
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Rise of Rebellion: A Pinkerlocke
[center][size=5][b]Day Five:[/b][/size] [item=granny smith apple] (Didn't do these battles, this was yesterday's drop.) [size=5][b]Day Six:[/b][/size] [item=titanium wrench] (I was gonna write something anyway, to make up for yesterday. The tetrarch is non-canon, considering the only one we know for sure is Dammek, although I'm still [i]pretty[/i] sure Elwurd is one too.)[/center] [color=#0021cb]"EVERYONE, PLEASE GATHER TOGETHER SO WE CAN DISCUSS A PLAN,"[/color] the tetrarch, an indigoblood, yells. Slowly, everyone calms down and gathers. The small group sticks together, knowing very few or no one else in the many trolls around. [color=#0021cb]"As you all know, we are gathered here to start a rebellion. A rebellion to overthrow Trizza, to overthrow the hemospectrum, to get equality for all. For all colors, from rust to fuchsia, everything in between, and even those not on the spectrum."[/color] Rhaive softly squeaks at that. If this works, they might actually be safe. [color=#0021cb]"But this will not come easily. Many will be against us. Along with the other groups, we must FIGHT for this equality. We must try our very HARDEST to get what we want, and make a better future for our descendants!"[/color] Cheers erupt from everyone. Krioyo's ears drop and he presses his hands against them, the noise overwhelming him until it stops. [color=#0021cb]"Now, I'd like to figure out who can do what. I'll be putting you into groups soon. Everyone, it's time to MAKE THIS HAPPEN!"[/color] [center](Woo! I figured I'd add a little afternote here. So, it's not a lot of action here. Mostly just the speech. But there's a little added fact now: Krio is super sensitive to noise above a certain level, so for example, if it something drops loudly he'll probably jump, if a certain number of people are all talking at once he'll start to get uncomfortable, and if more people join in or get louder, like what happened here, he panics and tries to close it out. That's more than I meant to write. But I get excited about these things and start rambling. Just be prepared for more of it. I also tried my hand at some outfit making! They're not the best, and it might be a long time before I can make these actually happen, if they make it long enough to do so. I can't wait for Rhaive to grow so I can make one for them too!) [outfit=369195][outfit=369249][outfit=369255][/center]
Day Five:
Granny Smith Apple

(Didn't do these battles, this was yesterday's drop.)

Day Six:
Titanium Wrench

(I was gonna write something anyway, to make up for yesterday. The tetrarch is non-canon, considering the only one we know for sure is Dammek, although I'm still pretty sure Elwurd is one too.)

"EVERYONE, PLEASE GATHER TOGETHER SO WE CAN DISCUSS A PLAN," the tetrarch, an indigoblood, yells.

Slowly, everyone calms down and gathers. The small group sticks together, knowing very few or no one else in the many trolls around.

"As you all know, we are gathered here to start a rebellion. A rebellion to overthrow Trizza, to overthrow the hemospectrum, to get equality for all. For all colors, from rust to fuchsia, everything in between, and even those not on the spectrum."

Rhaive softly squeaks at that. If this works, they might actually be safe.

"But this will not come easily. Many will be against us. Along with the other groups, we must FIGHT for this equality. We must try our very HARDEST to get what we want, and make a better future for our descendants!"

Cheers erupt from everyone. Krioyo's ears drop and he presses his hands against them, the noise overwhelming him until it stops.

"Now, I'd like to figure out who can do what. I'll be putting you into groups soon. Everyone, it's time to MAKE THIS HAPPEN!"
(Woo! I figured I'd add a little afternote here. So, it's not a lot of action here. Mostly just the speech. But there's a little added fact now: Krio is super sensitive to noise above a certain level, so for example, if it something drops loudly he'll probably jump, if a certain number of people are all talking at once he'll start to get uncomfortable, and if more people join in or get louder, like what happened here, he panics and tries to close it out.

That's more than I meant to write. But I get excited about these things and start rambling. Just be prepared for more of it.

I also tried my hand at some outfit making! They're not the best, and it might be a long time before I can make these actually happen, if they make it long enough to do so. I can't wait for Rhaive to grow so I can make one for them too!)

Pongon Arnela
Sulvoh Idyain
Krioyo Tisnie
[center][size=5][b]Day Seven:[/b][/size] [item=ragamouse] Another character? Goodness. I thought familiars were supposed to be RARE PULLS, not two in a week. Speaking of which, it's hard to believe I started a week ago, but here we are, day seven. I got a 10, so, Wildclaw! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Premix Lesmai! He's weirdly cute. Also finally another dragon that can be a lowblood! We've had a lot of highbloods so far.[/center] [color=#a10000][i]Good GOG, you missed it! You missed it and there's no way around it![/i] the rustblood mentally scolds himself. Ghosts swirl around him, attracted by his sorrow and his strength. They know his time to leave this life is soon. But for a rust, he is powerful. Strangely so. They know his ghost will not be an ordinary one. He wanted to be a rebel, but now it's too late. The amber substance clinging to his skin has been draining him. Around others, it wouldn't feed on his powers alone, even with him as the main host. It could have prolonged his life, if even just for a few more nights. But he passed out before he could leave. Now, he meets his end. The sapping intensifies. His lusus wraps him in its wings as his life slowly drains away. Ghosts begin to cheer as his ghost disconnects from his body, his eyes fading from gold to white. He snarls, glares, chases the others away. His lusus looks up upon the snarl. He's not invisible. He knows his lusus doesn't see ghosts. How is this possible? His strength has rendered him visible to all. He reaches out to touch it, and it [i]works[/i]. But he's certainly not [i]solid[/i] either. Even he doesn't know what he is anymore. The amber left shimmering, crystalline patches upon his body, even as a ghost. It cannot harm him anymore, but he'll never look right anymore. Not so good if he's visible to the world. At least he can join the rebellion this way. Right?
Day Seven:

Another character? Goodness. I thought familiars were supposed to be RARE PULLS, not two in a week. Speaking of which, it's hard to believe I started a week ago, but here we are, day seven. I got a 10, so, Wildclaw!


Premix Lesmai! He's weirdly cute. Also finally another dragon that can be a lowblood! We've had a lot of highbloods so far.

Good GOG, you missed it! You missed it and there's no way around it! the rustblood mentally scolds himself.

Ghosts swirl around him, attracted by his sorrow and his strength. They know his time to leave this life is soon. But for a rust, he is powerful. Strangely so. They know his ghost will not be an ordinary one.

He wanted to be a rebel, but now it's too late. The amber substance clinging to his skin has been draining him. Around others, it wouldn't feed on his powers alone, even with him as the main host. It could have prolonged his life, if even just for a few more nights. But he passed out before he could leave.

Now, he meets his end.

The sapping intensifies. His lusus wraps him in its wings as his life slowly drains away. Ghosts begin to cheer as his ghost disconnects from his body, his eyes fading from gold to white. He snarls, glares, chases the others away. His lusus looks up upon the snarl.

He's not invisible.

He knows his lusus doesn't see ghosts. How is this possible?

His strength has rendered him visible to all. He reaches out to touch it, and it works. But he's certainly not solid either.

Even he doesn't know what he is anymore.

The amber left shimmering, crystalline patches upon his body, even as a ghost. It cannot harm him anymore, but he'll never look right anymore. Not so good if he's visible to the world.

At least he can join the rebellion this way. Right?
[center](meant to post this yesterday, I'll be doing today's later!) [size=5][b]Day Eight:[/b] [item=umberhorn qiriq horn] (geez, Pinkerton just really wants me to write. Is this revenge for not working on any fanfics lately? I'm not going to do any story progression today, but rather, some work with everyone's abilities, both physical and caste-based powers. Plus some other stuff about everyone that I want to talk about anyway)[/center] [color=#a15000]Pongon:[/color] he just has standard bronze abilities, animal communication and influence. He's not particularly good at the influencing part, but can understand and speak back to them very well. He isn't the strongest physically, but makes up for it in being quite fast. Wields fistkind and shovelkind as strife specibi. Also he has pawpads on his hands and feet! They really don't do anything, but it's a trait I consider to be common on olivebloods and rare on all other castes. His tail is based on his as a dragon, so the arrowhead tip and the little spikes on it. [color=#631db4]Sulvoh:[/color] pretty normal chucklevoodoos (mind control and telepathy), but doesn't like to use them. Her powers are kind of dangerous and she reserves them for when she desperately needs them. Standard highblood strength, so pretty damn strong. Also really tall. I did a little doodle of her compared to Pongon (who's second smallest) and even though it was kind of out of proportion, she ended up making him look tiny so she's probably like a foot taller than him. Uses batkind. She actually lost her tail in a fight so it's just a little nub now! [color=#004182]Krioyo:[/color] can read minds (CANNOT control minds like some ceruleans) and sometimes speak mentally to others. Honestly he's kind of average at most things. Hasn't found a weapon he prefers to use yet, but tends to flip between bladekind and bowkind as the ones he uses the most. He's got pretty weird eyes (three cerulean dots within his each of pupils), which isn't uncommon for ceruleans, and it doesn't really affect him at all except getting him weird looks from people that notice and think it's weird. [color=#b4a5b9]Rhaive:[/color] actually completely powerless, except for being able to breathe underwater. They're not very threatening either, and they're too young to have the advantages of a seadweller. They use wandkind, but again, they're not particularly a good fighter, but at least using wandkind means they can stay at a distance most of the time. Their blood is unusually pale, and in general actually, they're very pale and not exactly healthy-looking, although they're pretty okay. [color=#a10000]Premix:[/color] extremely strong powers for a rust. Strong telekinesis, can see and communicate with ghosts (and occasionally charge them and make them physical or at least be visible), and after death, is such a powerful ghost that he's partially visible at all times and can touch anything if he wants to touch it (if he doesn't want to, he'll pass through it). He's not physically strong at all. Never was. Doesn't use a strife specibus, relies on his psionics (telekinesis). Was possessed by a weird parasite that created amber-y patches on his body and drained his powers and lifeforce until he died, although around others it would feed on their powers as well.
(meant to post this yesterday, I'll be doing today's later!)

Day Eight:
Umberhorn Qiriq Horn

(geez, Pinkerton just really wants me to write. Is this revenge for not working on any fanfics lately? I'm not going to do any story progression today, but rather, some work with everyone's abilities, both physical and caste-based powers. Plus some other stuff about everyone that I want to talk about anyway)

Pongon: he just has standard bronze abilities, animal communication and influence. He's not particularly good at the influencing part, but can understand and speak back to them very well. He isn't the strongest physically, but makes up for it in being quite fast. Wields fistkind and shovelkind as strife specibi. Also he has pawpads on his hands and feet! They really don't do anything, but it's a trait I consider to be common on olivebloods and rare on all other castes. His tail is based on his as a dragon, so the arrowhead tip and the little spikes on it.

Sulvoh: pretty normal chucklevoodoos (mind control and telepathy), but doesn't like to use them. Her powers are kind of dangerous and she reserves them for when she desperately needs them. Standard highblood strength, so pretty damn strong. Also really tall. I did a little doodle of her compared to Pongon (who's second smallest) and even though it was kind of out of proportion, she ended up making him look tiny so she's probably like a foot taller than him. Uses batkind. She actually lost her tail in a fight so it's just a little nub now!

Krioyo: can read minds (CANNOT control minds like some ceruleans) and sometimes speak mentally to others. Honestly he's kind of average at most things. Hasn't found a weapon he prefers to use yet, but tends to flip between bladekind and bowkind as the ones he uses the most. He's got pretty weird eyes (three cerulean dots within his each of pupils), which isn't uncommon for ceruleans, and it doesn't really affect him at all except getting him weird looks from people that notice and think it's weird.

Rhaive: actually completely powerless, except for being able to breathe underwater. They're not very threatening either, and they're too young to have the advantages of a seadweller. They use wandkind, but again, they're not particularly a good fighter, but at least using wandkind means they can stay at a distance most of the time. Their blood is unusually pale, and in general actually, they're very pale and not exactly healthy-looking, although they're pretty okay.

Premix: extremely strong powers for a rust. Strong telekinesis, can see and communicate with ghosts (and occasionally charge them and make them physical or at least be visible), and after death, is such a powerful ghost that he's partially visible at all times and can touch anything if he wants to touch it (if he doesn't want to, he'll pass through it). He's not physically strong at all. Never was. Doesn't use a strife specibus, relies on his psionics (telekinesis). Was possessed by a weird parasite that created amber-y patches on his body and drained his powers and lifeforce until he died, although around others it would feed on their powers as well.
[center][size=5][b]Day Nine:[/b][/size] [item=winterbelle] Finally! Battling! Did 20 battles, Pongon, Sulvoh, and Krioyo are now level four! Found some stuff for statting them. Writing fight scenes are NOT my strong point. But they're really fun![/center] As the meeting lets out, the drones arrive. Not a lot, but still. Enough to take a good fight. Everyone's weapons drop into their hands, and everything falls to a whirlwind of chaos. ----- [color=#a15000]Pongon takes a deep breath as he adjusts his shovel in his hands. Not the most [i]conventional[/i] weapon, but it's easy for him to replace as needed, and work with regularly, doing normal bronzeblood duties. And it hits pretty hard. He may prefer fighting hand-to-hand, but against armored drones, fists don't stand a chance. He charges one, waking his powers to see if he can use them to slow it. It doesn't work, but as he gets close, he darts around to behind it and leaps up its back. He raises his shovel and slams it on the drone's head, leaving a dent in it. It's still going, until a few more shovel strikes hit it in the back of the head and rip it off. Pongon leaps off as it falls to the ground. Many drones fall to others around him. ----- [color=#004182][i]Sword, bow, or something else?[/i] Krioyo considers. He drops a scimitar into his hand and prepares as a drone charges him. He dodges it and slashes at its side. Black blood drips from the wound. The drone screeches and claws in retaliation. This time it hits, but Krioyo doesn't let it stop him. The hit sends him sliding back. He moves back in and strikes until the armor begins to shatter enough that with one final strike, [b]it is torn in half.[/b] Despite the heavy scratches leaking cobalt blue blood and the heaving breaths from the effort, he cheers. ----- [color=#631db4]Bat in hand, surrounded by drones. Well, only three, actually. As they advance to attack, she grabs one by the arm and throws it at another. Two temporarily disabled. She knows they aren't dead. A couple other trolls go to take them on instead. A few hits to the sides of the active one, shattering armor. Dodge a few strikes, hit again. Keep hitting 'til it's nearly down. She aims for its head, and with a decisive blow, crushes it. ----- Bodies of fallen drones lie strewn upon the ground. Everyone leaves as fast as they can. More drones will be around soon, to clean up the destroyed ones. No use in getting caught a second time.
Day Nine:

Finally! Battling!

Did 20 battles, Pongon, Sulvoh, and Krioyo are now level four! Found some stuff for statting them.

Writing fight scenes are NOT my strong point. But they're really fun!

As the meeting lets out, the drones arrive. Not a lot, but still. Enough to take a good fight. Everyone's weapons drop into their hands, and everything falls to a whirlwind of chaos.

Pongon takes a deep breath as he adjusts his shovel in his hands. Not the most conventional weapon, but it's easy for him to replace as needed, and work with regularly, doing normal bronzeblood duties. And it hits pretty hard. He may prefer fighting hand-to-hand, but against armored drones, fists don't stand a chance.

He charges one, waking his powers to see if he can use them to slow it. It doesn't work, but as he gets close, he darts around to behind it and leaps up its back. He raises his shovel and slams it on the drone's head, leaving a dent in it. It's still going, until a few more shovel strikes hit it in the back of the head and rip it off.

Pongon leaps off as it falls to the ground. Many drones fall to others around him.

Sword, bow, or something else? Krioyo considers. He drops a scimitar into his hand and prepares as a drone charges him. He dodges it and slashes at its side. Black blood drips from the wound. The drone screeches and claws in retaliation. This time it hits, but Krioyo doesn't let it stop him. The hit sends him sliding back. He moves back in and strikes until the armor begins to shatter enough that with one final strike,

it is torn in half.

Despite the heavy scratches leaking cobalt blue blood and the heaving breaths from the effort, he cheers.

Bat in hand, surrounded by drones. Well, only three, actually. As they advance to attack, she grabs one by the arm and throws it at another.

Two temporarily disabled. She knows they aren't dead. A couple other trolls go to take them on instead.

A few hits to the sides of the active one, shattering armor. Dodge a few strikes, hit again. Keep hitting 'til it's nearly down.

She aims for its head, and with a decisive blow, crushes it.

Bodies of fallen drones lie strewn upon the ground. Everyone leaves as fast as they can. More drones will be around soon, to clean up the destroyed ones. No use in getting caught a second time.
[center][size=5][b]Day Ten:[/b][/size] [item=burnished filigree gauntlets] Can't breed any of the characters (and that would be weird story-wise anyway, they're all kids/teens), and I can't afford any genes yet (but I'm gonna start saving up for next time I get apparel so I can buy Krioyo a tertiary gene!), so I bred two of my other dragons so I didn't skip this day entirely. [url=]Rennia[/url] and [url=]Skelan[/url] make some gorgeous children as I looked, so they're nesting on two eggs. I'll probably sell both of the babies since they aren't a part of the challenge? So if anyone is interested once they hatch, just let me know![/center]
Day Ten:
Burnished Filigree Gauntlets

Can't breed any of the characters (and that would be weird story-wise anyway, they're all kids/teens), and I can't afford any genes yet (but I'm gonna start saving up for next time I get apparel so I can buy Krioyo a tertiary gene!), so I bred two of my other dragons so I didn't skip this day entirely. Rennia and Skelan make some gorgeous children as I looked, so they're nesting on two eggs. I'll probably sell both of the babies since they aren't a part of the challenge?

So if anyone is interested once they hatch, just let me know!
[center][size=5][b]Day Eleven: [item=chrome laser head] [size=5][b]Day Twelve:[/b] [item=discipline] and HEADS. Damn, battle time with a story to it, I suppose. List generator generated with Pongon, Sulvoh, and Krioyo, so they'll be up for battle. Oh boy, I'm glad enough that Rhaive didn't land on the team because they'd be pretty screwed. Still gotta do this though.[/center] [color=#004182]You are KRIOYO TISNIE. And that looks BAD. Really, really bad. That's a FLARP invite. You thought you were done with that. You thought you shut down requests for games. You can't it turn down though. That's just rude to do, and opens a chance for the troll challenging you to a game to come and actually fight you if they really want to. So you'll take it. Their campaign for you is INSANE. This is ****ing UNFAIR! The monsters are far beyond your skill! It's... oh gog no. It can't be. It's a setup, isn't it. They want to kill you. You open the menu, shoot a report as fast as your claws let you, and draw your blade. You're going to fight the hell out of here if that's what it takes to survive this. But it's not possible. For all your strength, [indent][color=#004182]you can't do it.[/indent] [color=#004182]You're KRIOYO TISNIE, and these are your final moments. You wish you got to actually accomplish something as a rebel. Maybe die fighting for the end of the castes. But no, of course not, you die [b]IN AN UNFAIR FLARP MATCH.[/b] You want to clasp to the last threads of your life. You're seven sweeps. You're still a kid. This shouldn't be your end. But it is. Ghosts appear around you as you slip away. A strange-looking rust who you could've sworn you've seen before (but how?) grabs your wrist and pulls you away. [color=#a10000]"Hello, Krioyo. Welcome to the afterlife."[/color] he says softly, almost with regret. [color=#a10000]"I wish it hadn't been your time, but it is. If you wish, you can continue to watch, however."[/color] [b]WILL YOU SPECTATE? >Yes >No[/b][/color] (So Krio is [i]technically[/i] dead. If anyone really wants him, just tell me. Just don't make him fodder, okay? That's what makes someone change to ghost "spectating". Oof, I really don't want to exalt him.)
Day Eleven:
Chrome Laser Head
Day Twelve:
Discipline and HEADS.

Damn, battle time with a story to it, I suppose. List generator generated with Pongon, Sulvoh, and Krioyo, so they'll be up for battle. Oh boy, I'm glad enough that Rhaive didn't land on the team because they'd be pretty screwed. Still gotta do this though.

You are KRIOYO TISNIE. And that looks BAD. Really, really bad.

That's a FLARP invite. You thought you were done with that. You thought you shut down requests for games. You can't it turn down though. That's just rude to do, and opens a chance for the troll challenging you to a game to come and actually fight you if they really want to.

So you'll take it.

Their campaign for you is INSANE. This is ****ing UNFAIR! The monsters are far beyond your skill! It's... oh gog no. It can't be. It's a setup, isn't it. They want to kill you.

You open the menu, shoot a report as fast as your claws let you, and draw your blade. You're going to fight the hell out of here if that's what it takes to survive this.

But it's not possible.

For all your strength,
you can't do it.

You're KRIOYO TISNIE, and these are your final moments.

You wish you got to actually accomplish something as a rebel. Maybe die fighting for the end of the castes. But no, of course not, you die IN AN UNFAIR FLARP MATCH. You want to clasp to the last threads of your life. You're seven sweeps. You're still a kid. This shouldn't be your end.

But it is.

Ghosts appear around you as you slip away. A strange-looking rust who you could've sworn you've seen before (but how?) grabs your wrist and pulls you away.

"Hello, Krioyo. Welcome to the afterlife." he says softly, almost with regret. "I wish it hadn't been your time, but it is. If you wish, you can continue to watch, however."




(So Krio is technically dead. If anyone really wants him, just tell me. Just don't make him fodder, okay? That's what makes someone change to ghost "spectating". Oof, I really don't want to exalt him.)
[center][size=5][b]Day Thirteen: [item=magi casting rod] and here's my little ref for Premix as today's art! [img][/img][/center]
Day Thirteen:
Magi Casting Rod

and here's my little ref for Premix as today's art!

[center][size=5][b]Day Fourteen:[/b] [item=emerald ratsnake] wow, I can't believe it's been two weeks already! I did 45 battles, enough to get Pongon, Sulvoh, and Rhaive to level 6. Everyone has basic elemental attacks as well, so we can grab bonus damage on certain enemies, although I don't think two Shadow dragons are best for getting type variety. ^^ I'm not gonna write a story bit for this today. Just imagine a training montage, I guess. Also Rhaive lived an attack with like one HP, that was terrifying but I'm glad they lived.[/center]
Day Fourteen:
Emerald Ratsnake

wow, I can't believe it's been two weeks already! I did 45 battles, enough to get Pongon, Sulvoh, and Rhaive to level 6. Everyone has basic elemental attacks as well, so we can grab bonus damage on certain enemies, although I don't think two Shadow dragons are best for getting type variety. ^^

I'm not gonna write a story bit for this today. Just imagine a training montage, I guess.

Also Rhaive lived an attack with like one HP, that was terrifying but I'm glad they lived.
@stelsasezyat yoooo i saw you in the calling all homestucks forum, this is p sweet!! i'd love to be added to your pinglist 0u0
@stelsasezyat yoooo i saw you in the calling all homestucks forum, this is p sweet!! i'd love to be added to your pinglist 0u0
please don't use heart emojis when talking to me, it makes me uncomfortable! thank you
tmw tmtmw thtmw lb
(oh my god I've missed updating a bunch. I've still gotten my drops and done what I need to, so here's a BIG compiled post to catch up. I missed one day though, oops.) [center][size=5][b]Days Fifteen through Twenty:[/b][/size] (I'm not sure with the order... so they're probably out of order but these [i]are[/i] the drops I got, I know that) [item=skein of silky yarn] [item=discipline] [item=goldbelly dragonfish] [item=rainbow trout] [item=rotting leather] I flipped tails for the battlestone, so no death streak. However, I still did around 60 battles for the two pieces of seafood. I got a pretty rare drop, I think! I'm pretty sure Bloodscale Greaves are kinda rare, right? I gave them to Premix for now :D (I also got the Wintermane Bowman, but I don't think that's as rare) And here's some story to go with ALL THIS:[/center] [color=#a15000]You are PONGON, and you are going to your group's meeting point. Something feels wrong though. When you arrive, you realize you are right. Sulvoh and Rhaive await you. Krioyo is nowhere to be seen. He's never late though! Is he gone? You ask the others the same question. They don't know where he is either. Then [color=#a10000]someone appears.[/color] They are partially transparent, floating midair, like a ghost. They must be rust, it's the only caste with the ghost-strength to appear after death. And they can't be much older than you. [color=#a10000]"My apologies. I don't mean to be the bringer of bad news, but you are correct. Your friend is more or less gone. He is [b]dead[/b]. He does have a ghost though."[/color] You look at the rust, expecting more. "Are you gonna do anything more with that? It sounds like you have plans." [color=#a10000]"If you want. Maybe one day I could bring him here and charge him to allow him to talk to you."[/color] "Okay...?" The ghost looks at the others, but neither says anything. You guess highbloods aren't so good facing down a dead troll. You don't exactly like it either, but you're a little more used to it. You're an expendable kind, most lowbloods are. When Sulvoh and Rhaive don't reply, the ghost vanishes. A few confused looks are shared. Then, you move on with what you were [i]supposed[/i] to do.[/color] @jr413 (I'm glad you like this! :D)
(oh my god I've missed updating a bunch. I've still gotten my drops and done what I need to, so here's a BIG compiled post to catch up. I missed one day though, oops.)
Days Fifteen through Twenty:
(I'm not sure with the order... so they're probably out of order but these are the drops I got, I know that)
Skein of Silky Yarn
Goldbelly Dragonfish
Rainbow Trout
Rotting Leather
I flipped tails for the battlestone, so no death streak. However, I still did around 60 battles for the two pieces of seafood. I got a pretty rare drop, I think! I'm pretty sure Bloodscale Greaves are kinda rare, right? I gave them to Premix for now :D (I also got the Wintermane Bowman, but I don't think that's as rare) And here's some story to go with ALL THIS:

You are PONGON, and you are going to your group's meeting point. Something feels wrong though.

When you arrive, you realize you are right.

Sulvoh and Rhaive await you. Krioyo is nowhere to be seen. He's never late though!

Is he gone?

You ask the others the same question. They don't know where he is either.

someone appears.

They are partially transparent, floating midair, like a ghost. They must be rust, it's the only caste with the ghost-strength to appear after death. And they can't be much older than you.

"My apologies. I don't mean to be the bringer of bad news, but you are correct. Your friend is more or less gone. He is dead. He does have a ghost though."

You look at the rust, expecting more.

"Are you gonna do anything more with that? It sounds like you have plans."

"If you want. Maybe one day I could bring him here and charge him to allow him to talk to you."


The ghost looks at the others, but neither says anything. You guess highbloods aren't so good facing down a dead troll. You don't exactly like it either, but you're a little more used to it. You're an expendable kind, most lowbloods are.

When Sulvoh and Rhaive don't reply, the ghost vanishes.

A few confused looks are shared. Then, you move on with what you were supposed to do.

@jr413 (I'm glad you like this! :D)