
Quests & Challenges

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TOPIC | [P] Familiar Collecting
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Countdown For Familiars!

Hey, this is a personal thread for me to count down how many familiars I still need for my collection. I needed something that I had access to at work, which meant I couldn't keep this on a google doc. This thread is going to be image heavy. Please don't post here, but you are welcome to send me pm's regarding any familiars.

If you have what I'm missing, and you would like art, please PM me. :>

I'm going to be listing the familiars I DO NOT have in my hoard. If it is shown here, it is NOT in my inventory.

I've listed them in several ways. lol good luck if you're looking. The most up to date is the alphabetical (first) post.

Wish me luck! Familiars start next post <3

Countdown For Familiars!

Hey, this is a personal thread for me to count down how many familiars I still need for my collection. I needed something that I had access to at work, which meant I couldn't keep this on a google doc. This thread is going to be image heavy. Please don't post here, but you are welcome to send me pm's regarding any familiars.

If you have what I'm missing, and you would like art, please PM me. :>

I'm going to be listing the familiars I DO NOT have in my hoard. If it is shown here, it is NOT in my inventory.

I've listed them in several ways. lol good luck if you're looking. The most up to date is the alphabetical (first) post.

Wish me luck! Familiars start next post <3

Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
[Item=abyss wanderer][item=abyssal bard][item=afternoon tea][item=Alabaster Squirmscoot][item=albino battleisk][item=Anomalous Skink][item=Arcane Sprite][item=armed flight][item=aurelian porcupine] [item=Barkbound Construct][item=Barking Jester][item=Basalt Eruption][item=Basic Hippalectryon][item=battleisk][item=Battleram Skirmisher][item=Bell Goat][item=Bihorn Chacma][item=Black-wing Hummingbird][item=blade horror][item=Bladebone Goliath][item=bladed boa][item=bloodwing owlcat][item=Blotched Quetzeel][item=Bluejay Gryphon][item=Blushing Tangle][item=bookswarm][item=bookworm][item=boolean][item=Boran Alpha][item=Brass Knocker][item=Brilliant Gryphlet][item=Buff Dunerunner][item=Burning Virgo][item=Burrow Bear] [item=Calico Ferberus][item=Candycane Xolo][item=carcass cleaner][item=Cave Lantern][item=Centaur Bodyguard][item=Chalcedony Arcanist][item=Charming Swan][item=Cherry Blossom Strangler][item=Cinnabar Plaguebringer][item=Clubtail Jerboa][item=cog frog][item=Conflict Creature][item=Conjoined Skink][item=Corvid Lamp][item=Courageous Warhorse][item=Cracked Crystal][item=Crackers][item=Crane Contraption][item=Creeping Cluster][item=Crested Waveskimmer][item=Critical Mass Volten][item=Crowncrest Melprin][item=Crowned Roc][item=Cryptic Cameo][item=Crystalcleave Canary][item=Curious Mith] [item=Dancing Chalice][item=Danger Decor][item=deadly glamourtail][item=Deeprealm Hunter][item=Deeprealm Leon][item=Deepwater Traveller][item=Delving Jeweler][item=Dire Claw][item=Disappearing Pisces][item=Djamor Bat][item=Downy Fox Rat][item=Driftwood Baron][item=Dunerunner][item=Dunhoof Ambassador][item=Dwarf Truffle] [item=Earth Sprite][item=eel of the depths][item=Enchanted Libra][item=Encouraging Quill] [item=Fae Ferret][item=Fanfin Noggle][item=Fawn Fox Rat][item=Fear Frog][item=Featherback Boar][item=Feathered Beetle][item=featherfoot spingy][item=Fennec Kitsune][item=Ferberus][item=filter fiend][item=Fire Sprite][item=flameback slink][item=Fleetflight Manticore][item=Flowing Taurus][item=Flutterwing Stinger][item=flying brass key][item=flying fawn][item=flying iron key][item=Folded Friend][item=Foolish Prince][item=Formal Tea Set][item=fossil hunter][item=fossilback slink][item=fragile flutterbun][item=Frost Delver][item=Frosttrail Scout] [item=Gabboon Viperpillar][item=Gearspring Pocketmouse][item=Geartoggle Smith][item=Giggling Planesrunner][item=Glamourtail Hopper][item=Glazed Sentry][item=Glittering Jeweler][item=glorious dayjar][item=golden idol][item=Golden Roc][item=goldenbeast][item=granite earthshaker][item=grey river flight][item=growling jeweler][item=guardian foo][item=guest greeter] [item=harpy artisan][item=hawksbill goliath][item=hellhound][item=hippogriff][item=hippojay][item=hydra][item=hydraulic armored protector] [item=ice sprite][item=iceridge warrior][item=igueel matriarch][item=infatuated slarg][item=ironclaw spearmaiden][item=irregular nekomata] [item=jelly drone][item=jerboa clawmasher] [item=kelp caretaker] [item=leatherback wave sweeper][item=leatherwing boar][item=leisure loaf][item=light sprite][item=lightback slink][item=lightning sprite][item=liquid fiendcat][item=long-crested hippogriff][item=longmech][item=longneck vigilante][item=longwing epiptite][item=lop-eared faun] [item=maned cobra][item=mantarune][item=maren fisher][item=maren harvester][item=maren seahunter][item=marshfowl][item=masked gryphon][item=mechanical destroyer][item=medusa leon][item=mesacliff assassin][item=mesacliff noble][item=mesacliff painter][item=mindless flight][item=mock firebird][item=molten wartoad][item=moonglow nightjar][item=motley marionette] [item=octoflyer baron][item=origami steward][item=ornamental eyewing][item=ostreatus bat][item=overcharged silverbeast] [item=perching java sparrow][item=petalprayer mantis][item=pitfall fixture][item=plague sprite][item=porphyry flamecaller] [item=quetzeel][item=quillcrown parda] [item=raging tiger foo][item=rainbow daydream][item=rainbowbeast][item=raucous runner][item=red-footed akirbeak][item=redtail gryphon][item=regal bladebearer][item=regenerating reedjumper][item=reserved jeweler][item=rivermouth flatbill][item=roaming aries][item=roc][item=rock paper scissors][item=rogue excavator][item=rosy lake cormorant][item=roughshod sniper][item=ruched sojourner][item=ruffled serpent] [item=sanddrift fuiran][item=sandstne stormcatcher][item=sanguine multimist][item=satin rambra][item=scalding jeweler][item=scarlet-crested woodoon][item=scytheclaw mantis][item=Seaweed Nautilus][item=serrated snake][item=shadow sprite][item=shardspine boar][item=shimmering xolo][item=silt wolf][item=silverstring harp][item=skycat][item=sorrel gryphlet][item=sparkling capricorn][item=sparksylph][item=spectre wyvern][item=spiffy sphinx][item=spined cobra][item=spiney whale][item=spiral capricat][item=splendiferous sunshade][item=spring glade lord][item=spritely portrait][item=sprouting gemini][item=starspawn flyer][item=steadfast sweeper][item=stone borer][item=stonestomp spearmaiden][Item=stormcloud miller][item=striped noggle][item=sumptuous cape][item=sunstream contestant][item=superb gryphlet][item=supernal brightbeast][item=surf strider][item=swallowtail jumper][item=swarmsprite deerling][item=sweetsong reaper][item=swinging chandelier][item=sword spider] [item=taper cradle][item=tattertail bilworper][item=tawny aardvark][item=teleporting planesrunner][item=tendril loach][item=terror toad][item=thornhide floron][item=thunderback slink][item=tinder toy][item=toxic igueel][item=tribeam hunter][item=trench siren][item=tribeam lurker][item=tricolor viperpillar][item=trumpet porcupine][item=tumbling jeweler][item=tunnel hydra][item=turbocharged creeper][item=twirling jeweler] [item=unyielding saggitarius] [item=valorous battlemare][item=veilspun verse][item=velvet fawn][item=vermillion epiptite][item=vibrant jeweler][item=vigilant sparrow][item=vigilant spear][item=vigorous goblet][item=vilevenom kelpie][item=voguepuff][item=void wyvern] [item=walking fish][item=wandering aquarius][item=war flight][item=war smith][item=warblade owlcat][item=warbling watcher][item=warped gryphon][item=wartoad][item=wave sweeper][item=waveswell seer][item=whisper][item=wind sprite][item=wind-up pocketmouse][item=windcarve miller][item=winter glade lord][item=woodoon]
Abyss Wanderer Abyssal Bard Afternoon Tea Alabaster Squirmscoot Anomalous Skink Arcane Sprite Armed Flight Aurelian Porcupine

Barkbound Construct Barking Jester Basalt Eruption Basic Hippalectryon Battleram Skirmisher Bell Goat Bihorn Chacma Black-wing Hummingbird Blade Horror Bladebone Goliath Bladed Boa Bloodwing Owlcat Blotched Quetzeel Bluejay Gryphon Blushing Tangle Bookworm Boolean Boran Alpha Brass Knocker Brilliant Gryphlet Buff Dunerunner Burning Virgo Burrow Bear

Calico Ferberus Candycane Xolo Carcass Cleaner Cave Lantern Centaur Bodyguard Chalcedony Arcanist Charming Swan Cherry Blossom Strangler Cinnabar Plaguebringer Clubtail Jerboa Cog Frog Conflict Creature Conjoined Skink Corvid Lamp Courageous Warhorse Cracked Crystal Crackers Crane Contraption Creeping Cluster Crested Waveskimmer Critical Mass Volten Crowncrest Melprin Crowned Roc Cryptic Cameo Crystalcleave Canary Curious Mith

Dancing Chalice Danger Decor Deadly Glamourtail Deeprealm Hunter Deeprealm Leon Deepwater Traveller Delving Jeweler Dire Claw Disappearing Pisces Djamor Bat Downy Fox Rat Driftwood Baron Dunerunner Dunhoof Ambassador Dwarf Truffle

Earth Sprite Eel of the Depths Enchanted Libra Encouraging Quill

Fae Ferret Fanfin Noggle Fawn Fox Rat Fear Frog Featherback Boar Feathered Beetle Featherfoot Spingy Fennec Kitsune Ferberus Filter Fiend Fire Sprite Flameback Slink Fleetflight Manticore Flowing Taurus Flutterwing Stinger Flying Brass Key Flying Fawn Flying Iron Key Folded Friend Foolish Prince Formal Tea Set Fossil Hunter Fossilback Slink Fragile Flutterbun Frost Delver Frosttrail Scout

Gearspring Pocketmouse Geartoggle Smith Giggling Planesrunner Glamourtail Hopper Glazed Sentry Glittering Jeweler Glorious Dayjar Golden Idol Golden Roc Goldenbeast Granite Earthshaker Grey River Flight Guardian Foo Guest Greeter

Harpy Artisan Hawksbill Goliath Hellhound Hippogriff Hippojay Hydra Hydraulic Armored Protector

Ice Sprite Iceridge Warrior Igueel Matriarch Infatuated Slarg Ironclaw Spearmaiden Irregular Nekomata

Jelly Drone Jerboa Clawmasher

Kelp Caretaker

Leatherback Wave Sweeper Leatherwing Boar Leisure Loaf Light Sprite Lightback Slink Lightning Sprite Liquid Fiendcat Long-Crested Hippogriff Longmech Longneck Vigilante Longwing Epiptite Lop-eared Faun

Maned Cobra Mantarune Maren Fisher Maren Harvester Maren Seahunter Marshfowl Masked Gryphon Mechanical Destroyer Medusa Leon Mesacliff Assassin Mesacliff Noble Mesacliff Painter Mindless Flight Mock Firebird Molten Wartoad Moonglow Nightjar Motley Marionette

Octoflyer Baron Origami Steward Ornamental Eyewing Ostreatus Bat Overcharged Silverbeast

Perching Java Sparrow Petalprayer Mantis Pitfall Fixture Plague Sprite Porphyry Flamecaller

Quetzeel Quillcrown Parda

Raging Tiger Foo Rainbow Daydream Rainbowbeast Raucous Runner Red-Footed Akirbeak Redtail Gryphon Regal Bladebearer Regenerating Reedjumper Reserved Jeweler Rivermouth Flatbill Roaming Aries Roc Rock Paper Scissors Rogue Excavator Rosy Lake Cormorant Roughshod Sniper Ruched Sojourner Ruffled Serpent

Sanddrift Fuiran Sanguine Multimist Satin Rambra Scalding Jeweler Scarlet-Crested Woodoon Scytheclaw Mantis Seaweed Nautilus Serrated Snake Shadow Sprite Shardspine Boar Shimmering Xolo Silt Wolf Silverstring Harp Skycat Sorrel Gryphlet Sparkling Capricorn Sparksylph Spectre Wyvern Spiffy Sphinx Spined Cobra Spiney Whale Spiral Capricat Splendiferous Sunshade Spring Glade Lord Spritely Portrait Sprouting Gemini Starspawn Flyer Steadfast Sweeper Stone Borer Stonestomp Spearmaiden Stormcloud Miller Striped Noggle Sumptuous Cape Sunstream Contestant Superb Gryphlet Supernal Brightbeast Surf Strider Swallowtail Jumper Swarmsprite Deerling Sweetsong Reaper Swinging Chandelier Sword Spider

Taper Cradle Tattertail Bilworper Tawny Aardvark Teleporting Planesrunner Tendril Loach Terror Toad Thornhide Floron Thunderback Slink Tinder Toy Toxic Igueel Tribeam Hunter Trench Siren Tribeam Lurker Tricolor Viperpillar Trumpet Porcupine Tumbling Jeweler Tunnel Hydra Turbocharged Creeper Twirling Jeweler

Valorous Battlemare Veilspun Verse Velvet Fawn Vermillion Epiptite Vibrant Jeweler Vigilant Sparrow Vigilant Spear Vigorous Goblet Vilevenom Kelpie Voguepuff Void Wyvern

Walking Fish Wandering Aquarius War Flight War Smith Warblade Owlcat Warbling Watcher Warped Gryphon Wartoad Wave Sweeper Waveswell Seer Whisper Wind Sprite Wind-Up Pocketmouse Windcarve Miller Winter Glade Lord Woodoon
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
[b]Baldwin[/b] [item=Anomalous Skink] 1x Silver Muck, 2x Copper Muck, 3x Sizzling [item=Conjoined Skink] 1x Gold Muck, 2x Copper Muck, 3x Sizzling Phosphorus, 10x Green-throated Skink, 5x Weird Purple Skink [item=Irregular Nekomata] 1x Gold Muck, 2x Copper Muck, 3x Yellow Sludge, 3x Orange Sludge, 8x Foo's Eye [item=Quartz Cockatrice] 1x Gold Muck, 1x Copper Muck, 2x Green Sludge, 5x Giant Feather [b]Swipp[/b] [item=Barking Jester] 10x Mute Swan, 35x Snow Streak Pinion [item=Black-wing Hummingbird] 175x White-Eared Hummingbird [item=Blotched Quetzeel] 30x Golden Snakehead, 45x Translucent Fins [item=Driftwood Baron] 165x Driftwood Branch, 115x Driftwood Log [item=Glamourtail Hopper] 30x Clown Charger Fin, 30x Sentinel Fish [item=Longwing Epiptite] 20x Giant Darner, 50x Shale Sliver [item=Maned Cobra] 90x Onyx Cobra, 90x Opal Cobra [item=Perching Java Sparrow] 200x Java Sparrow [item=Quetzeel] 30x Cobra Snakehead, 45x Amphibious Wing [item=Rosy Lake Cormorant] 25x Fossilized Fish, 25x Umbral Yarn [item=Spined Cobra] 90x Emerald Striker, 90x Amethyst Striker [item=Tendril Loach] 25x Glowing Pocket Bauble, 25x Bluespot Weather Loach [item=Vermillion Epiptite] 20x Dragonfly, 50x Granite Chunk
Anomalous Skink 1x Silver Muck, 2x Copper Muck, 3x Sizzling
Conjoined Skink 1x Gold Muck, 2x Copper Muck, 3x Sizzling Phosphorus, 10x Green-throated Skink, 5x Weird Purple Skink
Irregular Nekomata 1x Gold Muck, 2x Copper Muck, 3x Yellow Sludge, 3x Orange Sludge, 8x Foo's Eye
Quartz Cockatrice 1x Gold Muck, 1x Copper Muck, 2x Green Sludge, 5x Giant Feather


Barking Jester 10x Mute Swan, 35x Snow Streak Pinion
Black-wing Hummingbird 175x White-Eared Hummingbird
Blotched Quetzeel 30x Golden Snakehead, 45x Translucent Fins
Driftwood Baron 165x Driftwood Branch, 115x Driftwood Log
Glamourtail Hopper 30x Clown Charger Fin, 30x Sentinel Fish
Longwing Epiptite 20x Giant Darner, 50x Shale Sliver
Maned Cobra 90x Onyx Cobra, 90x Opal Cobra
Perching Java Sparrow 200x Java Sparrow
Quetzeel 30x Cobra Snakehead, 45x Amphibious Wing
Rosy Lake Cormorant 25x Fossilized Fish, 25x Umbral Yarn
Spined Cobra 90x Emerald Striker, 90x Amethyst Striker
Tendril Loach 25x Glowing Pocket Bauble, 25x Bluespot Weather Loach
Vermillion Epiptite 20x Dragonfly, 50x Granite Chunk

Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
[B][size=4]Coliseum / Where [/size][/B] Redrock Cove: [item=Spiney Whale][item=Deeprealm Hunter] Waterway: [item=Rat King][item=Ghostly Rat Lord] Arena: [item=Featherback Boar] Volcanic Vents: [item=Hydra][item=Tunnel Hydra] Rainsong Jungle: [item=Overcharged Silverbeast][item=Goldenbeast] Crystal Pools: [item=Crystalhide Jester][item=Hawksbill Goliath] Harpy's Roost [item=Roc][item=Crowned Roc] Ghostlight Ruins: [item=Malevolent Spirit][item=Disoriented Spirit] Mire: [item=Wartoad][item=Molten Wartoad] Kelp Beds: [item=Wave Sweeper][item=Mantarune] Golem Workshop: [item=Stone Borer] [item=Frost Delver]
Coliseum / Where

Redrock Cove:
Spiney Whale Deeprealm Hunter

Rat King Ghostly Rat Lord

Featherback Boar

Volcanic Vents:
Hydra Tunnel Hydra

Rainsong Jungle:
Overcharged Silverbeast Goldenbeast

Crystal Pools:
Crystalhide Jester Hawksbill Goliath

Harpy's Roost
Roc Crowned Roc

Ghostlight Ruins:
Malevolent Spirit Disoriented Spirit

Wartoad Molten Wartoad

Kelp Beds:
Wave Sweeper Mantarune

Golem Workshop:
Stone Borer Frost Delver
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
Gem Marketplace: [item=Candycane Xolo] [item=Downy Fox Rat][item=Dunhoof Ambassador][item=Fawn Fox Rat][item=Rivermouth Flatbill][item=Shimmering Xolo][item=Mock Firebird]
Gem Marketplace:
Candycane Xolo Downy Fox Rat Dunhoof Ambassador Fawn Fox Rat Rivermouth Flatbill Shimmering Xolo Mock Firebird
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
[size=6][b]Stretch Goals (lol)[/b][/size] [size=4][b] Beta Test [/b][/size] [item=Boolean] [size=4][b]Kickstarter[/b][/size] [item=cog frog] [item=skycat] [item=golden idol] [item=bone fiend] [size=4][b]Downtime Compensation[/b][/size] [item=red-footed akirbeak] [Size=4][b]Sprites[/b][/size] [item=light sprite] [item=lightning sprite] [item=fire sprite] [item=arcane sprite] [item=wind sprite] [item=shadow sprite] [item=plague sprite] [item=ice sprite] [item=earth sprite]
Stretch Goals (lol)

Beta Test

Cog Frog Skycat Golden Idol Bone Fiend

Downtime Compensation
Red-Footed Akirbeak

Light Sprite Lightning Sprite Fire Sprite Arcane Sprite Wind Sprite Shadow Sprite Plague Sprite Ice Sprite Earth Sprite
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
[b][u]Swipp's Swap Stand[/b][/u] [item=black-wing hummingbird] for [item=white-eared hummingbird]x175 [item=perching java sparrow] for [item=java sparrow]x200 [item=maned cobra] for [item=onyx cobra]x90 [item=opal cobra]x90 [item=spined cobra] for [item=emerald striker]x90 [item=amethyst striker]x90 [item=driftwood baron] for [item=driftwood branch]x165 [item=driftwood log]x115 [item=seaweed scavenger] for [item=sea fae]x20 [item=apatite]x35 [item=autumn sea dragon] for [item=sunset sea dragon]x20 [item=chrysoberyl]x35 [item=bloodstone beetle] for [item=bloodstone]x30 [item=toxindiver]x30 [item=empress beetle] for [item=emerald]x30 [item=scalescarab]x30 [item=glamourtail hopper] for [item=clown charger fin]x30 [item=sentinel fish]x30 [item=bellus glamourtail] for [item=bluefin charger fin]x30 [item=deepwater constructor]x30 [item=barking jester] for [item=mute swan]x10 [item=snow streak pinion]x35 [item=cinderkelp loach] for [item=firestarter]x25 [item=flametail loach]x25 [item=tendril loach] for [item=glowing pocket bauble]x25 [item=bluespot weather loach]x25 [item=cherry blossom caterpillar] for [item=sakura moss]x25 [item=noxious caterpillar]x25 [item=maple caterpillar] for [item=maple leaf]x25 [item=leopard caterpillar]x25 [item=lakelight weaver] for [item=fossilized fish]x25 [item=skein of silky yarn]x25 [item=rosy lake cormorant] for [item=fossilized fish]x25 [item=umbral yarn]x25 [item=vermillion epiptite] for [item=dragonfly]x20 [item=granite chunk]x50 [item=longwing epiptite] for [item=giant darner]x20 [item=shale sliver]x50 [item=ashen bicorn whale] for [item=antique oil lamp]x25 [item=barnacle-encrusted relic]x10 [item=skycrest bicorn] for [item=white gold cerdae pendant]x25 [item=giant kelp]x25 [item=inscribed pangolin] for [item=pangolin]x25 [item=historical text]x25 [item=patina pangolin] for [item=metal claws]x25 [item=limestone stalactite]x20 [item=sweetheart swan] for [item=sparrow skull]x25 [item=carpenter wax]x20 [i](during Feb only)[/i] ----- [b][u]Baldwin's Bubbling Brew[/u][/b][/center] Lv 7. [item=anomalous skink] 5,000tr [item=copper muck]x2[item=silver muck]x1[item=sizzling phosphorus]x3[item=juvenile prairie skink]x10[item=weird purple skink]x5 Lv 7. [item=conjoined skink] 5,000tr [item=copper muck]x2[item=gold muck]x1[item=sizzling phosphorus]x3[item=green-throated skink]x10[item=weird purple skink]x5 Lv 17. [item=irregular nekomata] 5,700tr [item=copper muck]x2[item=gold muck]x1[item=yellow sludge]x3[item=orange sludge]x3[item=foo's eye]x8 Lv 18. [item=peacock spider] 5,000tr [item=silver muck]x1[item=copper muck]x1[item=yellow goo]x3[item=orange ooze]x2[item=glass beaker]x1 Lv 18. [item=speckled peacock spider] REQUIRES...5,000[img][/img] [item=gold muck]x1[item=copper muck]x1[item=yellow sludge]x3[item=green goo]x2[item=glass beaker]x1 Lv 19. [item=firefly cockatrice] REQUIRES...5,000[img][/img] [item=silver muck]x1[item=copper muck]x2[item=green goo]x2[item=basilisk feather fan]x5 Lv 19. [item=quartz cockatrice] REQUIRES...5,000[img][/img] [item=gold muck]x1[item=copper muck]x1[item=green sludge]x2[item=giant feather]x5 Lv 20. [item=cosmo gecko] REQUIRES...5,000[img][/img] [item=gold muck]x1[item=copper muck]x1[item=purple goo]x1[item=reinforced glass beaker]x1 Taken from Velociriah's guide
Swipp's Swap Stand

Black-wing Hummingbird for White-Eared Hummingbird x175
Perching Java Sparrow for Java Sparrow x200
Maned Cobra for Onyx Cobra x90 Opal Cobra x90
Spined Cobra for Emerald Striker x90 Amethyst Striker x90
Driftwood Baron for Driftwood Branch x165 Driftwood Log x115
Seaweed Scavenger for Sea Fae x20 Apatite x35
Autumn Sea Dragon for Sunset Sea Dragon x20 Chrysoberyl x35
Bloodstone Beetle for Bloodstone x30 Toxindiver x30
Empress Beetle for Emerald x30 Scalescarab x30
Glamourtail Hopper for Clown Charger Fin x30 Sentinel Fish x30
Bellus Glamourtail for Bluefin Charger Fin x30 Deepwater Constructor x30
Barking Jester for Mute Swan x10 Snow Streak Pinion x35
Cinderkelp Loach for Firestarter x25 Flametail Loach x25
Tendril Loach for Glowing Pocket Bauble x25 Bluespot Weather Loach x25
Cherry Blossom Caterpillar for Sakura Moss x25 Noxious Caterpillar x25
Maple Caterpillar for Maple Leaf x25 Leopard Caterpillar x25
Lakelight Weaver for Fossilized Fish x25 Skein of Silky Yarn x25
Rosy Lake Cormorant for Fossilized Fish x25 Umbral Yarn x25
Vermillion Epiptite for Dragonfly x20 Granite Chunk x50
Longwing Epiptite for Giant Darner x20 Shale Sliver x50
Ashen Bicorn Whale for Antique Oil Lamp x25 Barnacle-Encrusted Relic x10
Skycrest Bicorn for White Gold Cerdae Pendant x25 Giant Kelp x25
Inscribed Pangolin for Pangolin x25 Historical Text x25
Patina Pangolin for Metal Claws x25 Limestone Stalactite x20
Sweetheart Swan for Sparrow Skull x25 Carpenter Wax x20 (during Feb only)

Baldwin's Bubbling Brew[/center]

Lv 7. Anomalous Skink 5,000tr
Copper Muck x2 Silver Muck x1 Sizzling Phosphorus x3 Juvenile Prairie Skink x10 Weird Purple Skink x5

Lv 7. Conjoined Skink 5,000tr
Copper Muck x2 Gold Muck x1 Sizzling Phosphorus x3 Green-throated Skink x10 Weird Purple Skink x5

Lv 17. Irregular Nekomata 5,700tr
Copper Muck x2 Gold Muck x1 Yellow Sludge x3 Orange Sludge x3 Foo's Eye x8

Lv 18. Peacock Spider 5,000tr
Silver Muck x1 Copper Muck x1 Yellow Goo x3 Orange Ooze x2 Glass Beaker x1

Lv 18. Speckled Peacock Spider REQUIRES...5,000icon_treasure.png
Gold Muck x1 Copper Muck x1 Yellow Sludge x3 Green Goo x2 Glass Beaker x1

Lv 19. Firefly Cockatrice REQUIRES...5,000icon_treasure.png
Silver Muck x1 Copper Muck x2 Green Goo x2 Basilisk Feather Fan x5

Lv 19. Quartz Cockatrice REQUIRES...5,000icon_treasure.png
Gold Muck x1 Copper Muck x1 Green Sludge x2 Giant Feather x5

Lv 20. Cosmo Gecko REQUIRES...5,000icon_treasure.png
Gold Muck x1 Copper Muck x1 Purple Goo x1 Reinforced Glass Beaker x1

Taken from Velociriah's guide
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
Currently: Working on Profit Gain and Familiar Collecting.

Familiars Needed
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