
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Who is Worthy? [Bachelorette Locke]
@MessengerDragon @WishUponADragon [center][b]Episode 11: What happened to 10?[/b] [item = Almandine][/center] EXTERIOR SHOT. KIRUNALI AND MYRIAD ARE HAVING FUN TOGETHER SWIMMING IN A QUESTIONABLE LOOKING POND. A VOICE OVER BEGINS. VEIGAR: "So, uh... SpaceSnake grabbed a meat yesterday and did the 50 battles and everyone was fine... and then SpaceSnake forgot to make a post. Whoops!" Myriad splashes scummy water at Kirunali, who laughs and does a gentle splash back. VEIGAR: "No one really stood out in the battle but SpaceSnake wanted to write some interactions between the childhood friends, so Myriad won whatever they were gonna come up with for yesterdays competition." Myriad suddenly dives down and comes back up with a massive fish. He offers it to Kirunali who gulps it down while it's still wriggling. The Plague dragons laugh. VEIGAR: "So now Myriad and Kirunali are on a date! It's... kinda gross..." Myriad drapes pond scum over his head and does a humorous impression of Kirunali. Kirunali laughs hard enough to displace the water. VEIGAR: "... We're just gonna end todays episode here..."

Episode 11: What happened to 10?



VEIGAR: "So, uh... SpaceSnake grabbed a meat yesterday and did the 50 battles and everyone was fine... and then SpaceSnake forgot to make a post. Whoops!"

Myriad splashes scummy water at Kirunali, who laughs and does a gentle splash back.

VEIGAR: "No one really stood out in the battle but SpaceSnake wanted to write some interactions between the childhood friends, so Myriad won whatever they were gonna come up with for yesterdays competition."

Myriad suddenly dives down and comes back up with a massive fish. He offers it to Kirunali who gulps it down while it's still wriggling. The Plague dragons laugh.

VEIGAR: "So now Myriad and Kirunali are on a date! It's... kinda gross..."

Myriad drapes pond scum over his head and does a humorous impression of Kirunali. Kirunali laughs hard enough to displace the water.

VEIGAR: "... We're just gonna end todays episode here..."
@MessengerDragon @WishUponADragon [center][b]Episode 12: Build It![/b] [item = Alder Spittlebug] [/center] INTERIOR SHOT. THE DRAGONS STAND IN A WORKSHOP THAT'S PRESUMABLY SOMEWHERE IN THE MANSION. THEY EACH HAVE THEIR OWN STATIONS STACKED WITH TOOLS AND WOOD. VEIGAR: "Welcome back everybody! Today's a building competition! Building is a very useful skill when starting your own clan, so let's see how the boys do with a simple birdhouse!" Harpocrates is clearly not paying attention. Instead, he is cutting wood into tiny unusable pieces. VEIGAR: "... It's gonna be hilarious if that guy wins this whole thing... Anyway, get building everyone!" Labyrinth fumbles with the tools and Lem starts painstakingly drawing up needlessly complicated plans. Luke, Spark, and Myriad seem to be doing the best. Eventually, time is called. VEIGAR: "... Sengar, I know you used wood. I saw you putting pieces of wood together. Why is this birdhouse made entirely of crystal?" Sengar simply shrugs. VEIGAR: "Ok, well, the construction on Luke, Spark, and Myriads houses look excellent and since I don't anything about building that's all I can say on that. Personally I like the paint on Sparks the best, but the winner is down to Kirunali." KIRUNALI: "I'm sorry Myriad, I really wanna say I like yours best but Luke's paint job doesn't have a spot out of place. Luke wins this round." Myriad smiles and congratulates Luke. VEIGAR: "Yeah, so Luke didn't get hit even once in the Coli so deciding who won the building competition was a snap." LUKE: "Sengar, you're weird, do you have any idea what Veigar keeps talking about?" SENGAR: "No, not really." VEIGAR: "ANYWAY!! Luke has won a date with Kirunali! Stay tuned for next time, when SpaceSnake might leave the training fields to make things a bit more challenging!"

Episode 12: Build It!
Alder Spittlebug


VEIGAR: "Welcome back everybody! Today's a building competition! Building is a very useful skill when starting your own clan, so let's see how the boys do with a simple birdhouse!"

Harpocrates is clearly not paying attention. Instead, he is cutting wood into tiny unusable pieces.

VEIGAR: "... It's gonna be hilarious if that guy wins this whole thing... Anyway, get building everyone!"

Labyrinth fumbles with the tools and Lem starts painstakingly drawing up needlessly complicated plans.

Luke, Spark, and Myriad seem to be doing the best.

Eventually, time is called.

VEIGAR: "... Sengar, I know you used wood. I saw you putting pieces of wood together. Why is this birdhouse made entirely of crystal?"

Sengar simply shrugs.

VEIGAR: "Ok, well, the construction on Luke, Spark, and Myriads houses look excellent and since I don't anything about building that's all I can say on that. Personally I like the paint on Sparks the best, but the winner is down to Kirunali."

KIRUNALI: "I'm sorry Myriad, I really wanna say I like yours best but Luke's paint job doesn't have a spot out of place. Luke wins this round."

Myriad smiles and congratulates Luke.

VEIGAR: "Yeah, so Luke didn't get hit even once in the Coli so deciding who won the building competition was a snap."

LUKE: "Sengar, you're weird, do you have any idea what Veigar keeps talking about?"

SENGAR: "No, not really."

VEIGAR: "ANYWAY!! Luke has won a date with Kirunali! Stay tuned for next time, when SpaceSnake might leave the training fields to make things a bit more challenging!"
@MessengerDragon @WishUponADragon [center][b]Episode 13: Dates and Crystals[/b] [item = Broadback Pleco][/center] EXTERIOR SHOT. KIRUNALI AND LUKE SIT A SMALL BOAT LEISURELY DRIFTING IN A MURKY RIVER. THE SOUND OF INSECTS IS DEAFENING UNTIL THE SOUND SHIFTS AND FOCUSES ON THE CONVERSATION OF THE TWO DRAGONS. LUKE: "Did you hear what happened to Sengar?" KIRUNALI: "Turned into pure crystal, yes." LUKE: "Does that mean he's out of the competition? Is he... dead?" KIRUNALI: "He's definitely out of the competition; he can't participate like that. Weather or not he's dead..." Kirunali shrugs. "Arcane dragons are strange." LUKE: "... If you could choose a mate without all this pomp and circumstance, what would they be like." Kirunali sighs. KIRUNALI: "Honestly I have no interests in having a mate. I need one to start a clan. So, I suppose I would look for someone strong with a head for planning." Luke hums. LUKE: "Sounds like Lem is your favorite then." KIRUNALI: "You don't consider yourself strong?" Luke laughs. LUKE: "I don't consider myself one for planning; I tend to jump into things blind." Kirunali smirks. KIRUNALI: "Like jumping into a competition to win the heart of a stranger at great risk to your well being?" LUKE: "Haha, yeah, like that." The duo continue to converse while the sound of their voices fade out. The screen goes black and Veigar appears. VEIGAR: "So SpaceSnake went into the Woodland Path and Sengar was almost immediately annihilated by a critical hit. Story wise, Harpocrates found him turned to crystal in the garden. Very pretty and aesthetic, like he knew it was happening... Anyway, until next time!"

Episode 13: Dates and Crystals
Broadback Pleco


LUKE: "Did you hear what happened to Sengar?"

KIRUNALI: "Turned into pure crystal, yes."

LUKE: "Does that mean he's out of the competition? Is he... dead?"

KIRUNALI: "He's definitely out of the competition; he can't participate like that. Weather or not he's dead..." Kirunali shrugs. "Arcane dragons are strange."

LUKE: "... If you could choose a mate without all this pomp and circumstance, what would they be like."

Kirunali sighs.

KIRUNALI: "Honestly I have no interests in having a mate. I need one to start a clan. So, I suppose I would look for someone strong with a head for planning."

Luke hums.

LUKE: "Sounds like Lem is your favorite then."

KIRUNALI: "You don't consider yourself strong?"

Luke laughs.

LUKE: "I don't consider myself one for planning; I tend to jump into things blind."

Kirunali smirks.

KIRUNALI: "Like jumping into a competition to win the heart of a stranger at great risk to your well being?"

LUKE: "Haha, yeah, like that."

The duo continue to converse while the sound of their voices fade out. The screen goes black and Veigar appears.

VEIGAR: "So SpaceSnake went into the Woodland Path and Sengar was almost immediately annihilated by a critical hit. Story wise, Harpocrates found him turned to crystal in the garden. Very pretty and aesthetic, like he knew it was happening... Anyway, until next time!"
@MessengerDragon @WishUponADragon [center][b]Episode 14: Song and Conversation[/b] [item = Snowfall Elk Pelt] [/center] INTERIOR SHOT. KIRUNALI AND MOST OF THE CONTESTANTS SIT IN A SEMI CIRCLE ON THE THE PLUSH FURNITURE AROUND SPARK. SPARK IS HOLDING A VIOLIN WITH A WIRE ATTACHED TO IT AT ONE END AND WRAPPED AROUND ONE OF SPARKS HORNS AT THE OTHER. Spark begins to play a popular tune. The sound is modified by the electronic nature of the violin. The effect is pleasing enough but the piece perhaps wasn't the best choice to showcase the new technology. Kirunali and the others clap as Spark finishes. SPARK: "So? What do you guys think?" LUKE: "I personally prefer songs with lyrics, but this was good too." KIRUNALI: "I think he was referring to his invention." LUKE: "Oh... well, it sounds like it works? Sorry, I'm not one for technology, I don't know what to say." Spark smiles. SPARK: "That's ok dude, thank you." LEM: "I don't know the first thing about making music but I would love to take a look at the wiring. Maybe help you figure out how to make it work without it using your Lightning energy..." SPARK: "That would be really cool, thanks!" LABYRINTH: "I think you should of written an original piece to showcase the violin." Spark laughs nervously. SPARK: "I've never written my own music before..." MYRIAD: "Well, now's the perfect time to start writing your own stuff!" SPARK: "You thinks s-' HARPOCRATES: "This is a joke! All of you standing around, acting like there's nothing wrong! Dragons are dying! And did you know we're TRAPPED so we couldn't leave if we tried!?" The gathered dragons murmur. LEM: "What do you mean?" HARPOCRATES: "The other day, I realized if I didn't want to be here, I could just leave and accept whatever consequences from breaking the contract my friends signed without my knowledge. Only, turns out I CAN'T!!! There's a magical barrier around the whole property!" More murmuring. Labyrinth sighs. LABYRINTH: "I knew that." HARPOCRATES: "WHAT!? How!? Why didn't you say anything!?!?!?!" LABYRINTH: "I tried to leave after Vanir died. I didn't want any of you to have another thing to stress over... So I kept quiet." Harpocrates whips around to face Kirunali. HARPOCRATES: "If I survive to the end, if I win this thing, I'll kill you myself!" Kirunali smiles. KIRUNALI: "You should turn that rage to Veigar. He's in charge. I'm just along for the ride." Harpocrates blinks. HARPOCRATES: "Fine. Whatever." The room is silent and awkward. The screen fades to black. A voiceover begins. VEIGAR: "What they don't know... is that SpaceSnake has effectively made me immortal by deciding to keep me forever! Hah, let's see how this all turns out, eh?"

Episode 14: Song and Conversation
Snowfall Elk Pelt


Spark begins to play a popular tune. The sound is modified by the electronic nature of the violin. The effect is pleasing enough but the piece perhaps wasn't the best choice to showcase the new technology.

Kirunali and the others clap as Spark finishes.

SPARK: "So? What do you guys think?"

LUKE: "I personally prefer songs with lyrics, but this was good too."

KIRUNALI: "I think he was referring to his invention."

LUKE: "Oh... well, it sounds like it works? Sorry, I'm not one for technology, I don't know what to say."

Spark smiles.

SPARK: "That's ok dude, thank you."

LEM: "I don't know the first thing about making music but I would love to take a look at the wiring. Maybe help you figure out how to make it work without it using your Lightning energy..."

SPARK: "That would be really cool, thanks!"

LABYRINTH: "I think you should of written an original piece to showcase the violin."

Spark laughs nervously.

SPARK: "I've never written my own music before..."

MYRIAD: "Well, now's the perfect time to start writing your own stuff!"

SPARK: "You thinks s-'

HARPOCRATES: "This is a joke! All of you standing around, acting like there's nothing wrong! Dragons are dying! And did you know we're TRAPPED so we couldn't leave if we tried!?"

The gathered dragons murmur.

LEM: "What do you mean?"

HARPOCRATES: "The other day, I realized if I didn't want to be here, I could just leave and accept whatever consequences from breaking the contract my friends signed without my knowledge. Only, turns out I CAN'T!!! There's a magical barrier around the whole property!"

More murmuring. Labyrinth sighs.

LABYRINTH: "I knew that."

HARPOCRATES: "WHAT!? How!? Why didn't you say anything!?!?!?!"

LABYRINTH: "I tried to leave after Vanir died. I didn't want any of you to have another thing to stress over... So I kept quiet."

Harpocrates whips around to face Kirunali.

HARPOCRATES: "If I survive to the end, if I win this thing, I'll kill you myself!"

Kirunali smiles.

KIRUNALI: "You should turn that rage to Veigar. He's in charge. I'm just along for the ride."

Harpocrates blinks.

HARPOCRATES: "Fine. Whatever."

The room is silent and awkward. The screen fades to black. A voiceover begins.

VEIGAR: "What they don't know... is that SpaceSnake has effectively made me immortal by deciding to keep me forever! Hah, let's see how this all turns out, eh?"
@MessengerDragon @WishUponADragon [center][b]Episode 15: Opportunity [/b] [item = Brown Highnoon Hank][/center] INTERIOR SHOT. LOUNGE. KIRUNALI AND THE CONTESTANTS SIT GATHERED AROUND, STILL SLEEPY FROM HAVEN WOKEN UP EARLY. VEIGAR IS VISIBLY ANNOYED. VEIGAR: "Well someone has to leave because the pull was apparel. But the random number generator chose Spark and APPARENTLY SpaceSnake is too attached to actually get rid of him." Everyone is vaguely confused. Spark seems nervous. SPARK: "I don't understand..." VEIGAR: "What I'm saying is you were supposed to die today -" Shocked gasps. VEIGAR: "But SpaceSnake likes you too much. So instead what actually happened is that you completed your electronic violin and submitted it for patent to whoever deals with that. And now you're on your way to become fabulously rich because they're lawyers were able to get you out of your contract with me. Congrats." Everyone continues to be confused. Spark gets a faraway look. SPARK: "...Oh... I remember now..." VEIGAR: "Yeah yeah, get lost. You've got some escorts or whatever at the gate." SPARK: "Oh... ok..." Spark begins walking out. The remaining dragons are incredibly unsettled. VEIGAR: "Alright now, readers; you have until tomorrows update to claim Spark for yourselves, otherwise he's getting exalted. SpaceSnake was attached enough to not kill him, but not attached enough to keep him. So. Yeah. Bye."
Episode 15: Opportunity
Brown Highnoon Hank


VEIGAR: "Well someone has to leave because the pull was apparel. But the random number generator chose Spark and APPARENTLY SpaceSnake is too attached to actually get rid of him."

Everyone is vaguely confused. Spark seems nervous.

SPARK: "I don't understand..."

VEIGAR: "What I'm saying is you were supposed to die today -"

Shocked gasps.

VEIGAR: "But SpaceSnake likes you too much. So instead what actually happened is that you completed your electronic violin and submitted it for patent to whoever deals with that. And now you're on your way to become fabulously rich because they're lawyers were able to get you out of your contract with me. Congrats."

Everyone continues to be confused. Spark gets a faraway look.

SPARK: "...Oh... I remember now..."

VEIGAR: "Yeah yeah, get lost. You've got some escorts or whatever at the gate."

SPARK: "Oh... ok..."

Spark begins walking out. The remaining dragons are incredibly unsettled.

VEIGAR: "Alright now, readers; you have until tomorrows update to claim Spark for yourselves, otherwise he's getting exalted. SpaceSnake was attached enough to not kill him, but not attached enough to keep him. So. Yeah. Bye."
Oh wow they're dropping like flies. Good for Spark getting his patent! What a good boy, advancing the musical industry.
Oh wow they're dropping like flies. Good for Spark getting his patent! What a good boy, advancing the musical industry.
@SpaceSnake Oh wow, this is getting more and more exciting! Poor dragons, Veigar is making less and less sense as things go on...

Episode 14: Magical barrier - that's interesting. And makes sense, of course. And I can definitely imagine Labyrinth not wanting to worry the other dragons with what he'd found. Harpocrates is becoming a very interesting character... and what will SpaceSnake do if he does win, eh?

Episode 15: Woo, good for Spark! Hopefully somebody else will pick him up! Feels like a Lightning lair would make the most sense, lore-wise, though I don't know if anybody from the Shifting Expanse reads this 'locke. Maybe there are but they prefer to lurk without commenting though.
@SpaceSnake Oh wow, this is getting more and more exciting! Poor dragons, Veigar is making less and less sense as things go on...

Episode 14: Magical barrier - that's interesting. And makes sense, of course. And I can definitely imagine Labyrinth not wanting to worry the other dragons with what he'd found. Harpocrates is becoming a very interesting character... and what will SpaceSnake do if he does win, eh?

Episode 15: Woo, good for Spark! Hopefully somebody else will pick him up! Feels like a Lightning lair would make the most sense, lore-wise, though I don't know if anybody from the Shifting Expanse reads this 'locke. Maybe there are but they prefer to lurk without commenting though.
@MessengerDragon @WishUponADragon [center][b]Episode 16: Questions[/b] [item = Coppercoil Segment][/center] EXTERIOR SHOT. MYRIAD IS READING ON THE LAWN. HARPOCRATES APPROACHES. HARPOCRATES: "Myriad!" MYRIAD: "Huh? What? Did something happen?" HARPROCRATES: "No. I have some questions." Myriad places his bookmark with a look of confusion on his face. MYRIAD: "Um, ok, what do you want to know?" HARPROCRATES: "I don't know much about Plague. It seems like Kirunali thinks this is all just a weird as we do... But I want to know exactly how weird this is in context of Plague." Myriad lets out a whoosh of air. MYRIAD: "It's pretty hecking weird my dude. A lot of clans will have fights to the death, or just competitions where the looser very well may die, but not all of them, and definitely not... like this." Harpocrates narrows his eyes. HARPOCRATES: "Elaborate." MYRIAD: "Well... Veigar seems to... enjoy? All of our stress and whatnot? And he was definitely unhappy when he said Spark was 'supposed to die' instead of getting that patent... Death is definitely a Big Deal in Plague, but most sane Plague Dragons don't actually WANT to kill or watch other dragons die... I mean, it's not really something to mourn for us, it's just a thing that happens, but yeah. Liking it is definitely weird. In that context anyway." Harpocrates hums. HARPOCRATES: "In what context would it not be weird to like death?" MYRIAD: "Oh, I kinda worded it weird... Well. If a dragon dies of old age, that's something to celebrate! They fought so well against everything life threw at them! And if a dragon dies in battle, they're celebrated more than the winner even if it was a competition thing because they fought so hard! They gave it everything they had, and now they get to rest. Dying of sickness or poison though is kind of an embarrassment. I mean, we're Plague Dragons." HARPOCRATES: "Why would death by poison be an embarrassment?" MYRIAD: "Huh. I dunno. I'm not exactly a scholar of Plague Flight. I just know what I was taught growing up. I guess the poison bit was one of those things older dragons would just say 'because' and then not explain it..." HARPOCRATES: "You said that in a battle, a dead dragon would be celebrated more than the one who killed him. Would the killer be celebrated at all?" MYRIAD: "Depends on context. Cold blooded murder? Absolutely not. A war? Their side would definitely celebrate the surviver. A sanctioned event like a tournament or whatever? Well they would get whatever prize first of all and their would definitely be celebration there, but in a lot of clans it would be expected for that dragon to at least show up to the funeral of the dead dragon." HARPOCRATES: "So you guys do have funerals?" MYRIAD: "Some clans, yeah. You gotta understand, most of the stuff you're asking really doesn't apply to every Plague Clan. Some clans are probably even more ruthless than other Flights might imagine. So, don't take anything I say as like, universal truth or whatever." HARPOCRATES: "But it applies to the Clan you and Kirunali are from?" MYRIAD: "Oh yeah, totally. I still don't understand how Veigar got Kirunalis parents to agree to this instead of a traditional tournament.... Maybe he did the same thing as what happened to Spark on them..." Harpocrates hums. HARPOCRATES: "There was certainly something weird going on there. Like he was in a daze...." Harpocrates shakes his head. HARPOCRATES: "That doesn't matter now. Thank you for answering my questions." MYRIAD: "Uh, sure. Can I ask what this was all about anyway?" HARPOCRATES: "I wanted to know if what Kirunali said about being 'along for the ride' was true." Myriad nods. MYRIAD: "I understand." HARPOCRATES: "Will you help me kill him?" MYRIAD: "Veigar? I... don't think he can be killed..." HARPOCRATES: "What do you mean?" MYRIAD: "I don't know. He has a weird energy about him. I mean, besides the obvious." A pause. HARPOCRATES: "Will you help me try?" MYRIAD: "I'll do what I can."
Episode 16: Questions
Coppercoil Segment



MYRIAD: "Huh? What? Did something happen?"

HARPROCRATES: "No. I have some questions."

Myriad places his bookmark with a look of confusion on his face.

MYRIAD: "Um, ok, what do you want to know?"

HARPROCRATES: "I don't know much about Plague. It seems like Kirunali thinks this is all just a weird as we do... But I want to know exactly how weird this is in context of Plague."

Myriad lets out a whoosh of air.

MYRIAD: "It's pretty hecking weird my dude. A lot of clans will have fights to the death, or just competitions where the looser very well may die, but not all of them, and definitely not... like this."

Harpocrates narrows his eyes.

HARPOCRATES: "Elaborate."

MYRIAD: "Well... Veigar seems to... enjoy? All of our stress and whatnot? And he was definitely unhappy when he said Spark was 'supposed to die' instead of getting that patent... Death is definitely a Big Deal in Plague, but most sane Plague Dragons don't actually WANT to kill or watch other dragons die... I mean, it's not really something to mourn for us, it's just a thing that happens, but yeah. Liking it is definitely weird. In that context anyway."

Harpocrates hums.

HARPOCRATES: "In what context would it not be weird to like death?"

MYRIAD: "Oh, I kinda worded it weird... Well. If a dragon dies of old age, that's something to celebrate! They fought so well against everything life threw at them! And if a dragon dies in battle, they're celebrated more than the winner even if it was a competition thing because they fought so hard! They gave it everything they had, and now they get to rest. Dying of sickness or poison though is kind of an embarrassment. I mean, we're Plague Dragons."

HARPOCRATES: "Why would death by poison be an embarrassment?"

MYRIAD: "Huh. I dunno. I'm not exactly a scholar of Plague Flight. I just know what I was taught growing up. I guess the poison bit was one of those things older dragons would just say 'because' and then not explain it..."

HARPOCRATES: "You said that in a battle, a dead dragon would be celebrated more than the one who killed him. Would the killer be celebrated at all?"

MYRIAD: "Depends on context. Cold blooded murder? Absolutely not. A war? Their side would definitely celebrate the surviver. A sanctioned event like a tournament or whatever? Well they would get whatever prize first of all and their would definitely be celebration there, but in a lot of clans it would be expected for that dragon to at least show up to the funeral of the dead dragon."

HARPOCRATES: "So you guys do have funerals?"

MYRIAD: "Some clans, yeah. You gotta understand, most of the stuff you're asking really doesn't apply to every Plague Clan. Some clans are probably even more ruthless than other Flights might imagine. So, don't take anything I say as like, universal truth or whatever."

HARPOCRATES: "But it applies to the Clan you and Kirunali are from?"

MYRIAD: "Oh yeah, totally. I still don't understand how Veigar got Kirunalis parents to agree to this instead of a traditional tournament.... Maybe he did the same thing as what happened to Spark on them..."

Harpocrates hums.

HARPOCRATES: "There was certainly something weird going on there. Like he was in a daze...."

Harpocrates shakes his head.

HARPOCRATES: "That doesn't matter now. Thank you for answering my questions."

MYRIAD: "Uh, sure. Can I ask what this was all about anyway?"

HARPOCRATES: "I wanted to know if what Kirunali said about being 'along for the ride' was true."

Myriad nods.

MYRIAD: "I understand."

HARPOCRATES: "Will you help me kill him?"

MYRIAD: "Veigar? I... don't think he can be killed..."

HARPOCRATES: "What do you mean?"

MYRIAD: "I don't know. He has a weird energy about him. I mean, besides the obvious."

A pause.

HARPOCRATES: "Will you help me try?"

MYRIAD: "I'll do what I can."
Can you add me on the pinglist for this, i love it lol
Can you add me on the pinglist for this, i love it lol

@skarpetky added! Glad you like!
@skarpetky added! Glad you like!