meat, so coli-wise 40-50 battles were had in the Training Fields.
On battle 3, all dragons leveled up, break for stat assignment. Nym is being statted as a tank, the other two are mages bc 3 meditate dragons is garbage. Yzma was a breath away from fainting, aaaaa!
On battle 6, all dragons leveled up to 3, break for stat assignment.
On battle 19, all dragons leveled up to 4, break for stat assignment.
On battle 28, a minor health potion dropped.
On battle 31, a minor health potion & a broken flower pot dropped.
On battle 46, a broken flower pot dropped.
On battle 48, a leafy pack dropped.
Micro Deer

Nothing further of note happened during their battles, no cool drops to screm over. Everyone gains a heart.

@Mitrasunshine @Wolfandcrow @Demonchild77 @HenryJekyll @Wishuponadragon @GarlondIronworks @TheAwesoMew @SpaceSnake @StormwaterSiren @Alaia
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
Oooh, can you add me to the pinglist? This is great!!!
Oooh, can you add me to the pinglist? This is great!!!
Oh hey Jasper! Been awhile.

I hope things are better and you had a good long break!

Oh right, yes, pinglist plox. Thanks
Oh hey Jasper! Been awhile.

I hope things are better and you had a good long break!

Oh right, yes, pinglist plox. Thanks
You’re back!!! It’s so good to hear from you again. I love the idea of this one, a changing setting is gonna rock!
You’re back!!! It’s so good to hear from you again. I love the idea of this one, a changing setting is gonna rock!
[center][b]EPISODE 3 The Tangled Wood[/b] MID-EXTERIOR. LATE AFTERNOON. [i][url=]Lower Ghostlight Valley[/url] - with its headwaters in the mountains of Dragonhome, the River Ghostlight is Sornieth’s longest. The narrow valley surrounding it is home to a strong beastkin population and a number of well preserved ruins. The ghostlight and its largest tributary, the River Dusk, form the border between Dragonhome, The Wastes, and The Tangled Wood.[/i] Having traveled some way upriver, the cruiseship is anchored and our bachelor and the contestants are offship, doing some exploring! But really, we're here for the drama, aren't we? Let's throw some at them! Just watch! Till: (off to the side, talking to someone) I don't know if I can do this. I'm not good with ... competition; and that's what this is, right? A competition to win Falkor's heart, that's what Rubix said. I just can't see myself getting... vicious - I don't [i]want[/i] the other girls to dislike me, what if Falkor likes me? What if he doesn't? Oh the pressure! (mumbles from offscreen, and Till nods many times, before the camera moves away quickly) Rubix: (appearing from the bottom of the screen, popping up) Hello! And welcome to another week's episode of ... [b]the Bachelor![/b] (he's very dramatic) Just what sort of competitions will we have in store for our contestants this week? We're visiting a beautiful locale, in the Lower Ghostlight Valley, where we can see the expanse of Dragonhome spanning the horizon behind us and -- oh no. Just wait a second, I'm being beckoned by the producers. The camera pans to Falkor and Nyx, who seem invested in a sort of heated conversation. Falkor's antennae are bobbing thoughtful, and the icy coatl is ... livid? Hissing in her native language at the skydancer, she looks very upset, before scuttling off, leaving a bewildered bachelor behind her. Rubix: (popping back on screen) Oh okay so, it seems that the producers have just informed me that Tilly will be leaving the show, citing irreconcilable differences, which is weird, but okay. That's unfortunate, and means we're down to two contest-- oh no. Just a second. The bright coloured coatl wanders off again, chipper and dandy, and we roll to follow him. We settle in on a pale coloured snapper who's sitting on the dock, looking up at the boat, with a dark cape around her shoulders, and a boa constructor wrapped around one thick front leg. The camera settle on her, and slowly begins to zoom in on her ankle. She's wearing a daisy flower bracelet reserved for contestants. TO BE CONTINUED! [rule] Oh god. [columns][item=discipline][nextcol][size=4]10 battles! Potions are okay, fleeing is not! And I could not keep up with the potions and turns, with Till and Nym both getting slammed every turn! AAAA! We have our first casualty: Till </3 I'm so disappointed! I was looking forward to getting to know this sweet soul! [/size][/columns] 1d12 rolled a 10: An Unusual Location! Also I added in a new character because day 1 i rolled a familiar, which with the pink rules was a new dragon- you'll get to meet her next time! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=2]pinglist @Mitrasunshine @Wolfandcrow @Demonchild77 @HenryJekyll @Wishuponadragon @GarlondIronworks @TheAwesoMew @SpaceSnake @StormwaterSiren @Alaia @Foxstarplayful @Eyesofblue @OneRingOfPower[/size]
The Tangled Wood

Lower Ghostlight Valley - with its headwaters in the mountains of Dragonhome, the River Ghostlight is Sornieth’s longest. The narrow valley surrounding it is home to a strong beastkin population and a number of well preserved ruins. The ghostlight and its largest tributary, the River Dusk, form the border between Dragonhome, The Wastes, and The Tangled Wood.

Having traveled some way upriver, the cruiseship is anchored and our bachelor and the contestants are offship, doing some exploring! But really, we're here for the drama, aren't we? Let's throw some at them! Just watch!

(off to the side, talking to someone)
I don't know if I can do this. I'm not good with ... competition; and that's what this is, right? A competition to win Falkor's heart, that's what Rubix said. I just can't see myself getting... vicious - I don't want the other girls to dislike me, what if Falkor likes me? What if he doesn't? Oh the pressure!

(mumbles from offscreen, and Till nods many times, before the camera moves away quickly)

(appearing from the bottom of the screen, popping up)
Hello! And welcome to another week's episode of ... the Bachelor!
(he's very dramatic)
Just what sort of competitions will we have in store for our contestants this week? We're visiting a beautiful locale, in the Lower Ghostlight Valley, where we can see the expanse of Dragonhome spanning the horizon behind us and --
oh no. Just wait a second, I'm being beckoned by the producers.

The camera pans to Falkor and Nyx, who seem invested in a sort of heated conversation. Falkor's antennae are bobbing thoughtful, and the icy coatl is ... livid? Hissing in her native language at the skydancer, she looks very upset, before scuttling off, leaving a bewildered bachelor behind her.

(popping back on screen)
Oh okay so, it seems that the producers have just informed me that Tilly will be leaving the show, citing irreconcilable differences, which is weird, but okay. That's unfortunate, and means we're down to two contest--
oh no. Just a second.

The bright coloured coatl wanders off again, chipper and dandy, and we roll to follow him.

We settle in on a pale coloured snapper who's sitting on the dock, looking up at the boat, with a dark cape around her shoulders, and a boa constructor wrapped around one thick front leg.

The camera settle on her, and slowly begins to zoom in on her ankle. She's wearing a daisy flower bracelet reserved for contestants.


Oh god.
Discipline 10 battles! Potions are okay, fleeing is not! And I could not keep up with the potions and turns, with Till and Nym both getting slammed every turn! AAAA! We have our first casualty: Till </3 I'm so disappointed! I was looking forward to getting to know this sweet soul!

1d12 rolled a 10: An Unusual Location!

Also I added in a new character because day 1 i rolled a familiar, which with the pink rules was a new dragon- you'll get to meet her next time!


@Mitrasunshine @Wolfandcrow @Demonchild77 @HenryJekyll @Wishuponadragon @GarlondIronworks @TheAwesoMew @SpaceSnake @StormwaterSiren @Alaia @Foxstarplayful @Eyesofblue @OneRingOfPower
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
Pinglist please! I love the twist on the classic Pinkerlocke
Pinglist please! I love the twist on the classic Pinkerlocke
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